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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Battlemaster achievement no longer worth anythihng


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It's a game, you didn't "work" for anything. What are you, 15 years old living at home?? Worked "REALLY HARD". cmon dude


Game after game, I get sick of you PvE gear progression carebears thinking your hot stuff because you race to get the gear advantage, and then wait at the top of the cliff waiting to stomp on the fingers of any trying to get up there with you.


Hey, I'm really happy for you, I'm sure all those sleepless nights playing, wizzing in a gatorade bottle, and choking down hot pockets to work "really hard" to be battlemaster first was such a rush!!


Now, man up and ask for some equal competition. Don't base your selfworth on a game


Perhaps you should try less conjecture and more empirical evidence because


a) I'm a grown woman with a full time job and I live with and play SWTOR with my significant other. We have no children and dont' waste our time with cable TV, so we play together in our offtime.


b) You splitting hairs with my choice of the word "worked" doesn't help your case. By "worked really hard" i just meant, I just obviously did it better and more often than you and the others crying about "getting your fingers stomped" because there WAS NO GRIND for me. And we all start at level 1... Logging in and PVPing once I finished my class quests (back in January) is what I like to do, and for such, I will (or should) acheive BM more quickly than someone who doesn't PVP as much. That's a given. Why is this a problem for you again?


c) since this is my first MMO and I've never PVE'd in my life (other than questing to 50), I'll just admit my ignorance right now of what a "carebear gear progression" is.


d) trying to whizz into a gatorade bottle would be very messy for a girl. And nowhere did I state this game has ANYTHING to do with my self worth? It's a GAME "bro." Relax.


e) again, I'll do my best to "man up" but these lady parts tend to get in my way. And by the way, I DO have competition, it's just not your lowly toon with 0 expertise wondering why you always lose your WZs. It's the other people who put the time and effort and thought into what their toon is wearing, and they provide pleny of competition. Why don't you put your time in and join the party with us? :)

Edited by JiUasp
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battlemaster was never an achievement to begin with. you can literally go afk on ilum and hit battlemaster within a couple of weeks.


really?! why is it there's all these cheats to be had and here I was actually playing the game I pay for...

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Translation ::: WHAAAAAAA I'm losing my gear advantage!!! Now I'll have to play on an even basis with everyone else.... even though they still have to grind it out!



Seriously, you carebear gear progression types need to stick to PvE. Thats what this gear stuff is you know, PvE.


Here's a quote from you on the forums crying about quitting 2 weeks ago:


"I quit the game and unsubbed"


Seriously, you quitter types need to stick to quitting. That is what this troll stuff is, you know, trolling.

Edited by JiUasp
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really?! why is it there's all these cheats to be had and here I was actually playing the game I pay for...


no idea.


but for serious, you can literally do any one of the following:

  • give a bunch of people your class group buff
  • put guard on a healer and /follow
  • put guard on a dps and /follow
  • join an ops group and /follow a random member


then just activate any clicker program (there are many out there) to simulate a click on the part of the screen where you click to revive every 10 seconds or so. if you die, it'll respawn you and your character will automatically start to follow the player again. if you don't die... cool!


or hell, if you're a melee dps and in a guild group, just join the group and talk over teamspeak for an hour or so while the sages/sorcs/commandos/mercs do the killing for you.

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See, that makes perfect sense to me, and very articulate. Thanks! Unlike the others calling me a "carebear" and a 15 year old boy (when I'm an adult working woman) when all I've done is not "grinded to the top in a race" but just PVPed like I like to do.... the gear was just the only obvious and immediate benefit of pvping a lot, other than the rush of slaughtering fools, obviously.


yeah insults tend to fly when people disagree. :(


most mmo's are very similar. If you want a clear advantage over people you race to the top and grind heavily to get gear. When this playing field is leveled a lot of people go nuts and act like the game owes them something for rushing to the top (not saying you btw)


I'm guilty of this as well! why? because winning = fun! it does wonders for the e-peen. this is why so many are against it... they want to continue to slaughter people with little effort and being carried by their gear. Now many will argue that it isn't little effort because they spent so much time grinding and they deserve some kind of reward. Well you got your reward! you slaughtered many fools over and over with little effort! you had your fun!


Now that the playing field is leveled (equal gear) it comes down to coordination/skill. And this is what a lot of people are afraid of.

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FYI, i'm only valor rank 58.5, and i don't really care much about hitting battlemaster.


as soon as it became apparent that battlemaster, and the gear that came with it would be available not to players who were better, or more skilled, but simply those who had more time on their hands to grind valor. i just stopped caring.


i stopped caring about playing seriously in warzones.

i stopped caring about doing my daily/weekly quests.

i stopped caring about whether people even considdered me a good player (i know i am, but that's a different point).


if when they bring in rated warzones, there is still a powergap between those with battlemaster, and those without. then many others will just stop competing. it's like taking a knife to a gunfight.


i INSTANTLY know when i'm hitting someone who's undergeared (i'm in full champ + rakata), i'm a tank, i'm full tank spec guardian. and when i hit people for 3k+ on some of my abilities, while they hit me back for 3-400. there's a problem. and it's not a class balance thing. it's a pvp stat thing.

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All BM means is that you have access to the highest level PvP gear for the content. That is really all it means. Does not say HEY, thats a good player, but chances are if you go up against a BM he or she will be a tough fight only because yes "time spent playing" Practice makes perfect, learning from mistakes, mesuring absolute highest gains.


I know I have, dropped artifice for Biochem just for the stims to give me an extra edge.


A BM shows that you PvPed alot does that mean you are good? Well no but it shows that you played X map 1000 times and know what to do, know your role usually, and have a basic objective mind.

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ideally everyone has the same gear so theres no qq about gear, like in guild wars


the only thing that matters in pvp is winning and reputation. people don't recognize others for their meaningless title, they recognize others because they know they're gonna get rolled when facing them

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Battlemaster never meant anything considering you could get it so quickly through Ilum kill trading. I've seen plenty of terrible Battlemasters, backpedaling and keyboard turning, likely clicking as well. I've also seen plenty of good ones.


The title itself doesn't mean anything, and never did. Sorry to burst your virtual bubble.

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I have 3 4 man Teams that will be our 8 man team as soon as we can with slot rotations. With these guys I do not think I ever lost a warzone when fully grouped.


I can not wait for an 8 man que system, we have had some epic fights against some repub regs but went the distance, like a 1-0 huttball match or a 0-0 match with us holding on to the ball.


How about a 10-0 Civil war or a Voidstar were we both made it to X point but it was us who planted the bomb and got to the next area with 30 seconds left.


This is what PvP is about, its about the epic matches, the fun.


1) Getting rolled is no fun

2) Rolling the other team is no fun


I lose my mind in civil war when we are up by more than 100 points and usually go on suicide missions.


On voidstar if you role it becomes a bore fest really quick on defending, as I tend to stand on the wings of the ships and lol


And Huttball blowouts are just well easy to mend, the only thing we will check is when its 5-0 there will be a vent annoucement, does everyone have the 4 metals?


as we are at the line about to score.

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Taking it none of you are BM's. And are loving the fact that they are making it sooooo muich easier for you too accomplish it.


So how did you get your BM and when? I am willing to bet you were part of the Ilum valor farming scheme. So who exactly had the easy path to BM?

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So how did you get your BM and when? I am willing to bet you were part of the Ilum valor farming scheme. So who exactly had the easy path to BM?


Speaking for myself here, but I want to respond. I am sick of people accusing battlemasters of exploiting Ilum. Listen, I have been a bm since pre 1.1. Since then, I have seen Cent basically handed out and Champ is easy to get with any kind of dedication to pvp. Ilum is basically a valor fest during prime time as it is! What is next?


I am not quitting or threatening to quit but I am warning BW and the rest of the community that if you keep making the grind easier that we had to endure, people are going to quit.


Nobody wants to grind for something, just to see it take half the grind because people cried enough.


I am not going to debate about what a mmo is. I just want to say, if I want everybody with the same exact gear, I will play a fps or a rts. A mmo is about goals and progression. Your goals and progression should give you a edge in battle, period. All the people who argue over that, go play Madden, a FPS or a RTS! MMO's are not for you!

Edited by Beyaco
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This is all funny and just plain silly.


I know tons of Battle Masters who did not trade in Ilum, I see the same group of people in the war zones whether it is imps or republics. I know who is good and who is bad by their name. I did not pvp just to become Battle Master, I pvped because I enjoy it and I believe it makes me a better all around player in pve and pvp.


Battle Master only means to me I can get a different gear set, I see alot of Battle Masters anymore and think this new system will be great for more competive pvp.


btw the Valor rank goes to 100, Battle Master is just 3/5 of the way to the end goal.


I am only Rank 62 Valor with no trading, But I do not have any alts and in my free time pvp with guildies or others from the same Server.


Too much time? I look at it as very cheap entertainment.

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Speaking for myself here, but I want to respond. I am sick of people accusing battlemasters of exploiting Ilum. Listen, I have been a bm since pre 1.1. Since then, I have seen Cent basically handed out and Champ is easy to get with any kind of dedication to pvp. Ilum is basically a valor fest during prime time as it is! What is next?


I am not quitting or threatening to quit but I am warning BW and the rest of the community that if you keep making the grind easier that we had to endure, people are going to quit.


Nobody wants to grind for something, just to see it take half the grind because people cried enough.


I am not going to debate about what a mmo is. I just want to say, if I want everybody with the same exact gear, I will play a fps or a rts. A mmo is about goals and progression. Your goals and progression should give you a edge in battle, period. All the people who argue over that, go play Madden, a FPS or a RTS! MMO's are not for you!


They had to change something because they didn't have the balls to ban or remove the valor farmed in the Ilum exploit. If you did it right great. Congrats. Many didn't and that has poisoned the entire lot of players that were 50 before the fix.


What I see is old BM's complaining about others progressing, meaning that now they have the same gear as you and you are now losing because your gear is a crutch. You got a big lead on everyone else and expect that nobody will ever catch you.


Your next post will be when will they have the War Hero Gear out so I can roflpawn some more noobs.

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Battle Master only means to me I can get a different gear set, I see alot of Battle Masters anymore and think this new system will be great for more competive pvp.



I agree with you on this point. Most pvpers do not want a more competitive environment. They like to gank and roflpawn and this is down with gear grinds. True pvpers want equal fights that are won on their personal skill and cunning not gear.


Gear grinds are dumb but we have no other choice but to do it to compete.

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