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Everything posted by stabberwock

  1. What server are you all going to? Been in since winter beta started.
  2. I really like it. I'm pretty sure I flew right by A the first couple times I tried to cap it. I got so used to just 'knowing' where I was based on space landmarks in the other maps. Really fun, and hectic.
  3. 1) No matter how much hate you bring, GS is laughably easy and OP, everyone knows it. 2) Try decaf.
  4. You know none of us actually think your intent here is to prove something about the cap turrets right? If you wanna act the d-bag then do so and be honest about it.
  5. Well said. I've actually seen you doing this. I hope it catches on, I enjoy playing but you can already see the slow down in pops.
  6. But you aren't barrel rolling away, that's the point of my post. You are short stopping your barrel roll to line up your pursuer for a rail gun shot. Then you eat the torp. I disagree with your comment about proton viability against pike/quell players based on my own experiences. I can name the 3 players on my server who don't fly gunships or flashfire/stings. I wouldn't even know what to do if I saw one.
  7. I was in the same boat as you for a bit, couldn't figure out what to do. The protons, when they hit, are awesome, but is the long lock, small window worth it? And if it isn't why bother having two sets of missiles at all? Just faceroll your blaster overcharge to 30k. Here's where I'm at with it. The pike is really good at putting pressure on enemies at different ranges. For gunships who like to abuse barrel roll to full stop, they are going to eat a proton because barrel is straight, and wont carry them out of range (most of the time.) They must respond to your lock, either by burning an engine move or eating the proton. Either way you have the upper hand. If you spec barrel roll to match their own burn following the opener you can close quickly. It really is the upgraded flight speed and range that make them of any use. For the other missiles by the time you get to 7k you are a second or two away from clusters anyway. Another thing worth mentioning is that Pike's kill a lot of people who aren't looking at them from 10-11k away. By that I mean, someone engaged in a dogfight may mistake the lock on for the person they are fighting and not pay attention. I know gunships can also kill from extended range, but they actively aiming. You are lock-ing on, then firing and going back to defending your sat or whatever else you were doing. Usually good for one or two kills per match. Bottom line is this: you bring pressure to the table, you can make people burn cooldowns before they want to, take them out of their strafing runs, teamwork kind of thing. If you can live with that kind of contribution (and 10 lolassists) per game, then that's the way to go. Just my thoughts.
  8. LOL Come to Beregren, and point out to me these 'skilled' scout pilots. Top damage, top kills, and faceroll ease. I play pub, and I am embarrassed when I see half my team as scouts. Havent lost a game in 2 days, haven't had a scout with over 100 points in objectives in a week.
  9. Good video, highlights how good play always revolves around objectives, as opposed to 1v1 ganking off in a corner. Good stuff, don't sweat the haters.
  10. Scoundrels, I need your help, I think I might be bad, but am not sure. I am leveling a scrapper (44 atm) and really enjoying it. I know it needs some love at 50, I can live with that. The class I seem to have the most trouble with is sniper, I could use a bit of advice. If I get the opener it seems like they can turn around and stun me, or flash me and then I have trouble locking them back down. Should I lead with a stun in the opening rotation? Should I be more reactive, maybe tendon blasting, before the stun is up? I feel like there are a lot of tools at my disposal but I am having trouble figuring out which to use, and in what order. I should note that at these levels I can either kill or critically wound most snipers in the opening rotation. There are one or two that are giving me trouble and I worry that I am missing something in my 1v1 set-ups. Thank you in advance for your time. Also, are there any blogs or scrapper sites?
  11. Just because you tanked a 2 man doesn't make you qualified to discuss how these nerfs are going to effect end-game tanking. Everyone has full Rakata, everyone has black hole, welcome to 6 weeks ago. What Parthis is trying to say is that the changes to our class make no sense whatsoever when compared to actual tanking data. Frankly, I'm surprised to see him posting, I figured all the good tanks where gone. These changes scream 'knee jerk' reaction, and cannot be taken seriously. 50%? 35%? Those are big, big numbers. I'm glad the other tanks got some love. But one class shouldn't get burned for it to happen.
  12. Everyone will soon have the same title as you! They didnt do nearly as much 'hard work' as you did, can you believe it! No more easy kills as well, better start looking for exploits!
  13. War Hero, let me see.....Nope! See ya! P.S. No one cares, just go.
  14. stabberwock

    Bye Bye pvp

    +1 for overly dramatic post title! If you aren't trolling you are perhaps the worst ever and should delete yourself.
  15. You're serious aren't you? The best part of this is that you have no idea what's wrong with your statement. Its like a whole generation of fail fail fail that you can see coming a mile away.
  16. lol @ 'outraged'. Are you outraged? Is this just too much for one man to take? Have you had enough? Get over yourself and quit already. All this dramatic posting from you first mmo losers makes me laugh.
  17. Do you cry while you are playing? Or does it come over you later, while you meditate on the game? Most people who respond to these sorts of technophilic posts dont read the half of the text. They just pick a point they saw and tell you about their experience. You know this. Yet you make this post. I'm thinking, you just hate yourself and your class for having it so easy.
  18. Try crying more, maybe a different font or something. Back to my alt!
  19. stabberwock

    42 Days

    needs more backpedaling lightning spam
  20. Whoa, whoa whoa. You built up a following of people expecting you to work greeble and grobble into the sentences. It added mystery to the post, made it fun to read. I disapprove of this plain text.
  21. Or maybe all you need to do is make a group and go right to the fp courier and collect your loot. Or better yet, other people can run it and give you the loot when they are done. Grow up bads, random loot is random.
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