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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

1.1.5 Just got Updated.


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"Medals are now worth 500 Valor and 10 Commendations. Players only earn Valor and Commendations for the first 4 medals earned each match."


So where's the motivation to earn more medals now? IMHO, this just penaizes those of us who go all out in WZs.

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You can't think of it just as 4 for 2000.. you have to think of it as 15minutes for 2000, or however long the wz is going to take, because rest assured, you can already make much more than that with illum.



I think most servers dont have the luxury of farming valor on ilum.

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And whats more, they actually get MORE than what we got. In my BEST GAMES where I somehow pulled off 10 medals, 300k plus damage as a coneal op I would hit 1500, 1600 valor tops.


Now its 2k minimum for every chowderhead who bothers to show up. These changes are a slap in the face to every person who legitimately hit battlemaster, which I finally did like five damn days ago.


Biowares just stolen hours of my life.


Did you really think it was always going to be that crappy grind?




Wave your epeen around while saying "why back in my day, BM was so hard, bla bla bla" I guess.


The rest of us don't care.


Oh yeah, I hit BM legit also, and I welcome the changes.

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"medals are now worth 500 valor and 10 commendations. Players only earn valor and commendations for the first 4 medals earned each match."


so where's the motivation to earn more medals now? Imho, this just penaizes those of us who go all out in wzs.




Did you really think it was always going to be that crappy grind?




Wave your epeen around while saying "why back in my day, BM was so hard, bla bla bla" I guess.


The rest of us don't care.


Oh yeah, I hit BM legit also, and I welcome the changes.



This grind wasn't even as bad as rifts. So yeah. I did not expect radical changes.


I was glad when they redid the bags. 15 cent commendations a bag lets people get decent gear really, really fast so they can get their foot in the door. They can be competitive, and won't get discouraged.


But this change takes all the work out of getting battlemaster gear.

Edited by CanisAquilus
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"Medals are now worth 500 Valor and 10 Commendations. Players only earn Valor and Commendations for the first 4 medals earned each match."


So where's the motivation to earn more medals now? IMHO, this just penaizes those of us who go all out in WZs.


IMHO, the motivation is for your team to win the game. If you need rewards, winning usually gives you bonus valor/commendations.


If you go all out in warzones, you should be doing it for the objectives, not the medals.

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*edit* forgot to quote.. was referring to kill trading on illum*


I've only heard people talking about it on these forums, they say it like there is nothing wrong with it, it's just sad.


I gotta hand it to the republic on swiftshaw, even when they are massively outnumbered, they put up the good fight, they expect no quarter, and they give none, and i think it motivates us as imperials, when we are in the uncommon situation of being outnumbered(like today, lol).

Edited by PutinDoesJudo
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Players affected by a Damage Over Time ability are no longer interrupted when interacting with objectives.



Not too crazy about this mainly because DoTs were a great thing to lay down if you were the only one defending a node on Civil or a door on Voidstar especially when half of your team is stuck behind the gate. Outside of that, some nice changes.

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They listened to the players in SWG also. That destroyed the game. It'll do the same here, eventually.


as someone who played SWG from launch until well after the CU and then NGE crushed the game i can't remember any of the player base requesting the CU or NGE changes which ruined the game.


you're ill unexperienced and ill-informed.

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"Medals are now worth 500 Valor and 10 Commendations. Players only earn Valor and Commendations for the first 4 medals earned each match."


So where's the motivation to earn more medals now? IMHO, this just penaizes those of us who go all out in WZs.


lol... in the words of Coach Herm Edwards... YOU PLAY TO WIN THE GAME.


And no, it penalizes the lazy tanks who could watch tv and smash taunt on everything and get 8+ every game.

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IMHO, the motivation is for your team to win the game. If you need rewards, winning usually gives you bonus valor/commendations.


If you go all out in warzones, you should be doing it for the objectives, not the medals.


I win like 95% of my games so i already win and get that reward, the medals were the only thing that kept me interested after i locked up a win in the first 2-3 minutes, not to mention what made WZ's somewhat of an original thing in SWTOR. I like being able to measure myself against other players and be rewarded for it? Actually getting some sort of reward for individual performance is such a ****** idea, reversing it is just so dumb. I should be rewarded for playing better doing more damage etc then players who suck (as the current system does).

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And so it begins, as BW implements changes to the PvP system to make it more competitive and focused on objectives, the fairweather PvP players are going to start to whine. The ranking system is going to send people over the edge as they're forced to play people at their gear level.


"Why would I farm medals if you cutoff the number that awards valor?"


You don't. You aren't supposed to farm medals. You're supposed to play the objective. And before you say "I don't care about the objective", ask yourself what you're doing in a warzone. It's instanced, team-based pvp with a specific rule set and a clearly defined winner/loser. If you want deathmatch go play another game. PvP to win, and you'll see the rewards.

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I will give you an idea of how the central ilum battles go on our server master gnost dural.


We goto do our daily's, we get half of our daily done.

1-3 Sith show up, we have a good battle. Next 1-2 republic might join, meanwhile the sith come back with 5 or more and its mostly those guys geared in battlemaster. So you have a random group of republics. Meanwhile normally the sith come with 3 or more sorcerers. The group that I encounter the most in pvp is ravager's guild and a guild named impulse. I see these guys in a tons of warzones. I do enjoy fighting them though, don't get me wrong.


Now when you encounter these guys there is multiples healers.

So if you have a mixed group, You try to cut down one healer and while you burn him. The other heals him. The third healer focuses on the sith group. The tanks and marauaders jumps on the players who target the healers. Its great coordination on their part, but very tough to stop 3 guys throwing lightning and healing the whole group when you have to go thru the bm guys to get to them.


How do you take down 3 healers + a whole bunch of battlemaster geared guys + the other random guys, when the most you normally see on ilum on my server is 9-11 players. I've only seen a group of 16 republics twice in open pvp. Just look at it from our server perspective. We were completely overwhelmed with impossible odds.

Edited by RenegadePlayer
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The Battlemasters crying make me lol...its been 2 months since the release, not 2 years. You are not a special cupcake.


Finally I dont have to rage anymore because I'm the one guy not farming objectives and actually watching the other door in Voidstar. Every time I've gotten 11 medals in a game I did not play effectively but just ignored the game and did thing on my own agenda.

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They listened to the players in SWG also. That destroyed the game. It'll do the same here, eventually.


as someone who played SWG from launch until well after the CU and then NGE crushed the game i can't remember any of the player base requesting the CU or NGE changes which ruined the game.


you're ill unexperienced and ill-informed.

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im not fussed about the gear or how quickly people will catch up etc etc


im more bothered about


where the game is going regarding world pvp


All through levelling the 2 factions where kept (warhammer anyone) on a pvp realm from 1-50 had approx 10 fights not exactly great by any means


now basically removing ilum is just wow, im kinda pondering why was the point of even rolling on a pvp server as there is going to be zero world pvp anymore


when will mmos learn alot of people love WORLD PVP not WARZONE crap


its becomming increasingly sad that the days of world pvp is gone more then likely due to the servers jsut cant handle anything above 24 players,


rip world pvp

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And so it begins, as BW implements changes to the PvP system to make it more competitive and focused on objectives, the fairweather PvP players are going to start to whine. The ranking system is going to send people over the edge as they're forced to play people at their gear level.


"Why would I farm medals if you cutoff the number that awards valor?"


You don't. You aren't supposed to farm medals. You're supposed to play the objective. And before you say "I don't care about the objective", ask yourself what you're doing in a warzone. It's instanced, team-based pvp with a specific rule set and a clearly defined winner/loser. If you want deathmatch go play another game. PvP to win, and you'll see the rewards.


Heres what I want from PVP.


If I contribute more to winning than my teammates, I want to reap greater rewards.


Its really not a complex idea... I think its fairly core to the whole pvp mechanic and concept.

Edited by CanisAquilus
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I'd say over 75% of the Battlemasters around these days are only BM because of Ilum farming. You're not a special snowflake...and you CERTAINLY didn't "earn it" the hard way.


Nope. I warzone grinded my way to bm because ilum is dead 90% of the time on my server, Lord Adraas.


You guys are drastically overestimating the effectiveness of legitimate ilum pvping. Probably from inexperience.


With the amount of time you spend sitting around waiting for the other faction to show up, you probably could have got in a full warzone for 1500 valor if you played well. Which is more than you'd get from wiping an 8 man opposing force.

Edited by CanisAquilus
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Wow, while lot those changes are great....the ilum daily counting for WZs is pretty awsome.


Now there is no reason to go to Ilum at all, woot!


Ok guys, we can't get engine to handle anything past 16 players and ends up a slide show for majority of users....so instead, let's make the zone redundant so no one even goes there. Talk about the laziest way to deal with a problem, ever. LOL!


edit. thank the gods of the internet whenever GW2 hits, massive W v W v W ftw. Not getting that here and by looks of this patch; never will.



Well what were their options? Rip out HeroEngine? No, that would require re-coding the game from the ground up pretty much. Doing this will allow them the breathing room to actually work on fixing the limitations of HeroEngine by providing us an alternative. It also may actually be beneficial to Open World PvP.


Right now Ilum is hurting a lot from faction numbers being imbalanced, on some servers the minority faction rarely has more than 3-4 people show up and attempt to take objective points, while the majority faction farms armaments. Now Ilum can be about PvP and not about Daily/Weekly armament farming and should help level out the numbers showing up there some.


Will the groups be small? Probably 3-4 man crews here and there fighting it out, but that's much better than 30v3 or 50v2 that you see now.


It will also help spread people out some, so the FPS drops from so many people will be less apparent, and in all honesty there is probably very little they can do about the lag when groups of people are all in one place. More mobiles/players in an area the more Lag, period, no exception in any game I've ever played.

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