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Why the Darkside Vastly more powerful than The Light


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Maybe this will help with the debate.


That was yodas own opinion, obviously he isnt going to tell Luke the dark side is more powerfu or he would have fallen to itl. Im going to be reposting this every time people bring up Yodas quote from now on:


Lucas: "The key part of this scene ultimately is Anakin saying "I'm not going to let this happen again." We're cementing his determination to become the most powerful Jedi. The only way you can really do that is to go to the Dark Side because the Dark Side is more powerful. If you want the ultimate power you really have to go to the stronger side which is the Dark Side."


There is absolutely no debate.

Edited by Girdeux
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Clearly the key debate, which the OP refers to, is what POWER is

If I am in a weight lifting competition, I am going to lose to a pro american football player, but if we were taking a calculus test, I would at least be competitive. (btw i do not mean to disparage football players, I am just bragging about my math skills :))


Power can have many forms. I beleive that both sides are equally powerful, but in different ways. In certain conflicts the dark side will triumph, but in other conflicts (under different conditions) the light side will triumph

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That was yodas own opinion, obviously he isnt going to tell Luke the dark side is more powerfu or he would have fallen to itl. Im going to be reposting this every time people bring up Yodas quote from now on:


Lucas: "The key part of this scene ultimately is Anakin saying "I'm not going to let this happen again." We're cementing his determination to become the most powerful Jedi. The only way you can really do that is to go to the Dark Side because the Dark Side is more powerful. If you want the ultimate power you really have to go to the stronger side which is the Dark Side."


There is absolutely no debate.


Guess I was wrong. I was arguing that the dark side wasn't more powerful to the light.I guess there is another thing I don't like in reguards to star wars.


I looked up the quote. It was on the DVD commentary for Attack of the Clones Lucas said that the dark side is more powerful. LordOfMassacre and Darth_Malevolent were right. All they needed to do was quote the one guy they hated to win. Huh who knew.

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wrong just wrong, could u imagine if the emperor had destroyed mace head on? Anakin would have never fell and the empire would have never came to be.


The fact is the emperor planned the entire ordeal as he always had, its evident in the movie when hes all like oh too weak please dont kill me o master jedi while smilling and then blasting out 10x the lighting while laughing and screaming ultimate power!


As for the fight with yoda, sure yoda holds his own in the begining but who flees the fight? Whos thrown down? Who laughs in victory? The emperor, darth sidious lord of the sith


sure is there weakness to the dark side like arrogance or blind rage? Yes as evident in darth mauls and darth vaders fall to obi wan. But in sheer raw power?


The dark side is supreme,


even the fight between lord vader and obi wan on mustafar is evident enough, the entire fight is darth vader raging and pushing obi wan without breaking a sweat with obi wan barely keeping up, he wins by bad judgement and arrogance on the part of lord vader but even so darth vader then becomes a storm of sheer hatred and preceeds to slaughter the remaining jedi and become the scourge of the jedi order. ( with only half his body i might add)



and look at anakin skywalker the choosen one, if the light was stronger why turn to dark side of the force? He was the strongest on the force after all. The fact is only through the dark side would he obtain powers beyond what the light could provide, only through the dark side could he rule the galaxy and set in order what he felt was right, only through the darkside could he become the powerful being, a dark lord of the sith.



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I had hoped the sheer number of examples in movies, story and trailers that I and many other plp provided were enough to CLEARLY show the Dark Side is Stronger



but for those of you that insist GL is law and would rather discard your ability to think and reason for yourself like a Jedi devoted to his flawed Code then now you have it straight from GL mouth. THE DARKSIDE IS STRONGER.




Btw I think anyone whos read more than the original trilogy can be certain there are various figures FAR more powerful than the likes of Luke or Sidious, but if you still insist on going with what GL says consider this:


Luke gives in to his anger ( Dark Side) in order to defeat Darth Vader


Luke is on the ground, defenseless, crying, screaming for help when shown the TRUE POWER OF THE DARK SIDE by Darth Sidious, he NEEDS help from his daddy or he would have died.




After trilogy, Luke Skywalker Joins the Darth Sidious as HIS APPRENTICE because HE KNOW THE EMPEROR IS ALL POWERFUL.





As for stronger figures than Darth Sidious,


Darth Viatate- Crushes and absorbs a PLANET of Sith Lords, achieving Immortality and bordering near the Power of a God. One Sith Lord = 3 Jedi masters at LEAST, a planet of Sith Lords devoured?? You do the math.




Darth Nihilius- Devours planets of Jedi, a wound in the Force, immortal by transferring his essence in His mask, Will eventually devour the Sith as well when the Jedi are no more. His presence alone kills everything around him.





Darth Sidious needed a "death star" for a similar feat of power, he was NOT immortal and at best slaughtered 3 Jedi masters while drawing with Mace and Defeating the strongest Jedi of his era Master Yoda while laughing the whole time.

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You're all wrong.


Neither side is more powerful than the other.


The force is about Balance.


Whenever either side of the force becomes more powerful, the Force restores this Balance.


i.e. -->


The Prophecy of the one who would bring Balance, to the Force.

Jedi Powers diminishing

Sith were wiped out

Enter Vader.

Empire's turn in Power.

Enter Luke.


The force isn't about Dark or Light Side.

Its about the Dark And the Light side.


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Lucas: "The key part of this scene ultimately is Anakin saying "I'm not going to let this happen again." We're cementing his determination to become the most powerful Jedi. The only way you can really do that is to go to the Dark Side because the Dark Side is more powerful. If you want the ultimate power you really have to go to the stronger side which is the Dark Side."


That was Lucas explaining ANAKIN'S opinion.


Which is demonstrably false, as the only way he manages to save his son is be RENOUNCING the Dark Side.

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I had hoped the sheer number of examples in movies, story and trailers that I and many other plp provided were enough to CLEARLY show the Dark Side is Stronger


All your examples are flat-out demonstrably wrong, and have been proven so multiple times in this thread.

Edited by ErikModi
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I had hoped the sheer number of examples in movies, story and trailers that I and many other plp provided were enough to CLEARLY show the Dark Side is Stronger



but for those of you that insist GL is law and would rather discard your ability to think and reason for yourself like a Jedi devoted to his flawed Code then now you have it straight from GL mouth. THE DARKSIDE IS STRONGER.




Btw I think anyone whos read more than the original trilogy can be certain there are various figures FAR more powerful than the likes of Luke or Sidious, but if you still insist on going with what GL says consider this:


Luke gives in to his anger ( Dark Side) in order to defeat Darth Vader


Luke is on the ground, defenseless, crying, screaming for help when shown the TRUE POWER OF THE DARK SIDE by Darth Sidious, he NEEDS help from his daddy or he would have died.




After trilogy, Luke Skywalker Joins the Darth Sidious as HIS APPRENTICE because HE KNOW THE EMPEROR IS ALL POWERFUL.


*Sigh*. You know, if you're going to start a thread about which side of the Force is more "powerful" the least you could do is be open to debate! You gave a handful of examples to show what you think and other people took those examples and said "No, here's what I think". Then you, the guy who started the thread, said "No, you're wrong because I'm right". For the love of Pete, man! Can you at least take other people's arguments and then state why you think they're wrong! I haven't seen you do that yet! All you've done is reiterate the same points over and over and over expecting everyone to take them as facts on your say-so! Learn to debate for crying out loud!


Anyways, I'd just like to point something out to you on the whole Vader defeating Sidious thing. Yes, Luke was being tortured by the Emperor and yes it was Vader who saved him. But that was not the Dark side that defeated Sidious. The act of saving his son from the Emperor was how Vader was redeemed to the Light side! He sacrificed himself to save his son! That, my friend, is the power of the Light side of the Force. If you can't see that, I really don't know what to tell you.


And I won't really get into any of the characters that exist in the EU just because I know pretty much nothing about those characters and I'm certainly not qualified to comment on their power.

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*Sigh*. You know, if you're going to start a thread about which side of the Force is more "powerful" the least you could do is be open to debate! You gave a handful of examples to show what you think and other people took those examples and said "No, here's what I think". Then you, the guy who started the thread, said "No, you're wrong because I'm right". For the love of Pete, man! Can you at least take other people's arguments and then state why you think they're wrong! I haven't seen you do that yet! All you've done is reiterate the same points over and over and over expecting everyone to take them as facts on your say-so! Learn to debate for crying out loud!


Anyways, I'd just like to point something out to you on the whole Vader defeating Sidious thing. Yes, Luke was being tortured by the Emperor and yes it was Vader who saved him. But that was not the Dark side that defeated Sidious. The act of saving his son from the Emperor was how Vader was redeemed to the Light side! He sacrificed himself to save his son! That, my friend, is the power of the Light side of the Force. If you can't see that, I really don't know what to tell you.


And I won't really get into any of the characters that exist in the EU just because I know pretty much nothing about those characters and I'm certainly not qualified to comment on their power.


He's obviously biased towards the Dark Side, don't bother, he's clearly right in all things, ever. :rolleyes:

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Why not simplify this down to the Strongest Lightside user vs the strongest Darkside user... ever?


Darth Sidious represents DS


Luke Skywalker represents LS


These are both the strongest by laws of Canon, ever.


Luke in canon becomes far stronger then Sidious ever was... Considering there has never been a darksider who could match up to Luke, I would consider the LS superior.




There is also always the argument that George Lucas said so. Which I understand a lot of people think is a cheap argument, but in reality is the only argument.


You see there is several layers of Canon in Star Wars that are set up due to the complexity of the EU.


The way it works is if a lower level of canon contradicts a higher level of canon, it is wrong. Period.


G-Canon, the top canon, is all the information we receive from the movies AND whatever George Lucas says... yep that is right, George can say tomorrow that ET was the most powerful being in the SW universe and it automatically becomes lore. (BTW G-Canon States Sidious and Vader are the strongest Sith ever, and Yoda and Luke are the strongest Jedi ever)


C-Canon, this canon is for things like Videos games (Force Unleashed), animated Series (Clone Wars), and EU books (Sidious does not die, SWTOR Books, etc)


Then there are several other layers of canon that include board games, SWG, holiday specials, etc.


Canon has always provided that the Lightside prevails... ALWAYS. This is an argument that cannot be argued against, there is a system in place the disproves all these silly arguments.




There have also bee arguements about Satele is weaker then Malgus.


This is false, first off read some of the books, there are plenty out there. Satele becomes a very powerful warrior with the lightsaber, who becomes unrivaled during her era.


Going by the trailers (since an advertisement is how you want to gauge there power).


Return - Malgus is stronger then Satele here, you know why? Cause the Darkside is the easy way to power.


Hope - I do not understand how you see Malgus as a stronger individual here. Satale fighters her way through a horde of sith and driod to fight Malgus. Yes he cuts her saber in half, but she proves that she does not need a saber to defeat him... she stops his saber with her bare hand (this is a very rare force ability that Malgus would not be able to replicate) and then crushes him with the force. He barely survives while Satele is for the most part unscathed.


The issue here is Bioware used Satele and Malgus as their figure heads for the advertising, mostly because they had history together (thus the trailers with both) and they are both used often to progress story.


Fact is as they grow in the force Satele becauses a true master of the force while Malgus, who becomes powerful, dies trying to betray his own empire.




The point I am trying to make is their is alot more to this then a bunch of trailers and the movies to go off of.


There is an actual timeline and rules set up for us to follow, because the SW universe has become to big for its own good. When you do not follow the rules and timeline you get alot of "the dark side rulz lololol" followed by "lightside the only side"

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If the Force is supposed to embody the basic energy of life and the binding thread behind all of reality, then neither side is more powerful than the other. They have to exist in perfect dichotomy as the two sides of a greater whole, creation and destruction, order and chaos, discord and harmony.


Both sides can achieve incredible power, both sides are capable of tremendous displays, both require a certain discipline, and both are paths to a sort of enlightenment.


This is why I've always felt that grey Jedi like Jolee Bindo (and perhaps Revan for a time) who understood both sides had the potential to be truly the most powerful Force users, or at least had the greatest understanding.

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I can see there is no reasoning with Dark Side fanboys. They refuse to accept when they lose, and say the same things again and again, making no effort to counter the efforts of the other side. They say "the dark side is more powerful because blah blah blah", and when people provide evidence to suggest otherwise, the fanboy just says "no, the dark side is more powerful because blah blah blah". The say the same thing over and over.


Well, you're just unknowingly proving yourselves wrong. Because your showing one of the Dark Side's many weaknesses, egotisical overconfidence. That's the Deal with the darkside, it seems powerful but has weaknesses that, when exploited, are fatal. But you don't know that. And I've figured out you're never going to. Because you are the most rabid fanboys ever who shun the idea of being wrong. You go on being immature and saying how great you are. I'm not gonna try to stop you, simply 'cause you can't be convinced.


(Another thing I've learned is that using Lucas is pointless because of how often contradicts himself. One minute he says light is better and the next he says dark. There's no point in using a Lucas quote because you'll get countered by another Lucas quote.)

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