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Everything posted by Diamonddug

  1. Dagobah. I know it's a swamp with no civilations or cities but it looks awsome to me. Plus having the dark side cave and Yoda there is awsome. If it was in TOR I would visit it often. Weather I got to see Yoda or not.(Yes I know Yoda is not alive in any shape or form in TOR.)
  2. HAHAHAHA!! Windu is Yoda's hit man. Uh oh just had the image of Yoda needing to be saved from the back room some where by Bruce Willis. Poor Yoda.
  3. "You just watch yourself. We're wanted men." ANH "They're coming in too fast." Luke ANH "I hope you know what your doing." Leia ESB "You have learned much, young one." Vader ESB " Exciting is hardly the word I would choose. " C3P0 ROTJ "Here goes nothing." Lando ROTJ
  4. LOL you misquoted the movie when you corrected the misquotes http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_xP3fI7yn5s&feature=related Quote is at 1:17
  5. "Do or Do not there is no try." If you don't know who said this I'm not telling you.
  6. "You have failed me for the last time." -Vader ESB "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" -Vader ROTS , Luke ESB "You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy." Obi-Wan ANH
  7. "I've got a bad feeling about this."- More charaters in Star Wars movies games and books than I want to list. "When I left you I was but a student now I am the master." ANH Vader "I am your father."- ESB Vader "I'd rather kiss a wookee." -Leia ESB "I Love you." "I know." -Han and Leia ESB & ROTJ "Good kid don't get cocky." -ANH Han "Don't make me kill you."-ROTS Vader " " -AOTC
  8. This and when 2V-R8 says "Good to see you master. I just applied a fresh coat of paint to your room same color of course. Only fresher." It makes me laugh cause I see my SW trashing her room every time she travels and the droid has to fix it.
  9. When it was origanally released in May of '77 I was still inside my ma. When I was born 3 months later I was told It was the first move they took me to see.
  10. I do know it is spelled Meetra but you can not use Meetra in the creation screen. Yes it is a variation of Meetra Surik. The first toon that I made was "Meatra" Surik. and all the other toons got differant names. Yes I know I need spell check but It was late at night when I wrote it up. So the only problem with my story is spelling and the fact I used Meetra Surik's name? Cool thank you for the imput.
  11. I heard that 1.2 was finally going to put the legacy into effect. So I decided to make up the story for my toons. Tell me what you think. The story starts with Norman Surik. He was an officer for the empire. While on a campaign he meets his future wife Jedi knight Laich Alell. She is wounded in battle and unconscious. Instead of turning her over to the proper authorities or killing her he decides to take her to his personal friend who is a doctor. He picks up the injured Jedi to take her to the medical tent when he is shot in the shoulder. He kills the shooter and gets himself and the injured Jedi to the doctor and saves her life. The doctor says the best place for them to recover is not in a medical tent . They need to go to Dromund Kaas. So Lt. Surik with some help from a Chiss bounty hunter gets some forged documents changing Laich Alell into Chrystal Surik. Eventually the Empire officer and the Jedi Knight fall in love. Because of his injury Lt. Surik is unable to go back into combat so he becomes an instructor for new recruits. This is where he meets the Zabrak named Rorreen. He instills his knowledge and battle tactics on to her . Norman and Chrystal eventually have two daughters. They name them Meatra (Chrystals choice) and Mallicka (Norman's choice). Eventually Chrystal finds Korrusk at the age of ten. She is a Rattataki with Strong force powers. She is a slave so they buy her but as soon as the have her in the family the two parents treat Korrusk as their third daughter. Chrystal eventually starts teaching all the daughters the ways of the Jedi in secret. Eventually Mallicka's (who by this point is 10) force powers raise the suspicions of a Darth. Mallicka is taken from her family. Chrystal and Norman decide that Meatra and Chrystal must leave Dromund Kaas and try to get to republic space. While Korrusk (who is now 16) and Norman must get Mallicka back. Chrystal hires the Twi'lek smuggler named Eleeleta to get her and Meatra out of Empire space and into republic space. While in republic space Eleeleta's ship is fired upon by a republic ship. Espanen knows Eleeleta ship is wanted by a certain star system. Unfortunately Chrystal is severely injured in the space battle. Before she dies she asks Eleeleta to make sure Meatra get to the Jedi. Espanen and Eleeleta feeling horrible about their part in Chrystal's death make a deal to work together to get Meatra to the Jedi. Meanwhile Lt. Surik asks some of his old friends to find out where on Dromund Kaas Malicka was being shipped to Korriban from. He finally finds out where she is being transported from so he and Korrusk go to get her. When he arrives he finds out that he has just fallen into a trap set by the Darth who took Mallicka and the Chiss bounty hunter Naara. Lt. Surik is arrested and executed as a traitor to the empire. Korrusk refuses to turn to the dark side even though she is sent to Korriban she feels her fathers death but remembers what he mother taught her. Mallicka on the other hand after watching her fathers execution hates everyone. She wants to destroy the empire and all its inhabitants who killed her father as a traitor. She wants to kill the republic which she sees all the citizens as her mother. Who only care about her sister and the Jedi order and let her father die. So Legacy goes Meatra(JK),Mallicka(SW),Korrusk(SI) Surik sisters. Meatra(JK), Eleeleta(SM), Espanen (RT) friends/rivals Naara(BH) rival of Mallicka and Korrusk Rorreen (IA) protege of Lt. Surik *edited for spelling*
  12. Well if it isn't obvous the light saber is the coolest weapon in Star Wars. It can cut though almost any thing can bat away blaster bolts and protect from force lighting.. My favorite verson is the one you can't use in TOR lightwhip though.
  13. I don't believe Anakin could have easily won the fight because he was trying to win but was not able to beat him. I do belive you are right towards the end Obi knew he was losing so he tryed to figure out a way to win. He took the high ground and then goated Anikin to try to go over him. If Obi had gotten the high ground and not have goated him in trying to jump over him Ankin would have tryed a differnt approch like going a little further on the lava flow and the jumping so they were equal ground again or the spinny thingy that Sidious used. Obi knew Sith need to prove they are more powerful than there opponat or else they feel that they lost the fight. Obi used this knowlage aganst Anakin and won the battle because of it. The second battle. He was fighting again. When he looked at Luke he decided to become 1 with the force. The reason I figure he did this( this is my own opion and could be wrong) was to drive a wedge between Luke and his father. Luke wouldn't go with Vader to the dark side 'cause he watched him decappitate his friend and mentor.
  14. Guess I was wrong. I was arguing that the dark side wasn't more powerful to the light.I guess there is another thing I don't like in reguards to star wars. I looked up the quote. It was on the DVD commentary for Attack of the Clones Lucas said that the dark side is more powerful. LordOfMassacre and Darth_Malevolent were right. All they needed to do was quote the one guy they hated to win. Huh who knew.
  15. Wow how did this thread go from : The dark side is stronger because... To Lucas sux because... Now I like the universe he created. I like the movies he created ( Origanal better than Prequel but that's another story.). I like the stories and games that spawned from his creations. While I don't like the fact that that Luke and Sidious are the most powerful (I mean if Sidious was less powerful than Bane would that take away from his part in destoying the republic and creating the empire? If Meetra could destroy Obi in light saber combat would that take away what Obi-Wan did for Luke or his part in taking out the sith?) it is not my creation. If Lucas wanted to stop all books games and all things Star Wars and sue anyone who tryed to create something new I would be sad but again it is his right because it is his creation. If you say for instance "The dark side is greater because.." and give some examples and someone else comes along and says "George Lucas says..." and can prove that he did indeed say it than I'm sorry you lose. Whether you like him or not.
  16. It is possable to create a charater more powerful Jedi than Luke and more powerful Sith than Sidious but the only person who could do it is Lucas.
  17. That one is also debateable According to Lucas(did I just say that) and the Jedi balance to the force means that the Sith put the entire force out of balance. So by having even one sith alive that the force is out of balance. If the balance mean numerical balance (ie 2 Jedi and two sith) than what Yoda says about the profacy being miss read could be correct. Either way if it is the Numerical balance or the death of all sith Vader/Anikin Does both. If it was numerical balance than Ankin is the chosen one and fufils the profacy in Revenge. If it is the Jedi's belife that the sith make the force unbalnaced than Anikin or Luke could be considered the chosen one in Return.
  18. I can see your point that Luke was the chosen one. Without Luke Vader would not have killed himself and Sidious thus ending the sith and bringing balance to the force. And part four was called a new hope. It could be argued that the title ment that Luke was the new chosen one after Vader's fall. But I also see other point of View that Vader/Anikin is the choosen one because his actions were the ones that ended the sith (ie Killing himself and Sidious) and bringing balance to the force. I guess Obi was right :"You will find that many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our own point of View." Darn you Obi-Wan
  19. I totally misunderstood when you said Jedi falling because of another Jedi. I thought you ment falling to the dark side not falling as in dying. There is only one instance I know of 1 Light side killing many other Jedi Meetra Surik useing the mass shadow generator at Malicore V.
  20. Nope not mad. I like debating. You said on a 1 vs 1 Jedi lose most if not all the time. Obi-Wan in a 1vs1 duel beats Maul Obi-Wan in a 1vs1 duel beats Vader Yoda in a 1vs1 duel beats Dooku Mace in a 1vs1 duel beats Palpitine Meetra in a 1vs1 duel beats Sion Meetra in a 1vs1 duel beats Artis Meetra in a 1vs1 duel beats Kreia Redeem Revan 1vs1 duel beats Malak Luke in a 1v1 duel beats Vader Yes some Jedi (Mace and Luke) use Darkside powers in their duels but the point was made all Jedi use darkside powers to win their duels. Again no they don't. Darth Sion slaughtered hundreds of Jedi by HIMSELF and yet was defeated by 1 singular Jedi. Darth Nihilius ATE PLANETS OF JEDI for breakfast and was beaten by not hundered or thousands of Jedi but a grand total of 2 Jedi. Darth Sidious DESTROYED THE ENTIRE JEDI ORDER and was stopped by a grand total of 1Jedi. Darth Vader Slaughtered countless Jedi and drove them to 2 left that WERE HIDING IN FEAR and was defeated by a grand total of 1 Jedi. And Luke was on his knees crying like a baby when the Emperor showed him the power of the Dark Side. He was crying, defenseless and would have died. He was saved which goes back to a Jedi needing help to kill a Sith Lord. Um did you forget Palpatin was on his back crying like a baby when Mace refelected the power of the Dark Side back at him. He was crying, defenseless and would have died. He was saved also wasn't he?
  21. Not once did I say :"well Lusas says.." because I find it lazy. The sith on Ruusan Until Bane set the place on fire were losing. Darth Revan lost, Darth Malak lost, Lord Kaan lost, Darth Sion lost, Darth Nihilus lost, Darth Traya lost, Darth Krayt lost, Exar Kun lost, Naga Sadow lost, Darth Sidious lost, Dath Vader lost. If they have the upper hand in every situation why do the keep loseing? How many time has the republic been attacked by the sith? Lots how many times has it been taken over by the sith? Twice once from Darth Ruin and once from Darth Sidious. No. Eventually, Maul pushed Obi-Wan into the reactor shaft. As Kenobi grasped hold of a input nozzle, Maul kicked the Jedi Padawan's lightsaber into the reactor pit. As Maul struck the edge of the pit repeatedly with his lightsaber, Kenobi managed to calm himself. Although Maul had disposed of his lightsaber, the Padawan remembered that Jinn's weapon still lay by his fallen master's side. Using the Force, Kenobi leaped out of the shaft and summoned the lightsaber to his hand. The Jedi Padawan landed after a mid-air turn, executing a blindingly fast horizontal slash that bisected Maul, and then Force-pushed the Sith Lord away. Flinching in shock and pain, Maul fell backwards into the shaft in silence, his two halves separating.(quoted :http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Darth_Maul) When Obi was angry he was pushed off the reactor shaft when he calmed himself is when he won the duel. And Dooku vs Yoda? Dooku was losing, Yoda wasn't useing the dark side. Vader vs Obi-Wan, Obi didn't call on the Dark side and won. Luke vs Palpatin, Luke won by having his redeemed father (who also was not useing the dark side) kill him. Again no the Jedi don't call on the darkside to best thier opponants and the sith are not more powerful. Yes we do. The sith are not more powerful.
  22. The powers of the Sith are not god like. All of their ablities are destuction. The only Sith that I see who possably had God like powers was Plaguis he created Anikin(presumably) but even then it failed. Anikin was suppose to be the most powerful Sith. The force fought back and making him the 2nd most powerful sith and making him the choosen 1 who destroyes the sith. First what Nihilous does is not power. "There is no strength in the hunger he possesses… and the will behind his power is a primal thing. And it devours him as he devours others—his mere presence kills all around him, slowly, feeding him. He is already dead, it is simply a question of how many he kills before he falls." Quoted from Kreia/Traya. As to why Meetra need others to defeat Nihilious that is because that is the power of the light. No one Jedi is more powerful or less powerful than another (even if they are or aren't). They become more powerful when the unite aganst a common foe. Surik told him that he had already been defeated, and she explained that Kreia had only respected those who could let go of the Force, not those like Sion who relied on it. She showed him that the life he had created ,a life of pain, was not Kreia's doing but his own. Sion hated Kriea but also wanted her to still be his master. He wanted her to lay down her life for him the same way she was willing to do for Meetra. He decided he was tired of always being in pain. Emotional and physical. And really who could blame him? And anytime there is more than 1 sith lord the other ends up dead. (Plaguis/Sidious, Bane/Zannah, Sidious/Dooku, Sidious/Vader) Yes the Sith are temptations by the light side. To have freinds, To not be suspious of everyone and everything, to let go of thier pain, to actually have someone who cares about them. Vader and Sion wanted what the light siders had. But to get to that power they must forsake friends, attachments to others , attachments to all life everywhere. They must be hated and hate others, they must destory anyone or anything that may be a distraction or compition to said power. And at no point can they ever relax if they do thats when someone (another sith maybe, or Jedi ) can strike. Compassion togetherness is some of the light sides powers so winning is not by chance it what they use. except the sith code is unobtainable. Because human beings need others. The Sith code is all about the Sith him or herself. If you listen to the code you no longer care about others and see everyone as holding you back from your goal Unlimited power. But the path way to that power is what makes it evil. And Madolore and Visas. Exept for Bane (who was killed by Zannah) and all the Darth's between Zannah and Sidious (including Plaguis) Vader/ Obi and Mace, Hoth/Farfalla there are probably others but those are the only one's I can think of off the top of my head. Just saying. Just to end things Dark side is not more powerful than the light. (But it's still fun to play dark side )
  23. If it isn't obvous Darth Bane (who my favorite charater) is. Yes he was a villian and evil but he also has some insperatonal things about him. I would also like to say thank you to Rayla_Felana for seeing the piece that was wrote about Surik. It made me a little happier as far as her death is concered. I liked Meetra story and was upset that she didn't get more credit in SW:TOR and her death wasn't more epic. The piece helped me relize that is exactly how a Jedi would want it. They are unimprotant. All that matters is the force.
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