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Is SWTOR dying?


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If you need that comment explained then you do not deserve an answer.


Ok if you want to play that game,

Definition of ACCESSIBLE. 1: providing access. 2. a: capable of being reached

How did WoW provide better access to an MMO then EQ? The growth of WoW was largely due to the advances in high speed internet and colossal fail of EQ2.

And how is TOR trying to provide better access?

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There certainly are a lot fewer people around which is a much more serious problem than people seem to realize. Fewer people means fewer groups, which means fewer people get to actually play the game instead of standing around, which leads to more cancellations, and so on in a downward spiral until you get to the very base level. This is a vicious circle and will mortally wound a decent title if not addressed. These problems are exacerbated Republic side, and many people would probably end up quitting for good rather than reroll again. They need server mergers right now, not in a couple months or weeks. they need to swallow their pride and say, "We released too many servers at launch. MMOs require a decent sized server for a functioning economy and group activities to maintain interest." This will help prolong the life of the game.


this i can agree with. we do need server merges and we need them now. they're fixing the q problems with cross server WZs, (and im crossing my fingers for a cross server FP finder), and dual spec will fix the lack of healers and tanks, but higher pop servers would go a long way in making the game more fun for everyone, at which point we may even start to grow.

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Quesh, for example, had 4 players on it. Really BW? Combine some Instances for Pete's sake! 4 players is laughable for a planet in any MMO.


What's laughable about Quesh is that it only takes about an hour to do the whole planet.

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I'll give 1000 dollars to anyone who can provide the name of a hyped MMO who's numbers didnt tank after launch.



biowares financial goal is to sustain 500k subs. considering the starting point of 2 million, and considering that even WoW (arguably worst launch of all time) only lost 50% of subs in those shaky months, TOR's chances of remaining financially viable for Bioware is very good. People fail to see through the hype and realize that this game has actually exceeded expectations.

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I may as well add my anecdotal evidence an opinions to the mix.


Unlike many, most, of the other posters I don't know how many others feel the same I can only reliably discuss my perceptions and feelings about the game.


1. I'm on a PvP server. The number of people in Fleet (Imp and Rep) has remained relatively steady during prime time over the last couple of months. We do have a large Empire to Republic imbalance, I'd say in the neighborhood of 3/1 Emp/Rep. So I have two 50s one Empire and one Republic. I switched to Republic to get away from Huttball ;-)


2. When questing on alts I'm seeing more people on planets than I have previously.


3. I've played a number of MMOs before SWTOR. WoW (for 7 years), AION, Warhammer, LoTR, ect. Of all the MMOs I've played only WoW and now SWTOR have been able to keep my attention past a couple of weeks.


4. The subscription numbers for SWTOR are actually much better for the first few months than those for WoW were. In fact WoWs launch, from my perspective, was pretty dismal. Server crashes, game bugs, heck I think I received several weeks of free play because of issues causing me to not to be able to log in.


5. There are a lot of issues with SWTOR, but then there are still a lot of issues with WoW (read the QQs in the WoW forums if you need some entertainment.)



I'm still enjoying the game and so long as they continue to fix bugs and add content I'll keep playing. I'm getting much more enjoyment out of SWTOR than I am WoW (yes I still have my WoW accounts).


Bottom line - if you enjoy the game play and make constructive comments to hopefully improve the game. If you don't enjoy the game, well vent your spleen and move on :D


(P.S. Because of the way they instance I'm not even sure what it means when there are 160+ in the Republic fleet and 260+ in the Imperial Fleet. )

Edited by Erasimus
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My server (Tott Doneeta) is 100% Dead... There is about 3 hours Mon-Friday where you get Que pops and it is almost all Huttball cause never enough Repubs.


People are playing less everyday, I play less everyday after hitting BM, it is very very sad

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The general definition of such. World of Warcraft was an easier game to progress in than Everquest in various ways. Just as The Old Republic is an easier game to progress in than World of Warcraft.


ok yes i agree with that EQ was definatly for the Hardcore. it's to bad us hardcore are a dieing breed

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if you expected them to be able to constantly provide fully voiced updates, then how come you can read? it makes no sense.


God we're still in 1.1. either stop ************ and make an alt, or ****. either way... noone wants to hear you *****.


You just proved one of the inherent problems with the game by trying to make your argument...


The argument you made was that in order to stay interested in this MMO that the person needs to make a totally different character and play the game all over again.


That's like me saying the ID game "Rage" was way too short. And you reply by telling me that it's not short if you re-play it 4-5 times.


The whole point of an MMO is to engulf yourself in your 1 avatar and enjoy exploring the world and experiencing the game as that character (even more so in a game that encourages role-playing).



PS. I'm curious what you would suggest someone like myself do, who has finished the story of all 4 main classes on my chosen faction. Would you honestly suggest I start rolling characters on the opposite faction to continue to enjoy this game? And if so, do you honestly still think that Bioware/EA delivered a good MMO and not just a fun single player game with a chatbox?

Edited by Ultratron
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Ok if you want to play that game,

Definition of ACCESSIBLE. 1: providing access. 2. a: capable of being reached

How did WoW provide better access to an MMO then EQ? The growth of WoW was largely due to the advances in high speed internet and colossal fail of EQ2.

And how is TOR trying to provide better access?


Hehe... What? WoW was the right game at the right time, but it was also a very good game. Pretending one existed without the other...

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The general definition of such. World of Warcraft was an easier game to progress in than Everquest in various ways. Just as The Old Republic is an easier game to progress in than World of Warcraft.


iv actually seen much more data that attests to the fact that leveling in TOR takes longer. things is, people just dont notice, and SPEND MORE TIME LEVELING because it's more fun than it was in WoW. thats why people are hitting 50 so fast. because its not a suicide-inducing grindfest.

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I'll give 1000 dollars to anyone who can provide the name of a hyped MMO who's numbers didnt tank after launch.



biowares financial goal is to sustain 500k subs. considering the starting point of 2 million, and considering that even WoW (arguably worst launch of all time) only lost 50% of subs in those shaky months, TOR's chances of remaining financially viable for Bioware is very good. People fail to see through the hype and realize that this game has actually exceeded expectations.


From what I recall didn't Aion hold up pretty well?

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My routine for PvP.


Que, win 3 times then stop for the day. Repeat process until I'm done with my weekly, then done PvPing for the week. I'm already Champion geared, valor 50. No hurry to get to BM.


Same goes for Ilumm, I'll do my 150 kills in one setting then stop until reset. No need for daily.


It only seems dying because there's really no point in PvPing much after you've reach your goal whether that's Champion/BM gear, valor, or daily/weekly. Sometimes I'll que with guildies to help them do theirs.


After my PvP is done, I jump on my alts or do HM with guildies.

Edited by Mrtomie
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ok yes i agree with that EQ was definatly for the Hardcore. it's to bad us hardcore are a dieing breed


This confuses me. So many hardcore gamers talk about EQ like the legendary lost holy grail of MMOs. Isn't it still online? If it's so great, why don't these people play it? Or has it changed so much that it's no longer like it was?


I'm not trying to flame or troll, I just wonder. I see posts about the greatness of EQ all the time and how they'd love to see another MMO like EQ, but EQ is still going and can still be played.

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if you expected them to be able to constantly provide fully voiced updates, then how come you can read? it makes no sense.


God we're still in 1.1. either stop ************ and make an alt, or ****. either way... noone wants to hear you *****.


You're starting to sound angry. Perhaps the truth hurts a bit too much. "I know there's no point, and future content will be of lower quality, but stop telling other people about it!"

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PS. I'm curious what you would suggest someone like myself do, who has finished the story of all 4 main classes on my chosen faction. Would you honestly suggest I start rolling characters on the opposite faction to continue to enjoy this game? And if so, do you honestly still think that Bioware/EA delivered a good MMO and not just a fun single player game with a chatbox?


there is nothing in the definition of MMO that says there should be endless end game immediately at launch. or EVER, for that matter. and yeah. reroll the other faction. and it is NOT the same as replaying Rage because every storyline is different and independant. ****, if you swap factions youll even be doing 90% different quests. so yeah. that's a good idea to keep urself entertained until the next big patch


This game is saving me money. the size and variety of this game has kept me from my (and likely a lot of other peoples) habits of needing a new game every other week. i spent 15$ on video games this month instead of 120. im happy about that.

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iv actually seen much more data that attests to the fact that leveling in TOR takes longer. things is, people just dont notice, and SPEND MORE TIME LEVELING because it's more fun than it was in WoW. thats why people are hitting 50 so fast. because its not a suicide-inducing grindfest.


Completely wrong. The leveling speed of TOR is shockingly linear. I leveled just as fast from 30-40 as from 40-50. This was not the case in WoW at ALL.

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iv actually seen much more data that attests to the fact that leveling in TOR takes longer. things is, people just dont notice, and SPEND MORE TIME LEVELING because it's more fun than it was in WoW. thats why people are hitting 50 so fast. because its not a suicide-inducing grindfest.




Okay, now that is funny.


Sorry, but I spent a lot more time gaming when WoW first came out. I don't have anywhere near as much time to game as I used too. It still took months for me to cap in WoW.

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This confuses me. So many hardcore gamers talk about EQ like the legendary lost holy grail of MMOs. Isn't it still online? If it's so great, why don't these people play it? Or has it changed so much that it's no longer like it was?


I'm not trying to flame or troll, I just wonder. I see posts about the greatness of EQ all the time and how they'd love to see another MMO like EQ, but EQ is still going and can still be played.


The graphics in EQ will make your eyes bleed.

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This game is saving me money. the size and variety of this game has kept me from my (and likely a lot of other peoples) habits of needing a new game every other week. i spent 15$ on video games this month instead of 120. im happy about that.


This game prevents me from playing other games.


Like Kingdoms of Amalur. Talk about value.

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My server (Tott Doneeta) is 100% Dead... There is about 3 hours Mon-Friday where you get Que pops and it is almost all Huttball cause never enough Repubs.


How about grabbing your buddies and/or guild and rerolling republic? Ta DA! Problem solved!


Oh no, wait - then you wouldnt be able to post drivel about something YOU are part responsible for and could help fix.

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This confuses me. So many hardcore gamers talk about EQ like the legendary lost holy grail of MMOs. Isn't it still online? If it's so great, why don't these people play it? Or has it changed so much that it's no longer like it was?


I'm not trying to flame or troll, I just wonder. I see posts about the greatness of EQ all the time and how they'd love to see another MMO like EQ, but EQ is still going and can still be played.


Gamer psychology would be an interesting study. From my observations it goes something like this:


I was bored with the game I just left although it was good in its time, but this game sucks. But that game I played a few years back (ignoring the fact that the game still exists and is playable) was really really great, I wish there was another game like it. Oh, and the next game they are advertising, wow it is the holy grail of MMOs I can't wait for it to come out.



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