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Are androids and Iphones declared as "required" for playing this game?


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What's amazing is this was never an issue for the 2 months the game has been out, but it's mentioned on the Q&A and now people are ZOMG.


Options were given in this thread to get if for free, yet this thread still carries on.






Probably because most people didn´t knew that a 1 hour fleet pass exists in the first place. I only know of it because of this thread.

And regarding you option, i still don´t know if the app actually works on the emulator or if you just lock yourself out of your TOR account using it. Have you tried it ?

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Impressive amounts of derail attempts here.


OP has nailed a point that irks many, and as evidenced in this thread, many has opinions on how to fix it. So do I.


The issue is not "waaah, I want freebies on sec auth vendor, fast fleetpass!111eleven" as many here has made it out to be. Which makes me think you are here to argue not contribute to reasonable discussion, but thats just my opinion.

Secondly, where OP lives has no impact on the topic at hand. Try to stick to issue not pointing at nonissues. Russia is definately in europe, not asia. Im aware geographical knowledge can be lacking in a certain country, but for the record europe is considered to start at the ural moutnains and going west. Asia is east of them. Russia is starting west of those mountains for the record.


What is essential is account security and avoiding hacking, and not having access to a tool to help in that regard.

Issue is that unless you either have android/Iphone or the keyfob, you do not have your account security maximized.

Its not a problem for north america users that lack said phone systems as they can get the keyfob, its a problem for EU customers.

EU customers get directed to origin store for the keyfob but then get the message its not available in your country. I even get the price listen in my local currency on the swtor page linkeng over to origin store. Tease! Good one! ^^

Frankly I dont care if it cost 4$ or 15$, and that I pay overseas shipping in addition to get it. Its just that I cant get it. Its NA and N/A.


Fix suggestion: run android emulators

As one poster early in the thread mentioned, the point with keygen is to have a device completely off your computer to prevent hacking (and by extent, reduce customer support issues from hacked accounts). Running the android emulator is therefore a bad idea, you put the security on a potentially compromised system and nullify the effect.


Get a smartphone

"since you cant get a keyfob in your secondrate country, get a phone" (ok, just the impression I get from some)

Lots of reasons not to if you think it over. Like already having a phone and a locked subscription you cant cancel nor change without excessive cost.

Worse, you can have it stolen/lost. They are popular targets for thieves.

And with loss in mind, I would like to mention something I believe you should consider.

Currently, you can only add one security authenticator to your account, you cant later remove it and add another. You can call customer support and have your sec aut removed from your login but not replaced.

So I consider sec aut on smartphone to be risky, compared to on keyfob.

The latter you are unlikely to bring outside your home.


There really is only one solution.

That origin store sells the keyfob to all countries, and let us pay cost for it + shipping.

Will be somewhat more expensive for EU than NA, but we like security no less than NA customers.

Secondly, and this should be a priority as well, the issue with not being able to unregister a keygen serial and add a new one need to be fixed so that we can replace keyfob/phones that are lost.

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This is called an "incentive". Bioware wants to encourage people to keep their accounts secure by using the added encryption key and so they give EXTRA perks to people who do.

This WAS called "INCENTIVE" untill Mr. Zoeller did not state that they're not going to change things about going to fleet because of EASILY AVALIBLE security fleet travel pass. Try to understand this. And it has nothing to do with how much time I spend getting to fleet now. It's just the fact - that some part of EU customers was treated like [selfcensored]. I wouldn't care that much if he added "in US", or (at least) "in most of the countries", but he did not.


EU customers get directed to origin store for the keyfob but then get the message its not available in your country. I even get the price listen in my local currency on the swtor page linkeng over to origin store. Tease! Good one! ^^

Frankly I dont care if it cost 4$ or 15$, and that I pay overseas shipping in addition to get it. Its just that I cant get it. I

Could you please tell us where are you from? Since In ru-page of origin store keyfobs are not even listed, it looks like (as I supposed) that there are more EU-zone countries having same problem. And we do not seem to require anything extra or free... I just would like official persons to think twice before giving any kind of official answers.


And having a golden post to clearify their point would also be nice, btw.

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As others have said before this is pointless. You already get the skill if you want to make it faster then you need a FOB or android/iphone app. If you cant do any of those 3 then you simply have to deal with the long cool down to fleet. I mean its very easy just quick travel to the spaceport wherever you are then click your ships map and fleet. It takes literally just a few minutes to do this.
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Stuff available on security vendor, yeah okay, cool, whatever.


Flat out saying that they won't improve on the cumbersome travel system because of a thing available only on the key vendor? Not cool.



LthalSavy: Will there be any way to implement a quick travel to your ship?


Georg Zoeller: Not in the short term, but it's something we've been discussing on and off. Currently, given how easily available fleet travel passes are on the Security Vendor, we don't think adding this is necessary.

"We ain't in a hurry to implement convenience for all our players since some of our players have this convenience already available to them!"


I'm not getting a security key, no matter what. I already know how to use a computer in a secure manner. Security Questions already irritate me more than enough. Requiring me to fiddle around with another device/program to access the game goes way beyond of what I'm willing to spend time on, no matter how fast this can be done.


Again, I'm okay with the security key and vendors, I don't want them, but saying that the game is "just fine!" because an item is available to only some of the players, and not all of them, is stupid.


Maybe we don't need any engine improvements at all, some players don't have FPS issues! Maybe we don't need to improve PvE at all, some players enjoy it just fine! Maybe we don't need to work on PvP either, some players don't PvP at all!


*they do mention improving travel in other parts of that Q&A, and even that answer only says "Currently", but that doesn't do much to alleviate the grumpiness caused by the answer.

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Stuff available on security vendor, yeah okay, cool, whatever.


Flat out saying that they won't improve on the cumbersome travel system because of a thing available only on the key vendor? Not cool.




"We ain't in a hurry to implement convenience for all our players since some of our players have this convenience already available to them!"


I'm not getting a security key, no matter what. I already know how to use a computer in a secure manner. Security Questions already irritate me more than enough. Requiring me to fiddle around with another device/program to access the game goes way beyond of what I'm willing to spend time on, no matter how fast this can be done.


Again, I'm okay with the security key and vendors, I don't want them, but saying that the game is "just fine!" because an item is available to only some of the players, and not all of them, is stupid.


Maybe we don't need any engine improvements at all, some players don't have FPS issues! Maybe we don't need to improve PvE at all, some players enjoy it just fine! Maybe we don't need to work on PvP either, some players don't PvP at all!


*they do mention improving travel in other parts of that Q&A, and even that answer only says "Currently", but that doesn't do much to alleviate the grumpiness caused by the answer.


If they give these to everyone where is the incentive to buy the security key? They already give the skill to everyone. Want it faster break down spend a whole $4 for permanent access to the vendor. Prob solved. As far as the rest is is apples to oranges. Pvp is not the same as having temporary fleet passes. I have access to this vendor and have never bought a single fleet pass. They are hardly needed to play.

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If they give these to everyone where is the incentive to buy the security key? They already give the skill to everyone. Want it faster break down spend a whole $4 for permanent access to the vendor. Prob solved. As far as the rest is is apples to oranges. Pvp is not the same as having temporary fleet passes. I have access to this vendor and have never bought a single fleet pass. They are hardly needed to play.

You missed the point by a few thousand miles.

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You missed the point by a few thousand miles.


No I didnt miss the point. PVP is an entire system where the fleet pass is simply a minor convience. I think its you who missed the point. Comparing a quick travel to your ship to pvp is apples to oranges. Its not even remotely the same thing.

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No I didnt miss the point. PVP is an entire system where the fleet pass is simply a minor convience. I think its you who missed the point. Comparing a quick travel to your ship to pvp is apples to oranges. Its not even remotely the same thing.



I wasn't comparing PVP to fleet pass.


I was making bit of a hyperbole out of Bioware saying that "Thing A is okay because some people don't have issue with it!".


Quick travel is okay because some people have access to low-CD fleet passes.

PvE is okay because some people enjoy it.

PvP is okay because some people don't play it at all.



Everything is okay, because some people like it, no need to update anything, ever.


There'd be no issue whatsoever if the QA would've been like this:

LthalSavy: Will there be any way to implement a quick travel to your ship?


Georg Zoeller: Not in the short term, but it's something we've been discussing on and off.

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Stuff available on security vendor, yeah okay, cool, whatever.


Flat out saying that they won't improve on the cumbersome travel system because of a thing available only on the key vendor? Not cool.




"We ain't in a hurry to implement convenience for all our players since some of our players have this convenience already available to them!"


I'm not getting a security key, no matter what. I already know how to use a computer in a secure manner. Security Questions already irritate me more than enough. Requiring me to fiddle around with another device/program to access the game goes way beyond of what I'm willing to spend time on, no matter how fast this can be done.


Again, I'm okay with the security key and vendors, I don't want them, but saying that the game is "just fine!" because an item is available to only some of the players, and not all of them, is stupid.


They never actually said the game was "just fine" in that part, they said because access to the SKV was easily obtained that they didn't believe it was necessary at this time to implement a direct to ship teleport, but that they were discussing it off and on. They do intend, as far as I know, to improve the travel system, however.

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I wasn't comparing PVP to fleet pass.


I was making bit of a hyperbole out of Bioware saying that "Thing A is okay because some people don't have issue with it!".


Quick travel is okay because some people have access to low-CD fleet passes.

PvE is okay because some people enjoy it.

PvP is okay because some people don't play it at all.



Everything is okay, because some people like it, no need to update anything, ever.


There'd be no issue whatsoever if the QA would've been like this:


You are comparing thing A to Thing Z and saying they should be the same when they are completely different in every single aspect. You have a fleet pass for free everyone does. You do not have to keep buying them and it works every 18 hrs like clockwork. There is simply no reason for them to waste time coding a quick travel to ship when we already have fleet pass skill.

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They never actually said the game was "just fine" in that part, they said because access to the SKV was easily obtained that they didn't believe it was necessary at this time to implement a direct to ship teleport, but that they were discussing it off and on. They do intend, as far as I know, to improve the travel system, however.

Entirely true. I just don't agree with the idea that they don't feel it to be an "urgent" change due to the 'easily' available pass from the key vendor. Had they said that they've thought about it, but didn't feel it was an urgent change due to changes like coming:

Brian Audette (Senior Designer): We've absolutely heard what the fans are saying and have been exploring options to address these issues. While we are still investigating allowing speeder use in Space Ports, we've also been looking for other ways to get people from point A to point B with greater haste. One such feature will specifically affect planets that have Orbital Stations instead of Space Ports such as: Tython, Korriban, Hoth, and Belsavis. We'll be adding an option for players to go directly to their ships from the surface shuttles as opposed to having them run through the Orbital Station to their airlocks. This feature and some additional tweaks will start showing up in Game Update 1.2.

I'd have a lot less 'problems' with it.



There is simply no reason for them to waste time coding a quick travel to ship when we already have fleet pass skill.

Nor there is a reason for them to move the fleet pass item to regular vendor, nor is there a reason why they couldn't cut down the EFP cooldown to hour or two.


EFP is everything but convenient method of travel due to the 18 hour CD. Currently it works since there's very little need of ever leaving the fleet after L50. But thenagain, I don't have an issue with this at the moment.


What I do have problem with, is the BW's sentiment that they don't need to implement anything in that regard since there already is a fix for the issue readily available.... to some players.

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In last Q&A session there was one thing that seemed strange to me. I'd love to have some clarifications about this matter.




Security vendor is avalible to those who use authentificator system. Authentificator system is avalible to those who use Idevices or androids(for free afaik). It also exists as small physical thing (for price afaik) which seems not to be avalible to all the countries, that may OFICIALLY buy and use this game. It is not mentioned among goods for my region, neither on the site (swtor.com), nor in origin store SWTOR page - client and timecards are all they offer.


So, following the simple logic - unless I buy myself an I-device\android device, I'll NEVER get an access to important in-game feature (Fleet Pass). Though I pay same subscribtion. And we are talking not about some rare mounts or pets or holodancers or special outfits. We are talking about NEEDED in-game feature here.


Not a problem. Join Warzone and Quit. Free fleet pass every 2 minutes.

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There are people who play games but dont have an android or iPhone? :eek::D


Tbh i still havent bought the 2nd fleet pass.


There are a lot of cell-phones on the market that aren't smart-phones, but are more simplistic like flip-phones, and people use them because they are a lot cheaper.

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Nor there is a reason for them to move the fleet pass item to regular vendor, nor is there a reason why they couldn't cut down the EFP cooldown to hour or two.


Yes there is you've been told many times but refuse to listen. The reason is they want people's accounts to be secure. They dont even make money off the fob and the android/iphone app is free. Its about not having accounts compromised. If there is no incentive then noone will use it. There also is no need to reduce the cooldown on fleet pass. Why do you have to go to the fleet every hour? Really? I mean come on.

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Yes there is you've been told many times but refuse to listen. The reason is they want people's accounts to be secure. They dont even make money off the fob and the android/iphone app is free. Its about not having accounts compromised. If there is no incentive then noone will use it. There also is no need to reduce the cooldown on fleet pass. Why do you have to go to the fleet every hour? Really? I mean come on.

My account is perfectly secure even without these stupid things. All they do for me is add another layer of inconvenience.


And brush up on your reading skills. Nowhere in my first post I wanted the fleet pass to be available for everyone. You brought it up. And even on my post that you quoted, I said

Currently it works since there's very little need of ever leaving the fleet after L50. But thenagain, I don't have an issue with this at the moment.



Whole issue I have with the thing is BW stating that they aren't in a hurry to fix something (whatever it is, doesn't matter), since there's a solution which is only available to some players.

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My account is perfectly secure even without these stupid things. All they do for me is add another layer of inconvenience.


And brush up on your reading skills. Nowhere in my first post I wanted the fleet pass to be available for everyone. You brought it up. And even on my post that you quoted, I said




Hello fleet pass is available to everyone. Its just the temp ones that are not. Also just because your computer is secure doesnt mean everyone's is so again you are saying things which have no basis for an argument. The world doesnt revolve solely around you. If you dont want it for everyone then you should be happy with the system as it is.

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Hello fleet pass is available to everyone. Its just the temp ones that are not. Also just because your computer is secure doesnt mean everyone's is so again you are saying things which have no basis for an argument. The world doesnt revolve solely around you. If you dont want it for everyone then you should be happy with the system as it is.

The world doesn't revolve solely around the people with security keys, either. Which is what BW seems to think.

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