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Are androids and Iphones declared as "required" for playing this game?


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Where did you get that? The original quote in the opening post says they have been discussing quick travel to your ship, as a reply to a question concerning that. In no way is anything being said about the quality of the traveling system.


LthalSavy: Will there be any way to implement a quick travel to your ship?


Georg Zoeller: Not in the short term, but it's something we've been discussing on and off. Currently, given how easily available fleet travel passes are on the Security Vendor, we don't think adding this is necessary.


Why would they have been discussing it if it wasn't an improvement?


I agree IF you have the Fleet Pass the need for quick travel to your ship is reduced, but the fact is everyone doesn't have access to it.



Actually, everyone SHOULD get a security key. Period.

The 1H Fleet Pass is just a carrot-on-a-stick.


The real problem is the FOB not being available to everyone.



No, it's pretty easy to secure yourself to the point where the only likelihood of someone "hacking" your account is brute force (which shouldn't work anyway).


Security keys help those that don't have that security, but they are in no way needed for someone that actually practices decent security in the first place. All they bring in that situation is an extra layer of time and some potential problems.


If a 1 hour Fleet Pass is a carrot on a stick, then the travel system itself is the whip. :eek:

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yes yes, now hte 18 hour cooldown isn't 'properly functional' because you can't use it when you WANT WANT WANT


ill let you continue to cry about it, while i go and play the game


im sure ill come back in an hour and you'll be threatening to unsub from the game until you get this feature




You can rant all you want, but that still doesn't defeat a reasoned argument. :)

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This WAS called "INCENTIVE" untill Mr. Zoeller did not state that they're not going to change things about going to fleet because of EASILY AVALIBLE security fleet travel pass. Try to understand this. And it has nothing to do with how much time I spend getting to fleet now. It's just the fact - that some part of EU customers was treated like [selfcensored]. I wouldn't care that much if he added "in US", or (at least) "in most of the countries", but he did not.


1. Google Ebay

2. Find SWTOR Authenticator on Ebay

3. Paypal your purchase

4. Receive authenticator

5. Buy Fleet Pass from vendor in game

6. Travel to fleet!


7. ... realize you only really wanted it because you couldnt get it and its not a game changer in any way.

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I have missed some of the posts but, have read many. Here are few points since my last post.


  1. It's not directly once per 18hrs vs once per hour. There is an in-game expense involved and a number available fleet shuttles that are pretty accessible from many areas via taxis and quick travel points.
  2. Are there actaully areas that don't offer the key fob but, the game is "officially" offered there? I saw Denmark brough up which is EU but, I thought did offer the fobs and the OP was from Russia where I have seen that the fobs are not offered but, haven't seen the country listed anywhere as officially supported by name.
  3. Doesn't it seem like it is the retailer/distrubutor that is more to blame in the case of the OP? Just because the game can be bought in a store, does not mean the manufacturer/developer officially supports where it is finally sold or used.
  4. There is an emulator option.


It's a regrettable situation for the OP but, I don't see where BW is really at blame for partially serving a region it does not really or offically support. I know wea re in a rush to play but, sometimes we are better off waiting for true releases in our areas or being aware of the likely pitfalls we choose to face.

Edited by Matte_Black
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Why would they have been discussing it if it wasn't an improvement?



You mentioned BW said: ,,It's not working well."


The quote mentioned they are looking into an alternative mode of transport. Nowhere do they talk about the quality of the travel system nor do they call it an improvement.

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It's a regrettable situation for the OP but, I don't see where BW is really at blame for partially serving a region it does not really or offically support.

/facepalm (x10)


Would this link serve you as a proof that my country IS supposed to be OFFICIALLY SUPPORTED? http://www.swtor.com/info/faq#171064


It's right between Portugal and Spain, you know. And Denmark, which was mentioned by other player also on a list. There are no additional references about limited support and\or extra charges.

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Of course, if you really want it, then you can get a PC Android Emulator which you can then run the Android Keyfob program on.




Totally missing the point with a security measure like this. keep the device off the pc or it too can get compromised along with your pc when you managed to get a trojan or similar.

Point with security is to block holes, not open new ones.


I see you live in england btw, which is eu. You cant get that keyfob either, but gotta rely on a smartphone. Its only available to people in the US/canada.


For the record I dont give a **** about the sec vendor commodities, Id get the keyfob for its purpose - security.

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Totally missing the point with a security measure like this. keep the device off the pc or it too can get compromised along with your pc when you managed to get a trojan or similar.

Point with security is to block holes, not open new ones.


I see you live in england btw, which is eu. You cant get that keyfob either, but gotta rely on a smartphone. Its only available to people in the US/canada.


For the record I dont give a **** about the sec vendor commodities, Id get the keyfob for its purpose - security.


If they get a keylogger on your machine, you have bigger problems to worry about than getting your account hacked.

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A reoccurring complaint is the travel time, enough so that the Q and A addressed it. Saying it shouldn't be much of an issue because some people can access a shortcut is a bit fallacious. And this is coming from someone who has an iPhone and the app. Edited by JustCuz
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Oh yes it's shorter, indeed. It's 60 mins afaik. They can do whatever they like and move to FP or GTN as they need it. I can move to fleet once per day, same way as all those who do not want or (as in my case) can not use authentificator.


We need more reasonable people like you playing games.

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Why should anyone have to get a security key to get a properly functional travel system?



Shouldn't a fit for purpose travel system be part of an MMO that someone is paying a subcription for?


Travel system is functional. Just because you don't like it doesn't make it suddenly nonfunctional. Whether or not improvements can be made to said travel system also does not make it nonfunctional.

Edited by terminova
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You mentioned BW said: ,,It's not working well."


The quote mentioned they are looking into an alternative mode of transport. Nowhere do they talk about the quality of the travel system nor do they call it an improvement.


They don't think an improvement (quick travel to ship) is needed because of Fleet Pass, yet Fleet Pass isn't available to everyone.


If they didn't think it was an improvement why would the mention that those with Fleet Pass don't need it?




Travel system is functional. Just because you don't like it doesn't make it suddenly nonfunctional. Whether or not improvements can be made to said travel system also does not make it nonfunctional.




Yes I agree it is functional, I've never said it was non-functional (why would I?), however I don't agree that it is fit for purpose or anything like "good" (and seemingly neither do Bioware), the two are very different things. :)



I also agree with them that it is much improved WITH access to Fleet Pass, my issue is that everyone doesn't have access to the Fleet Pass.

Edited by Goretzu
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So, following the simple logic - unless I buy myself an I-device\android device, I'll NEVER get an access to important in-game feature (Fleet Pass). Though I pay same subscribtion. And we are talking not about some rare mounts or pets or holodancers or special outfits. We are talking about NEEDED in-game feature here.


Or spend a whole what, $6?? For your own account protection? Yeah, I can see where that would be a bummer ... They give this as a perk, just as Blizzard does, for getting something that will protect your account ...


It is a great investment if you don't have an iphone/android, which I don't ....



$6.and change .....

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Or spend a whole what, $6?? For your own account protection? Yeah, I can see where that would be a bummer ... They give this as a perk, just as Blizzard does, for getting something that will protect your account ...


It is a great investment if you don't have an iphone/android, which I don't ....



$6.and change .....





Come on man you're messing with my beer fund.

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Come on man you're messing with my beer fund.





I honestly think WoW spoiled people by having an instant portal to everywhere so no one has to walk more than 20 steps to move around the entire planet, ignoring everything ..


I honestly don't know why blizzard even bothered putting in zones other than raid/dungeons and just have a port to each of them ...


People's are lazy ....


P.S. and thanks for posting this thread, it just reminded me I need to buy some more Fleetpasses ;)

Edited by Balrizangor
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In last Q&A session there was one thing that seemed strange to me. I'd love to have some clarifications about this matter.




Security vendor is avalible to those who use authentificator system. Authentificator system is avalible to those who use Idevices or androids(for free afaik). It also exists as small physical thing (for price afaik) which seems not to be avalible to all the countries, that may OFICIALLY buy and use this game. It is not mentioned among goods for my region, neither on the site (swtor.com), nor in origin store SWTOR page - client and timecards are all they offer.


So, following the simple logic - unless I buy myself an I-device\android device, I'll NEVER get an access to important in-game feature (Fleet Pass). Though I pay same subscribtion. And we are talking not about some rare mounts or pets or holodancers or special outfits. We are talking about NEEDED in-game feature here.


I also found that they said that odd, to say the least. Considering the many posts I've seen about problems with Security Keys and the many people (myself included) who refuse to use them, I can't believe they would consider that (the Fleet Pass) a standard item that all players have access to.


Hello, BioWare! Assuming everyone is using a Security Key is like assuming everyone bought a Collector's Edition. It's simply an unrealistic assumption. Make Fleet Passes available via regular vendors and then you can say that Travel is not a problem. Until then it remains an issue. Okay? Okay.



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They don't think an improvement (quick travel to ship) is needed because of Fleet Pass, yet Fleet Pass isn't available to everyone.


If they didn't think it was an improvement why would the mention that those with Fleet Pass don't need it?


As was mentioned earlier, to point it out to the people.


A question is being asked about an alternative means of transportation and they bring up another such means already in the game.


BW did not make any statements about the quality of the travel system, nor did they say QT to ship or the fleet pass is an improvement to the system.

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