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I would like to see some sandbox elements introduced to SWTOR.


Sure, some people hate to go out and look for perfect materials to craft a perfect couch to position just perfectly under their carefully illuminated giant krayt dragon skull in their precisely designed and furnished homes...if it isn't your cup of tea, fine...but let me have my epic couch in my epic living room with my epic hairstyle.


I am still playing WOW years later...it is the same grind every arena season, the same grind every new tier of gear, and for the most part the same quests, but I can hang out on vent with my buddies and laugh at newbs that stand in fire or panic when I start playing spin the dragon for funsies because the silly dragon couldn't kill me if it tried. I wish WOW had more sandbox elements...pet and mount collections are done, have every tier set for several toons, all reps are maxx'd, so now all I have to do is wait for the next tier/expansion and decide which bits I have to throw away because I have no epic living room to hang all of my old weapons up in.


There is nothing necessary to top end play about sandbox elements. You don't have to have an epic couch in an epic living room to have all the best gear...why should it offend people that others might want to have that couch just because it makes them smile to sit and chat on it.


At this point, I would settle for chairs that I can sit in at the cantina...even NWN 1 had chairs you could sit in...

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I stand by my assertion that this game has got to get content....not more linear story lines but content.



I am in a raid guild on EQ2. We log in...raid....as soon as raid is over we leave.


I am now logging into SWTOR...crafting, doing a quest or two and leaving.


Both have become mundane. It took EQ2 5 years to become mundane. SWTOR is already mundane in 2 months for me....because it has no content other then linear story lines.

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The greatest feature of SWG was the crafting and housing.


I was not a crafter but i did have a house... No one from Pre-cu/CU played the NGE, past the first week anyway. I would estimate 80% of NGE players never tried pre-cu


I do agree with your estimate about if they played pre-cu, but to say no one from pre-cu/cu didnt stay and play nge is a little far stretched. I do agree with you about the features though and the ones listed previously in this thread, but for the most part only the minority enjoyed them which is quite sad.

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I played on the naritus server pre NGE for over a year and post NGE for less than 2 months.


Prior to the NGE Naritus was packed with all kinds of players and several of them had multiple accounts for different classes to work all the mechanics the game had to offer. Then when u got force sensative you could get an alt to help balance your farming economy and still play when you made the bounty list. You didnt even need the quests to run around and have fun. All the guilds and wars and just running around getting into something with at least 2 or 3 others made it so fun.


I have not logged in yet as it is still downloading but already am looking into a refund. Nothing against this game but Pre NGE SWG despite all of its flaws was a great game for what it offered. And to all the haters this is for you - Pre NGE is the key to SWG. it lost 3/4 of its player base with only maybe 1/4 coming back.


Another issue that is related to both games - The devs with their infinite wisdow on SWG and what they felt should be a good game ignored the players and in the end ruined a great game. Will it be the same here? The life of any game is its players. This game sold so many copies and spiked early because of SWG plain and simple. Alot of us were hoping to see Pre NGE stuff here. Some of us wanted post NGE stuff here. That is why the game sold so much so quick. Now every area i look in (forums) says that aservers are dead. I am almost scared to make an initial log in.


Well lets hope for the best. (plan to expect the worst)


Latobuck From Naritus!

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That doesn't mean its better though now does it having longer licence lol? It just means EAsy has got more clout now that SOE ever had.


SWTOR is very bland, not very exciting and very samey all through it. No matter where you go everyone's got same gear just different shade of rubbery red or brown or what ever.And why is all armour or clothing made from rubber or plastic btw? Nothing feels rusty ,metallic or breakable.Just bouncy .


NPCs moving ...rofl ..yeah on every planet there's at least a dozen..per planet.That's it. The rest stand still ,sometimes they even swing their arms.OK so they all talk,woooppeeedoo.


Im very bored already and I am a die hard SW fan . Theres something just not right here and its probably stems from making it dumbed down and easy resulting in it feeling very console orientated. And lets be honest it isn't a hard game at all. Pick a force user and you can solo anything.Only time its hard is when a gunslinger is fighting mobs a level below him :/


But I mean come on, a MMO with 4 classes! FOUR! No not 8, 4 and the other 4 are mirrors exact copies. Abilities and everything the same. I am all for balance but really this is going from one extreme to another here.


There are some clever touches from missions being class and race orientated ie you're a slave if a twi'lek sith but a hero if pureblood, and even things like Dorna the commando comp saying lieutenant the British way and not the yank way etc.


Still doesn't make a good mmo though if its all just the same from start to finish ,has lousy PvP (Huttball??? ffs what a joke not even close to being lore makes the game a joke and shows what is to come in the future)



So in answer to OP the best game is the one that managed to keep players playing even when bugged and frustrating (PRE NGE) and not this beige thing (sadly)

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I would go back to SWG in a flash if given a chance. I loved the space content, mainly the PoB's and gunships (Black Sun Vigo was my fav) and decorating them and turning them into different things (I had 1 that was an art museum and another that was a mini star destroyer). I respect all of your other ideas on Galaxies, but I think that it was a great game.
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What if SWG 2 came out, and it was sandbox 2.0, basically redefining the way sandbox games work, ship, city, lightsaber creation is all still there, but expanded, sort of like EVE Online, the amount of freedom players have in that game is just out of this world, if they made a SWG 2 game with similar features i would play it in a heartbeat, i already wish this game was more like SWG and an SWG 2 would be a dream come true for me.


lots of people would.. but the wow crowd wouldn't because games like that are too hard.. they are weak minded and feeble simpletons who destroyed the mmo genre.

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I just about agree with EVERYTHING on this page. Tbh I think George Lucas is kicking himself a little, yeah he may have more money due to a bigger budget game. BUT, I would say at least 75% of all players are un happy with something major in the game.


SWG was a lot more welcoming, in the two weeks I've now had TOR.. I have had 3 people ask me with a whisper if I wanted to do a heroic. SWG I would have that per day (depending on what server ofc.) That's just my experiences so far. The two major problems for me atm are the maps being the furthest thing from a free roam planetary map you can get. Ie having a big square or circle map that you can just go from one end to another & visit several major cities.


& the other problem is that TOR doesn't have a housing & furniture system yet. Now I know it is only just released, I've been defending that fact to people for the fortnight I've had the game. But TOR is in the shadow of SWG. They will be compared to it all the time no matter what they do, & the reason for that is because SWG was shut down because of the upcoming release of TOR. The sooner they bring some of the things that made SWG fun the better. What I'm talking about there is animal pets that you must level, organic mounts, housing, free roam space, & the option to fly more then one specific fraking star ship per class.


Also, adding on the community communication..

I was waiting a week for a mate to get on to invite me to the guild. In that downtime week when I was leveling.. ect ect. Not once did I get anyone ask me if I wanted to join a guild. & there where a lot of times I was just pissing around on Coruscant or up in the republic fleet. SWG there was always someone advertising a guild, heroic event or trying to sell something. Perhaps it is my current server but I see none of that on this game. & if it is the current server then some merges need to happen before more people rage quit due to there being nothing to do. TOR needs to be turned sandbox real quick IMO. I've been waiting a few years for this game & once I get the main toons I want to 50, I fear there will be a chance of me not getting another time card.

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Also, adding on the community communication..

I was waiting a week for a mate to get on to invite me to the guild. In that downtime week when I was leveling.. ect ect. Not once did I get anyone ask me if I wanted to join a guild. & there where a lot of times I was just pissing around on Coruscant or up in the republic fleet. SWG there was always someone advertising a guild, heroic event or trying to sell something. Perhaps it is my current server but I see none of that on this game. & if it is the current server then some merges need to happen before more people rage quit due to there being nothing to do. TOR needs to be turned sandbox real quick IMO. I've been waiting a few years for this game & once I get the main toons I want to 50, I fear there will be a chance of me not getting another time card.





I have found this also. I joined a guild pre launch but it turned out once ingame just to be an ego trip for one guy and it wasnt for me.Since i left theres not been one person attempt to recruit any of my untagged characters while I level.


Ive had ONE heroic invite and that as without words (accept window pops...i talk to group ..silence.Ended up we did whole +4 Heroic in silence and then split)

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SWG2 is never coming out, forget about that game. It wasn't good and that's why it isn't alive anymore.


Just because you personally enjoy a style of game, doesn't mean the vast majority of mmo players do.


You just have to accept that a sandbox MMO doesn't work, especially when the vast majority of players started with World of Warcraft.


Actually if you had played SWG before the combat revamp you'd have an idea what other are talking about.



The sandbox MMO did work it worked to well I get the feeling that you never played SWG or at least not before the combat revamp SOE did.


The game was very popular before that, but a poor design choice led to mass subscription losses. Some people eventually did come back when they'd improved the revamp etc but it was never the same.


Changes needed to happen the dev's said themselves just like WoW devs have commented on since.


Players are a very clever and they never expected the player base to be able to craft and create what they did. So the game had to be changed but the way they did it was a bad joke imo and made the game a mess. 52 proffesions went down to around 12 and everyone could role a jedi which went against the philosophy of orginal game.


The idea behind a player driven economy and world was great like player made cities etc

and worked very well. Also although the items were rather overpowered upto the revamp the economy was stable and worked well.


Everything you could get was player made, armour, transport, weapons, houses, guild halls etc etc


In many ways I still think the pre-combat revamp game is one of the best MMO experiences I have had because you could control so many aspects of your characters

game life and enviroment.


The likes of WOW and SWTOR are rather watered down compared to how SWG originally was, maybe the concept was to grand but it did work for several years.

Edited by Shakari
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As a day 1 SWG vet and a last day member i have to say most of you are delusional.


Pre-NGE was not a golden age, it was boring, it was expolitable, it was elitist, it was bugged beyond belief, it was unbalanced to the point of absurdity. And admit it or not by 2004 the game was bleeding subs by the thousands per month due to bordem and poor game design. In the end all that was left were quasi-religious SWG zealots (most of whom are populating this thread it seems) who had delusions that the game was good and everyone but themselves was an imbecile for not realising it.


Some of you have got to have saddle sores from sitting on your high horses so long.

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Which of the two do you like more and why? Personally i don't understand how you can go from KOTOR 1 and 2 to this, (from what i hear there are some devs that worked on KOTOR on the SWTOR team) i understand those were single player games, but a 2012 MMO to feel like a 2005 MMO or whatever is just plain embarassing, it's the year 2012, get with the times "Bioware" or whoever you are.


With that being said, i would like it if this game was more sandbox style like SWG and had populated worlds where NPC's would roam around, the KOTOR games felt rich with life, this game just feel completely dead, everything in this game looks like an abandoned movie set. Makes me sad, I feel like in the hands of another company this game probably would have been better in at least one aspect.


You know, as hard as it is for me to say, this game is much better, but it is a hard choice. There are many, many aspects of SWG that I did not like, but I just felt like it was so much more Star Wars at times. I love the way you can communicate and set your own character's personality on SWTOR, but I remember back in SWG being tracked halfway across the galaxy by a bounty hunter. I also remember the number of races they had, which as I've mentioned in another post is a huge concern of mine. I loved my Ithorian Jedi, and they would have made perfect consulars. It just shows a rushed job IMO.


That as an example. Bioware could have done so much more, and still can. I do love how free SWG was, with housing, mods, and all that, but I would never go back. This game is hands down the better one. It's missing so much, but SWG cannot even begin to complete. Take some of SWG and merge it with this, like the all around freedom, customization, etc, and keep the better parts of SWTOR and we've got ourselves one hell of a game. ^_^


But really, the game is new, people. Brand new. It could have done much better in release, but give it some time. Don't disregard it as a terrible creation with no potential just yet. There are always things better about one game than another. All around, SWTOR is much better than SWG, as it should be. SWG was a good game in some respects, but all around it was just terrible. The only thing I could ever really miss was the freedom, and more than that the races, but these are things that, with time, Bioware can easily achieve and do better.


But hey, I'm speaking out of my ***. I'm no big time gamer, really, and I remember few things about SWG and have played little on this. So maybe I don't know what I'm talking about. I do have to say though that people are just not giving this a chance.


P.S I also remember in very old SWG having to earn Jedi. I remember in Vanilla WoW the achieved feeling when you got your mount. Kick me in the ribs if I'm wrong, but I have a feeling that this game won't have all too much of that feeling. :/

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From all of the pre release videos from Bioware I viewed, it gave me the impression there would be SWTOR > SWG. I was under the impression there would be a ton of races, a ton of options. The likes of which have never been seen.


To demonstrate this simply go make a new toon, Cyborg.. there are three different types of faces on body 2... Western, African & Asian. That is the most pathetic excuse for a character customisation I think I have ever seen. You can't edit brow lines, jaws ect. There is no Character customisation. Just a bunch of pre set looks that you can slightly interchange. Bioware needs to get a kick up the *** or SOE can open SWG for all I care. The more I play this game the more disappointed I get. To elaborate more on the races, I was at least expecting all of what SWG had, except the Wookies perhaps. But I was hoping for Selkath, Nautolan, possibly Gungans. The exotic species you never get to see except on NPCs.

I've always dreamed my Jedi to be a Gungan. I really thought this game was going to be "revolutionary" as they said. It's just a more intense KOTOR.


I try to take a day or two off in between leveling to try to be enthusiastic about it. It works less & less every time. & I've not even hit level 25 yet... SWG imo was better in almost every way. I would really like to hear from a Bioware mod on these matters. It will never happen but I would like to hear their POV.

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As a day 1 SWG vet and a last day member i have to say most of you are delusional.


Pre-NGE was not a golden age, it was boring, it was expolitable, it was elitist, it was bugged beyond belief, it was unbalanced to the point of absurdity. And admit it or not by 2004 the game was bleeding subs by the thousands per month due to bordem and poor game design. In the end all that was left were quasi-religious SWG zealots (most of whom are populating this thread it seems) who had delusions that the game was good and everyone but themselves was an imbecile for not realising it.


Some of you have got to have saddle sores from sitting on your high horses so long.


Just to jump on ship with you as devil's advocate, I've been reading this thread, and I gotta say most of the responses confuse me. I played SWG, actually I only played pre-NGE SWG, so I have no idea what these "ruining" changes are everyone goes on about - faster combat and everyone can be a Jedi is all I know, so it sounds like slow people that put in the effort to become a Jedi are the ones that got shafted - but the game that I played was pretty boring.


Lots of empty planets, hardly any quests, and a humongous time-sink to get any palpable progression.


All I remember is flat worlds with hardly anything in them except people standing around the one city on each planet by themselves grinding their crafting skills. For months. I don't remember any of the great fun everyone is talking about, nor could I, if given the choice, ever pick Galaxies over TOR.


Are all of you SWG fans just rabid crafters?

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Just to jump on ship with you as devil's advocate, I've been reading this thread, and I gotta say most of the responses confuse me. I played SWG, actually I only played pre-NGE SWG, so I have no idea what these "ruining" changes are everyone goes on about - faster combat and everyone can be a Jedi is all I know, so it sounds like slow people that put in the effort to become a Jedi are the ones that got shafted - but the game that I played was pretty boring.


Lots of empty planets, hardly any quests, and a humongous time-sink to get any palpable progression.


All I remember is flat worlds with hardly anything in them except people standing around the one city on each planet by themselves grinding their crafting skills. For months. I don't remember any of the great fun everyone is talking about, nor could I, if given the choice, ever pick Galaxies over TOR.


Are all of you SWG fans just rabid crafters?


Maybe it was just when you where on. I never played that far back. But what I do know is people grinded for month & months constantly to achieve Jedi. When the CU rolled around the next nub who joined could be a Jedi instantly. People grinded all the for absolutely nothing. The period I was on I think was the best. People where coming back from rage quits about NGE, there was new great content, the voice system had rolled in when I was starting to get in with the community.


You have to be a certain person to like what SWG had to offer. ofc it wasn't everyone's cup of tea, nothing is. But from what I have heard from first hand accounts. PreCU was great if you knew what you where doing. I'm sure that's the case now as well. But TOR needs more trinkets to help the time pass. IMO the best thing they can do right now is a housing system, that would get 98% of the subs back in. I'd bet everything I had on it.


That's what I LOVED more than anything on SWG. The housing system & being able to express yourself in your furniture. That & if they did that you would now have a proper use of all of your quest equipment you've outgrown, turn it in to decor!

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From all of the pre release videos from Bioware I viewed, it gave me the impression there would be SWTOR > SWG. I was under the impression there would be a ton of races, a ton of options. The likes of which have never been seen.


To demonstrate this simply go make a new toon, Cyborg.. there are three different types of faces on body 2... Western, African & Asian. That is the most pathetic excuse for a character customisation I think I have ever seen. You can't edit brow lines, jaws ect. There is no Character customisation. Just a bunch of pre set looks that you can slightly interchange. Bioware needs to get a kick up the *** or SOE can open SWG for all I care. The more I play this game the more disappointed I get. To elaborate more on the races, I was at least expecting all of what SWG had, except the Wookies perhaps. But I was hoping for Selkath, Nautolan, possibly Gungans. The exotic species you never get to see except on NPCs.

I've always dreamed my Jedi to be a Gungan. I really thought this game was going to be "revolutionary" as they said. It's just a more intense KOTOR.


I try to take a day or two off in between leveling to try to be enthusiastic about it. It works less & less every time. & I've not even hit level 25 yet... SWG imo was better in almost every way. I would really like to hear from a Bioware mod on these matters. It will never happen but I would like to hear their POV.


A selkath jedi would be simply amazing ...

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SWG at least allowed players to do what they wanted, create their own content - hell, when our server was down, we all made a toon on a different server and took on a Krayt Dragon - because we could.



What's stopping you from doing that with world bosses now?


I mean seriously, if you SWG'ers miss creating your own content, then go out and create it. The same random mobs, random bosses and random drops exist in this game that existed in SWG. There's nothing preventing you from making the same rationalizations you used to make for camping them. Its not Bioware's fault if you can't be bothered to do it unless all other options are removed for everyone else. Stop being so lazy. Create your own content just like in the good ol' days. Everything you need to do it exists right now in the game. Dont make excuses because SWTOR actually gives you more options but you refuse to take them.

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What's stopping you from doing that with world bosses now?


I mean seriously, if you SWG'ers miss creating your own content, then go out and create it. The same random mobs, random bosses and random drops exist in this game that existed in SWG. There's nothing preventing you from making the same rationalizations you used to make for camping them. Its not Bioware's fault if you can't be bothered to do it unless all other options are removed for everyone else. Stop being so lazy. Create your own content just like in the good ol' days. Everything you need to do it exists right now in the game. Dont make excuses because SWTOR actually gives you more options but you refuse to take them.


The Issus is SWG players lost their characters to the World of DELETE as the game was shut down . They are gonna kick and bite , scream and shout until their game is brought back .

They blame everyone for the game shutting down but the community SWG lacked.

Even if SOE decided to bring the servers back , all characters and information outside of the game code was deleted .

There will never be a SWG 2 because 1 did not have the money or numbers to support it before any expansion even came out for it. The reason the expansions came out was a attempt to increase the community which did not happen .


If Bioware thought that SWG had redeemable content of gameply functions , they would have used them . You'd be a fool to think TOR staff didn't play SWG a little to see if anything was worth using .


NUMBERS vs Miniority


is what it comes down too, and there was not enough numbers in SWG to be worth a new game or use content in another game !

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TOR has a way better story then swg because in swg you have to make it up.PVP wise tor wins also.


Oh don't get me started! I didn't do a single bit of pvp because it always turned into Buff Wars of who had the most rows of buffs. Am so glad its not the way with this game, I mean I really only do pvp here to help lvl but at least its more balanced then watching someone with 10+ rows of buffs kill everyone.

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Im been playing Eve for many years and have over time learned the stuff and I really enjoy the Sandbox rather than the themepark.. I therefore also miss most of the Star Wars Sandbox elements..


But shouldnt it be possible to make a sort of a sandbox game on top of the great old republic era story that we live in in SWTOR? so like over time we get more "freedom" to follow the story and also follow our own path rather than 8 pre scriptet path?


Right now I play this game as Kotor 3 as I loved the Kotor 2 game, and enjoy blasting jedis out of the sky with my BH :D

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TOR has a way better story then swg because in swg you have to make it up.PVP wise tor wins also.


Agreed, I never bothered to pvp at all on SWG. The buff problem was insane! That being said the lag issues on TOR are bordering insane as well. I've not got the best computer but I know people with a damn good set-up & it just freezes without warning.

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