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Everything posted by SeanC

  1. I think these are just typical traits on both sides, but what i find alarming is the fact a lot of people on pub side wear pve gear and have around 1400 expertise. i think one day i counted 3-4 games where only 25% of the group had max expertise.
  2. Based on my experience the only time reb pvp is awful is when it's going against a decent premade, but that's no different than before. It's just the fact that reb premades are nonexistent now. reb pug vs sith pug is pretty even for the most part.
  3. Based on that, is there a reason why a person would participate in unranked that's queues solo? People complain about going against premades all the time in just regular warzones now. I just don't see the benefit of not queuing solo for ranked when a pug is going to get destroyed in nonranked arenas against a premade.
  4. I would have to say them not moving forward with the class story in the near future is a pretty good indication on how bad of the shape this game was in or still in. Hell the class story aspect was the "Main" Feature of this game before it was launched, but now they plan on focusing a wider story.
  5. Subbers should be able to do the basic features of the barber shop for free. I really have no issue if changing your species,sex, body shape requires cartel coins. I'm actually shocked they haven't had the idea of changing advanced class spec with the Cartel Market when they plan on using a basic barber shop feature that uses in game currency in other mmos with the cartel market.
  6. Cipo Checking in. Grant it, I've been playing since dec, i just wanted to check in now due to my server being able to transfer to Canderous ordo where I believe most Tarq people went. Well, Atleast the last time i checked this thread. Looking forward to seeing some familar faces.
  7. His numbers aren't that far off. I know that my blade storm usually hits for 2.2k, overhead slash for 2k, plasma brand of around 1.2k plus the dot.
  8. So the next dead character to be brought back to life, I'm going to say it's going to be mace.
  9. I understand that, but my point is that there is things in this game to do, which is why i quoted you earlier. I really dont care what game you like the most, since for the most part this thread took a nose dive since the get go.
  10. I understand that, but what you mention can be done in this game. It might not be the way you want it to be, but its there. Its similar in nature, but not exactly the same.
  11. For the most part, the biggest challenge in swg was becoming a jedi pre-pub 9, other than that, there wasn't much challenge. Your really splitting hairs, you realize that? What you mention can be done in this game in somewhat of a similar manner, its not exactly the same, but pretty close. The only you mentioned that this game does need to add is player housing that all the closet home interior decorators have something to do, and player bounties. For the most part player bounties became better in the nge, so i can let that pass for now.
  12. I agree with you, and I think thats where hes failing to realize the point your trying to make. I think most of us can agree that there could be more stuff in this game to do, but what he was describing for the most part can be done in this game. its not exactly the same, but its pretty similar.
  13. I understand the point your trying to make, but I think your missing his completely. I understand that your asking for more to do and that you dont want another swg 2, which is fine, but what you described what you did during swg, and for the most part he pointed out that you can pretty much do that in this game to a certain extent (except for decorating houses/player bounties). Its somewhat similar but its not exactly the same. You know what I find funny, i didnt realize that so many men were closet home decorators. I also find it funny that people say this game is a grind, but had no problem grinding out "32" professions when most of them were broken and did it in solo groups on dant, and say that swg class system was fun.
  14. I do agree with your estimate about if they played pre-cu, but to say no one from pre-cu/cu didnt stay and play nge is a little far stretched. I do agree with you about the features though and the ones listed previously in this thread, but for the most part only the minority enjoyed them which is quite sad.
  15. This is where i can agree with it, I dont feel like quoting you again, but for the most part, I wasnt arguing your points, just the points of others. My point though that swg at launch wasn't that great, but the features you mentioned were vastly improved in the following patches (which they were). Yes, player housing existed, but pub 4 bought player cities and all that wonderful stuff into the game. The reason why i'm mentioning the nge though, is majority of players are ignoring its existence with this thread, where the whole main point of the OP which game is better. Which imo you cant just ignore the nge when comparing it to swtor when nge was main and final product of the game. If we are going break down it down like some people are, thats fine then.
  16. Lol because swg was really hard, but let's insult a guy who thinks swg is garbage.
  17. Let me guess though, you quit right before the nge, didnt you? I dont disagree with you about how the earlier days were better than the nge, but to say that not one swg player didn't enjoy nge is bogus and a little misinformed. The nge lasted 5 years after, I dont see many people who hate it to play it until the game dies. What great features did swg have at launch? most of it was added pub 3 and on up until the curb and what people claim to be universal great features of swg was added later in the games life.
  18. why wouldnt nge be discuss since nge is what made swg what it is today. you cant disregard the nge what so ever due to you hating it when it lasted 6 years, where as pre-cu only lasted 2. It was never really specify what era of swg we are talking about it in this post, but based on the fact that the nge lasted 6 years i assumed thats what everyone is talking about. Its so sad that people have such high feelings of the pre-cu since its been dead for that long, yet it was the most incomplete game ever to be launched.
  19. I could careless if people don't like tor, but i find it sad that people are claiming that pre-cu/cu is better than this when that style of gaming has been dead for 5 years now. How about we compare it in the form that it closed at with this game, it might hold a little more merit.
  20. What made swg complicated? You mean the nge that was utterly an embrassment and horrible in design. That was complicated. Please dont say pre-cu or cu was complicated either when they've been dead for years now.
  21. If swg came out today, are you telling me that it would break a million subs? I really hope thats not the case. If you look at mmo subs that came out since swg, i think only 3 has over a million subs.
  22. Is it just me, or is it strange to compare this game to the features of the other game thats been dead for five plus years?
  23. Regardless of the accuracy of his claim, i think its pretty easy to assume that the population of swg wasn't great.
  24. I'm still going to disagree with you. How long did it take before people could easily solo krayt dragons? It wasn't to long when everyone got comp armor and started to solo them easily. Nothing during the pre-cu required a full group. I easily solo most of the content during pre-cu and cu for that matter. Hell the nge content was pretty soloable except for heroics which required only 4 people to do most of them. Most of the pve content in swg was a joke anyhow and wasn't the much of a focus to begin with. I just feel the only reason why swg feels that there were more to do is the group reliance isn't as bad as this and that end game content main focus is fp, operations, and warzone pvp. Grant it, swg did have other features to keep people interested, but for the most part it didn't require other people to do it with you unless you wanted them too. If you think about it though, if the nge didn't have those features, swg and this game would be pretty similar.
  25. Then why did so many people complain on how there was nothing to do in SWG during that time? I agree with you to an extent the point your trying to make, but imo a reason why I feel that there was more to do during pre-cu and the cu was due to the fact that you dont have to rely on other people to do most end game content like you do in this game.
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