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Game fading fast for me


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Well I suppose I DO sort of have the carrot, but I havent eaten it all yet. As I mentioned above, it's not a very appetizing looking carrot...


It's kinda like you bit into it and realized it was rotten, and now you gotta choke down the rest of it.

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I don't think they had anything for PvP for a few months after launch. Hell they didn't even have molten core for a while either so players were just running Upper Black Rock, Stratholme, and that other undead zone.


Remember when WoW had open world PvP? It was right from the start...


And it worked, too. In fact, Upper Black Rock was one of THE most fun areas specifically because players HAD to go there. Why do people go to Ilum? Because the devs forced pvpers into one specific area that no one wants to be anyways.


This game has FPs/ops that require nothing more than getting back to your safest zone, the fleet. Hell, Voss doesn't even have any good pvp interactions.


Put a serious flash point in a pvp contested area. People will have so much more fun with the illegitimate so called pvp aspect of this game.


The lacking of warzones is understandable, but they could have gotten around this issue by allowing for some legitimate forms of world PvP. People would have been much more satisfied from the onset, and it wouldn't have been hard to do, in my opinion.

Edited by patatt
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Why do people compare the launch of SWTOR to WOW's launch? SEVEN YEARS passed between them, the standards have changed.


You know why? Because even after 7 years between launches, SWTOR is either on par with WoW at launch, or worse. That just doesn't make sense, and it leads people to wonder where the largest budget for any MMO has gone.


What's better in SWTOR currently, gameplay wise, that wasn't in WoW circa 2005? Maybe I'm just jaded, but I honestly can't think of anything, can you?

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hell only reason wow is losing popularity is the damn start up cost. You hve to shell out $100 and than another 50 for panda's. If they get a clue and lower the start up cost to say $50 i bet they would get another 2-3mil subs pretty fast.


And i second who ever said comparing ToR now to WoW 7 years ago is ********. New MMO has to compete with WoW now, not with WoW 7 years ago. I am not even asking for all the content wow has (to be fair most of it is pointless since it doesnt scale to 85 in any way, shape or form. But the smooth game play itself compared to ToR slideshow is the gamebreaker for me.

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Remember when WoW had open world PvP? It was right from the start...

It had open world PvP at launch, but like TOR it was meaningless. There were no PvP items, ranks, warzones, etc.. It was just Pvp griefing players who were questing in the same areas. Much of the open world PvP was in Tauren (sp) Hills back then. But IMO WoW and TOR are the same games. These are raid based games that have added PvP to them. But where as WoW took a game like EQ and made it better, TOR hasn't taken that further and made anything better.


TOR can add arenas, a ladder system, or whatever, but none of those will address the fact that a true PvP game needs either more then 2 sides to address any population imbalances, or needs no sides at all like Age of Conan and UO had . Guild Wars and The Secret World are the only upcoming games that had addressed those issues.




What I find most interesting is ever since Warhammer players have been begging and pleading for a DAOC 2 and Mythic/Bioware/EA have never made any kind of announcement acknowledging their fans desires.

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I'm feeling the same way. I can hardly bring myself to login anymore. I think it's a symptom of many things:


Lack of Innovation

UO, EQ, DAoC and then WoW were all innovative in their own rights. They brought things to the table that were unlike anything else. There was much less competition for subscribers back then. The communities were much smaller. Developers were more in-touch with the player-base and making games fun for the sake of it. WoW changed everything. MMOs are now big business. It's not about making unique games or trying something different. It's about attracting investors and trying to make a huge blockbuster games that can compete with WoW by copying their model over and over again.


Death of the Themepark

Most of us have done this to death. It has its merits but a lot of us have spent years playing the same basic model now and frankly nobody has been able to do it as well as WoW. It's old and stale. No matter what coat of paint you throw on a Ford Pinto, it's still a Pinto. This goes back to lack of innovation.


Repetitive Content

You can only play the same content so many times before it gets boring. I don't know what the answer is here. I think the industry has moved towards instant gratification and many of us burn through content too quickly. Leveling is way too fast. The plethora of guides, information, youtube vids, etc allow most of us to burn through the content very quickly.


Lack of Challenge

There is very little challenge in this game. It is a very, very easy game in most respects.


No Risk

Rewards are more satisfying when there is some sort of risk associated with them. There is absolutely no risk here. It's as carebear as you can get.


No Meaningful Impact on the World

The world is segmented and feels very disconnected. The actions we take as players have little to no impact on the world.


Just some thoughts I have as to why this game and so many others ultimately end-up being disappointing after a couple months. Maybe I'm just getting old but nothing released since WoW has been able to capture my attention for more than a couple months.

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I cancelled my sub due to lack of pvp content and random bag system... Battlemaster before illum as well.


Another reason why I cancelled is bc the game doesn't feel like I'm in a SW universe... I didnt look anything like a Sith Lord with my full battlemaster gear set and there really isnt enough variety of playable species.. I dont care too much about the romance, etc, some of the story is cool but I rather have more variety of species.


The pvp gameplay was actually very good tho. Enjoyed some serious battles.

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Okay seriously you know what i think? I maybe somewhat a noob to everyone here cuz i just had lv50 PvE, doesn't even own any Rakata and another lv30 PvP and ... well not even speaking English fluently cuz i'm Asian but i still i'd like add up wat i think.


So far i'm really really enjoying this game. I know that you guys are the one with the carrot and are bored to death with the game. It's just the same issue for PvE when they ALSO have to grind Ilum and Bel dailies to get Rakata earpiece and implants and mods. And doing HMs again and again and again for a piece of Columi so that they'll be up to the scale to take part in HM/nightmare raids to get Rakata.


But heck with that to most of the hardcore gamers you guys are you've completed them all and is bored to death with the things TOR is offering now, bot PvPers and PvEers (i've met quite a few of guys like you in game). BUT PLEASE you guys this game is just out in 2 months.


YES it's a problem that the end-game contents is lacking, YES there're many things that's just ****** up and need to be redone YES this game shouldn't be compared to WoW 7 years ago. But still MOST of the players right now are just STARTING with the game. And we're still enjoying everything because, heck, we haven't even seen anything. My lv50 haven't had any Champion on myself, let alone BM, and i haven't been in Karagga Palace yet, and i'm really far ahead from A LOT of players.


This is a good... nah, to me it's a great game. I'm what you call an offline gamers (PC-PS3games) and haven't been playing many MMOs (all free or still in beta). And this is the first p2p MMO i've tried because of its theme and i decide to stick with this game for LONG buz of the content.


You can go to the fleet any time of the day and yell "this game bored me to death" "it hasn't been improved since the last time i logged in, heck back to *whatever game you're playing" ..... and you will see A LOT of ppl saying "****" and stuffs like that ~~~> there're a lot of ppl still loving and willing to play it full time, and there're still alot of things for them to play be that they're PvPers or PvEers.


SO PLEASE guys give this game some time instead of demanding it to be up to your scale and calling it a bad game or anything like that in the mean time. It's a problem that you guys are playing so fast and are ahead of everyone else and i think that's the thing you gotta understand.


If there's 10 level i gotta pass to get the carrot, i'd say my lv50 is at level 6.5 or 7 and i (as well as MANY MANY MANY other players) love love love this game so far~~~> BW did a great job on TOR

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You know where the best PvP in swtor is? It's the shared quest hubs on Voss. Why? Despite having absolutely no PvP "objectives", PvP magically happens when both factions are forced to cross paths in the same place.


Why they dont do this with other content is beyond me. Same thing with WoW, the best WoW PvP happened in Blackrock Spire circa Molten Core/BWL before there was even a PvP system.

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Anyway, I have never burned out on an MMO this fast before. Not EVE. Not Guild Wars. Not Tabula Rasa (RIP). And not Warhammer Online. But here....meh.


Maybe you are just tired of MMOs in general. Most all share a sameness under the skin.

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I've had a BM Jugg for some time now(real BM, not Ilum) and the game has lost pretty much all interest for me. Valor Ranks mean pretty much squat considering the only set that requires a rank level is BM and it has barely better stats then the Champ(which is fine) but Champ requires no level.


I can't earn my BM gear by playing any more then the next guy because it's tied to Dailies completions only(terrible system.) This makes it feel like a chore to do every day or I get no way to show off my character outside of a red version of the hover car which oh look, we can't even use in WZ's anyway so meh.


I have 6 BM/Rest Champ and I'm sitting at about 16.5k hp. I see other people running PvE/PvP gear mixes with 18-26k hp now. Good job making PvP specific gear the best gear in PvP BW..oh..wait. Sorry, I don't feel like I should have to PvE to be competitive in the part of the game I picked to play. PvE'ers don't have to grind warzones and ilum to do their part.


On the topic of gear I have to say I have never been more unimpressed with the amount of different styles and the QUALITY of the styles in an MMO in quite some time. So many hideous gear sets, so many recolors of old gear skins, inability to swap mods out of purple end game gear still not in etc. As a 3D graphics artist this may just affect me more so than most but it bugs me to no end. I also wish they had some different saber SHAPES or something, I know I know its star wars but man...I've basically had the same weapon since level 10(barely see hilts in this game.)


I tried playing alts as that usually keeps me going in MMO's but wow I don't know what it is but I cannot keep interest. Even with class specific story quests it just seems really really dull. Add in the fact that I rolled on a PvP server and have, over the course of 4 alts to high 20's and my main, ran into THREE people in a zone for PvP...ya. Bad world layouts.


Outside of Huttball(which I've quickly realized is actually the best of the 3, CW 2nd VS last) they are nothing new really. CW could stand with a size increase and possibly removing the side speeders, seems dumb to be able to defend that easy. I realize that in WoW in AB each spot had a GY BUT there was also a long 30 sec rez timer that usually serverely gimped defense if a point was really gettin hit.


I'm trying to hold out for the new WZ but it is getting hard. I have an affinity for melee characters, and I think they do ok here, but I rolled several ranged alts as well and good god all I have to say is I am tired of the ease that ranged classes have in this game, especially when it comes to objective based WZ's. I won't get into being melee in Ilum because well..there's no point.




Was this post just a mindless rant about the state of the game? Probly, but it felt good posting it. I honestly don't know if it's the game or maybe I'm just getting too old to be playing. I can't even say that GW2 or really any game that's coming will be better or not but I am in game limbo right now just kinda aimlessly hopping from TOR, WoW, LoL and maybe Torchlight 2 if comes out anytime soon(D3 as well). I don't really know if there's anything they can do to make this game more appealing, I think it's because they cloned WoW TOO well...just feels like the same game I played 3 years ago 80% of the time.



this is the main issue...


Ohlen: "Our combat system has always been the same since we first developed it in 2007. We’ve just been adding levels to it. We’ve been adding more game systems that are specific to the MMO genre, but I don’t really feel we’ve made any compromises. It’s been a conscious choice"




bioware is stuck in 2007 mmo mode and are not willing to change.


players who are sick of the same old are not going to be happy here.


combat is terrible. players have had enough of carppy combat and the gear grinding to make combat less carppy.

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this is the main issue...


Ohlen: "Our combat system has always been the same since we first developed it in 2007. We’ve just been adding levels to it. We’ve been adding more game systems that are specific to the MMO genre, but I don’t really feel we’ve made any compromises. It’s been a conscious choice"




bioware is stuck in 2007 mmo mode and are not willing to change.


players who are sick of the same old are not going to be happy here.


combat is terrible. players have had enough of carppy combat and the gear grinding to make combat less carppy.



Yea,some really should tell him its now 2012 and things need to change ...

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I am getting sick of 3 vs 8 or 2 vs 8 or 4 vs 8 or OMG 7 vs 8....


Also the fact that almost all 8 on the Imperial side have BM gear and Rep do not.


This is so one sided and stupid to have to play such a failure of a PVP game that is not fun.


Not even to mention the favortism of Imperial Animation and speed over Republic in PVP.

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to sum up many posters here:


tldr: game brings nothing new to the table, and fails to deliver even the tried and true WoW level of game play.


It is just not true. This game has the greatest single player component among all MMOs, which results in most fun leveling I ever saw. You do not need to grind when you level, in fact if you grind you doing it very wrong.


Problem is when you out of the leveling and hit 50, SWTOR at once becomes extremely usual and after a month very boring as well. Main frustration for many people is the contrast between pre 50 and post 50.


There are many ways to keep end game players happy, but at the moment SWTOR fails in this department.


I think answer is to leave the game now and come back in 6 months, when they will polish it a bit and add new content. If game will survive for so long, which I think it will, but who knows?

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yeah i was having a great time looking forward to battlemaster, became a really passionate pvper and then once i hit BM i did my dailies for like 3 days and stopped pvping entirely becuase theres really nothing to work for other than pain in the butt dailies for gear that wont make much of a difference at all.
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