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This is for people talking smack on "missle spammers"


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You have no idea what your talking about


Commando/Bh is easy to play decently just spamming grav/tracer, but its MUCH harder playing it good.


A good commando/bh will use 12+ skills every fight.


I have a marauder, a scoundrel and a commando, none of them are "harder" then the other.


I see loads of crappy BH tracer spammers in WZ, i always kill them easily with my commando, i even tell them in /say to try and rotate in more skills, its kinda embarrasing watching them give the spec a bad name.


A commando have a huge weakness beeing absolutly worthless 1v1, and the lack of cc



The people that say BH/Trooper is easiest class to play is because they kill these idiots spamming Grav Round/Tracer Missile with their easy mode Sorcerers/Sages and Marauders/Sentinels. Which happens to be the worst match-up for a BH/Trooper.



It takes almost every skill on my main bar to kill an equally skilled/geared player... and most of the time I can't kill a Marauder/Sentinel on the same skill/gear level as me just because of the way the 1v1 is set up.



I will stand by my statement. Grav Round/Tracer Missile specc'd classes are one of the hardest to learn how to play correctly, and I know that I'm right.

Edited by Kentontudor
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Like i believe that you even play a Marauder.


You must be 13 years old because you are that arrogant. Like you are the only marauder in the game.

Oh. I hit enter too. Anyways. My server is Sith Meditation Sphere.

My maras name is Khazal. Come get some punk.

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I don't think grav/tracer spammers actually read their tooltips. Because if they did, they would realize you only have to use that skill 3 times for the debuff then start using charged bolts. It does more damage and procs your skills just like grav/tracer but just doesn't make HIB hit harder. But the extra damage you do with charged bolts more than makes up for it.


Oh well, until they learn they are nothing more than free kills.


No target locks means gimp rails shots and I don't believe it procs terminal velocity either to vent heat?

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In short, you get to spam 1-3 skills all day every day. You play a severely dumbed down class for the lesser skilled MMO player...And I do have BH Merc. I respecced because I simply couldn't play Arsenal and spam one skill incessantly. So I went Pyro.


so many experts on mercs who leveled it to 20 and seem to think they know how to play it...as many have said here, playing it at a marginal level, as you obviously have, perhaps your statement is correct, but playing it at a high level, gunnery/arsenal can be quite the challenge. People often refer to them as "turrets", highlighting their serious lack of mobility. Try being gunnery/arsenal in a team fight where they focus fire you. DPS'g and moving IS hard as gunnery and it IS required at high levels of pvp...this is why we say l2p to ppl like you.


Oh, and I definitely use 10-15 spells every single fight, if not more (assuming its a "real" fight and not someone i severely out-gear), so take that one-skill garbage out of here ppls...

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No target locks means gimp rails shots and I don't believe it procs terminal velocity either to vent heat?


With auto-facing and no minimum range required, the class is easy mode.


Quite possibly the most simple-minded class in recent MMO history.

Edited by Notannos
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Will do. Let me fire up a level 1... it may be a little while before I can "come get some". Look for a guy named "tatermitts", he'll be the level 20 commando grav-spamming you.


Cool. my bhs name is Noob'tuber. Come get some. Ill smoke you with out tracer.

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Basically this - I have a majority champion geared merc and have a nearly champion geared Marauder. The Maruader is light years more skill based to play compared to my Merc. I go on my Merc when I get sick of dying on my Marauder against stacked teams, because my Merc is less rough and easier to get kills, and most of all easier on the hot keys which is easier on my Razer Naga hand.


Merc is definitely a face roll class and much easier to play. Though I have to say the sorcerer was even easier but that's about it. Merc/Sorc two easiest classes in game.


Now in the defense of a Merc. The Tracer missile mechanic is not the fault of the player but BioWare. They are the ones that made the arsenal tree reliant on tracer missile stacking. That coupled with CD's on heat seeker and unload, you can't always spam tracer x 3, unload, railshot or heat seeker. You have to sometime break that process and throw in more tracer missiles given heat seeker/unload may be on cool down. It's not the players fault this class is so easy.

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I'll use my own commando tooltips to show you what I'm talking about.


Demo round does more damage for each stack of grav round on the target. Once you have 5 stacks, or use it 3 times, it'll always do 25% more dmg till it wears off which is 15 seconds, so you every 15 seconds you use it once after all stacks are applied.


Grav round does 1361-1411 dmg

Charged bolts does 1342-1686 dmg.


The talent that gives you a 10% damage reduction when using grav round 5 times also works with charged bolts.


The talent that gives you a 30% chance to reset the cd of full auto and make it do 25% more dmg works with grav round and charged bolts.



The only thing it doesn't proc is the increased HIB damage. HIB does 1209-1499 dmg. 25% more dmg would make it do 1511-1873. Or in other words, an extra 302-374 damage after using grav round 5 times. Charged bolts has a high damage range of an extra 270 damage. 5 of those is 1350.


Grav round does get affected by armor as does charged bolts. However the way armor piercing ammo works is instead of bypassing 35% armor, it actually bypasses 35% damage reduction. So if you fight a target with less than 35% dmg reduction, charged bolts will not do reduced damage, which is the same as grav round.


The only time grav round is better than charged bolts is when you fight a tank type char that can block or evade. Grav round has the bonus of not being able to be evaded or shielded which is why it's better to use that on tanks. But on everyone else, or people that don't block or have a high evasion chance, charged bolts is the superior option.


1. tooltips can lie (grav hits harder than charged in truth, and again I was talking about ranged DEFENSE not armor - grav ignores this, charged does not - for a fun experiment try attacking a sniper behind cover with charged bolts vs grav rounds and see which do more damage)


2. this has all been beaten to death on the commando forums. Grav round replaces Charged bolts. That is the design and function.

Edited by hadoken
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I don't think grav/tracer spammers actually read their tooltips. Because if they did, they would realize you only have to use that skill 3 times for the debuff then start using charged bolts. It does more damage and procs your skills just like grav/tracer but just doesn't make HIB hit harder. But the extra damage you do with charged bolts more than makes up for it.


Oh well, until they learn they are nothing more than free kills.


You should reread the tooltips

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To even remotely think about doing half the damage of BH does with Tracer Missiles, a Sentinel/Maurader needs to known as bunch of combos by heart, understand each skill he has except our two PVE only attacks and use an incredible amount of hit and run tactics.


If I could do the same of damage with only 1 button, I wouldn't complain but the fact is... my L50 BH is a button fiesta compared to my L50 JK. Tracer missiles needs a longer cooldown and should cost more heat. Not saying to render the attack useless but something that discourage a one button tactic would really do wonder.

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In my experience tracer missle is no where as damaging as " Grav Round " is on a commando. I've seen BM commando's drop players in 6 hits or less from " Grav Round ".


Tracer Missle is just fine.


I, play a Merc & a Maurader - Valor 63.


If your tired of Spam from Tracer Missle then have the Dev's upgrade Pyrotech.


It's in desperate need of work.

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With auto-facing and no minimum range required, the class is easy mode.


Quite possibly the most simple-minded class in recent MMO history.


Sorry, that title goes to the balance sage and sorc equivalent. By far the easiest class to play in this game in pvp.


To the GR/TM haters, two questions:


1. How do you know they are only hitting TM? You can't see the cast times for demo round or HIB, and chances are DR is hitting you a the same moment the third GR is hitting you and very likely killing you, which makes you rage 'OMG GR SPAMMER DIEE!!11'. Are you saying they never cast their knockback? Shield? Full Auto? Grenade? Mortar Volley? Hail of Bolts? Medical Probe? Recharge Cells? Tech Override?


2. How would you suggest they play the class better? GR/TM will always be the catalyst for most of their other skills. Would you like them to just play half-arsed by not using GR/TM?

Edited by Notannos
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I used to be an Arsenal Merc, but lately in 50s I've been trying out the Pyro build. I like it a lot actually. I do basically the same DPS, but I'm more mobile and I can kind of kite melee. Even better I piss off stealthers cause I dot them up a ton and it breaks their stealth. I can't bring ball carriers down quite as fast as before, so my burst is down, but overall DPS remains and I'm much more mobile which is good.
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It's funny that only a couple of posters here believe that BH is a hard class. But I suppose that while for most players it is an easy class to play, maybe for others, like the OP, it is a hard class to play.


We should be giving them kudos for challenging themselves! :D

Edited by Notannos
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Sorry, that title goes to the balance sage and sorc equivalent. By far the easiest class to play in this game in pvp.


To the GR/TM haters, two questions:


1. How do you know they are only hitting TM? You can't see the cast times for demo round or HIB, and chances are DR is hitting you a the same moment the third GR is hitting you and very likely killing you, which makes you rage 'OMG GR SPAMMER DIEE!!11'. Are you saying they never cast their knockback? Shield? Full Auto? Grenade? Mortar Volley? Hail of Bolts? Medical Probe? Recharge Cells? Tech Override?


2. How would you suggest they play the class better? GR/TM will always be the catalyst for most of their other skills. Would you like them to just play half-arsed by not using GR/TM?


Doubtful. You have an armor advantage over them to go with your heals, range, and 4 buttons.


1. Because they don't have the opportunity to cast anything else after I repeatedly blow my cooldowns to kill them. But again, I'm melee, so I have the burden of a range requirement and manually facing my target in order to use my abilities. You guys would cry a river if you had to face the same thing melee has been dealing with forever.


2. I'm not making any suggestions. I just want you guys to acknowledge the truth: There's no real skill involved in playing the class. We're arguing apples and oranges here. You're arguing that there's no other way to play the class. And I'm arguing that the entire class itself is easymode.


So let me repeat myself. If you guys had a range requirement and a manual-facing requirement, the population of your class would decrease significantly because it would be too difficult for 90% of the people playing it.

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Doubtful. You have an armor advantage over them to go with your heals, range, and 4 buttons.


1. Because they don't have the opportunity to cast anything else after I repeatedly blow my cooldowns to kill them. But again, I'm melee, so I have the burden of a range requirement and manually facing my target in order to use my abilities. You guys would cry a river if you had to face the same thing melee has been dealing with forever.


2. I'm not making any suggestions. I just want you guys to acknowledge the truth: There's no real skill involved in playing the class. We're arguing apples and oranges here. You're arguing that there's no other way to play the class. And I'm arguing that the entire class itself is easymode.


So let me repeat myself. If you guys had a range requirement and a manual-facing requirement, the population of your class would decrease significantly because it would be too difficult for 90% of the people playing it.


I have a 50 jugg in all-but-3-pieces champion gear, and it's not any more difficult to play than a Trooper. Anybody who says that is trying to stoke their own ego.


Honestly, the ones who whine about GR/TM are the ones that don't play the class. Sages whining about other classes make me laugh, that's a class that's as easy as it gets to play. You can do nothing but use project and pebbles and top the charts. It's the easy way to get Battlemaster.

Edited by Notannos
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Will do. Let me fire up a level 1... it may be a little while before I can "come get some". Look for a guy named "tatermitts", he'll be the level 20 commando grav-spamming you.


Cool. my bhs name is Noob'tuber. Come get some. Ill smoke you with out tracer.

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In my experience tracer missle is no where as damaging as " Grav Round " is on a commando. I've seen BM commando's drop players in 6 hits or less from " Grav Round ".


Tracer Missle is just fine.


I, play a Merc & a Maurader - Valor 63.


If your tired of Spam from Tracer Missle then have the Dev's upgrade Pyrotech.


It's in desperate need of work.


Why should a grav round do more dmg than a TM round ? They are mirror classes, isnt it.

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Im tired of people talking smack on bh/trooper dps tracer/grav round spammers.

people on my server even send my angry whispers in wzs because im pwning them. My rep on both pub and sith cause whole teams to hunt me down because i destroy them that much. first off. lvl 10-44. ive invested a lot of creds buying the best gear i can possibly obtain. im sith btw so i dont know anything about the trooper counterpart. not only having gear. ive read the trees and put together a pretty awesome build imo. k. first off. you need to spam tracer because if you have it specced in your tree. it stacks debuffs on the target. 5 stacks. which then sets up for unload. rail shot or heat seeking missles. so people that sit there and say we missle spam. well thats how it works. if u know how to play anyway. sorcs force lightning spam. dot and run spam. Snipers spam. everyone spams some sort of attack in a way. As a bh. i use tracer shot. fusion missle. rail shot. death from above. heat seeking missles and of course tracer missle. I love rocket punch. its my fav. can u just spam tracer? yes but you will not be a great player and probably get pwned. why doesnt anyone cry about all the other classes spams? its the way the game is made. i dont cry about force pull and sprint because thats what they chose to play. you people need to stop pvping if you cant accept the classes people chose to play. i laugh when the wz is all sorcs. anyways. bh/troopers are more than just missle spammers. so if yer crying. roll a bh and see for yourself before you accuse.


Funny because, I received hateful messages the other day as we won a WZ, I led my team in dmg / killing blows and was solo PuG rolling an assault built vanguard just for lols. The guy looked at the scoreboard and saw a trooper dominating, thought 'GRAV ROUND SPAMMER !!!1' I replied to him 'I'd rather spam ion pulse' and how that was much harder. He was like 'what's ion pulse ??6' I replied 'that's a spammable that's worth spamming, much like grav round, but am not a commando y'know' He then said 'troopers are OP grats on rolling an OP class' And he was a friggin consular (don't remember if he was shadow or sage though).


I don't get the hate though. Vanguards completely blow non-healing commandos out the water, but people don't even notice them or what ? I know, I play both.

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