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Attacking republic in Open World is griefing?


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Lets just hope GW2 will appreciate and incorporate PvP more then Bioware has in SWTOR. As it stands PvP is a pretty big disappointment and from what I have read we will have to wait beyond patch 1.2 before PvP gets a little more interesting.


GW is made for PVP, SWTOR was made for primarily PVE. Sure there are PVP elements and they will likely increase their focus on it, but its a PVE first game, thats easily seen. Its like I will not be playing GW2 for the raids or leveling experience.

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yeah yeah typing mistake, glad you got your laughs off. But PVP server or not, its still gonna get looked at with a critical eye that your tagging a boss with no intent to engage. you want to engage the Repub's thats fair game if your own group is also trying to kill the boss, go for it. But BW seems to be stating that in this game, such is not ok by them.


And that my friend becomes a problem, mmo should have freedom of playstyle!

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And that my friend becomes a problem, mmo should have freedom of playstyle!


Freedom stops on someone else's rights. And so on. No current MMO game will allow you to do whatever you want, whenever you want, however you want it. The social aspects of the game get ruined and the player base shrinks because of such things. Better to upset the vocal minority than they greater whole.

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"Open world" PvP is one thing.......but denying another group of players access to content is another....


I would suspect there is a balance they are working here....


Did your group proceed to slay the world boss?


....or were you just killing off the republic players so they could not?


Denying content? On pvp servers, world pvp is 'content'. If youre fighting over a world voss, then so be it.

You're part of why this game is so carebear.

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Freedom stops on someone else's rights. And so on. No current MMO game will allow you to do whatever you want, whenever you want, however you want it. The social aspects of the game get ruined and the player base shrinks because of such things. Better to upset the vocal minority than they greater whole.


Can't remember ever getting banned for destroying whole goldshire with an infernal or doomguard back when you needed to enslave it, nor for brining pulled boss into the enemy camps so he kills them.


Tagging mobs have been in the games for ages, what's the difference between a world boss and an weak enemy needed for quest? They are both mobs...

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I will camp republics as much as I can. I will even try to enter their outposts and kill them in their supposed "Safe zones" because you're never truly safe in an open pvp area.


I just wish there was cross factional chat so I could hear their screams and crying.

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There is a difference between open world PVP and what you described in the OP. What you described was not PVP, it wasn't player vs player. It was players + World Boss, vs Players. Is it against the ToS? I don't know, it doesn't sound like it... especially with BioWare's lax rules (IE we don't give a crap about naming policies on RP servers!). But it would sure ruin reputations on your server, where your guild is known as the cowards who are too scared to fight fair. ... -OR- you can argue this point and say you may be known as the griefer guild, but then that doesn't help your argument.
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Not even gonna attempt to read this whole thread, but for me it basically comes down to this: PvP = awesome. Repeated slaughtering PvP. If you wanted to fight them, awesome. I wish I was there, on either side. I've been waiting for some actual world pvp. Having said that, if you were tagging the boss and 'protecting' him and than just harassing the other guys, it's no longer PvP. Get your kills and your bragging rights like true PKs, and when you have crushed your enemies, seen them driven before you and heard the lamentation of their women.....leave them alone to kill the dang boss.
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Not even gonna attempt to read this whole thread, but for me it basically comes down to this: PvP = awesome. Repeated slaughtering PvP. If you wanted to fight them, awesome. I wish I was there, on either side. I've been waiting for some actual world pvp. Having said that, if you were tagging the boss and 'protecting' him and than just harassing the other guys, it's no longer PvP. Get your kills and your bragging rights like true PKs, and when you have crushed your enemies, seen them driven before you and heard the lamentation of their women.....leave them alone to kill the dang boss.


But they are not driven back? They are constantly returning for more *** whoopin?

Basically I am protected when I quest on a pvp server, because when somebody attacks me and I fight a mob or the enemy tags my mob then bioware will protect me and send this guy a warning for griefin.... TROLOLOLO


Best server in this game must be RP-PvP then because they couldn't touch those people, they would just say they were rping about protecting that boss from cruel reps? :>

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Not even gonna attempt to read this whole thread, but for me it basically comes down to this: PvP = awesome. Repeated slaughtering PvP. If you wanted to fight them, awesome. I wish I was there, on either side. I've been waiting for some actual world pvp. Having said that, if you were tagging the boss and 'protecting' him and than just harassing the other guys, it's no longer PvP. Get your kills and your bragging rights like true PKs, and when you have crushed your enemies, seen them driven before you and heard the lamentation of their women.....leave them alone to kill the dang boss.


Or, here's a better idea, kill it yourselves and deny them the loot. But just make sure you ****in kill the thing.

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But they are not driven back? They are constantly returning for more *** whoopin?

Basically I am protected when I quest on a pvp server, because when somebody attacks me and I fight a mob or the enemy tags my mob then bioware will protect me and send this guy a warning for griefin.... TROLOLOLO


Best server in this game must be RP-PvP then because they couldn't touch those people, they would just say they were rping about protecting that boss from cruel reps? :>


I agree to an extent. I get that they're coming back, but they're obviously coming back for the world boss objective, not to be repeatedly denied said objective by a bunch of peeps who aren't even after the boss. I would have rolled them a few times and then had my Op stealth and everyone else roll out until they downed the boss and than immediately call my boys back in to continue the slaughter. At that point, the other guys would have their objective completed and be nice and angry and perhaps some epic world PvP would have started. At a certain point, you just have to back off if it's obvious others aren't into the battle at the moment..which probably had everything to do with just wanting to down that stupid boss.


And yes to Yescek, I wouldn't have a single problem with this if they were actually after the world boss too because that just sounds epic. Two differing groups of differing factions after the same boss; fighting the boss and at the same time fighting each other. That just sounds freakin' awesome.

Edited by rlhaas
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Its not harrassment in any way.


harrassment is when you somehow get the location of a single player, during multiple days in a row and try to /camp him. THAT is harrassment. One day seeing alot of reps and choosing to attack them or even camp their GY for a few hours is not harassment.


that's exactly what i said. whats with people on the internet immediately going on the offensive and not reading anything?

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I will camp republics as much as I can. I will even try to enter their outposts and kill them in their supposed "Safe zones" because you're never truly safe in an open pvp area.


I just wish there was cross factional chat so I could hear their screams and crying.


Same here, but with the imperials. But like Ive said, there is a line of harassment and pvp, its up to the devs to decide how far it goes before you are taking it to the point of ruining somebodies game play.


In my opinion, DO NOT roll on a PvP server and expect not to get planted into the ground repeatedly in the open world. There are hot spots in all the higher level questing zones. Be aware that you will be attacked.


Is it weak to report getting killed out in the world, absolutely. But on the same note, you know whether or not when you go out to PvP whether you are doing it for fun, or to ruin someones day. I know Im guilty of harassing people. And if I got reported how can I say I wasnt?

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If this is true, then it's pretty ridiculously sad...


I played on Firetree, a PVP server in WoW, and stuff like this was not only part of the game, but sometimes more fun than actual raiding. Want to raid Gruul's Lair at 8:00? Better get there at 7 and start killing off Alliance scrubs as they show up. SSC at 9:30? Oh crap, it's going to take us 20 minutes to get in there because there are 3 or 4 Alliance guilds summoning for their raids! Is half your guild on during a non-raiding night, feeling bored? Why not get everyone together to camp Karazahn and deny any Alliance guilds from being able to raid that night? Awesome!

It's rivalry, it's competition, and it's fun. That's what PVP Servers are for. I understand that Bioware doesn't want constant STV-type ganking (Though nights where you're getting camped and have to call in back up and wind up starting a war instead of questing are far more memorable than the nights where you killed 10 tigers and looted 15 raptor claws), but open world PVP ought to be allowed in every form on PVP servers because that's why PVP servers exist.

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Whoever was leading the Pub op probably united everyone together to submit a ticket all at once. The op was probably filled with "serious adults" who only have so much time to play a week and feel their experience enjoying the pve side of the game is being compromised by a bunch of Sith kids on their lawn.


Serious and overly civil people usually win in a BS fight when dealing with customer service which seems like what happened in this situation.

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I would actually appreciate some clarification on this issue... surely because the OP was able to attack the Republic players, they were in a PvP area?


Given that when you log on to a PvP server, it warns you, and when you walk into a PvP area, it warns you, players should expect to be killed in PvP areas?


I don't understand why BioWare would have a problem with this kind of behaviour.

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Good analogy (maybe)


Playing at a local parks b-ball court, 2 half court games going on, a third party shows up and starts a full court game....harassment, or "its just basketball, it is a court after all", what do you guys think?


Harassment in a game with open world pvp, epically on a PvP server HAS to be taken in context.

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PvP is what it is , if you do not want open PvP then go to a PvE server.

PvP servers already have no point to them.You get the same PvP content on a PvE server . Pointless to be on a PvP server if you cannot handle being killed.


Get over it or get off the damn server!!

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I call BS on this entire thread. I find it highly unlikely that Bioware warned anyone for griefing because factions fought over a world boss. If someone was warned for griefing, than give us the real reason they were warned. Not what you think they were warned for.


List of possible warnings:

1. Continuously tagging mobs on players so you get the reward and they do the work.

2. Insulting and ignorant comments.


So, OP before you start bad mouthing BW, and slandering them, you might want to get us the real reason those people were given warnings.

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PVP is one thing. Deliberately being an a**-hat is another. You want to kill the boss instead fine, kill the repubs and proceed. If you want to be a coward and attack them from behind everytime they are distracted by a world boss that they cant simply ignore to fight you (you know since the tank needs constant heals and the boss eventually goes berserk) thats just sad. how could you even get enjoyment out of that at all. And if you do it repeatedly without any intentions of taking down the boss yourselves that's pretty sorry stuff right there
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PVP is one thing. Deliberately being an a**-hat is another. You want to kill the boss instead fine, kill the repubs and proceed. If you want to be a coward and attack them from behind everytime they are distracted by a world boss that they cant simply ignore to fight you (you know since the tank needs constant heals and the boss eventually goes berserk) thats just sad. how could you even get enjoyment out of that at all. And if you do it repeatedly without any intentions of taking down the boss yourselves that's pretty sorry stuff right there


I agree it's a pretty low thing to do, but It's a PvP server FFS. That's like complaining about being farmed in a warzone. Don't *********** go to a PvP server if you want to be able to pick and choose when you PvP.

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I agree it's a pretty low thing to do, but It's a PvP server FFS. That's like complaining about being farmed in a warzone. Don't *********** go to a PvP server if you want to be able to pick and choose when you PvP.


Oh I love pvp servers, would never ever go PVE. PVP adds an element of danger but

It is a low thing to do, do I expect it to happen? yes. Would I do it myself? probably not but maybe, esspecially if I wanted the boss myself. Is it harrassment? yes is it being a douche and saying "well I can do it therefore it must be legit" ? yes


just because you can do something doesnt mean its not being an arse. but go ahead if it makes you feel good i spose doesnt make it any less of a poor thing to do to other people...if harrassing that is

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Oh I love pvp servers, would never ever go PVE. PVP adds an element of danger but

It is a low thing to do, do I expect it to happen? yes. Would I do it myself? probably not but maybe, esspecially if I wanted the boss myself. Is it harrassment? yes is it being a douche and saying "well I can do it therefore it must be legit" ? yes


just because you can do something doesnt mean its not being an arse. but go ahead if it makes you feel good i spose doesnt make it any less of a poor thing to do to other people...if harrassing that is


The point of a PvP server is when someone is being an *** and camps you for laughs , you call in your friends and hand them theirs for payback.

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It happened in the FF MMO......guilds were "hoarding" certain loot points/bosses and denying other players access, resulted in massive banhammering....


Yeah, but FFXI didn't have open world PvP. In a situation where there is no PvP solution, it might be appropriate for GMs to intervene.


Let's not talk about the silliness of competing with a sea of "'voke bots" for a 72 hour spawn. :p Thank goodness the world bosses in this game aren't nearly such a big thing as some of the Notorious Monsters were in that game.




When a PvP solution exists, GMs should never intervene. And I actually find it hard to believe that they would....So to the OP, I say again: Screen shots? Before I believe that this actually happened as you describe, you're going to have to prove that you are actually telling the truth.

Edited by belialle
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