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Attacking republic in Open World is griefing?


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"Please be advised that activities and interactions that occur as part of player vs player combat on this type of server are not considered a form of harassment or actionable behaviour by Customer Service"





That is all.



Please provide a link to the source as this is completely the opposite of the actual game rules.

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To OP: Dude u guys were spawn camping. Its one thing to stay near the boss and kill any red that comes near. But you went to their GY and camped em. Your not bad asss, in fact, your whole Ops group seems like weaklings to me. You want to push em back, fine, but when ur not letting people rezz to get off planet your griefing, plain and simple.


Im all for "if its red its dead" and "events" and random OWPvP, but you guys sat there and camped a PvE guild for the better part of 2 Hrs, what did u think was gonna happen.


Oh and, damn u guys got a lot of time on your hands, werent even getttin valor....sheesh.

Edited by Izola
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Please provide a link to the source as this is completely the opposite of the actual game rules.


I believe that is either the description of the server or the warning you get when choosing a pvp server. It's from the server selection screen.

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I believe that is either the description of the server or the warning you get when choosing a pvp server. It's from the server selection screen.


In which case the real question is which is correct, the char creation screen or the rules of conduct.

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The whole story, they attacked us first. We did the PVP thing and made a call out on the TS server....


We rolled in and camped the boss, didnt take it down, but protected it instead. Tag the boss as they get there and then wipe them. Actually thought this was cool and enjoyed the PVP. After a bit, most of us left but some stay around harassing the repubs by attacking them while they engaged the boss and such.


Perhaps on a PVE server that would be wrong. But on a PVP server, PVP happens, you have to plan for the opposing faction and IMHO be ready to abandon running a world boss or cancel a RAID because the entrance is blocked by the opposing faction. BW tends to be really carebearish though, so I could see them saying this is harassment or griefing. If that is the case, it's their game and I wont complain about it.


I do consider that wrong. The first post was rather acceptable. You stumble upon the Republic players taking down the world boss and then killed them. That's PvP and that happens.


Camping the world boss and most importantly "tagging the boss" is just harassment and it is griefing by my definition. You were purposefully doing something just to harass them and aggravate them. That's not PvP. That's being a dick.


You also specifically used the word harassing in your post to describe your own actions. You are doing something of an ******e nature, recognise it, and continue to do it. How is that not griefing?

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I do consider that wrong. The first post was rather acceptable. You stumble upon the Republic players taking down the world boss and then killed them. That's PvP and that happens.


Camping the world boss and most importantly "tagging the boss" is just harassment and it is griefing by my definition. You were purposefully doing something just to harass them and aggravate them. That's not PvP. That's being a dick.


You also specifically used the word harassing in your post to describe your own actions. You are doing something of an ******e nature, recognise it, and continue to do it. How is that not griefing?


Due to the fact that we share world bosses, that would lead me to believe they're meant to be fought over. If the opposite faction is stopping you, the matter can easily be resolved through pvp - kill 'em all. It's not harassment, it's pvp.

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OP, I really want to see a screen shot of the warning from in game and/or a copy of it from email. If what you are saying is the whole truth then you have a legitamate gripe if this occured on a PVP server and should be posting here and writing a ticket of your own.


I can see a whole guild writing a QQ letter to support and getting this sort of hot button respnse from a CSR that didn't think it through. No matter the game rules, if enough people whine about one person that some one is getting a shaft... Fair or not. Appeal is your only option.

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Damn carebears on pvp servers, maybe u said some naughty words to those pubs as I can't imagine being warned over fighting over a world boss lol but @op I'm jealous u had alotta fun @carebears so he and few others were tagging the boss it's not griefing, why should they be allowed to get the phat lootz for free at all. if 1 or 2 players can deny a whole group of a world boss then that pub group just sucks, they could have called more backup but ofc they only want the loot for themselves
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It's most likely due to what you were doing to the boos, not the players. Even in WoW, you could be banned for the same thing IF you were abusing the boss in order to make it more difficult for players. If you were killing the adds and watching it explode their raid, most companies will say it is not pvp and you'll get your warning. If you were tagging the boss, even though you knew you'd lose, just so they would have to reset it, you were griefing. Real pvp at a world boss means killing them while they try to kill the boss. Douchebaggery and griefing is when you know you can't so you exploit mechanics to stop them. That's when you get a warning.


My, how civilized.

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There is many way to dick the other sides at the Belsavis world boss:


- Jump their tank.

- Jump their healers.

- Tag the boss.

- Kill the adds to force the boss enrange ...etc...


I wouldn't call any of them PvPing, and no, I don't care much for how you want to call or justify it as PvPing. I tell you what I think, I think you self-appointed "true" PvPers are the same one who:


- Trade kill on illum.

- Camp lowbie zone.

- Sneak attacking someone who is at 10% health fighting elites.


Yes, I guess you can call be me a carebear, and this carebear does:


- Attack all enemies questing in the same area.

- Attack whoever he runs into in daily.

- Wait for his enemy to killed enaged mobs before attack.

- Kill those who try to gank him.

- Spend 2 hours each on 3 toons Group pvping inside the Crezka cave on Hoth.

- Wasted ungodly amount of time PvPing in front of the Voss Healing Shrine.

- Only join Illum's hunt group, I refuse to be part of the Trade Group.



Before you say anything, stop, I don't care what you call yourself or what you want to call me. There are PvPers like me and there are PvPers like you. Bottom like is look like the Developers take my side, so more power to me and suck to be you. Don't like it? Leave. In fact I can show you the way out.:o

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I find it a little hard to believe that this happened. Do you have a screen shot?


I've never even heard of a game where this kind of behavior would cause players to be sanctioned or warned on a PvP server. There's a PvP solution to the problem, and if they aren't happy about, it ..... Well, that's what PvE servers are there for.

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I find it a little hard to believe that this happened. Do you have a screen shot?


I've never even heard of a game where this kind of behavior would cause players to be sanctioned or warned on a PvP server. There's a PvP solution to the problem, and if they aren't happy about, it ..... Well, that's what PvE servers are there for.


It happened in the FF MMO......guilds were "hoarding" certain loot points/bosses and denying other players access, resulted in massive banhammering....

Edited by Oteefo
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Sounds like you guys tried to start a grand battle on a pvp server. Which if I'm correct in my understanding is what is supposed to happen on pvp servers yes? All out war, imps fighting pubs....griefing...i don't see the griefing here. I rolled on a pve server because I like to sometimes quest in peace. pvp alot in war zones. Maybe those republics should have done the same. I would expect to be attacked on a pvp server....nono wait...I would WANT to be attacked, that is the entire point!!! Blah....sorry to here about the warnings.
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I suppose whether I'd be mad or not would depend on how the mods handled it. If one came in and said, hey guys, enough, you won. Good job, but let the poor saps kill their boss now, I wouldn't be annoyed, but if they came in all nasty about it, I'd be like, is this a pvp server or isn't it?
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Please provide a link to the source as this is completely the opposite of the actual game rules.


Completely opposite to game rules? Honestly, where do you people come from?!



Go to server selection screen and read the tooltip, I just quoted from there.

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