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Attacking republic in Open World is griefing?


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Nothing wrong with any of this for one reason. It can be resolved via PvP.


To those quoting Bioware's harrassment policy, it's utter BS. Half the point of PvP is harrassment and denying the opposing faction the ability to move or play freely. That policy is contradictory to the warning that is displayed when selecting a PvP server on the server select screen. It says there something to the effect of "It's not griefing or harrassment if there is a PvP solution."


Now if the Imperials were cheating or exploiting and attacking from someplace where they couldn't be attacked back, or some nonsense like that, THIS would be grounds for punishment.

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"Open world" PvP is one thing.......but denying another group of players access to content is another....


I would suspect there is a balance they are working here....


Did your group proceed to slay the world boss?


....or were you just killing off the republic players so they could not?


If they were on a PvE server this argument would have some weight. However, on a PvP server it's wrong. The risk you run on PvP servers in open world PvP environments is that you're going to be attacked. The best fights in Rift actually centered around the world bosses. This is just more of a demonstration that EA/BW really doesn't get how PvP is supposed to play.

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There is many way to dick the other sides at the Belsavis world boss:


- Jump their tank.

- Jump their healers.

- Tag the boss.

- Kill the adds to force the boss enrange ...etc...


I wouldn't call any of them PvPing, and no, I don't care much for how you want to call or justify it as PvPing. I tell you what I think, I think you self-appointed "true" PvPers are the same one who:


- Trade kill on illum.

- Camp lowbie zone.

- Sneak attacking someone who is at 10% health fighting elites.


Yes, I guess you can call be me a carebear, and this carebear does:


- Attack all enemies questing in the same area.

- Attack whoever he runs into in daily.

- Wait for his enemy to killed enaged mobs before attack.

- Kill those who try to gank him.

- Spend 2 hours each on 3 toons Group pvping inside the Crezka cave on Hoth.

- Wasted ungodly amount of time PvPing in front of the Voss Healing Shrine.

- Only join Illum's hunt group, I refuse to be part of the Trade Group.



Before you say anything, stop, I don't care what you call yourself or what you want to call me. There are PvPers like me and there are PvPers like you. Bottom like is look like the Developers take my side, so more power to me and suck to be you. Don't like it? Leave. In fact I can show you the way out.:o


I think your full of s**t and my guild on Prophecy of Five is <ZERG> We came into being because we refuse to trade kills and actively work to disrupt farming whenever we find it. Open world PvP on a PvP server means exactly that. Using tactics to win is not only acceptable, it's laudable, since so many PvPers refuse to actually think lol.

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Completely opposite to game rules? Honestly, where do you people come from?!



Go to server selection screen and read the tooltip, I just quoted from there.




"Player versus Player (“PvP”) activities, where available, are not exempt from this policy."


Does that not seem to be the opposite of "nothing in pvp can be harassment" to you?

Edited by Jestunhi
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Best PvP I ever had in World of Warcraft was 3+ hours of fighting over Kazzak against 2 other Alliance guilds.


It included stuff like 40 people ressing at the same time to AoE bomb them to death right before they pulled.


It ended up with using having a absolute laugh over it on IRC with the guilds we fought later on because it was just a really fun night of great world pvp that you can not possible try and replicate in something like Ilum.


If you get a warning for "griefing" for actively engaging in world pvp then really Bioware just should disable the ability to attack players of the opposite faction and relaunch the game as a single player only game with multiplayer warzones and dungeon crawling.


The game already feels completely dead because you hardly see players from the opposite faction outside of warzones and Ilum. Might as well just take it one step further.


Man, seriously those were the times. I dunno bout your serv but remember the TBC launch and all the hordes and alliance duking it out in front of the portal and then inside?


Also almost everytime people went for raid and stood in front of entrance waiting for rest of people there were pvp wars :>

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So here is the scenario.


Belsavis World Boss is up. Republic guild is trying to take him down. A group of Imperials attack the repubs.....repeatedly til they abandon the boss.


Imperials get warnings for griefing.



I could have sworn this game said it had open world PVP....and I also could have sworn I chose to play on a PVP server.


So I would like the devs to clarify this.


And a little bit of rant here.

Bioware, you have never been big on the whole PVP thing, so much so that you had to co-opt developers from Warhammer to do it for you. The above example only shows your lack of knowledge about PVP.

A couple of things to enlighten you.

First, open world pvp in the gaming community means.....pvp anywhere, anytime.

On a PVP server, a common practice is denying the opposing faction areas, entrances, bosses....you know...it's almost like....oh I dont know....a WAR...like STAR WARS!!!!


I can deal with bugs, I can deal with slow patches and fixes. (you have been good with patches)...I can deal with alot of things. But one thing I cant stand is a mommy game company babysitting a PVP server.


So I would like some clarification.

Is it ok on a PVP server to actually attack the opposing faction in an organized fashion to deny them areas, quest bosses, or anything else? Can my guild decide to wage war on Belsavis and attempt to deny to the whole world to the republic?


If I kill someone and they come back to the area, am I allowed to keep killing them til they give up? If not, what's the magic number before I am griefing?




One pissed off PVP'er.


Have to agree. It sucks to get attacked when you're trying to do a world boss or something but that's how it goes sometimes if you roll on PVP servers. People need to get over it or roll on a carebear server.

Edited by eklipzze
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Man, seriously those were the times. I dunno bout your serv but remember the TBC launch and all the hordes and alliance duking it out in front of the portal and then inside?


Also almost everytime people went for raid and stood in front of entrance waiting for rest of people there were pvp wars :>


TBC-one of the golden eras of pvp. Quel Danas-roaming gank squads ACTIVELY stopping you from completeing your quests which were the faster daily money maker in the game making it a neccessity. THATS how you do world pvp.

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TBC-one of the golden eras of pvp. Quel Danas-roaming gank squads ACTIVELY stopping you from completeing your quests which were the faster daily money maker in the game making it a neccessity. THATS how you do world pvp.


Sorry, nothing involving WOW can be considered Golden Era. WoW was the beginning of the Noob Era.

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PvP is PvP, harassment is harassment, don't try to hide behind the argument "ITS A PVP SERVER" if what you are doing is in fact harassment. The devs have the right to say whether what you are doing is in fact harassing people. Its in the ToS.


Don't get me wrong, I love ganking and open world pvp, but I'm pretty sure corpse camping and repeatedly killing the same guy over and over who's lvl 30, and you are 50, can be considered harassment ( for example). So don't be in shock when he reports you and action is taken, you had it coming.

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I've just caught this thread but didn't want to read the last 16 pages beyond the OP so heres my take on it and I apologise if someone has said all this before.


FYI my Guild is on Terentatek a PvP server


This scenario has happened to me and my guild on the Belsavis boss. We would start attacking and be promptly attacked by a handful of imps, enough to disrupt us from our task. We chased them off and reset only to have it happen a couple more times. At this point none of us qq'd about what was happening nor did we call for a GM's help. Instead, we abandoned taking the boss down and instead went Imp hunting after the Guild that was attacking us.


Nothing wrong with what they were doing to us, I would probably have done the same and our world boss Ops group just switched to a PvP group and we changed our activity for the next half hour. After patrolling the area and taking out a few imps (we had the numbers so this isn't a boasting thread) they soon left and we returned to the boss and took him down.


Basically there is absolutely nothing wrong with attacking someone taking down a world boss. Open world PvP is supposed to be unpredictable and this adds to the 'suspense' whenever you are out questing. If you want fair fights all the time and no "griefing" (sorry I hate that word) then join a PvE server and just play Warzones.

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I've just caught this thread but didn't want to read the last 16 pages beyond the OP so heres my take on it and I apologise if someone has said all this before.


FYI my Guild is on Terentatek a PvP server


This scenario has happened to me and my guild on the Belsavis boss. We would start attacking and be promptly attacked by a handful of imps, enough to disrupt us from our task. We chased them off and reset only to have it happen a couple more times. At this point none of us qq'd about what was happening nor did we call for a GM's help. Instead, we abandoned taking the boss down and instead went Imp hunting after the Guild that was attacking us.


Nothing wrong with what they were doing to us, I would probably have done the same and our world boss Ops group just switched to a PvP group and we changed our activity for the next half hour. After patrolling the area and taking out a few imps (we had the numbers so this isn't a boasting thread) they soon left and we returned to the boss and took him down.


Basically there is absolutely nothing wrong with attacking someone taking down a world boss. Open world PvP is supposed to be unpredictable and this adds to the 'suspense' whenever you are out questing. If you want fair fights all the time and no "griefing" (sorry I hate that word) then join a PvE server and just play Warzones.


Agreed. I would never roll on a PvE server. PvP servers bring a whole new element to the game.


But, like I've stated, there is a somewhat fuzzy line between "PVP happened" and harassment.

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PvP is PvP, harassment is harassment, don't try to hide behind the argument "ITS A PVP SERVER" if what you are doing is in fact harassment. The devs have the right to say whether what you are doing is in fact harassing people. Its in the ToS.


Don't get me wrong, I love ganking and open world pvp, but I'm pretty sure corpse camping and repeatedly killing the same guy over and over who's lvl 30, and you are 50, can be considered harassment ( for example). So don't be in shock when he reports you and action is taken, you had it coming.


I think that's total bs. In my opinion, when it comes to pvp anything goes on a pvp server. That is how it should be anyway.


But these days pretty much anyting is harassment. If you dance/taunt when you kill someone it could be harassment because you probably hurt their feelings. :rolleyes: Cue the violins....

Edited by eklipzze
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Agreed. I would never roll on a PvE server. PvP servers bring a whole new element to the game.


But, like I've stated, there is a somewhat fuzzy line between "PVP happened" and harassment.


Its not harrassment in any way.


harrassment is when you somehow get the location of a single player, during multiple days in a row and try to /camp him. THAT is harrassment. One day seeing alot of reps and choosing to attack them or even camp their GY for a few hours is not harassment.

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This game has to many old geezers that take 'harassment' way to seriously on the game level.


Next we will have court cases because someone has killed you on a PvP server while you were questing thus preventing you the content in your free time...

























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After looking at the Ops clarification of things on the first page one statement stood out to me. That the OP's group were "tagging" the boss spawn with no intention of actually engaging it for a kill. That would likely be the root of the violation rather than the PVP fight that occured. Edited by JarrenBlake
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After looking at the Ops clarification of things on the first thing one thing stood out to me. That the OP's group were "tagging" the boss spawn with no intention of actually engaging it for a kill. That would likely be the root of the violation rather than the PVP fight that occured.


the thing is the thing that the thing is on pvp server so tag'em and bag'em

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I'm sure there is a lot more to this story than we are getting. I'm sure that act didn't cause the issue. Probably their trash talking.


You can't trash talk while you are killin someone in a game?


The only explanation for warnings would be some game breaking exploit or killing reps in a way so that their corpses form a banned symbol.

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the thing is the thing that the thing is on pvp server so tag'em and bag'em


yeah yeah typing mistake, glad you got your laughs off. But PVP server or not, its still gonna get looked at with a critical eye that your tagging a boss with no intent to engage. you want to engage the Repub's thats fair game if your own group is also trying to kill the boss, go for it. But BW seems to be stating that in this game, such is not ok by them.

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