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Out of Hotbar space .. not enough slots for all your skills...nice!


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Just stating that the person who decided to limit hotbars to four should probably take a math class.


I can no longer keep my skills + quick travel + mount + stim/adrenal + relics all hotkeyed.


I have removed quick travel, stim(since 2 hour), Tumalt(stupid non eleite non player attack) and probably 1 or 2 more and do not have a single space to use for stuff like mission item clickables.



Toss another long on the burning pile that is the UI.

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Yup. But don't forget, no add-ons for the forseeable future so we might fix this mess for the devs!


“Add-ons are still under discussion, but there's no current timeline for when that functionality might be implemented. While add-ons would give a lot more potential options (assuming a robust add-on community), there will still always be many people who want to use the game's default UI (new players, for example!). Therefore it's important for us to ensure the UI that we have works well, hence our ongoing development and expansion of UI options.”


Because apparently 5+ years of dev time wasn't enough to figure out that having more hotkeys than hotkey slots was a Bad Idea. Maybe they'll give players a couple more bars in a year or two.

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Why would you waste a hot key on quick travel and mounting? Not to mention you don't need to use every single skill available.


And I believe you mean to toss another "log" on the fire.

Edited by bassfu
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I have those on a hotkey and still have room.


I'm not disputing there isn't enough room, I'm at 42 and still have my whole left bar and half my right empty. I just don't see why you'd hot key something you'd use every half hour, but to each their own I guess.

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I'm not disputing there isn't enough room, I'm at 42 and still have my whole left bar and half my right empty. I just don't see why you'd hot key something you'd use every half hour, but to each their own I guess.


eh, its on the lower end of my Razer in the hard to reach zone. I would take it off if I needed room, but so far, I found them more important than abilities that I never use as my character has outgrown them or via talent tree, went a different direction to where they don't fit my rotation or even situational demands.

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Seriously - thats a good question. What class do you play? I'm only a couple of days from 50 and have medpacs, stims, adrenals, both relics, mount, throw the huttball, quick travel AND fleet pass, my pet AND space for every single activatable ability with empty slots waiting for the 2 skills I have left to learn. That's with left, right, and center two bars up and in use (I use a pretty high-end mouse and a gaming keypad, so I can type companion moves to to button w/out having the companion bar up)


That's playing as a healing Sorc. What the heck do you have hotkeyed - every single grade of medpac you seen so far???

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what class you play?


I have one of each type of character and I have between 6-9 slots open

shadow, kinetic.


I have abilities that I'd like to have situationally available (say, pve vs pvp) but I don't have room for em.


Why would you waste a hot key on quick travel and mounting?
Because I mount a lot, and adding a menu I have to click into to get to it would add up very quickly.
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A bigger question is why he'd hot key a stim.


For the same reason you'd hot key your class buff.

I hotkey both of them only because I have to use them every time I die in a warzone.


Though on that note, I don't have any issues with hot key bar space.

You do have the ability to "page" through the bottom bars. If you are somehow full on the initial 4 bars, then you could stick some seldom used abilities/items here.


Hopefully macros are implemented at some point...

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Nothing ot see here folks...just another misleading post designed to create an untrue impression. If anything, people who like doing things like using under-level spells to srtetch out their mana and things like that have complained that this game has too few skills and so they're "bored" because you don't get to keep using thinsg like Forec LIghtning Rank 1 when lvl 50. I play a sorcerer as well, and even slotting every skill I have, including reviving your companion, one main adrenal, 2 relics and a couple other things, I haven't filled up my bars. The idea that someone has too many skills and activatable abilities in this game for their bars is silly.


That being said, another bar wouldn't hurt if people feel they want one. But selling the absence of a 5th bar as a total "fail" from BW is disingenuous hyperbole and just an attempt to give people a reason to complain about things like having no addonns.

Edited by Blotter
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I find it pretty awesome that your expanded companion ability bar BLOCKS YOUR *********** KEYBINDS FROM WORKING if you've keybound abilities to the bar that gets hidden.


Example: I have alt-1, alt-2, etc bound to various worthless melee moves (I'm a sage) on my left ability bar. If I have my expanded companion ability bar enabled, hitting alt-1 DOES NOTHING.


The companion bar not only visually blocks the entire ability bar, but also blocks the keybinds for that bar.

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