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"Tab" targeting. A nightmare.


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Tab targeting cycles people in alphabetical order. Basically if you want to avoid being targeted while standing with your group, you should have your name start with "Z"


*mumbles something about naming his character Aharx* he he.

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As a work around, I mapped "Target Nearest Enemy" to my tab key.


Yeah I have nearest enemy and next enemy both mapped as a ghetto "cycle target", even though it only works half the time. The problem is even doing that, you will at best maybe cycle two or three people out of everyone in front of you.

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I want to expand on this, I want the ability to tab target people with low health so I can quickly finish them off in PVP before they have the chance to heal.


Don't be ridiculous, this was not my intention by opening this thread.


I just want targeting to be intuitive and that I will know how it acts so I can expect the outcome of my tabbing. Right now... it just have "random" feel no matter the options you choose in the menu or what you bind.


The problem with this mechanic is that you can never get "used" to it, because it doesn't act in a sensible way in the case of pvp.

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