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Everything posted by IsACoolGuy

  1. But as far as starting to get pve gear... should i be doing black hole or section x ?
  2. I tried tanking in recruit gear, didnt work out too well haha
  3. Well I didn't do too many dailies before and just got some basic pvp gear when they did the change with the new recruit stuff so I'm starting fresh. I just wanted to do dailies now because between the server merges and group finder I might actually be able to do some pve. Thanks for the info
  4. So I've been gone since March I think and I have been getting that itch to play some swtor. Where's the best place to start running dailies these days and what gear am I gonna be working towards?
  5. Are you talking about converting commendations from one planet to another? That would be nice, I have like 1-3 commendations left over from almost every planet that i cant use
  6. I agree that it kinda sucks using only 1 or 2 pets. As an assassin i would like to use my apprentice/Xalek, but he sucks compared to my healer Talos. You have a good idea, but like the last person said, I wouldn't expect anything until an expansion
  7. Agreed, the whole running through space ports crap can be annoying and it can suck to waste a fleet pass. They just answered a question about this in their last Q&A I think
  8. Yes as madness it is used as a dot, its good to always have it on your target. Many people will death field a couple people, tab discharge 3 people, then go on with their single target rotation.
  9. Will any new emotes be added to the game? The Jedi/Sith meditation thing that NPCs do looks pretty cool, will emotes of that nature become available to players?
  10. I'm only level 13. Started pvp right at 10 and I have no problems so far. There are the typical classes that are harder to kill but its not that big of a deal. Also I have an assassin main so I'm used to pvp being "harder" I guess. Oh and I love not being so squishy as a bh
  11. this should be stickied :csw_yoda::csw_yoda::csw_yoda::csw_yoda::csw_yoda::csw_yoda::csw_yoda::csw_yoda::csw_yoda::csw_yoda:
  12. The high damage numbers come from tab spamming discharge and spreading dots. In my opinion, and from what I've seen and tried, it doesnt make too much of a difference. I prefer to down targets on by one.
  13. Arsenal Merc here, I've been using Mako because of her heals, but she's getting pretty annoying. Which companion besides her would be good to use? I don't have too much experience with the others.
  14. she seems to lean towards the light side. I make the decisions based off of what I think a BH would do when it comes to reputation, morals, and of course credits. I have an assassin for the dark side and will roll a sentinel for light side
  15. implying WZ damage means anything.... but no really, i've only gotten to about 300k, then i switched to madness, I'm sure I could make it higher ow
  16. pvp look isnt too bad imo, but pve makes me look like a damn cow
  17. yes thankyou, didnt read enough ha move along folks, nothing to see here
  18. Can someone provide a good leveling spec? I pvp quite often as well.
  19. With my assassin I went full darkside, cuzz you know, I'm a hardcore evil sith. But with my BH that i stated leveling, I'm staying kind of neutral. I'm making my decisions based on how I want my reputation to be and from a "business" point of view
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