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"Tab" targeting. A nightmare.


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Agreed very much so.


Not only is the current tab targetting annoying, but you can't even mouse-click instead because that is inaccurate as well.


Add that you can't hotkey your raid group members and you've got frustrations all around when it comes to targetting.

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Has anyone come into this thread to argue that Tab targeting is fine and they have no issues with it? Did they also include references to other player's skill or the lack thereof?


Tab targeting is horrendous and you simply can't rely on clicking your target during melee scrums. Plenty of Zerg have lived to fight another day because I couldn't get their 10% HP asses targeted.

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The current system can drive me nuts. Expect to tab once but end up hitting it 3 or more times because it refused to just select the closest target.



And when you do finally select the target you want after hitting tab 5 times, you end up hitting it again--which puts you off the target once more.

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1. We get this thread to 100+ pages so that someone takes notice.

2. Bioware implements a "fix" about 1-3 months from now.

3. The fix breaks targeting (or some other game feature) completely.

4. A hotfix is put out that puts everything the way it was.

5. 3 weeks later we get a menu option to remove the flashy effect from our tab targeting.

6. Players rejoice!

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Has anyone come into this thread to argue that Tab targeting is fine and they have no issues with it? Did they also include references to other player's skill or the lack thereof?


Tab targeting is horrendous and you simply can't rely on clicking your target during melee scrums. Plenty of Zerg have lived to fight another day because I couldn't get their 10% HP asses targeted.


I came here arguing that it is OK. perhaps I am the only one playing that thinks is fine, but that is unlikely. You will not make an argument that anything is universal. I personnally think they have bigger fish to fry than tab targeting...

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Doesn't work for PvP or PvE.


I can't count how many times in Karagga's my guild has said: "I couldn't target the add"

If there are ONLY 2 mobs in the WHOLE area, why when I hit TAB doesn't it goto the next mob and switch between the 2 over and over as I hit TAB?


Totally borked tab targeting.


Not to mention you cannot click to target due to the SIZE of Bonecrusher and othe large-sized mobs.


What ever happend to: We don't want people in raids to pound on an oversized raid boss over and over again. that is not heroic ...

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One of the most game breaking things that need fixing asap. For me at least cause i pvp a lot. Tbh this should have been fixed yesterday, iam feeling angry just from the reason that we have to create a thread about this so BW can notice its broken.

Edited by faiaaar
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Tab targeting in 3 words. Does not work.


In pvp, you might have one guy in front of you and it seems like you are tabbing through every target you don't even have line of sight on. It is especially bad in Huttball where you don't just have X and Y corrdinates to deal with but Z as well as height also plays a roll.


And as a healer, it really gets annoying. We are forced to manual click on everyone we wish to heal. Good luck with that if there is a cluster of players close together. If you put two players close together, one opposing and one friendly, the game automatically assumes you want to target the opposing player and it could take repeated clicks on the player you wish to heal before you can actually heal them - and by then they are already dead and respawned.


If my AOE heal was worth a damn, I would only use it. Single healing in warzones is an absolute pain in the @#$.


Currently, there's an option for the party UI to show everyone on your team. It's sometimes a bit glitchy in that it won't show every ops member, but it's still a significant help compared to the default UI.

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