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Are sentinels/marauders getting fixed anytime soon?


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Yeah saying you are going to jump into a 1v5 situation, get a kill on a healer, then escape is a bunch of BS.


What would really happen is you'd get stunned 5 times and ripped apart.


And LOL at the OP saying that THIS is the guy who doesn't need a reality check.


I guess you're one of the bad ones, cause if you've got fingers and a really basic understanding of the class you CAN do that, and even escape alive in most cases.

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You know what needs fixing??? YOU LOT. There should be some kind of test when you create a character, to see if you have the basic comprehension to play certain classes, maybe a math quiz or something. Getting pretty sick and tired of all you halfwits posting about sents/marauders being underpowered, when in fact when they are played by people with more than 2 brain cells, they are probably the best melee dps in the game.


Just because some of you roll your face across the keyboard and expect to be godly uber wtfpwners and the end result is you get owned because your terrible, does not mean that the class sucks, YOU DO. I imagine this happens, you see something you want to kill, hit your force leap, get immediately punted / rooted and promptly killed by someone with a clue, then come to the forums and whine like babies, when in fact the problem is you lot.

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You know what needs fixing??? YOU LOT. There should be some kind of test when you create a character, to see if you have the basic comprehension to play certain classes, maybe a math quiz or something. Getting pretty sick and tired of all you halfwits posting about sents/marauders being underpowered, when in fact when they are played by people with more than 2 brain cells, they are probably the best melee dps in the game.


Just because some of you roll your face across the keyboard and expect to be godly uber wtfpwners and the end result is you get owned because your terrible, does not mean that the class sucks, YOU DO. I imagine this happens, you see something you want to kill, hit your force leap, get immediately punted / rooted and promptly killed by someone with a clue, then come to the forums and whine like babies, when in fact the problem is you lot.



Annnd... Splat goes a Frogdog... get a cleaner droid.

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Yeah saying you are going to jump into a 1v5 situation, get a kill on a healer, then escape is a bunch of BS.


What would really happen is you'd get stunned 5 times and ripped apart.


And LOL at the OP saying that THIS is the guy who doesn't need a reality check.


Considering I do it on an almost nightly basis, I don't really need a reality check.


Valorous Call, Leap- Rebuke and Overload Saber during leap, Zealous Strike*-Adrenals/relics, Awe, Merciless*-Zen***, Cauterize*, Strike/LegSlash, Slash, Strike, Slash****, Cauterize**, Merciless**, Dispatch, Transcendence, Force Camo-run towards LOS break or healer.


*Use Saber Ward during one of these cooldowns, around 80-85% health.

**Use Guarded by the Force and a Medpack here.

***Zen is used one tick early to have it end sooner, letting centering generation start sooner as well. It also offsets the lack of full Juyo stacks crit increase.

****Overload Saber should be up or almost up, use it on cooldown.

Underlined: Use first two hits of Master Strike here if low on focus due to Burning Focus not proc'ing, do NOT wait for the third unless you're exceptionally confident that it's going to hit.

Interrupt as needed, using Stasis as an interrupt rather than for damage.


9/10 times that you do this, you'll get double-CC'd reactively with the 4s stuns, meaning you've got your stunbreak ready and a full resolve bar very early on. Even experienced teams often make this mistake, the reaction time on a starter stun is fast enough that it can't be communicated in vent.


Now, if there's a tank or 3 or more healers in the group you're taking on, you're unlikely to kill anything. However, you should have little complications surviving for a very long time, plenty of time to either set up an escape or delay for your team to reinforce.

Edited by Apocalypse-
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Yeah I keep hearing about sentinal/marauders having the most skill cap in the game. I have a 50 marauder and it's no more/less harder than my Pyro/PT it's just a little different. Maybe it's just harder for some to play melee so they think it requires more skill? Or maybe there are just too many bad players left in this f'ing game.


just a fix!only bads left in this game!yep i am a bad too i am playing this cause wow is too hard for me!

sen/marauder is as complicated as any class in other mmo's(no not bw/mythic mmo's) in their early teens!


/signed, a sentinel

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Also, on a side note, roots need to go on resolve as well cause it's ridiculous that when there's a bunch of these lobotomized goats charging you over and over again (always) you can barely move.


All roots anyway, theirs is just extremely frustrating since it's a costant spam every 10ish seconds.

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You have got to be joking.


Today my friend and I were doing a WZ. We got roflstomped by a team with 5 Marauders. We both jumped on our sentinels for the next match and did the rofl stomping. Mara/Sents are a handful and are game changing in the right hands. Played right they are unbeatable unless you gibb them down. Scariest thing to see in a WZ is 2 Marauders with a pocket healer coming your way. Its gonna take your whole team to stop them.

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Also, on a side note, roots need to go on resolve as well cause it's ridiculous that when there's a bunch of these lobotomized goats charging you over and over again (always) you can barely move.


All roots anyway, theirs is just extremely frustrating since it's a costant spam every 10ish seconds.


15 seconds. 12 seconds talented.

And we're the only class without a stun.

So I suppose that evens it up eh?

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I just couldn't stop laughing when I read this thread. OP....you are a bad. You don't have the brain computing power to figure out how to counter marau/sents and so you come onto the forums QQ'ing. The class is great when played correctly, but it is by no means overpowered.


Also you realize the vanish is only 4 seconds? which if you are range, you can nuke him when he pops back up w/ a stun or cc or omg....maybe a ranged attack?


In the words of Justin Timberlake "Cry me a River"

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Yeah I keep hearing about sentinal/marauders having the most skill cap in the game. I have a 50 marauder and it's no more/less harder than my Pyro/PT it's just a little different. Maybe it's just harder for some to play melee so they think it requires more skill? Or maybe there are just too many bad players left in this f'ing game.


HA HA HA HA!!!!! ROFL>>> i have a BH also and my BH is EASY MODE!!!!!!!!!

Any idiot can play a BH so i stopped playing him and only play my Marauder.


I can not believe all the whining that goes on in these forums... First lets nerf sorc posts, then OP, then Assas, then BH tracer, then this and that now we are on to melee classes like Marauder. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO funny.


I don't think any class has gotten past the lets nerf them posts.

Edited by Badlander
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I can't tell if you're trolling but I'll respond anyway.


Sentinels/Marauders have probably the highest skill cap in the game for both PvP/PvE. They are probably the strongest 1v1 class in the game, which is fine because this game isn't about 1v1 combat, and are considerably weaker than other classes in team play.


Unless its a 1v1 setting or a 1v2 setting with the two being terribly geared, the Sent/Marau will struggle to stay alive under any kind of focus without a pocket healer and thats provided his defensive CDs weren't used already because then we just fall right over.


Plus, most Sentinels/Marauders I run into are absolutely horrible and if anything a disadvantage to the game. I'm not saying they're OP, but I'd rather some of these Sentinels roll Sins, Sorcs or Powertechs because they seem easier to achieve full potential.


I will say though, a BM Sent/Marau with a competent pocket healer will utterly obliterate baddies.


In response to your sig. I think cross server queues will ruin the sense of community that I appreciate in this game, dual spec is not necessary as everything is doable with a complimenting companion, dual AC is like asking for a complete class change button and the only thing the game "could" use is dungeon tool but ONLY on the same server. But I disagree with you about Sents so it makes sense I disagree with your views about MMOs



Do you read what you type before you post it?


They do insane damage, they have the best interrupts, unstoppable with a pocket healer, aoe CC and damage, tear apart healers in seconds, etc.


You're right. Worst class in the game.

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Haha.. ever heard the term its better to let people think you are idiot, rather then to open your mouth and confirm it? that is basicly what this post seemed like a perfect example of to me.


Im not going to say Marauders/Sentinels are underpowered, but they are prob the furthest away from being Op, perhaps next to guardians/Juggs.


Also for posters claim that everyone is rerolling marauders/sents, haha.. sure that isnt in your imagination, and even if it wasnt, chances are just as good that they want to play a class that takes more then 3 button rotation to perfect.



Btw poster, your comment about adding root needing to give resolve just shows how out of touch with reality you are, that would actually be a MASSIVE buff for marauders/sentinels.

Edited by Munx
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I guess you're one of the bad ones, cause if you've got fingers and a really basic understanding of the class you CAN do that, and even escape alive in most cases.


Epic troll is epic fail.


You are saying if a Sent uses 4 CD's (5 actually unless he got the 30 stack of centering) he can kill one guy and get away (presumably with minimal health) yeah I COULD do that. If the other team was filled with noobs.


The post you \0/ to actually pointed out that Sentinels are op in the hands of 10% of the gaming populace, kinda like sorcs, or Mercs, or Power techs, or Scoundrels, or Operatives, or Snipers or Gunslingers, or Shadows, or Assassins or Commando's or Vanguards. Yep that poster knows what he is talking about.


The most hilarious thing is if you had posted this 4 weeks ago you would have been laughed off the forums. Now that some of us (that top 10% apparently) have gotten geared and good from spending wayyyy tooo much time playing PvP the whole class should get a nerf.


What people need to realize is that great players can make ANY class seem OP as is proven by this very thread, which as I have mentioned previously would have been LOL'D the heck off these forums just a few weeks ago and since then we've actually been mildly buffed or nerfed depending on who you ask (definitely nerfed in PVE).


Guys nerf every class but yours and you will STILL lose in Huttball to folks in YOUR faction playing YOUR class. Why? Because it's you.


How do I know? Because I was whining a mere 5 weeks ago about how UNDERpowered Sentinels were. I got tons of L2P hate and I then retrained myself, read up on tips and watched videos. I spent probably 100+ hours of in game time in WZ's and on Ilum honing my skill and also time PVE-ing in OPS to get geared out.


The result of all that hardwork and dedication? This same guy who was QQing up a storm now often (but not always) tops damage charts and will occasionally snag the MVP vote over the top healer.


I busted my ***** getting good. It's not the class that's OP it's that top shelf players can make ANY class look amazing. Sentinel also is a class where if you are lightning fast and can handle 25+ keybinds you have many, many options. If you scroll back a bit on sent/marauder forums all you will see is QQ about how weak we are. Hell there is probably a lot still complaining. The fact is this class has a VERY high skill cap and if you start to tap into that rarefied realm, you will bust some serious heads.


Our achilles heel? CC, especially snares and roots as they don't add to resolve.


Final word of advice. Stop crying and start working, get better!

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