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Not understanding this next patch


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Lol sorry, I forgot to make my points in the last post. It has only two games that have ever been released on it, one excluding TOR, and while this may sound sort of snobbish: I think it was a bad idea to place your hopes on a relatively unknown engine. The engine wasn't even recognized as ready for a stable release until September of 2011, this begs the question as to what kind of prototype that Swtor has in its systems. Although it hasn't been proven I can't help but wonder if some of the bugs in the game aren't the engines fault entirely.


From what I have read the Hero Engine is single threaded, but it is getting ready for a multi-threaded release.


I don't know why the rumor that SWTOR doesn't support multiple threads persists. Resource monitor totally debunks this. It may be virtual multi-threading, but that's how most games do it anyway.

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From what I have read the Hero Engine is single threaded, but it is getting ready for a multi-threaded release.


I guess you didn't even read my previous post.. so here it is again.


Sorry, this is not true and just shows you believe whatever people tell you. The whole single threaded rumor started over a bad Wikipedia edit that no one bothered to actually read the source on.


The out of context quote used on Wikipedia was talking about how the rendering and simulation processes both shared a single thread and were going to soon be split into two different threads. The rest of the engine itself is, and has always been, very much multithreaded.

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Wah, no bugfixes


the next post we see like this is gonna be



Wah, no new content until March


OP makes a good point. Personally, I think the bioware devs didn't expect people to leave other MMOs to come here, and now they're suffering for it, as the game is getting more and more bad hype because their content is too easy, they hardly bug fix end game content, rather than just adding ui features AND END GAME CONTENT ONLY they're making alt rolling and social gear better? Forget that, I don't care about all the kids who have 17 characters, I want to be able to enjoy end game on my 1 character.

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Here's my problem with your post and mind you this comes from a 40 year old man who has a shattered back and thus can't work.

If you have 20 levels of Legacy and 8 characters then that tell's me you need to take a break from the game a bit. Go read some books, go watch a movie, do something else with your life other than focusing on one game because I hate to say this to you but no game is ever going to meet any of your expectations... ever.

This game wasn't meant to become your life it was meant to give you something entertaining to do while you live your life. Focusing on one thing, obsessing over it, and demanding people to satisfy your needs is a little much. It's just a game and it will never meet all of what you want from it. Too many people to serve and too many differences.

This game isn't a life replacement. What you are looking for requires turning the computer off and going outside. Can I suggest starting with the Czech Republic? It really is an Adventure out there.

As it stands there is roughly about a 180 Star Wars books out there just dying to be read. Take some time off and read a few of those. That's not including the comic books.

If that isn't enough then may I suggest replaying Mass Effect and Mass Effect 2 as you prepare for Mass Effect 3.

Hitting the Off button isn't as hard as you think.

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Here's my problem with your post and mind you this comes from a 40 year old man who has a shattered back and thus can't work.

If you have 20 levels of Legacy and 8 characters then that tell's me you need to take a break from the game a bit. Go read some books, go watch a movie, do something else with your life other than focusing on one game because I hate to say this to you but no game is ever going to meet any of your expectations... ever.

This game wasn't meant to become your life it was meant to give you something entertaining to do while you live your life. Focusing on one thing, obsessing over it, and demanding people to satisfy your needs is a little much. It's just a game and it will never meet all of what you want from it. Too many people to serve and too many differences.

This game isn't a life replacement. What you are looking for requires turning the computer off and going outside. Can I suggest starting with the Czech Republic? It really is an Adventure out there.

As it stands there is roughly about a 180 Star Wars books out there just dying to be read. Take some time off and read a few of those. That's not including the comic books.

If that isn't enough then may I suggest replaying Mass Effect and Mass Effect 2 as you prepare for Mass Effect 3.

Hitting the Off button isn't as hard as you think.


Agree 100%. :cool:

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I guess you didn't even read my previous post.. so here it is again.


Sorry, this is not true and just shows you believe whatever people tell you. The whole single threaded rumor started over a bad Wikipedia edit that no one bothered to actually read the source on.


The out of context quote used on Wikipedia was talking about how the rendering and simulation processes both shared a single thread and were going to soon be split into two different threads. The rest of the engine itself is, and has always been, very much multithreaded.


I read your last post, therefore I did not state you were wrong. I just posted that I had read differently.

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Every time I'm in combat and a crew skill window pops up, or every time I'm using GTN, or filling in a CS ticket, or doing anything with windows open in the UI, and a crew skill mission ends, and wipes out everything I'm doing, I literally want to punch someone at BioWare. WHY don't you fix this idiocy, that has been reported and discussed repeatedly, instead of adding fluffy junk?



I'd like to second this. Really surprised this made it through Beta - I guess no one was ever making Support Tickets, too busy 'Playing'. Immensly Frustrating!

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I totally agree with the OP, it would go along way for me personally to have the bugs and UI issues taken care of but these companies always cater to the cry-bear PVP players cause they scream the loudest, and PVP have just as many issues.


I'd personally like to see something done with the crafting system... I’m lv43 shadow, 400 synthweaving, currently wearing better armor than lv50 crafted gear... awesome.


And PLEASE destroy the interface for the market place and start from scratch try designing something that’s user friendly. That’s just two examples off the top of my head, not to mention the bugged class quest on Voss.

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OP makes a good point. Personally, I think the bioware devs didn't expect people to leave other MMOs to come here, and now they're suffering for it, as the game is getting more and more bad hype because their content is too easy, they hardly bug fix end game content, rather than just adding ui features AND END GAME CONTENT ONLY they're making alt rolling and social gear better? Forget that, I don't care about all the kids who have 17 characters, I want to be able to enjoy end game on my 1 character.


even in Beta this was considered "part" of the end-game content. Creating Alts. Bioware is going to forge full steam ahead on this, why I have no idea because after trying to play an Alt, I had to stop at 13 because I felt like I had just DONE all these quests.


You have to be pretty hard core to put yourself through the pain of redoing all those quests again and again for all your character slots. Personally, I'm not up to that kind of pain and boredom. That's not a game to me, it's a job.

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I'd like to second this. Really surprised this made it through Beta - I guess no one was ever making Support Tickets, too busy 'Playing'. Immensly Frustrating!


Don't even go that route. Beta Testers submitted thousands of tickets on these issues, It is not the beta-testers. It is Bioware's prioritizing and their refusal to really LOOK at the tickets (all through beta they were focused on METRICS. Not the tickets or the forums).

Edited by CriticalMasses
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You know the stuff your asking for OP is content patching not Bug patches which is what normal patches are for. Content patches are big changes in the version like whats coming in march with 1.2 then all the patches for that moment will be 1.2.1 1.2.2 etc etc.


Might help if you also learn to read and look around you'd see many of things are in the pipeline. Its not some over th night fix to repair the GTN's interface (which I agree is terrible).


As for Moddable Orange gear I like it..it keeps me from looking like Everyone else If you dont like it don't wear it that simple.


As for the rest I think I'm not going to bother to read it. I'm not big on ranting posts that have been made without any sort of research on whats being done, whats in the pipeline, and what the difference is between large content changes and bug fixes.

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Ok, I'm thankful that they're patching and doing something/anything...that's a good sign. But it's really kind of annoying that numerous glitches/bugs/broken features/requests going back to beta, months ago, are continually blown off. It's annoing that the stuff people ask for the most, like the UI stuff...are coming later rather than sooner, and then what they do push out is...a warzone so people can have another pvp instance to get uber epics for doing nothing, vanity clothes (oh...yay...that's handy for about 20 people in the entire game), and a new species that adds...about...nothing.


Yes, I'm quite sure BioWare are just doing it this way to annoy people, especially you.

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I know you're trying really hard to be cute and act smart and cool on the messageboard and stuff, but you come off bad.. and quite frankly, you know as little as anyone else about software development and denying that BioWare dropped the ball is silly. You trying to be witty just isn't working out for you. Just sayin'.


Sabarok is correct.

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I know you're trying really hard to be cute and act smart and cool on the messageboard and stuff, but you come off bad.. and quite frankly, you know as little as anyone else about software development and denying that BioWare dropped the ball is silly. You trying to be witty just isn't working out for you. Just sayin'.


Sabarok is not being witty, he's just talking plain sense. That you don't recognize it as such speaks volumes about you.

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they are adding stuff that people have been asking them to add... also we still have about a month of to go until the update so that gives them plenty of time to fix bugs... and they have fixed alot of them already. the only bug that makes me sad face is when you don't get credit for winning a warzone



stop trolling and play the game kid

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This game has plenty of issues, bugs, glitches, stuff people have asked to have fixed since beta, little things, and big things people have asked for.


So instead of any of that...it just boggles the mind...with what they're adding in this next patch.


PvP in this game is just flat out stupid. Just like it is in every PvE MMORPG. EZ mode gaer for people who do nothing. So what's the solution...add another BG. Oh yay.


Another species, that'll undoubtably be another basically human looking being with different facial mutilations.


Vanity clothing.


I just don't get it.


All of this is pure garbage.


Every time I'm in combat and a crew skill window pops up, or every time I'm using GTN, or filling in a CS ticket, or doing anything with windows open in the UI, and a crew skill mission ends, and wipes out everything I'm doing, I literally want to punch someone at BioWare. WHY don't you fix this idiocy, that has been reported and discussed repeatedly, instead of adding fluffy junk?


Speaking of the GTN, it's been slammed since beta...why not fix and update it instead of bringing in useless garbage?


We've seen a teaser of slightly customizeable UI featers...where's that? How long can it possibly take to add rudimentary UI customization when it's already done enough to make a video about it?


I have well over 20 levels of legacy (turned off legacy bar since it's a waste of screen space)...if my reward is going to be the opportunity to delete one of my 8 characters to reroll as some other human looking variant, then no thanks. How about something useful like faster speeders, shorter CDs on fast travel like fleet pass or QT (doesn't have to be drastic, even a few percent points would be SOMETHING tangible instead of a useless new species).


Ok, I'm thankful that they're patching and doing something/anything...that's a good sign. But it's really kind of annoying that numerous glitches/bugs/broken features/requests going back to beta, months ago, are continually blown off. It's annoing that the stuff people ask for the most, like the UI stuff...are coming later rather than sooner, and then what they do push out is...a warzone so people can have another pvp instance to get uber epics for doing nothing, vanity clothes (oh...yay...that's handy for about 20 people in the entire game), and a new species that adds...about...nothing.


I don't really disagree with you that much actually... but surely you realize that this is all personal opinion, right?


To some people, the changes will be great.


BW has a lot of people to please. At least 1.7 million customers, to be more precise. A lot of people will be unsatisfied with each patch, but whenever a patch comes out that has content you like, remember to show your appreciation =]

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You do realize in a program development environment. Different people and teams work on different things. There is just to much diversity for a programmer to be available to work on all phases of the game. No I guess you did not realize this. All it means is the content development people have finished some things and the programmers who fix bugs and the people who change functions to suit what people are complaining about are not done yet.


You seem to think everybody at Bioware is working on 1 thing and they all work on it till its done, and then they start on the next thing. These people are writng code ..does it seem efficient to you that more than 1 person would be writng the same code. ...lol..Oops I already wrote that function Frank.

Edited by dbgager
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