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Living, breathing world....


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Thank you for posting this link. If anyone watches this actual game footage and still claims that the game world is not lifeless, they are lying.


Maybe BW thought that once the game had players in it there would be enough life interwoven with their forever-static scenes. Unfortunately, they split, compartmentalized, and instanced everything to such small populations that there are usually more NPC-statues than actual players in any area by orders of magnitude. Even in areas with sparce NPC populations. . . like the cavernous wastes of time and pixels that are the starports- especially the Croissant starport.



It really is below any othermmo out there. Only SW and BW ultra fanboys are defending it. Prime time Europe. Only ONE server was heavy. Rest standard. Game is over. At least for now.

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The lasr game I played was RIFT. Trion got the living world part right.


Rift did several things in that made the out door worlds feel alive. I agree the two cities feel a bit like TOR. but the Rift events add quite alot to the game world, the mobs have different animations and pathing going on. The ambient sounds are packed in and the graphical presentaion is vibrant. There are things i like about SWTOR but the funny thing is none of them are part of the MMO expierence. Where rift was short ,SWTOR did a fine job not making it feel grindy the first time through but it was entirely single player features that did that.

Unfortunately as a MMO Rift was a far better game , even busted AOC had at least a MMO feel to it and it was heavily instanced but guild features and sand box play made up for it..Unfortuantely Devolpers are pushing out big sales numbers on MMO's to line the pockets of the Publishers and then hoping they can retain enough people to fill in its short comings. They gambled big on 7 year devopment cycle and over 100 million in devolpment cost. It paid off in the short term but i feel no attachemnt to this game world. i remember my class story but nothing of the ride, that is unfortunate.TOR will be successful i wish it no ill will . I dont know if we will ever see a true MMO in the sense we used to think about them.

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I always assumed that some of the missing things in beta were so glaring that the devs were just waiting until a later build to put them in and fix it. That build never came.


Not gonna make a long post like most but am unsubbing. Nice to know others feel like I do.

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Had played RIFT last year and enjoyed the dynamic content there. Sure, I knew SWTOR will not have that, but it surprised my nevertheless how dead the worlds feel, and since there is no PvP on most worlds (sometimes not possible, other times the levelling zones were just to separated to run across the other faction, but at least while doing dailies on Belsavis and Voss I can kill some Sith there). I am so bored by the open would mobs, most of them do not even move one meter (except for the rare patrols), it makes even no sense to call them mobs (because they aren't mobile). I have not even to think how to avoid fights which I have normally even as a stealth class to.
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So I have always felt, since beta anyway, that the swtor world felt dead. Not just in the number of players but the environments. Lifeless cities. No ambient sound. Well played the Tera beta the last 24 hours straight and it confirms these feelings even more.


The cities feel so alive. Players are everywhere. Sounds of city life, crafting, players dueling in the dueling ring. I actually felt like part of an MMO WORLD. The list goes on and on. Yes it has flaws too (Korean) just makes me hope and some point Swtor will feel more alive.


ok, ignoring your desire to market Tera on this board, I sort of get where you're coming from. I just don't know if its that big of a deal. Todays players blow through zones as fast as humanly possible and very few like to stop, look and "smell the roses" as it were. BW probably put that stuff on low priority, and I can't say with certainty that they're wrong.


Does it bug me I can't sit on bar stool in a cantina? Yeah. Not something I'm going to quit the game over...

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Why do fanbois protect this game so much.


I agree with the OP 100%. The environments are beautifully designed but there is soul missing in them. I always get nostalgia When in elwyn forest, west fall or storm wind. Here... It's lifeless, boring and just plain bad. No ambient sounds or light music.. Just footsteps / speeder sound.


At first I didn't mind it... But when you go to any other mmo you begin to realise just how much it immerses you into the game.


Stormwind? your joking right?

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ok, ignoring your desire to market Tera on this board, I sort of get where you're coming from. I just don't know if its that big of a deal. Todays players blow through zones as fast as humanly possible and very few like to stop, look and "smell the roses" as it were. BW probably put that stuff on low priority, and I can't say with certainty that they're wrong.


Does it bug me I can't sit on bar stool in a cantina? Yeah. Not something I'm going to quit the game over...


MMO was always about blowing through contents even back in the uo days.. the thing is that the developers will find a way to delay the process so that contents last longer no matter how hard people play. So stop using " it is the player's fault that they are out of content to play with in less than two months after the game released" as an excuse.


In fact, one of the BIG reason why MMOs can charge people monthly fees and still get millions of people to play them is because they won't run out of contents to play with in a short peroid of time compare to single players game.

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I was just at one of the mailboxes in the Drag in Org and just in that tiny area there are little critters crawling around, the water moves realistically when one of them enters it.

Through the water, you can see a small school of fish darting about.


People complain about the "dated" nature of the game but on the contrary, there is more life going on in one tiny area of WoW than there is in an entire ZONE in TOR.

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Stormwind? your joking right?


wel... stormwind used to be cool before Blizzard decided to kill ironforge and dalaran and put 15o071071508710582 of instant portals in SW


the city is nothing more than a hub for people to afk when waiting for x-server queues .... something SWTOR would likely to follow in the near future.

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Agree! The worlds are lifeless it's not like ahh thats where Joey got his head ripped off its like. Theres a crashed space ship. No weather/static was a bad idea. Night/day cycles i can do without (seeing Taris on different sides) But over all on a 2012 release its abismal! I was hoping to go swimming! Going to Mannan(spell check) and dive down! or atleast down into a river. I mean look at what GW2 hopes to do. Storys with different turns/outcomes and a more immersive thought about and cared for world.
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ok, ignoring your desire to market Tera on this board, I sort of get where you're coming from. I just don't know if its that big of a deal. Todays players blow through zones as fast as humanly possible and very few like to stop, look and "smell the roses" as it were. BW probably put that stuff on low priority, and I can't say with certainty that they're wrong.


Does it bug me I can't sit on bar stool in a cantina? Yeah. Not something I'm going to quit the game over...


Not trying to market anything. Just an observation and something to compare it to.

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Stormwind? your joking right?


Are you saying Stormwind is lifeless? You see so much going in the city. There are two kids ALWAYS chasing each other, fishing, the caretaker and orphans who walk around, music always playing, each district has it's own music, you hear ambient sounds and environmental sounds but not in TOR. There is barely and sound to speak of I'm surprised there isn't even a repeat music option.

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I love many aspects of the game, but on this issue, of the game feeling lifeless and dead in certain ways, I have to agree with the OP.


The main problem for me is that mobs are just static. They are dotted around the landscape in groups of 3 or 4. You fight one group right under the noses of several other groups and they just stand there and do nothing. There you are wrecking up their base, their friends, their allies, their homes and they just stand there.


Now, I know that this is standard for MMOs and other games behave the same way. But there's something about the way storylines, locations and fights are arranged in TOR which seems to exaggerate this problem. At least in some other games there are mobs which send out alerts, mobs that cry for help, mobs that attempt to run and so on. Also packs of mobs do move around in some other MMOs, moving from camp to camp and so on. In TOR there's none of this, no attempt to give any illusion of life.


I don't think anyone would want to see themselves get zerged by onlooking mobs every time they attack something, that would be frustrating. But there should be ways to at least give the iimpression that nearby mobs care about what you are doing, by going into a defensive stance, taking cover, cowering and where appropriate attacking, perhaps in waves after a delay to give you a chance to heal up.

Edited by Cernow
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Why do fanbois protect this game so much.


I agree with the OP 100%. The environments are beautifully designed but there is soul missing in them. I always get nostalgia When in elwyn forest, west fall or storm wind. Here... It's lifeless, boring and just plain bad. No ambient sounds or light music.. Just footsteps / speeder sound.


At first I didn't mind it... But when you go to any other mmo you begin to realise just how much it immerses you into the game.


Because Bioware doesn't know HOW to build an MMO. It is a single player game with MMO elements.


And I know EXACTLY what you are talking about, I played EQ back when freeport WAS alive (before all the expansions) and there were always people everywhere. East Commons, West Commons, etc. Ultima Online, Moonglow Bank (the map was so small compared to today's games, but man you were always running into people).


when SW:G first opened up the planets were packed. You'd have 80-100 people in one small area, yes it was laggy, buggy, but it was also ALIVE.


This game does NOT feel alive, even in Fleet it doesn't feel alive. It does indeed feel static.

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Because Bioware doesn't know HOW to build an MMO. It is a single player game with MMO elements.


And I know EXACTLY what you are talking about, I played EQ back when freeport WAS alive (before all the expansions) and there were always people everywhere. East Commons, West Commons, etc. Ultima Online, Moonglow Bank (the map was so small compared to today's games, but man you were always running into people).


when SW:G first opened up the planets were packed. You'd have 80-100 people in one small area, yes it was laggy, buggy, but it was also ALIVE.


This game does NOT feel alive, even in Fleet it doesn't feel alive. It does indeed feel static.



when EQ2 went F2P, it feel alive again in freeport, until now....

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Stormwind full of life? LOL no.


Yes, I love seeing the same kids running around in a circle all over Stormwind yelling the same things. Yes, that's immersion of a city...wait...no.


Oh I know! The caretaker walking behind the kids over and over saying the exact same thing...wait, no...thats not it.


Hmm, what could it be....(thinking)


I got it, it's the patrols of soldiers walking around Stormwind...nope...thats not it either.


Name me one MMO where you were totally immersed in the game based on the NPCs reactions and everything you touched, said, or did directly effected the environment?

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Agree! The worlds are lifeless it's not like ahh thats where Joey got his head ripped off its like. Theres a crashed space ship. No weather/static was a bad idea. Night/day cycles i can do without (seeing Taris on different sides) But over all on a 2012 release its abismal! I was hoping to go swimming! Going to Mannan(spell check) and dive down! or atleast down into a river. I mean look at what GW2 hopes to do. Storys with different turns/outcomes and a more immersive thought about and cared for world.


Lets not forget (differentiated) underwater combat and content.

This is also on of the parts that the KotR series actually included and was a nice change of pace and allows you to showcase an entierly different type of enviroment and increases the amount of content that you can explore. Also increase the flora and fauna within the world making it more livelier by its prescens.

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So I have always felt, since beta anyway, that the swtor world felt dead. Not just in the number of players but the environments. Lifeless cities. No ambient sound. Well played the Tera beta the last 24 hours straight and it confirms these feelings even more.


The cities feel so alive. Players are everywhere. Sounds of city life, crafting, players dueling in the dueling ring. I actually felt like part of an MMO WORLD. The list goes on and on. Yes it has flaws too (Korean) just makes me hope and some point Swtor will feel more alive.


having people, animals, objects, things, running all over the world requires processor power.


meaning people would need strong system to run the game..


it hard to convince someone that they need a $500 upgrade to play a game.


it ends up detracting customers.

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