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Everything posted by Galanaer

  1. So, I was thinking the other day about my slippers. Its amazing how great they are to wear. I mean think about it. You get up in the morning and rather than planting your feet on a cold wooden floor, you slip them into your warm slippers instead! Now, mind you, then next task is to make it all the way downstairs to start the coffee pot b/c we all know most of us parents need our coffee to jumpstart our mornings. Speaking of jumpstarts, how many people have jumper cables in their car? It boggles my mind that so many of my friends and family don't keep a pair in their cars. Oh well, back to my coffee... (I tend to post more ramblings by Galanaer throughout the day!)
  2. NERD RAGE!!! NERD MAD!!! SMASH ROCKS AND TREES!!! NERD NOT HAPPY MUST PLAY SWTOR!!!! (Runs down the street foaming at the becuase they can't play today) Thats okay...just give em his binky and he should be okay for awhile....
  3. Actually, a lot of my friends and I that play SWTOR are not even at 50 yet. Reason why? Married, kids, work, and other responsibilities. We don't have the time to sit around for 6 hours a night and play, or take a break from college course work and play 9 hours to "blow off steam." If you did blow through the content and are at max level and did everything possible to do in the game and left no stone un-turned, then you really need to do something else then. I have played several MMO's throughout the years and it never ceases to amaze me the amount of complaining for steam boat willy players. You know, the ones that bum-rush through the game to be the next "elite" player so that everyone below them can see their e-peen armor, mount, whatever the case maybe. I just laugh at them. Instead if trying to be the first one at the end of the race, chill out and relax. Course, that's a whole-nother issue to talk about. Instant gratification society....
  4. Stormwind full of life? LOL no. Yes, I love seeing the same kids running around in a circle all over Stormwind yelling the same things. Yes, that's immersion of a city...wait...no. Oh I know! The caretaker walking behind the kids over and over saying the exact same thing...wait, no...thats not it. Hmm, what could it be....(thinking) I got it, it's the patrols of soldiers walking around Stormwind...nope...thats not it either. Name me one MMO where you were totally immersed in the game based on the NPCs reactions and everything you touched, said, or did directly effected the environment?
  5. Interesting Blog. Course, already we have people crapping all over it, or didn't care to read the information. My mistake, it must be those self-indulgent weiners with to much bloody money! Every MMO that has been released had bugs all thru it. Name one MMO that never had em. Oh, wait you can't. Because now that you live in a fast-food McDonald' fashion society, where I want it NOW NOW NOW!!! Then all of a sudden you don't get what you want, you turn into the HULK AND NERD RAGE!!! HULK SMASH!!!!!!
  6. Blizzard is very crafty in their marketing department. How much spin was used when vanilla WoW was launched? Oh wait, probably 1/2 the community was still in diapers when it was launched. There were floods of nay-sayers when WoW launched. I took blizzard quite sometime to get it all worked out. And as developers, that was their first time creating a game like that. Besides, just because you make a game that grandma can play while the grand kids are taking a nap doesn't mean the game is amazing. Just means its an easy game to play like solitaire.
  7. Actually, my first MMO was Sierra's Realms. You know, that little game company that dominated the pc market back in the 80s and part of the 90s? And, I've played just about every MMO out there since. Sorry junior I'm not new to MMOs or PC games for that matter. Now when. I made the comment about, "carrot on a stick", obviously you couldnt inference my statement. True every MMO has had that style of thinking. But, with this game I don't feel like I have to get the next best thing to feel accomplished or rush back to base to get my next rank in skill. As opposed to WoW, you couldn't wait to grind out that level to get your next spell or item bc developers created an atmosphere where if you didn't have it, you needed it too bc Johnny over there had it. And if this is a WoW clone as many are saying, then WoW is no better than EQ, UO, Meridian 59, etc. Bc they just took elements from other established MMOs to create theirs. Did WoW do anything new? Not really.
  8. Your exactly right! I want to hear the dialog of what's going on. Rather that than reading 4 paragraphs in small font for the same thing. Pretty you say? Fine by me. Everyone knew this game was going to be similar to KOTOR. I remember reading articles from PC Gamer about it, almost a year before the release. And yet, players are screaming bloody murder of how they don't like the gameplay. Really?
  9. Gee, WoW was/is so amazing! (sarcasm) To all the WoW player base, it was boring. It was a never ending "carrot-on-a-stick" play style. Not to mention the constant grinding feel of the game. And yes, Blizzard just reinvented the wheel only with a different hubcap. At least with SWTOR, I don't have the grind feeling bc of the story quests. One other thing if you powerleveled to 50 and are bored? Ha, that's own fault.
  10. Lol classic! I make a joke about swimming and you're biting my head off. Relax dude. You wanna squab by my guest. And for the record, I'm having a blast with this game.
  11. Oh no!! My toon can't swim? Seriously, that's a important issue? Next you're gonna complain your toon can't "pop-a-squat." This debate is getting old. Just like the turkey on rye in my fridge!
  12. There is a reading skill called, inferencing. To your arguement that patches are not in that exact wording doesn't negate that fact that patches can and will be done. By, inferencing you can deduce that the servers can be unavailable for X time for X reason. That very reason can be downtime for patch updates.
  13. Did someone hear that? Yep, I heard it too! It's the Whambulance! Their coming to take all the little WoW kiddos away! Where they can run and frolick with the kungfu pandas and pokemons! I repeat it like a broken record. Listen students, Blizzard took elements from other MMOs to create their game! And might I add they took new ideas from other MMOs to keep their play base with WoW. WoW is not an amazing game. It had its moments (for me) but that's it. Reason why it's still popular is because of clever marketing. You can claim its a clone all you want, it doesn't refute the fact that blizzard did the same thing. And my opinion of the game! It's a great game. Fun theme park game!
  14. Excuse me while I wipe the tears from my eyes laughing so hard all the nerd rage! I've called 911, their sending all available whambulances to the forums! If you see them, Let them through! Seriously though, original early release was 5 days prior to launch. They bumped it up to 7 days. If you really are going to throw that big of tantrum, maybe you should play a different game. Listen.....I think I hear the sirens now!!!
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