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Incoming changes to global cooldown UI Blog Discussion


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Really nice to see how quickly you guys respond to the playerbase.


However, I will state that I am bit baffled at your direction with the UI. You have a huge consumer base coming from an age where addons have been standardized in this genre (Like it or not). Would it not make more sense to get the base UI as rock solid as possible then release a LUA-esque toolkit instead?


This seems a bit too far into the aesthetic options realm than normal for a default UI.


I am going to plead here so excuse the dramatics, but please I beg of you, get the UI to a functional state then unleash it on us developers open-source fashion. We will do things collectively that will knock your socks off. Not to mention we pay YOU a monthly fee to add functionality to your interface, just for the love of the game.


Example: I'd code up a 2 pixel GDC sparkbar that runs across the top of the actionbar frame and revert abilities into their relative button countdowns. A more minimal approach that some people enjoy.


I will quote Churchill here, "Give us the tools... and we shall... finish... the job!"

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Very pleased to see this. From the description at tleast this looks good. I expect I shall change as soon as I can to the simple numeric display, no more aggravating flashing :).


I look forward to the new version.:D


I do agree though with other posts here that you should consider making a moddable interface available as the community would quickly build options like this (and a vast number of other optional UI customisations) so we can all set things the way we like them - and you could spend your efforts on core things. We really need more to do after reaching 50 :). If you are not into PVP there's not a lot there, only a small selection of FPs and ops really.

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Never bothered me BUT I did see literally thousands of people threatening to rage quit because of nausea or whatever. Now that they fix it, some people still complain? Wow, I love this game and will continue to sub but these forums are like a science experiment in Mob Mentality.


Hopefully the fair weather/MMO jumpers leave soon and the PLAYERS can have the forums back. Till then, I think Ill just play the game and avoid the "rabble rabble rabble" till GW2 comes out and hopefully the "jumpers" jump and cry doom over there.


Anyway, good to see BioWare listening and working.

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why the hell are you worrying about cooldown looks? what about full customization where the user can put what he wants anywhere on the screen? Or size preferences to anything on screen, more bars and placing those bars where you see fit. I HATE having my damn bars on the left and right... just stupid.


You really need to learn how to read! you are the 4-5 person to say this and have still not realized that all of what you said is coming in the next Patch LOL. So here is a idea why don't you go look through the test server forums. you will see everything that is coming in march and can remove your foot from your mouth:D

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All i can say is that i can feel more at home and will actually continue to play the game which i practically dumped.

Now if the 1.2 gives us movable /stackable bars...(yes i wanna have 3 horizontal bars on the bottom and not at the sides tyvm), i can finally start to enjoy the game, so if anyone is reading that pls make the bars flip either vertical or horizontal and make em movable.


Those changes are coming in March with patch 1.2 go to the test server forums and you can read about it.

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I'm happy to see many of the add-on features that players of World of Warcraft enjoy coming to Star Wars:ToR. Information is power. I like seeing a lot of visual feedback on my cool-downs as well as timers so I have a more precise indication of when my abilities will be ready.


Once we can arrange and resize various portions of our interface to our liking, things will be even better. I hope text size will also scale (preferably separately) as my eyesight isn't the greatest these days and this is the only game I play that forces me to wear my reading glasses. :D


I am somewhat disappointed that the current "map magnifier" doesn't (even optionally) magnify the map text. :( But at least that's not a game stopper for me. ;)

Edited by BBQedGamer
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I was just wondering if this is going to be in the patch that is coming tomorrow February 14, 2012? If not, is there an ETA? I'm of course talking about the patch it mentions it will be available in which is patch 1.1.4. Any insight on this would greatly be appreciated!! :D


I'm sorry if this has been answered somewhere but I did not want to read:rolleyes:EVERY SINGLE PAGE:rolleyes:and either read over it or it either not have been answered nor asked.


Thanks for giving some insight on this and keep up the great work you all are doing at BioWare/EA, etc.




Infinity Gate

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I was just wondering if this is going to be in the patch that is coming tomorrow February 14, 2012? If not, is there an ETA? I'm of course talking about the patch it mentions it will be available in which is patch 1.1.4. Any insight on this would greatly be appreciated!! :D


I'm sorry if this has been answered somewhere but I did not want to read:rolleyes:EVERY SINGLE PAGE:rolleyes:and either read over it or it either not have been answered nor asked.


Thanks for giving some insight on this and keep up the great work you all are doing at BioWare/EA, etc.




Infinity Gate


These chagnes are coming ot the test server when they roll out 1.1.4. this week they are probably applying 1.1.3 to the live server s and next week the new CD chagnes to the live servers.


IF the furious Mobs of Rage-Quitting Sith-Inquisitors on a discarded Adreanline-Probe are not bombing the Forum with... "Oh Nooosss you changed the look of my nose. Now the game is unplayable, I have to quit!"


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you know they say, you cant please all of the people all of the time...


well, a solution like this.. they went a long way in pleasing just about everyone..


im sure just about everyone can find a cooldown animation that suits them now..


gj bioware!

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If we have an ability that has enough resources, and is within range of target, WE WANT IT LIT UP DURING THE GCD SO WE KNOW THE CRITERIA TO CAST THE SPELL IS BEING MET DURING THE GCD.




It worked exactly like how it should till you guys botched it up on the last patch. Now, with the incoming changes you still have this aspect botched up. Absolutely ridiculous.

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Really? This is what bioware is working on? Such a waist of time NO ONE CARES about how the GCD looks. How bout instead you give us a ui we can move.


They UI will be scalable and movable in the March update.


Next time do some research before you run your mouth. :rolleyes:

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