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Incoming changes to global cooldown UI Blog Discussion


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Those who say "nobody cares about this" are idiots because there are people who care.

Those who demand "give us a UI we can move" are bigger idiots because they haven't followed or researched what Bioware is doing for a future patch, which includes massive UI customization. They even posted a video showing work in progress.

Edited by Zortezurtek
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Absolutely love the "counter" added to the "GCD" and cannot wait till there is something that is movable to be set somewhere near my "toon" so I don't have to look down at the hot keys and miss important things such as casts from the NPC's, etc.


Now, it would be nice if there were more things that Bioware/EA would open up to such as data gathering for sites such as TORhead and DarthHarter but I know these things are works in progress and you cannot do everything at the start of a game. Many are going to say "But this has been out since December!!", etc. but you have to realize that other MMO's such as WoW, etc. did not have addons at the start either and it took a good while for their developers to open up to these ideas as well.


It is a sad thing that we live in a society that demands things NOW and expect things to be done right then and there and that is such a sad thing. You all have to look at ALL aspects of everything and not just things others have done in the past, you have to give things time and not demand so much at the beginning and just give feedback not thrash or "hate" just because your needs aren't met right off the bat.


So, on that note calm down, take a "chill pill" and give these guys and gals some time and a chance to work on what is already a great game. It's going to be awhile before you see all the "flashy" things you want but the things you need then by all means suggest but DO NOT say "Bioware/EA is lacking on _____" because they've come along way in just a few months to say the least.




As the old saying goes "Good food takes time to prepare if you make it from scratch".







[Edit]: Is there a date or ETA on patch 1.1.2? Just curious is all, I never see the dates for these things and a lot of times I don't get the "servers are going down at ___" until my friends tell me or it pops up 15 minutes beforehand and no it hasn't shown on my launcher since the first time I downloaded a patch. I don't know why but it happens I guess. That is all for now. [=

Edited by Branagamu
Didn't see this anywhere and just curious...
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This is exactly why I am paying for this game, you guys listen :eek:. And I must say your solution to the whole GCD issue was well thought out. The more patient players realize that this game is very new, and still has much expanding to do, but I think that we can appreciate results like this.
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I canceled my sub but not for this reason. Just give an option for a numeric countdown the flash works great for quick cool downs but lengthy cooldown are much harder to time. I wish you much success Bioware and hope to come back in a year or so if your LFG system is more refined.
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Can we get an option to turn off showing the global cool down (or at least show it in some unobtrusive way rather than darken every combat icon)?



Again, Exactly what I want.


(having the whole bar do a super contrasty animation every 1.5 seconds is both distracting and unnecessary for me)

Edited by Nemlo
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LOLOLOL did anyone else watch that little video on the preview page and watch the game developer clicking all his abilities and backpedaling? It all makes sense now...


Bad troll is bad...:rolleyes:


Thank you BW for listening. Continue the great work you are doing!

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Looks good, almost every option i would want.


Now just add an option to show when an ability has "procced" (like Railshot getting its cooldown reset from the Pyrotech tree) like having its border glow or something.

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You can do that its in the blog, there are 2 options you can enable or disable (if you click the screeny you can see them) called "show ready flash" which only flashes for norman cd's and "show gcd ready flash", if u disable both of those and set it to "style 3" (might be four cant remember) you have the gcd exactly as it was at launch, no flash at all for anything, if you want a flash for abilities with a cd longer than the gcd you enable "ready flash" and leave "gcd ready flash" off

Doesn't do the trick either as all icons will flash when ready: do not want.


I'll try to be more clear:


1) I'd like nothing to be displayed at all for all skills that don't have any cooldown

2) I don't need/want a ready flash on any icons even the ones which have a longer cd than the GCD

3) I'd like a cooldown displayed only on icons which have a longer cd than the GCD

4) I'd rather have the flashy, blinking, filling, whatever cooldown replaced with number on icons which have a longer cd than the GCD

5) I'd like non usable icons with which have a longer cd than the GCD faded out when not usable



Or said otherwise, skills with no cooldowns:

Do not display anything, not numbers, no flash on them nor even fade out them

Skills with cooldown > GCD

Fade, then show cooldown number, period.


This reminds me when animated GIF where introduced on internet, then flash. People started to overuse them. Thing is if your have too many things changing at once on a screen your brain does not focus on the important things anymore.


As such you have to be very careful with animated icons. You want to highlight only the ones that needs attention, then if there such a thing as a GCD you'd better display it in a separate frame otherwise you're going to submerge you eyes with useless information obliging your brain to sort through all the flashing icons to analyse what's ready or not.

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I'm pleased to see some changes are finally being made to customize the UI. While small at first, I'm sure we'll see more options in the future. Definitely looking forward to finally building a UI that suits me and my play style. We will all just have to wait.


Good work and let's see MOAR!!


Like target of target or threat colored nameplates! <3

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This is great news. I'm just worried about one thing, I'm guessing setting 3 is the default setting? The setting we had when the game launched? I wish that was more clear. Because neither of the two changes made in the patches were workable for me.


I'm very happy to know something is being done and I can hopefully play again and fully enjoy and support the game once more. Thank you Bioware.

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