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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Official Q&A Thread for February 17th, 2012 Q&A Blog Post


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With 1.2 being a really big patch change and content wise, how are your plans on testing it prior to going live?


At the moment the one week testing phase for the smaller patches already seems to be not enough to get all major kinks sorted out, so my concern is about having enough public testing for the 1.2 patch.

Edited by Dextral
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Mine is a two part question, both concerning robes, specifically to the Jedi Knight Class.


Males + Robes == Sudden Butt Fat Implants? What's the status on making our cloaks stick a little better to our character?


Part 2: Hood Up/Down.... Please? Also want it to work with Hide/Display Helm. A lot of the character customization goes into the face of our character, but with the hood up we go bald and with gigantic helms, we can't see the face we worked hard on...

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do u know when u going to be putting in a voice chat in game i know i have talk toalot of ppl who what it just like to know the timeline of when u going to add if u think it dose not work because of one game never did it right i eay look at turbie they have voice chat in 2 game that work great
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What end game plans are there beyond flashpoints, warzones, operations, and pvp? Will we see any cool items to farm for? Perhaps in the form of items that could provide achievements that might display in our ships? (IE, find and kill an extremely rare spawn krayt dragon and display the skull in our ship/kill a legendary jedi/sith and display it's lightsaber in our ship or on our person? etc.) perhaps a 'slot' on our paperdoll for trophies, where we could display this krayt tooth, or lightsaber on our hips, across our backs, strapped to our leg, etc. As a BH, i'd love to collect elite wookie braids boba fett style!
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Are there any plans to add more content that branches according to the players dialog choices, particularly across multiple questlines?. So far I have had the feeling that dialog choices don't have much effect on the world beyond the quest where they are taken. Player makes a choice, sees what happens, then forgets about it.
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Will you be unlocking the mouse view from the character's back, and solving many of the issues with the camera view?


In particular, when a character is moving, the camera persistently tries to return to its default position behind the character's back, and can display some odd behavior if prevented from doing so by holding down mouse buttons. In particular, if you hold down the mouse buttons and change directions with the keyboard, the camera view can on occasion(not reliably) shift dramatically to a top-down viewpoint or flip completely over.

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Why did Bioware opt for the "one server, one galaxy" path, instead of the multi-cluster/multi-shard type that for example Eve-online and GuildWars (1 & 2) uses (one common login server, no server selection). This matter-of-factly removes all this server imbalance stuff and forces your developers to introduce needlessly complicated functions such as server transfers (character transfer between servers), and now this legacy level stuff with incentives towards picking sides (ref last Q&A).


I understand it being done "because of" PvP, english/french/german languages, but all those can be easily fixed anyways even in the same server, and world PvP in this game is so limited I don't think you can actually use it as an excuse. :-p

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When will maul be fixed?i still cant use it properly when im specced for it.

targets still "teleporting"after a while though i see them on my screen just infront of me.

this happens usually when im on stealth and not on long fights out of stealth.

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WHy is it so difficult to find and group with real life friends? I am not talking about adding their in game character name.

There should be an option to send friend requests to your friends account and if they know who your they can accept your friend request.

Currently I have several friends and co-workers playing the game and we constantly have to text out new character names and coordinate what server we are on and whether we are on republic or imperial side.

Friend request would allow you to see all your friends when they are online whether they are on imperial or republic and also if they are not even on your server.

I have not been able to add peoples character names to my friends list unless they are online at the same time as me.

This is not a new concept in the gaming community and Blizzard was not the first to use it with Real ID. Consoles and other PC games have been doing this for years.

I play this game because so many of my real life friends are playing it. It should not be such a hassle to find and group with them in the game.

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I won't lie, and be brutally honest : Swtor is very good on a lot of points, but as a long term MMO player, I found it was resembling too much to what I'm playing for a decade in a fundamental point : combat skill mechanics (spells, skill trees). Hence an inevitable feeling of déjà-vu, therefore boredom after the 1000th fight.


Are you intending to enrich skill effects, or talent trees mechanics in a near future ?

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Are there any plans to provide more options with regards to zones when levelling? Levelling alts means travelling through the same zones and same none class quests. New zones to supplement the current ones could provide different paths to the level cap.
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Do you have plans on implementing the option of disabling the smart camera?

Currently, when the camera is pivoted with left mouse button while moving, it automatically auto-aligns to the direction in which the character is facing when the left button is released. I believe that the option of disabling this automatic camera alignment will provide more flexibility to the individual playing style, as many players like to have full control of the camera view at all times.

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