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    US Coast Guard
  1. What end game plans are there beyond flashpoints, warzones, operations, and pvp? Will we see any cool items to farm for? Perhaps in the form of items that could provide achievements that might display in our ships? (IE, find and kill an extremely rare spawn krayt dragon and display the skull in our ship/kill a legendary jedi/sith and display it's lightsaber in our ship or on our person? etc.) perhaps a 'slot' on our paperdoll for trophies, where we could display this krayt tooth, or lightsaber on our hips, across our backs, strapped to our leg, etc. As a BH, i'd love to collect elite wookie braids boba fett style!
  2. Saddly, i expect this to happen too. Trying to think of a legit asked question they'll answer could be fun... i saw a question asking when we'd be able to sit on more of the chairs in the cantinas. Wouldnt that be a kick in the crotch if this was one of the 10 answered.
  3. the home page has a button for it, but it just takes you to the forums.
  4. leveling was fun, but there is no end game. This game is wow w/ less features + lightsabers. I was in hopes that this wouldn't be a wow clone... buuut, it did start development in 2009 right when wow i was in it's BC prime. Secondly, making the game a gear grind kind of dooms the game to rinse and repeat what we've already done and got bored w/ in wow. Tier 2 will replace current operation gear, next raid will replace that ect ect ect... same w/ pvp once they release this 'rated' WZ's. Pvp for awesome standing which entitles you to awesome gear, next 'season' that becomes obtainable via normal pvp bags, etc etc etc rise and repeat. I for one got bored of that in wow, and will get bored w/ it again in SWTOR. solution, adventure/sandbox style planet... allow for customization inside our ships... large customized guild halls in the form of capital ships... destroyable faction bases that go 'active' at certain times of the day SWG style... meaningful space combat... armor dyes for pete's sake... a combat log... chat boxes... open world pvp... improved crew skills (crafting is simple and boring)... allow only one faction per server (no possible solution to this)... and the list goes on and on and on
  5. Anyone else feel short-changed by the current space combat model? I was disappointed during beta when i finally got my ship and found that all space travel is done via a map/hub and space combat was a lame form of starfox. Unfortunately, for the developers i have no useful suggestions other than to relaunch a completely remade SWG:JTL model where one can control every aspect of their ship, even down to the droid you stuff in the back. Again, unfortunately that would be waaaaaay too expensive to remake such a large project that wouldn't really reach a large player base (unfort most people liek the gear grind these days.) I guess if i could have anything ship related, i would like to have the ability to change the appearance of my ship on the inside, possibly the ability to change colors, move items, mannequins, etc. Lastly, and unrelated... there is no way to fix the faction population discrepancy on a server as they have already allowed players to make both factions on 1 pvp server. Why make a republican when the imps are stronger (on random server X)? Nailed It.
  6. SWG did a great job w/ destructible faction bases. A guild would purchase a base, and it would go active during certain times and it was up to the faction to defend it. That would be an awesome implementation for SWTOR if they were to ever launch an 'adventure (wide open planet built for fun sand-boxing)' planet, or something of that nature.
  7. Will space combat ever become an important part of the game? Star Wars (as the name describes) is all about space. I am disappointed that our only space experience is simply to get tokens and exp.
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