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"INC LEFT" That is not a good way to call INCs


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So instead of ************ at each other about this, why don't we ask them to implement map pinging and we wouldn't have to use a direction at all?

That would definitely be nice, too much to ask for clearly atm given the state of UI but I'd love to see this. It'd be much help for PUGs in Warzones.


That being said, Voidstar is the only WZ I've been to where this is a problem and its purely due to map orientation vs. spawn points. I thought it was just a personal pet peeve, good to know it pisses other people off when they call "left" meaning left of the spawn point. Regardless of if you are on defense or offense, that is the eastern door on the map.

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I have never had trouble understanding someone saying left/right/middle.


It is always based off your map.


If someone says left based just on where they are facing that is silly.


There isn't really a WZ that requires using North/South/East/West, just purely because of the layout of the maps, left/right/middle is perfectly accurate way of describing where you need to go... IF you use your MAP as a reference


If I was playing battlefield with multiple points all over the map, maybe I would have to use north/east/south/west/northeast/southwest etc etc. But definitely not in this case.

Edited by KurleyKilla
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I have never had trouble understanding someone saying left/right/middle.


It is always based off your map.


If someone says left based just on where they are facing that is silly.


Problem is, there's just as many posts saying that it's always based off where you spawn, and if you say a direction based on your map, that's silly.


And that's the issue the OP is talking about. Unless I know you and know what your view on it is, I don't know if you're basing your directions on where you're facing when you spawn or basing it by the map. Aside from being psychic, I have no way of knowing.


Me, I always use east/west. Always defined independently of orientation or position. 100% easy-peasy.

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I have never had trouble understanding someone saying left/right/middle.


It is always based off your map.


If someone says left based just on where they are facing that is silly.


There isn't really a WZ that requires using North/South/East/West, just purely because of the layout of the maps, left/right/middle is perfectly accurate way of describing where you need to go... IF you use your MAP as a reference


If I was playing battlefield with multiple points all over the map, maybe I would have to use north/east/south/west/northeast/southwest etc etc. But definitely not in this case.


Which is true, but people are dumb and don't think logically. The whole reason I use east/west is because otherwise someone inevitably gets confused. Better to hold their hand and win the game than be lazy and lose.

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I have never had trouble understanding someone saying left/right/middle.


It is always based off your map.


If someone says left based just on where they are facing that is silly.


There isn't really a WZ that requires using North/South/East/West, just purely because of the layout of the maps, left/right/middle is perfectly accurate way of describing where you need to go... IF you use your MAP as a reference


If I was playing battlefield with multiple points all over the map, maybe I would have to use north/east/south/west/northeast/southwest etc etc. But definitely not in this case.

It's not based off your map, you just happen to be clueless and inexperienced enough to think that because you play Republic and don't run into this issue on Alderaan and simply don't play enough warzones to realize otherwise, such as when defending on voidstar.


Left/right can not refer to the map because a map does not have a left or a right. Ever. There's only west and east. No one with any decent experience of defending on Voidstar would ever say left meaning west. Your way as Imperial in Alderaan CW: "3 inc left" which would actually mean that they should take the right speeder and, in fact, go right. It logically refers only to left from spawn because there is no left on a map. Period.

Edited by vrok-
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C'mon people. Left and right are subjective. Sometimes people mean left out of the rez point and sometimes they mean left on the map.



How about we grow up and use cardinal directions like intelligent adults. Use "INC WEST" so we don't have to decipher your subjective meaning


If you are republic left is grass and right is snow.


visa versa for imps


we all know that by now

Edited by Opossumist
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Left/Right with the assumption you are basing this on spawn point is the best and should be basic knowledge I would think. The minimap is stupid and serves to confuse people more than saying Left/Right.


Also, if theres only two points, and someone says a direction, be it left/right/east/west, if you're standing at a point and theres no danger...maybe..just maybe...they meant the other point?

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C'mon people. Left and right are subjective. Sometimes people mean left out of the rez point and sometimes they mean left on the map.



How about we grow up and use cardinal directions like intelligent adults. Use "INC WEST" so we don't have to decipher your subjective meaning


That issue is still a problem on Voidstar.


When defenders jump out to head to the "left" door (relative to spawn point), that is technically East. But because they turned Left to get there, some can still be confused it's West.


That is the time this gets confused, when exiting voidstar spawn points. If people were actually looking at Map to say East,West, or Left, Right, it will be the same thing. So "Left" is fine if people establish what they're basing it on.

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In all fairness, does it surprise you the average SWTOR pugger doesn't know his right from left?


Given that this thread is full of debate over what "left" means (Spawn, Map, etc) how can you blame the listener for not being sure what is meant when an unknown source says "left!" to them?

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It's not based off your map, you just happen to be clueless and inexperienced enough to think that because you play Republic and don't run into this issue on Alderaan and simply don't play enough warzones to realize otherwise, such as when defending on voidstar.


Left/right can not refer to the map because a map does not have a left or a right. Ever. There's only west and east. No one with any decent experience of defending on voidstar would ever say left meaning west. It can only logically refer to left from spawn. Period.


You seem angry, Go take a nap.


I'm not the clueless or inexperienced one because I never had and never will have trouble going to the side of the map that needs me...


Anyone who needs to refer to chat on where they should be on Voidstar in the first place is Clueless.


"hmm not too many enemies at this door... everyone seems ok here.. RUNNN TO THE OTHER ONEEE.."



There is usually only ever 2 things to go after... one wayyy on over on the right there derp, and one wayyy der over on the left derp.


Not to mention the fact you can take a few steps and easily see across to the other door.


Most people just need to wake the **** up.


There is a point where there are maybe 3 terminals to choose from to drop a forcefield, Never been choked up there to the point anyone needed to call out..


It's really quite *********** easy.

Edited by KurleyKilla
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You seem angry, Go take a nap.


I'm not the clueless or inexperienced one because I never had and never will have trouble going to the side of the map that needs me...


Anyone who needs to refer to chat on where they should be on Voidstar in the first place is Clueless.


"hmm not too many enemies at this door... everyone seems ok here.. RUNNN TO THE OTHER ONEEE.."



There is usually only ever 2 things to go after... one wayyy on over on the right there derp, and one wayyy der over on the left derp.


Not to mention the fact you can take a few steps and easily see across to the other door.


Most people just need to wake the **** up.


There is a point where there are maybe 3 terminals to choose from to drop a forcefield, Never been choked up there to the point anyone needed to call out..


It's really quite *********** easy.

It's not about what you need. It's about what the other players on your team need. Lots of people go off chasing some guy and need to be told where to go. Doing that by referring to a "left" on a map is 100% wrong because the map doesn't have a left.

Edited by vrok-
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Left and Right of where you spawn is just easier to communicate with the upside down maps. I constantly see people call out incs and multiple people calling for the same node but they each say a different heading East/West.
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You seem angry, Go take a nap.


I'm not the clueless or inexperienced one because I never had and never will have trouble going to the side of the map that needs me...


Anyone who needs to refer to chat on where they should be on Voidstar in the first place is Clueless.


"hmm not too many enemies at this door... everyone seems ok here.. RUNNN TO THE OTHER ONEEE.."



There is usually only ever 2 things to go after... one wayyy on over on the right there derp, and one wayyy der over on the left derp.


Not to mention the fact you can take a few steps and easily see across to the other door.


Most people just need to wake the **** up.


There is a point where there are maybe 3 terminals to choose from to drop a forcefield, Never been choked up there to the point anyone needed to call out..


It's really quite *********** easy.



We have established you know where to go now.

Wonderful, you are a fantastic player. You do know this is a multi player game though, and that you totally missed the point here? The problem is conveying this information as clear as possible to OTHER players, the fact that it's all too obvious to you doesn't exactly help you if the other 7 or 8 don't agree with your sense of direction.


Yes, people need to wake up. yes, it's obvious. And no, they won't.

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C'mon people. Left and right are subjective. Sometimes people mean left out of the rez point and sometimes they mean left on the map.



How about we grow up and use cardinal directions like intelligent adults. Use "INC WEST" so we don't have to decipher your subjective meaning


Left and right refer to the direction from your spawn. It also refers to the icons in the top right of your screen. Inc left, and inc right are here to stay. Take your east and west somewhere else.

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People who use Left and Right to refer to orientation on the map need to be shot lol. Left and right are and always will be relative to position. In this case the common position and facing is always the direction you are facing at spawn.


If you want to use terms relative to the map orientation then you MUST use East and West. Left does not, nor will it EVER equal west.


As for preference, I think Left/Right are better because it saves me a second or two to get my orientation on the map and figure out which way to turn. It would be nice if there was a compass that would show the direction you are facing without using the map. Would probably cut a couple fractions of a second off the response time :)

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the "left" icon is red might mean that (especially as empire coming from the north) that left out of spawn is red. that is also east because heading from north and turning left means going east


it might also mean that left when looking at a map (lol you don't know cardinal directions?) is left which is actually west










we can grow up and use cardinal directions(N, E, S. W) to describe our map positions like intelligent human beings.


How about the middle turret? Can we call it out as Middle or do we have to call it out as Center? Or maybe we can call it out as Prime?:confused:

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Lol... ive used the all so descriptive "HELP" soo many times.


When I get to a certain point in a game of using left/right/east/west and still have people running in opposite directions I give and just say help (when I say help im usually in situations where Im the only one guarding a door or turret against like 5 people, then i just yell "help" hopefully they can figure out that since the whole team is on one side its that the side theyre on that needs help.


I do start off a game using proper directions (until I realize people dont know their directions).

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We have established you know where to go now.

Wonderful, you are a fantastic player. You do know this is a multi player game though, and that you totally missed the point here? The problem is conveying this information as clear as possible to OTHER players, the fact that it's all too obvious to you doesn't exactly help you if the other 7 or 8 don't agree with your sense of direction.


Yes, people need to wake up. yes, it's obvious. And no, they won't.


So you think that if you all agree on an accepted way to describe the objective locations to those noobs, that they will listen?


They can barely use all there skills, Let alone notice chat at the right moment, and respond to that.


You basically do have to do it yourself, and usually hopefully someone will come with you if it's really bad on one side.


If you want organization make a Pre-made.


Regardless of how clearly you communicate what needs to happen. Bad players will not listen or just plain not notice.

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Compass snobs abound in this thread.


I would think if you are so much more "intelligent" than the Left/Right/Mid callers that you wouldn't have any problem figuring it out anyway. I mean..if someone says Left..and your node/door is empty..maybe...you should go to the other one? Hmm....

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Regardless of how clearly you communicate what needs to happen. Bad players will not listen or just plain not notice.


This is why I just use East/West. It's the most factually correct and orientation-independent way to state it and if someone can't understand it...well, they're probably not much use to me in the fight anyway.

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