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Everything posted by Lomedae

  1. We have established you know where to go now. Wonderful, you are a fantastic player. You do know this is a multi player game though, and that you totally missed the point here? The problem is conveying this information as clear as possible to OTHER players, the fact that it's all too obvious to you doesn't exactly help you if the other 7 or 8 don't agree with your sense of direction. Yes, people need to wake up. yes, it's obvious. And no, they won't.
  2. No, I was intrigued for that reason as well. :-) Anyways, about the EU - I am not too familiar with it but from what I read in this thread I can get the gist of it. My take is that EU is trying to be more "adult" whilst the movies are most certainly very adolescent in themes. Not sure that really works, they are trying to perhaps legitimize the universe where its not really needed, the fans are pretty clear what they like about it no need to transform it into something else. It is interesting to see that even in EU they stick to the outdated (pre) 70s belief that technology would build bigger and bigger, when we have know for decades that miniaturization is where it's at, nanobots not war machines the size of skyscrapers. Would have expected some sort of evolution towards "realism" in the EU.
  3. I made a thread about something noone has cared about for years and years because I am an attention seeker and secretly hope people will flame me.
  4. I am really puzzled why your and folks like you are so vehement in their defense of Bioware? You do realize we are all consumers here, and if part of us have a legitimate gripe it's the COMPANY's job to appease it? In any case, your argument is invalid, especially the first time something happens you need to let your voice heard, as the next time there;s a precedent. Again, tell us please why you feel you should antagonize us in this thread whilst we only want a response from BW, it's not your battle, BW will not give you swag for sucking up to them.
  5. But, for the 100Th time in this thread, immediate problems should be solved immediately, not wait 5-6 hours so it's convenient for US and shafts the EU. If it was that important they could have started bringing servers down right that moment. If it wasn't they could have rescheduled better.
  6. It's called voicing dissent by dissatisfied customers. And for the most part it's being done in a surprising eloquent way for these boards. Trolls like you that keep butting in telling us how we should feel about the way we are being treated is getting very very old though. I am sure the view is good from your ivory tower, for the people that have seen a good part of their meager playing time taken away once again the view isn't so nice. I cannot expect empathy from some like you, with your IQ issues. But have the courtesy to stay out of something that does not concern you please.
  7. It's a safe bet Arena net's Customer Service will be better in any case. Being treated as customers instead of cattle makes all the difference in the world mr troll.
  8. I really don't see why all those (Anerican) people feel the need to jump in here and say it's no big deal? Apparently it is to some people, and belittling them only makes yourselves look immature. To the issue at hand - Yes, Bioware has picked once again a maintenance window to limit the amount of US people affected. It's the way they operate, and probably for sound financial reasons. Do I feel pissed off about this as an EU player? Yes. There's just not a lot I can do about it bar being disappointed in Bioware. Sure, there are other things to do on a Saturday morning/afternoon than play a MMO, but for many folks it's exactly the only time in the week they have no obligations and are free to enjoy "me" time, perfect for a few hours of gaming. For Bioware to trample all over that without good explanation is just cold.
  9. How about a cave full of them in Balmorra, that enough for you? :-) Quest is "Secret of Cave 52", where it is spelled out by an NPC that unlike the Sith Jedi don't take anyone to train and those in the cave are too weak to be trained.
  10. Obvious troll is obvious. Why do you guys keep falling for this? STOP FEEDING THE TROLLS.
  11. I think it's a silly idea. And the inclusion in the lore/movies reeks of the influence of some weird Californians That Shall Not Be Named. Amusingly relevant to this today: http://www.virtualshackles.com/284?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+VirtualShackles+%28Virtual+Shackles%29
  12. Ehm no - people don't NEED to whine, that just makes them look like petulant children and gets the issues ignored. The way to present any kind of grievance on this forum (and, indeed the internet) seems to be incoherent screaming of hyperbole based in a weird sense of entitlement. Having no new magic patch to solve all issues dreamed off minutes after some PFY demand it in obscene terms on the forums is not proof that BW doesn't listen. It suggest they can't do magic and probably ignore idiots.
  13. There are two types of pvp-ers: The ones that feel the thrill of danger & excitement, and want to have a chance to have some epoic fights/duels with the opposite side while questing.l And the bullies in real life that don't believe in fair fight, only get a sick perverted pleasure from slaughtering the helpless, possibly to compensate for some serious real life issues. I am in the first category, I do like the thrill of danger and a cutting-edge fight now and then, maybe even some world pvp (those were the days) But any time you want to do or say something about the despicable second category they come to the forums in droves to protect their right to be douchebags. Pvp does NOT have to be mindless backstabbing the helpless, and no - highbies will just laugh and ignore pleas for help - if they even hear it, swtor doesn't take place on an easy continent but over many worlds... Anyone atacking me or others for not being cool with ganking newbies are bullies. period. And I despise bullies.
  14. This. The exhaustion zone isn't to prevent open world pvp, it's to deter griefers. Ganking lowbies is the lowest of the lowest.
  15. QFT. Especially as the OP is "at work" he really should be old enough to know better by now.
  16. If you buy a MMO for the graphics you're a weird, weird specimen. As an older gamer I am astounded with the quality of graphics we can get in a MMO at the moment, would higher rez be even better? Icing on cake better perhaps, but I'll continue to enjoy my yummie cake regardless of frosting. And "false"advertising of games has been going on as long as games are being sold. Boohoo. Dig up some old advertisements of old (pre) 8bit games. If you really bought this game based on TV advertising, then... well... Good luck on enjoying your next whim for 15 minutes.
  17. Finally some interesting questions around here, we demand answers to these worrying issues!
  18. Offtopic a bit but I had to butt in here. It's a board for a SF game, and I feel you missed an excellent opportunity to use a SF meme here. "On the third hand" would normally be "On the gripping hand". Look it up, keyword Niven :-P I'll let y'all get back to this pointless flamewarring now, just had to bring in a bit of fandom.
  19. 8 replies, and only one of them had actually clicked the link before replying. wow. This community at its best. Anyways, I hate you OP - Now I am compelled to listen to all 10 hours of this
  20. The answer was too obvious for everyone I guess. Robot parts are found on vendors in-game. like every other equipment. Also, Cybertech makes them so there's bound to be some on the auction house.
  21. There's database sites out there, do the work: http://www.torhead.com/items/catg/3/subcatg/3/page/1
  22. OP, nice try but give give it up. You are of course 100% correct as to your experiences, as they are subjective. And I'm pleased to say they mirror my own. Sadly, these forums are filled with vinegar-******s that only focus on their own subjective (warped) view of the game and they cannot deal with a reality where someone has divergent experiences. I am glad we are enjoying the game, let's continue to do so and let the forum trolls to their ritual Bioware bashing.
  23. This must be the biggest nonsense I have read on these boards in a while...and that's saying a lot! For starters, WOW scheduled maintenance is in the night and morning, not a morning and an afternoon. I'll ignore the weird confused rambling about bugs that has nothing to do with the issue at hand. Your last was even weirder than the preceding bits - You really really do not see that your ad hominem examples are only there to belittle the OP but have no real bearing on the discussion at hand? It should not be up to Bioware to limit the times we play this game to this extent. Even though their reasoning is understandable (trying to protect their precious US server from an influx of wild Europeans during their maintenance if they had made regional maintenance windows) I think the costs to Eu do not weigh up to the benifits for Bioware. Some sort of compensation would be in order. And as has been stated in the other many threads about this issue, if the tables were turned and US had to miss playtime at an inconvenient time the protests would flood this board and cust support in massive volumes.
  24. No need to talk down at people, especially if you're just a student yourself...kid. So you are attacking him for expressing his opinion by stating forums are for expression opinions? I'd be confused if I'd care. Official game forums are a haven for nerdraging power players who feel the world should be aware of their self-righteous opinions. The OP is 100% correct, but most of the responders here cannot deal with a reality where they are trivial noisemakers. I now most are just teenagers but it never fails to amuse me how everyone here thinks they can design or run a AAA game better than a company with a stellar track record. It's not Bioware's fault that you all powerlevelled in a story-driven game. This is not meant to be WOW or Rift. It's a Bioware game with a MMO component. If you are not prepared to relax and just enjoy the ride better just bug off and stop wasting your own time posting here.
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