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"INC LEFT" That is not a good way to call INCs


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lol totally agree with you OP. I love seeing people shout out "Inc Left!" only to get mad two minutes later because no one came and they were all at the 'right'. It isn't very hard to determine your bearings. East, west, north, south. Use your map if you cannot use the mini map/compass.


When you watch the minimap / map and you try to see where east, it's the right, and where is the west, it's the left. Common sense.


To be honest what i read here is, "i don't have *********** notion of what people mean about right or left, so they should all use the same notions i have because i am totally unable to understand something as basic as left=west and right=east, even if on my entire childhood when i was on school i was learning maps".


People could counter that stupid argument just with "hey i don't see where the North is on the map, so how the frag do you know where the east is". And you would answer "because it's always at the right on maps ^^".

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it's left and right.


west for imperial would not be west for republic.


if they both went "west" they would end up on opposite sides of the map.


does that sound right to you?


that's the same as 2 cars facing each other about to turn west, but one goes left and the other goes right.

Edited by zeroburrito
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east west is same as left right

the confusion comes when ppl look at the map while many ppl use left/right based on landing point in civil war


looking the map is waste of time



"Left base" (use the LEFT SPEEDER to help out) is only the "west base" if your spaceship is located "south" on the map.

"Left base" (use the LEFT SPEEDER to help out) is the "east base" if your spaceship is located "north" of the map.


The ONLY reason to use Left and Right is to tell people which speeder to use when they spawn. In every other case, East and West is perfered.

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You're an idiot if you think left/right apply to the map. (Any map) If people were referring to the map, they would have said east/west.


Left/right is CLEARLY spawnpoint directions. If this is hard for you please quit so your team has a chance at winning.

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it's left and right.


west for imperial would not be west for republic.




Please explain to me how being a certain faction changes the magnetic directionality of the planet. Can you please do that?


EDIT: That is like saying people in Japan have a different North, or any other direction, because they are Japanese and not American, or British.

Edited by PostalTwinkie
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You're an idiot if you think left/right apply to the map. (Any map) If people were referring to the map, they would have said east/west.


Left/right is CLEARLY spawnpoint directions. If this is hard for you please quit so your team has a chance at winning.


Maps don't have lefts and rights, only west and east. Go back to school.


Left/right logically refers to direction from spawn.


this guy gets it? why not u?

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LOL I said "inc left" once and got called out because some guy was dyslexic and couldn't tell left from right. He demanded I used east/west but... he was using east/west from the starting point not the global map... can't fix stupid.



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You're an idiot if you think left/right apply to the map. (Any map) If people were referring to the map, they would have said east/west.


Left/right is CLEARLY spawnpoint directions. If this is hard for you please quit so your team has a chance at winning.



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Please explain to me how being a certain faction changes the magnetic directionality of the planet. Can you please do that?


EDIT: That is like saying people in Japan have a different North, or any other direction, because they are Japanese and not American, or British.


are you serious? are you telling me when imps say go "west"(left) they will meet the republics that also went "west"(left)?

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You're an idiot if you think left/right apply to the map. (Any map) If people were referring to the map, they would have said east/west.


Left/right is CLEARLY spawnpoint directions. If this is hard for you please quit so your team has a chance at winning.


this says it clear +1

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Would help if BW changed the names of the bases to A, B, C and placed big A, B and C symbols over the speeders in the spawn area.


But seriously. Sure, the game is 11+ but even an 11 year old should be able to figure out that "LEFT speeder" means using the left speeder.


If you stand in the center and nobody is attacking it and your team have one edge base - and someone call for backup at the left (or right) base.... how hard is it to figure out that you need to move to the edge base?


When you spawn you need to be told which speeder to use. The left speeder, center speeder or right speeder.


If you are guarding a point and someone call for backup - then it is the OTHER point that need help. You don't even need them to say "left, right, north, east, west, south, up or down". You KNOW it is the OTHER base that is in trouble.


"Inc 6 Right" = use the right speeder if you just spawned and it means run to help the other base if your base is secure.

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It's relative not subjective.


Thank God someone noticed that.


OT: From my experience, left/right have more success than east/west. 90% of people will go left or right from the spawnpoint with little map-related confusion.

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it's left and right.


west for imperial would not be west for republic.


if they both went "west" they would end up on opposite sides of the map.


does that sound right to you?


that's the same as 2 cars facing each other about to turn west, but one goes left and the other goes right.


LOL trollll

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are you serious? are you telling me when imps say go "west"(left) they will meet the republics that also went "west"(left)?




On Civil War, if Republic goes west, they go left. If Empire goes west, they go right.

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