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"INC LEFT" That is not a good way to call INCs


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Most of my server has started using East/West and it's much, much less confusing, because you just never know what a person's frame of reference is when they're calling for help in Voidstar and using left/right. Half of my friends will use facing out of the spawn point when on defense, the other half use the upper map. East/West is simply universally correct and always better.



exactly. use universal terms

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Nothing subjective at all...West is not really west, it is the left side of your map. With your terminology, the west would be the east for the opposing faction...Left means left, it is that simple. If you haven't figured this out by now, I have no idea what to say to help you figure it out...


The map doesnt rotate depending on which side you are on. Press M sometime.

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Nothing subjective at all...West is not really west, it is the left side of your map. With your terminology, the west would be the east for the opposing faction...Left means left, it is that simple. If you haven't figured this out by now, I have no idea what to say to help you figure it out...


Holy ****! I hope you never find yourself in a situation that you need to read a map. You would spend half your time flipping it around going "Well, if I am the guy who is lost I would hold it this way, and this would be west. But if I am the search party I would hold it this way....so this would be west.."


It doesn't matter who the hell you are, a maps orientation never changes! North is North, East is East, South is South, and West is west. Always! How the hell do you think we managed to navigate the world without getting lost?

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C'mon people. Left and right are subjective. Sometimes people mean left out of the rez point and sometimes they mean left on the map.



How about we grow up and use cardinal directions like intelligent adults. Use "INC WEST" so we don't have to decipher your subjective meaning


That's why there is a map/minimap to be objective on where the objectives are. yo d...

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There's left/right of the spawn facing and there's left/right on the map.
No it isnt.

There is left and right of the spawn facing.

And there is west and east on the map.


There is no such thing as "left" on a map. Seriously.

- Or are you one of them people that would call North on the map "up" as well?? :)


If someone call out "Inc 6 left" you use the speeder to your left to instantly get to the correct base. Its not rocket sience...

Edited by Xenon-se
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Holy ****! I hope you never find yourself in a situation that you need to read a map. You would spend half your time flipping it around going "Well, if I am the guy who is lost I would hold it this way, and this would be west. But if I am the search party I would hold it this way....so this would be west.."


It doesn't matter who the hell you are, a maps orientation never changes! North is North, East is East, South is South, and West is west. Always! How the hell do you think we managed to navigate the world without getting lost?







all these people "you cant understand left?"


They clearly don't understand the idea of multiple people facing and spawning in multiple directions





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People who use "left" and "right" in WZ maps are clearly directionally challenged. Learn your directions people. My left won't always equal your left but I can guarantee that east and west will never change regardless of where I am facing. Not to mention it's just plain easier to use east or west as a reference.


People that have to use left or right as as a direction probably also have to count using their fingers.

Edited by kidbs
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It's based on the map. It's always based on the map. If people can't read maps, they haven't been playing video games long enough.


They need to add an ability for the WZ leader to kick people out.


LOL sorry but when I read a map, I dont say oh yeah thats left of [insert location here]... It's always North South East or West or some variation. When someone writes a legal description you NEVER use left or right. lol Cardinal directions are always used.


That said, I prefer calling snow or grass for alderaan. Too bad the doors on voidstar arent different colors cause it would be easier to call it if the doors were different. Huttball also has colors designating different sides... just saying.

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So because you can't tell your right from your left we should all conform to what you want? Seems legit...


Just because you didn't pay attention in school long enough to learn the difference between east and west, we should all conform to what you want even though what you want is completely subjective and has different meanings for different people? Seems legit...


Use east and west folks, not left and right.



That's why there is a map/minimap to be objective on where the objectives are. yo d...


The problem is you never know if the person who is calling out the "INC LEFT" is using the minimap or are using their perception as they come out of the backwards starting area. Since there's no way to know if THAT person is a retard, we need to all use east and west to train them to do it and minimize their retardiness.

Edited by YanksfanJP
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People who use "left" and "right" in WZ maps are clearly directionally challenged. Learn your directions people. My left won't always equal your left but I can guarantee that east and west will never change regardless of where I am facing. Not to mention it's just plain easier to use east or west as a reference.


Its true, for pure expediency it is ideal to type less letters. So. Using West and East (both having 4 letters) is faster then "right" having 5 letters. Consider Many many of you QQ about fraction of a second animation differences between factions this should be an easy choice for you. while the other faction types "right" you can type "west" and its a face-roll auto-win from there!

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This seems to be only an Imperial problem.


But for void star and alderaan we call out left, mid and right from where we spawn. Might be because also that the map is in the same direction as our spawn point. :cool:


Omgosh Bioware is biased against the Empire!

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lol totally agree with you OP. I love seeing people shout out "Inc Left!" only to get mad two minutes later because no one came and they were all at the 'right'. It isn't very hard to determine your bearings. East, west, north, south. Use your map if you cannot use the mini map/compass.
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There's left/right of the spawn facing and there's left/right on the map. They're not always the same.


To me, the first thought is of course the map directions. I should never rely on my or anyone else's facing when the map never turns.

Maps don't have lefts and rights, only west and east. Go back to school.


Left/right logically refers to direction from spawn.

Edited by vrok-
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C'mon people. Left and right are subjective. Sometimes people mean left out of the rez point and sometimes they mean left on the map.



How about we grow up and use cardinal directions like intelligent adults. Use "INC WEST" so we don't have to decipher your subjective meaning


less qq, more "M" key

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They clearly don't understand the idea of multiple people facing and spawning in multiple directions
Agreed. In most cases. However, Left and Right IS actually very useful in civil war. Because when you spawn you have the option to use the speeder to your left, the speeder in the center or the speeder to your right. People are stressed as it is. They don't have time to check which speeder that will take them to the east or the west base. Hell... most people still only use the middle speeder ;)


If the right base is under attack you would want to use the right speeder. No matter if your spaceship is located to the north or the south on a map.


Trust me, if I would say "EAST base is under attack" then people get confused on which speeder to use. They will simply use the middle speeder speeder. Or even worse, they would use the LEFT speeder (even though they should use the right speeder if the spaceship is located north of the map). Much better to ask people to use the RIGHT speeder when they spawn.


People that are located at the WEST base already know it isnt under attack so they should have no problem figure out that they have to run under the tunnel to save the other base.


If you have center and east then its even easier to figure out that it isnt the center base being attacked and they move to help out.



The only problem with using LEFT and RIGHT is for people that are alive at the center when your team have all three bases. They will have a hard time to figure out if they should go left or right... but as long as people that spawn go use the correct speeder you are all fine.


Besides, If you are at center and nobody is attacking center you should probably keep looking over the edge/around the corner to make sure the edge base(s) is(are) OK anyways.

Edited by Xenon-se
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