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Knockbacks! Plz .. enough already!


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The next Warzone BW releases should literally be a Pinball Table.


Finally there will be a use for all those sorcs and their bubbles, and with their GIANT population of them, we will never run out of "balls" for the pinball "war zone".

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Hmmm, now there's an idea:


How about making a warzone where the score is calculated on the distance you actually have walked about.




1) Walked 51 meters, 10 meters cons. without being stunned

2) Walked 41 meters

3) Walked 21 meters


And a bonus score for those who were unable to walk during the game, because of being chain-stunned.



Edited by Kansuke
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Welcome to the world of Marauders (at least Jugs have force push)

Before you say force charge, can you imagine being knocked back during force charge?

Ya, it happens

It does happen, and more frequently than one would expect.


It makes me rather suspicious, because it would take unnatural reflexes to hit that knockback so quickly. Especially in cases where the player was not engaged, their back is to you, and they're moving.


Do they get an instant automatic knockback when rooted, like the Sorcerer's talent that stuns on bubble burst?

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I play scoundrel and suffer the exact same problem.


Once i get into melee range of anything, I'm bounced around like paper in the wind. Sometimes there is no positioning at all, I don't even have to be near anybody.


Positioning does not help with Stun/mez-> knockback, grapple->knockback, knockback->knockback. Push.


Scoundrels have nothing that can affect the positioning of another player (push, knock back, pull) and nothing to drastically change their own (sprint, jump).


Every class has a one of above mechanics and in most instances at least a few. Some have almost all of them?


Scoundrel/Op have none. :( I can live with it, except in huttball where it is a huge disadvantage not to have something.

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That's what makes it so much fun. Knockbacks, grapples, rescues...it's pvp outside of the box. I love it. :D


Only, our class has none of those, nor does it have any gap closers. Thanks.



So you want a class which has knockbacks, stuns, heals and amazing burst? You have a weakness, learn to overcome it. Knockbacks are a strategic skill. I save my knockback in hu8ttbal for when it is neded. If there were no CC's, heals or knockbacks, how the hell are you expected to score? It's called teamplay, so if it annoys you, re roll.


How exactly do you counter knockback? Please explain. The only thing that can help is positioning, but guess what, the guy with knockback can reposition himself as well by just moving 1 step. I try to use environmental obstacles like sandbags, but I get knocked back over them all the time.



your doing it wrong, you when they leap into the air just run, either way on the walkway, the same player will avoid it from me every time, it works and i die.


Come again in English please.



Ops have faster in combat run speed and can spec to make their stun give them faster run speed after being used.

Just because people dont spec into these talents doesnt mean you dont have access to them.

Also the mez ops have is the best in game... AOE mez !


What? We have 15% faster run speed if not in stealth, which reduces movement speed by 15% on its own. An Operative outside of stealth is a punching bag; in stealth they have default movement speed (+15% is cancelled by -15% from Stealth).


Also, how would 30% movement speed for 4s after I stun someone (if specced) help me counter or avoid Knockbacks?! :rolleyes:



I do this fairly often, works most of the time. However, it's not automatic so different people will have different levels of skills in positioning.


Keep in mind that things like piles of sandbags, lamp posts and all the other various objects in the warzone also stop you being pushed away.


You need to pay attention to both your position relative to whoever is knocking back as well as the game world.



Again it all depends on positioning. If you are not dead center on a lamp post, you will fly off the ramp. The other player only needs to move 1 step to the side and you are exposed and flying off the ramp.



As a scoundrel my "job" (for myself at least)...


Take out healers, to stop the ball carrier that's 20m-30m away from me


To make sure my team dps can burn down the dps slowing down OUR ball by killing the enemy healers...


Sorry mate, no offense but this has nothing to do with my post lol



So you want a class which has knockbacks, stuns, heals and amazing burst? You have a weakness, learn to overcome it. Knockbacks are a strategic skill. I save my knockback in hu8ttbal for when it is neded. If there were no CC's, heals or knockbacks, how the hell are you expected to score? It's called teamplay, so if it annoys you, re roll.


So if something annoys you, you reroll? Is that your sensible answer to everything? Not to look at an issue and fix it, just turn a blind eye and pretend it's not there? While CC and heals can be countered, Knockback cannot. You cannot really compare the two.



Operatives get one of the most powerful CC in the game -> Flash bang. Thats what you would have to give up for a knockback. And Flash bang is far more useful when capping an objective.


Knockbacks are easy to avoid getting knocked off platforms, its called situational awareness. Make sure you always have enough room behind yourself when in combat with a knockback class, and dont let them position you so that you can get knocked off a ledge.


Again, how can you compare a soft-cc -that some other classes already have- to a knockback in Huttball? Gimme a break please :rolleyes:.





Everyone faces the same knock backs as you, and if your smart you can avoid them most of the time. Zero sympathy from me. If the same thing keeps happening to you then maybe you should look at where you are standing? Stop making the same mistakes? It's not hard really, and tbh they are hardly game breaking.

What needs to be addressed here? They are working the way they are supposed to, they are called knock backs and thats what they do..


Right, but everyone has some utility to offer and can do something about it; some can do a counter knockback; some can leap, some can pull or push. As for positioning, read above.


As I said in my first post, those who already have those abilities do not understand -or care- and will defend them and tell others to l2p lol.



The knockbacks are annoying, but don't forget that you don't have to carry the ball the entire way. If you get knocked off the ramps, you should have had teammates who were also on the ramps, or who are getting positioned to be thrown to.


Yeah, the only problem is that my class is the worst class to be a ball carrier, so I try to support or defend and I often get chained knocked-back.


You are forgetting about one thing. FUN. The knockbacks and cc are what makes huttball fun. Imagine huttball without them. Get the ball, score. Dull and boring.


It's fun at first, but when you are at the receiving end after 600 thousand Huttball matches :p, it gets old really fast, especially after the 3rd or 4th chain knockback.

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Operatives have a stupid amount of stuns, quick movement speed, and the ability to stealth, in addition to being able to heal and do excellent damage despite the recent nerfs.


My point is, not everyone needs everything. Operatives have a combination of skills and abilities which no other AC does.

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It does happen, and more frequently than one would expect.


It makes me rather suspicious, because it would take unnatural reflexes to hit that knockback so quickly. Especially in cases where the player was not engaged, their back is to you, and they're moving.


Do they get an instant automatic knockback when rooted, like the Sorcerer's talent that stuns on bubble burst?



The AoE knockback also has the action+animation. The action goes off before animation ends. You see someone force charge on you? Do AoE knockback...and they're knocked back before you end your animation.


And when a warrior force charges the root effect is applied instantly, as if the warrior landed on target, but the force charge animation still continues. So while the warrior is still in the air, the AOE knockback affects the warrior before force charge animation ends as if the warrior already landed. Hence the animation break on force charge when AoE knockback hits you.


Then you run up, another knockback..Then you leap and another knockback from a merc. You leap again and another knockback (mercs can have 2 if specced). Then you leap again, and you're pulled down by a sin or powertech lol

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The problem is not about knockbacks, but about resolve.


It takes months to build the resolve bar and when you are there you have your friendly cybertech there stunning you again with a granade, so that you wait for it to vanish and guess what, your resolve bar has gone empty, so it's time for another series of CCs until you are effectively useless/dead in any warzone.


This game's PvP needs to be erased and completely redone from the ground up.

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Operative does need a sprint though a knock back would be nice, I believe a sprint would benefit this melee class more. A sprint on a 1-3 min cd maybe with spec options and does not break stealth on use.


They may add this as is sounds reasonable but soon I doubt. The way thing's are looking I say 6 months - 1 year minimum on this needed change. I for see more nerf's before any utility or sustained dps is added.


We are low on the importance totem pole my stealthy friends.

Edited by LimbSlicer
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OP, your answers are here but you seem not to be able to read it.


i think most ppl could have seen my mistake in that post and made since of it (up all night and post was around 6am local time) but here you go precious:


"your doing it wrong, when they leap into the air just run, either way on the walkway, the same player will avoid it from me every time, it works and i die.

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OP, your answers are here but you seem not to be able to read it.


i think most ppl could have seen my mistake in that post and made since of it (up all night and post was around 6am local time) but here you go precious:


"your doing it wrong, when they leap into the air just run, either way on the walkway, the same player will avoid it from me every time, it works and i die.


I responded to you before. I still have no idea what you mean ... sorry :o


But either way, I've explained about positioning before. If I am dead center relative to the Knockback'ing person, and he is a tool and does not move a fraction to either side, then yeah I won't get knocked back off the ramp. 95% of the time though, the person only needs to move 1 step. Also, the knockback has a small radius around it, so I do not even have to be in melee range to get knocked off.


Honestly though, I do have a marauder, and knockback is no issue at all because I can just leap back to them, instead of having to run all the way around on my Operative, by which time they would have finished whatever they wanted to do lol

Edited by Treplos
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All these knockbacks, stuns, CCS, etc are just bad, terribad even. This is exactly what happened in WAR and look where that game is right now, made by the same people who are doing PVP in this game. It is NOT fun to have your character constantly stunned or immovable for more then half of your PVP time, its ridiculously bad concept.

1 or 2 classes should SPECIALIZE in these types of attacks and that is it. With almost all classes having these abilities it makes PVP unbearable. Not to mention all the classes that can spec in healing except for melee.

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All these knockbacks, stuns, CCS, etc are just bad, terribad even. This is exactly what happened in WAR and look where that game is right now, made by the same people who are doing PVP in this game. It is NOT fun to have your character constantly stunned or immovable for more then half of your PVP time, its ridiculously bad concept.

1 or 2 classes should SPECIALIZE in these types of attacks and that is it. With almost all classes having these abilities it makes PVP unbearable. Not to mention all the classes that can spec in healing except for melee.


Its worse in WoW whre you can get chained CCed for more than a minute after you used your CC breaker and see where the game came to. :rolleyes:

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So I failed to see any logical reason presented as to why operatives shouldn't have these tools. If every other class has a form of push/pull, what makes the operative so special they wouldn't get something important enough to be given to every other class?
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Whenever I play football I ask the ref why they get to have a whole line of big guys in my way. That really makes it more difficult than it needs to be. Really, how hard do you have to make running a ball? Just let me get to the other side already.
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