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10 Good
  1. It's not just amusing, it's downright hilarious. In their minds this is how it works: <bioware employee #1> Hey guys, I'm getting reports on the forums that we should nerf ops. <bioware employee #2> Hmm that's a tough call. They definitely do good burst damage but I can't say for sure it's OP. Just out of curiosity who was asking for the nerfs? <bioware employee #1> It's the sorcs. <bioware employee #2> WHOA WHOA WHOA! Why didn't you say it was the sorcs? Go fetch my nerfbat immediately, we need to pander to our favorite class!
  2. First hit the galactic trade market and run some dailies. Right off the bat that's going to take you to around 14k health. Now your survivability and damage output is higher. Once you start adding pieces of T1 and T2 your hits will go to 16k and up. Not that hitpoints are the be-all end-all but they are a general indication of your overall gear situation. Next you need to focus fire. Given that pugs are completely disorganized you need to take a very simple approach here: Try to remember the names of the good dps players you see showing up regularly in the wz's. Attack what they attack. While you are going around assisting, keep an eye out for other healers standing there freecasting. Throw some interrupts/CC their way and then immediately switch back to assisting. You can also encourage the ops leader to mark healers. Not everyone is willing to do this but it makes it a lot easier for puggers to know where to aim when healers are marked.
  3. Yup, the main problem is most people don't seem to understand the resolve system. This thread is yet another example of that. I don't have an issue with stuns or CC in this game. The only time I've ever gone from full health to dead before a stun wears off is when Im being attacked by 4+ people at once and I *should* die fast in that situation anyhow.
  4. Sorry OP but I love all the pinball stuff (knockbacks/push/pull) in this game, especially huttball. Makes for some really crazy chain reactions as people try to counter push/pull the carrier around the map.
  5. People are finally starting to wise up and realize that sorc in wz = squishy so we end up spending 70% of our time kiting the pain train all over the map. If sorcs are given the chance to go turret mode they do fairly mediocre single target damage vs decently geared opponents. Add in a half decent enemy healer and sorcs will really struggle to kill anything. Oh but hey they are good at getting medals and they put up nice numbers in the final damage charts (thanks AoE!) so I guess there's that.
  6. Doesn't make a difference. I've always unchecked that and I still don't get credit sometimes. Someone was telling me you don't get credit for blowouts i.e. 6-0 in huttball or steamroll victory in voidstar. I think there might be something to this theory...
  7. You are chain casting healing from the beginning of the round to the end? No I didn't think so. There is almost always time to squeeze in dps/cc/disruption effects.
  8. Standard anti-zerg tactics from other games apply: 1. Accept that you are pretty much always going to be outnumbered and you need to avoid head-on fights with the zerg. 2. Be very careful approaching high risk/high traffic areas like the control points. You are safer on the outer areas of the map. 3. Pan your camera constantly, call out incs and get other people doing the same. If someone gets steamrolled ask them how many ppl hit them and what direction they went in. Stealther scouts are your best friend. 4. The main objective is to split up/stretch out the zerg till it breaks down into a size you can manage. Zergs tend to follow fairly predictable movement patterns and knowing how most people tend to over-pursue you can cap control points behind them to make them move and then attack stragglers when they roll out. 5. When you do get in a fight, finish it and roll out ASAP. Do not wait for stragglers. Do not chase runners. The mighty zerg is already on its way so you need to be somewhere else. 6. They will catch you sooner or later. It happens. Don't get too stressed out about it.
  9. Completely unnecessary. The 2.5k and 75k healing medals come through normal play even as a DPS sorc/sage. If you have almost zero dmg output then you probably need to rethink how you are playing your char. Healing is just as much about preventing damage as it is replacing lost health. That means dropping extra dps on focus targets whenever possible & in between heals. Useless players are going to be useless whether they are medal farming/stat padding/whatever the in-game metric is.
  10. I'd rather they had an advantage but not a dramatic one. Makes for more competition & fun when a fight is decided more by skill than by gear.
  11. Hidus

    Impressed about illum

    Lag aside, if you get relatively equal numbers it can be a lot of fun. The prob is a lot of servers are not able to produce relatively equal numbers. I was running my Ilum weekly earlier yesterday while being outnumbered something like 40:15. Sorry but no amount of skill is going to make up that difference. You can dodge the zerg for a while and look for stragglers but sooner or later you are going to get steamrolled. Best part was while the mighty imp zerg were pitching tents outside of the republic base one of them /says "why don't you guys just counterzerg?". lol. Brilliant advice let me just summon another 20ish geared up 50s from my magical hat here. Oh did I mention they were getting max valor bonuses the whole time? GG thanks mythic!
  12. Conversely, when people win it's always due to pure skill never because: a) The other guy has level 40 gear and I am in full BM. b) The other guy plays a weak class. c) My teammates are better than his teammates. I am largely irrelevant to the outcome.
  13. Because a player in BM will mow down an equally skilled player in Champ without breaking a sweat. The gameplay difference in pvp between tiers of gear in this game is substantial.
  14. @OP it sounds like you prob need to work on your positioning. If you have a build that requires you to plant your feet and stand still then you need to get clever about when and where you do it. Look for places next to columns/corners as well as close to health pack spawn points. Try to stand so you have LoS on your target but you are not visible to 80% of the rest of the enemy team. If you get focused break their LoS and try to sneak in a heal or 2 while you kite them around obstacles & drop DoTs/instas on them. Also don't stand in 1 place for too long. As soon as they take notice of you it's time to find a new spot. We have a ton of survivability but you need to make sure you put yourself in a position where you can escape or at least kite the enemy and have the advantage.
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