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New Ability Bar Cooldown effect


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DEVS for the love of god revert the abilities cooldown, at least put it back to version 1.0 from launch day, on my juggernaut it is very difficult to tell which abilities are lit up ready to use from rage generation. Version 1.0 had abilities ready to use lit up while abilities unusable stay dull even when on CD, the previous version abilities ready to use were lit up but so were the ones on CD which got confusing in fast paced fights.


PS- the excessive strobing is unhealthy to the eyes, get rid of that too.

Edited by Sookster
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Is it really that hard to get this right. Maybe you should give a phone call to one of the major gaming companies out there so you can fix this once and for all.


I can't believe this keeps getting worse every attempt to fix this. Wait.....I take that back I can. :p The bugs in this game is bad enough that your heading to the two month window and you can't get this fixed. This should not be a problem in the first place. sigh

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I knew that a game by EA would have horrible customer service, but horrible dev interaction is also a huge problem. Its been hours since the change and no response has been made. I literally cant play right now because it makes me dizzy and I'm not an epileptic.


I'm in the same boat right now. I'm running circles around the fleet and wondering what to do now. I need one more valor level and I get my Battlemaster title finally (this is my second toon so I'm a bit behind). I can't do warzones or anything else because the flash hurts my eyes. I'm seriously fearful that it'll take until the NEXT patch to get fixed (which is the one in March I think if I recall?). In which case I won't bother logging in till then. I can play through most problems, but this is just too obtuse for me.

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Procs are randomish. Some more random than others. You don't KNOW something will proc, so yes, the former UI still was 10000x better. You can peform alright with this UI, but you can perform a lot better with the previous one. I'm not sure why you're advocating doing worse?


Quoting your post since you had this issue.


Played my Jedi Knight and noticed how to tell if my ability was usable on the next gcd.


Whatever your keybind is, be it 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, F, T whatever it is. If it is not usable on the next gcd, it will stay dull, but if it is usable, the number will light up as the gcd ability is active.


Hope this makes sense.


To the people who get headaches, are you epileptic? Do you go to a club and complain?

Edited by Tekkoclarky
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I love the new effect.

K, sorry for the large text, had to get pass all the negative reviews. It doesn't confuse me at all, and I think the white border is clean and adds something different. It's visually appealing to me and I'm quite happy. I also like how flashy it is, it does a better job of letting me know when something is on CD (white border = don't press it) and when not to smash my keys because of a GCD. I also want to point out that I'm prone to migraines and headaches very easily, the flashiness of these buttons have not bothered me yet.


The only thing I would do different is change the soft blue color to something more distinguishable. Maybe a red or a soft orange. I would NOT remove the white border, I love it.



Even though I like the flashiness, it seems others do not. Toning it down some would be a happy medium. I guess I'm use to it because of "Snowfall Keypress" from back in WoW (if anyone remembers it.)

Edited by Valeena
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I like the new changes. I play a Watchmen Sentinel, by the way.



It's a lot easier to see what's on GCD and what's ready to go imo. Of course having a little forethought into what my next priority ability is going to be probably helps instead of flailing uncontrollably blaming the UI.

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The update is making it almost unbearable when it comes to hotbars. As a juggernaut I'm having to constantly check rage to see if I have enough to use an ability because its so dark now.


Look at your keybinds on your hotbar, the number lights up if it is usable, if it isn't, it is dull...


I found this out instantly.


Now I am finding out why so many people stand in fire, you are all glued to your hot bars.

Edited by Tekkoclarky
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Look at your keybinds on your hotbar, the number lights up if it is usable, if it isn't, it is dull...


I found this out instantly.


Now I am finding out why so many people stand in fire, you are all glued to your hot bars.




It's the simple things, isn't it? lol.

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Look at your keybinds on your hotbar, the number lights up if it is usable, if it isn't, it is dull...


I found this out instantly.


Now I am finding out why so many people stand in fire, you are all glued to your hot bars.


And I was called a troll for telling them to L2Play.

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OK now that I've cooled down some, and played more, I gotta say, man you guys need to fix this TONIGHT.


One of my guildies made the comment, "they're not very good at this MMO thing are they?" Hate to say true story but it sure seems that way.


First of all, we don't have a skill queue which took some getting used too but whatever. A skill queue - where you can hit 2 or 3 skills while they are on cooldown and stack them up, so that they go off as soon as they come off CD. I strongly suggest you log into Turbine's Lord of the Rings Online to see how it's done the right way.


Now, to be effective in combat we have to to hit skills as soon as they come off CD which we are all now used to and are doing. But during combat you have to anticipate which skill you will hit next, and to do so you need to see which skills are 'lit up' or available (meaning off their proprietary CD and triggered by whatever of several different requirements make them available) and wait for the GCD to expire, and then hit them quickly.


With this latest patch 'fix', the cooldown animation brightness, the thickness of the white line, and the dark following shadow all combine to visually obscure which skills are going to come available when the GCD expires.


It totally screws up the tempo and smoothness of combat - yes you have fixed some combat mechanics but now you have cut off the player from the game interface and made it difficult to interact with the combat system.


Keep the technical changes, which were needed, and go back to the previous very lightly shaded light blue cooldown animation, please.


And I would suggest that you boys back off the throttle a couple notches on patch releases, you have the appearance of chasing your tail and rushing content out the door that has not been thoroughly tested by the player community. Johnny Dev trying out a new feature at 2:00 AM after an 80-hour week with bleeding eyes is not player-based playtesting.


I love this game, don't make me hate you.

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I also use keybinds, please look at the screenshot I posted and tell me what abilty will be useable after the gcd, you HAVE to que it during the gcd, or you will loose time and therefor dps, if you cannot do that, its broken!



This is what I was going to say. The solution, as has been mentioned earlier, is to get 3rd party mods activated.


I kinda suspect that, as a general rule, the people who like it are not involved in end-game raiding and those who hate it are -- because the idea of planning moves three or four GCDs ahead of time is a raiding phenomenon.

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agreed...I have no freaking idea whats available and whats not..some of my skills are only available in a very short window and this new bloody global cd effect means i cant see them pop before theyre unavailable again...


please for the love of god put it back to the way it was and fix the actualy skills that are broken rather than this overhaul that screws us all



ok..I appreciate you're trying hard to solve issues with the game..the ui cooldown's for some skills have been a bit messed up since launch (death from above rapid fire etc) but applying a general "fix" is going to cause more harm than good..you need to fix the individual skills and not mess with the global cooldowns..


I was playing a sentinal earlier and couldnt figure out what the hell was wrong with my bar as all my skills were on cooldown it seemed if I used one..

Yes you can still cast them but this is going to bite you in the *** as new players wont figure that out quickly and many will dismiss the game as "slow and boring"


I would like you to reverse it to the standard global ui or at least open customised ui's ..that way you dont really have to fix anything , the playerbase will create ui's that suit them.


thank you

Edited by Leyv
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I like the new changes. I play a Watchmen Sentinel, by the way.



It's a lot easier to see what's on GCD and what's ready to go imo. Of course having a little forethought into what my next priority ability is going to be probably helps instead of flailing uncontrollably blaming the UI.


You have a priority rotation. Your forethought is a lie.


Good job showing everyone your lack of knowledge though...

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Now, to be effective in combat we have to to hit skills as soon as they come off CD which we are all now used to and are doing. But during combat you have to anticipate which skill you will hit next, and to do so you need to see which skills are 'lit up' or available (meaning off their proprietary CD and triggered by whatever of several different requirements make them available) and wait for the GCD to expire, and then hit them quickly.


With this latest patch 'fix', the cooldown animation brightness, the thickness of the white line, and the dark following shadow all combine to visually obscure which skills are going to come available when the GCD expires.


Look at your keybind, it lights up if it is usable, it is dull if it isn't. It's pretty clear.

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I think they just need to stop the code being a simple check for "if we're on any sort of cooldown preventing use of this ability, grey it out" into "if *THIS* ability is specifically on cooldown then grey it out".


That way abilities that are only in GCD will stay ungreyed and we can see if conditional ones are available. Meantime any ability on its own CD will be greyed out so we're not fooled by the last few seconds of its CD making it look like it's available, which was the problem last patch.


Once more to be sure: The only greying should be on buttons for abilities that are on their OWN cooldown. GCD should NOT grey anything!

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