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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

The reason Sorcerers/Sages are OP in PvP


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I said that there is ONE class that has to be played exceptionally well to have as much survivability as a Sorc/Sage. And you call that an "L2P issue"?


But I do agree there is an "L2P issue" in the sense that there are too many Sorc players in this thread who are terrified that if their class becomes balanced one day they would have to "L2P" themselves.

So they are doing their best job to prevent anyone from having a reasonable discussion. You sir, are one of them.


Its funny the big complaints about sorcs/sages boil down to : its to easy to play a hybrid spec'd sage and do good NERF.... The unfortunate part about getting hybrid nerf is that everyone will wind up going balance and then be hated just as much for being kiters.

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no not reading any of it cuz you were an *** about it i get the gist from the title. you cant beat mages so you came here to *****. no i dont play a inq yes i do have one (50 inq 50op and 50 powertech. of the 3 i feel the sorc is right in the middle in pvp usefullness my op is at the bottom,powerfull but relativly useless in team play and my powertech at the top(leap grapple guard taunt not as much as ***/shadow but i can **** up a ball carriers plan) their hybrid spec is a bit heavy on the aoe but hybrids are gettin sorted out as we speak and if their spamming a mitigatable attack fishing for 3k aoe procs is too much for you my kids gotta toy you can use all you gotta do is pull the string and the cow goes moooooooooo.
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Chain lightning isn't spammable, as a hybrid you take lightining storm to be able to take forked lighting, otherwise is useless because you don't cast lighting strike because it sucks.


Also chain lighting hits for 3.7k in full champion gear with extra surge mods from double drops. Juggernaut smash hits for 5k+ with some setup.


I don't get if people have problems with sorcs in group pvp because they have too much utility or they have problem 1 vs 1. In group pvp it could be true that the hybrid spec have too much utility, but 1 vs 1 sorc are pretty easy for all classes imo, if equally geared. I don't see any class getting completly destroyed by sorcs.

Edited by Crummosh
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You were called bad for stating that all casters that don't stack Alacrity in any MMO were idiots.


Don't say idiocys and you won't be called bad.




Don't let the door hit you in your way out.



Sorc/sage are a cake to kill by any geared level 50 with two brain cells.


That's why they were not nerfed so far.




What I lol is about the tipical threads about sorcs in those forums.


Player1: Sorcs are OP !! Look at the counters !!

Player2: ^^QFT !!!!

Player3: Nerf !!!

Player4: Too many goodies, nerf !!!!

SorcPlayer: So you have problems with sorcs ?

Player1: Me ? LOLOL I completely obliterate them.

Player2: wft ... I use them to mop the floor.

Player3: I only have problems when 3 or 4 attack me ... but nerf anyway !!!

Player4: lmao ... only badies have problems with sorcs !!!!


Oh I will be happy to clownstomp people as bad as you until the next WoW expansion hits. This isn't new. All the GOOD sorcerers/sages from beta said the hybrid spec needed nerfed then. People are now catching on in live.


Sorc/sages as the hybrid spec are NOT easy to kill by anyone with "two brain cells". Funny you should say that when you are the second EASIEST class in this game to play and the difference isn't negligible between you and melee.


Your entire viewpoint is based on a one on one where sent/marauder is about the only class you should be dying to. You shouldn't be dying to another class one on one, unless a scoundrel/operative uses every single cooldown on you and then they die right after to everyone else. The thing? In a warzone with more then 1 person fighting one person? The hybrid spec is damn near impossible to die on unless you are a pug playing a premade.


You better be bummed when people like me leave. You see I wanted this game to actually succeed. Most true pvp players already laughed this game off as an absolute joke as far as pvp.


It isn't that WoW is the best game ever. I was looking for a reason to QUIT WoW. I thought this design team actually had a clue, but they don't. They ignored everyone in beta and now you see level 50's doing a mass exodus from this game and the only people that aren't leaving are rerolling sorc/sages and merc/commandos. The 10-49 bracket is damn near 100 percent those two ac's.


Want to know why people who actually like pvp and know what balance looks like will be going back to WoW? Cus this game is worse in every single way for pvp. Leveling? This game is fantastic. Raiding? Fine. PvP? Ranged stunlock, faceroll, simplified classes that are a ripoff of a WoW vanilla shadow priest (except easier to play and better in every way possible) and a idiotic player base that is primarily made up of one stupid class, who tries to get every class nerfed but the truly OP spec.


Add to that stunlocking from RANGED and all healers being garbage except for sorc/sage. People don't like being forced to reroll at the drop of a hat. The changes I suggested wouldn't nerf the balanced specs at all. You would still be the BEST range class in the game as full balance/madness. That isn't good enough though is it?


Want to know why this game fails and will fail? People like you were in beta and peoplel like you are on here 24/7 calling better players then you bad. Enjoy a dying game. You and Bioware/EA deserve it. Enjoy sorc wars of the old republic.

Edited by biowareftw
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Are you really saying MARAUDERS are OP? Not sorcs? Do you want to see where the last thread claiming marauders are OP? It consisted of 3 pages of people laughing at the guy for claiming the absolute worst PvP class needed a nerf.


My guildies can do the same thing I do when they queue. A bounty hunter guildie of mine regularly dominates the every warzone with minimal effort.



Worst PVP class? Try again. Play a Shadow/Assassin and get back to me. They don't hit as hard as nerfed Ops/Scoundrels from stealth and don't have the survivability or damage of Knights/Warriors. I see 4-5k crits from marauders all the time, whereas ( in full Champ gear) I am lucky if I see high 3ks-4s. That's with set up and proc watching. Heck, I've seen 3k+ AOE crits from Warriors. Shadows are a class highly dependent on the skill of others to make full use of. I can use all the neat little tools I want but if nobody is there to take advantage of the set up, it's pointless aside from medal farming.

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Oh I will be happy to clownstomp people as bad as you until the next WoW expansion hits.

Told you to avoid to say idiocys if you don't want to be called bad ... you know nothing about me.


Sorc/sages as balance are NOT easy to kill by anyone with "two brain cells". Funny you should say that when you are the second EASIEST class in this game to play and the difference isn't negligible between you and melee.

I am playing a powertech.


Your entire viewpoint is based on a one on one where sent/marauder is about the only class you should be dying to.

I die to many classes but in 1v1 I use to own them all really. Sent/Marauders are quite easy btw.


Ahhh ... you mean sorcerers.


You shouldn't be dying to another class one on one, unless a scoundrel/operative uses every single cooldown on you and then they die right after to everyone else.

So it was one class ... now it is 2 ?


The thing? In a warzone with more then 1 person fighting one person? The hybrid spec is damn near impossible to die on unless you are a pug playing a premade.

I kill them everyday ... not imposible at all. You should try to select an advanced class or expend a couple of talent points if sorcs are imposible for you to kill.


You better be bummed when people like me leave. You see I wanted this game to actually succeed. Most true pvp players already laughed this game off as an absolute joke as far as pvp.

Aw man dooon't worry please .... we will eventually get used, you know.


It isn't that WoW is the best game ever. I was looking for a reason to QUIT WoW.

Don't do that please. I am sure you are quite missed there.


You have to go there to tell warlocks to stack haste or they are idiots remeber.


I thought this design team actually had a clue, but they don't. They ignored everyone in beta and now you see level 50's doing a mass exodus from this game and the only people that aren't leaving are rerolling sorc/sages and merc/commandos. The 10-49 bracket is damn near 100 percent those two ac's.

It's all mercs, marauders and operatives really.


And about the masive "exodus" right now population increased to 1.7 mill man.



Want to know why people who actually like pvp and know what balance looks like will be going back to WoW? Cus this game is worse in every single way for pvp.

Ok ok ... ur right man. Going to call your taxi just start packing.


Want to know why this game fails and will fail? People like you were in beta and peoplel like you are on here 24/7 calling better players then you bad. Enjoy a dying game. You and Bioware/EA deserve it. Enjoy sorc wars of the old republic.

I will enjoy it ... don't worry .... cya later.

Edited by klathnagma
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Do none of you self-proclaimed pros play with healers? Sages/sorcs are so stupidly easy to heal through its hilarious. Cant wait for rateds so all these solo q'ing top damage epeen chasers will see who is really running the WZs, its sure as hell isnt dps sages. So they beat you at top damage because they tab dotted? Boo *********** hoo. Its not like they create any actual pressure outside of their cc, take that away and they have nothing.
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What they should do is remove their force speed ability. I honestly do not see a reason for them to have it. They are a range class, and no other range class has a similar ability. They shouldn't be able to run away so easily from a fight. A BH/Trooper has no way to escape from a fight as they do. Yes BH's have a knock back, but so do sorcs.


Honestly, they have way too much utility for one class.

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Can you tell me another class who has ;


-Stun (4 sec)


-Never ending slow

- Good DPS + nice burst dmg too

-Buble (It can be on the player all the time)

-Speed buff


-Do you need anything else ? (like a button to keel all the players in the warzone)


Topic owner tried to explain why sorc/sages have more advantage than the other classes and you are obviously playin sorc or sage cause defending blindly. In my server, sorc/sage population is more than %60-70, I can easily see 6-7 sorcerers in wz.So This overpopulated class doesn't need a nerf ? Are u still defending this class ?




Stun? All classes get a 4 sec stun (except OP, which is 1.5?)

-marauders : force choke

-Jugg: back hand

-Merc: Electrodart


Knockback? All classes (except OP and PT) have a KB

Jugg/Sent: Force push

Merc: Jet Boost + Jet punch (what ever that punch **** is called)

Sniper : (idk what that skill name is)



Marauders/Juggs: Guarded by the force

Merc/PT : shield

and since you are really bad at SWTOR, ill correct you in the fact that you can only have the bubble every 20secs...not ALL THE TIME.


Speed buff:

-juggs/marauder: Force leap + the other leap they have.

-PT : Jet charge



( this is why i KNOW you are an idiot in swtor)

Merc/OP both get heals in their DPS spec. (since they are both healing classes)




and since when did population = OP?


GG come back again!

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What they should do is remove their force speed ability. I honestly do not see a reason for them to have it. They are a range class, and no other range class has a similar ability. They shouldn't be able to run away so easily from a fight. A BH/Trooper has no way to escape from a fight as they do. Yes BH's have a knock back, but so do sorcs.


Honestly, they have way too much utility for one class.


What they should do is remove their force speed ability, add heavy armor, another knockback, some insta heals and another 4-5k health.



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With Rakata/BM gear it actually absorbs up around 6-7k. Basically a single bubble means a Sorc has +25% effective health. They might be cloth armored but with a bonus 6-7k health in an instant cast 20 second cooldown they're certainly tankier than any other DPS in the game.


6-7K -- LIES!


I tested it in full BM gear and it absorbs around 3500 damage, with some Rakata maybe 37-3800 damage.


Where do you get your information?


Yes Sages and sorc are gods:


They have a shield that makes them invinsible

When they fart everyone around is CC'd for like 30sec

If they look at someone funny they just die

They can force srint in Huttball indefinitely

They can stand in the fire trap in Huttball, heal themselves while being hit by someone, jump out and kill 3 ppl instantly.


Yes, change thier tree's so they can only do half of those things, no matter what happens someone will think they are OP, you could nerf them to the gound and they will still be OP.


When you have a lot of them in a WZ they seem OP, when you get them 1 on 1 they die fast.

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Three reasons:


- No real resource management issues

- Mobility skills rule in Huttball, sorcs have heaps of them, and 90% of PvP is Huttball

- Bubbles are much less likely to result in overheal than HoT's, and they mitigate burst damage better


It's like one of BW's ex-Warhammer devs said to themselves, "Hrmm.. You know, Bright Wizards really should have been buffed more."

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"Lightning Barrier" - Gives 20% increased absorption to Static Barrier. Tier 2 talent. This needs to be far higher up the Lightning tree. Lightning Sorcs need this talent because of their need to stand still and leave themselves more vulnerable to damage. Madness Sorcs and hybrids do not.


Moving this higher nerfs Sage/Sorc Healers the most though, especially considering your Shield scales off your bonus healing.


"Electric Bindings" - Adds a 5 second immobilize to their 20 second knockback "Overload". Tier 3 talent. Again this talent is needed for a 31 point Lightning PvP build to be effective but for all other specs it's just a ridiculous amount of utility that they don't need. This needs to be moved up the tree.


I'm not opposed to this but the problem is what are you swapping it with? After moving several of these talents up the tree you're going to wind up with an upside down tree, which hurts Full specs even more. If you have to wait until you get 20+ points before you can take several of the utility talents then inevitably some can't be chosen. Similarly if you swap them with high tier talents instead, the hybrids now have access to those powerful talents.


"Wrath" - Force Lightning damage has a 30% chance to make your next cast instant and do +20% damage. This is the talent that allows hybrid Sorcerers to surpass the 31-point specs. This makes it insanely effective to build hybrid and use the proc for instant cast "Chain Lightning".


Moving this higher in the Shared tree probably is the most effective way to nerf hybrids. However all you'll do is nerf the Lightning/TK heavy hybrids, not the Balance/Madness heavy hybrids in doing so. You also might have unexpected results with the Shadow/Assassin analog trees.


"Lightning Barrage" - Affliction critical hits have a 100% chance to cause your next "Force Lightning" to channel and tick twice as fast(10s CD). This talent gives further incentive to the hybrid Lightning/Madness build. In PvP it causes Sorcerers to have a surprising amount of burst. While this talent isn't a problem on it's own it does further the gap between hybrid specs and proper 31-point specs. It's nonsense to have this talent in the Lightning Tree when you consider that "Force Lightning" is Madness's main filler. Lightning spec is supposed to use Lightning Strike.


Same problem as Electric Bindings. Also if you move this to the Shared tree from TK/Lightning, you're just nerfing TK/Lightning even more, and making the Shared tree even stronger than it already is as the strongest tree currently. You'll also eliminate the only instance of use for this ability by the TK/Lightning tree.


"Backlash" - Causes "Static Barrier" to apply a 3 second CC to surrounding targets upon breaking. Shouldn't be in the hands of hybrids. Period. This is only balanced in the hands of an incredibly immobile caster.


True but, again you're top loading the TK/Lightning tree. Not only will you put this talent out of the hands of hybrids, you'll put it out of the hands of Full Specs who are forced to choose between dmg enhancing talents and CC at the top tiers.


"Lightning Storm" - 30% chance on "Lightning Strike" to reset the CD of Chain Lightning and cause it to be instant-cast the next time you use it(10s CD). Essentially a second Wrath. Combine the two and you have a spec that can use instant-cast Chain Lightning with disgusting frequency.


It's not a second wrath. This is probably your biggest exaggeration.

A.) There's no 20% dmg boost like there is with Wrath.

B.) It can only be used on CL/TKwave, not other abilities like Wrath.

C.) In order to gain this effect you have to either cast Lightning Strike or channel Force Storm. It's actually a DPS loss to do so as theory crafters have proven. You're far better off channeling Lightning and avoiding Lightning Strike (to the tune of at least 8% more dps). As a result someone switching back and forth is likely an idiot and losing dps in their pursuit of instant CL's, especially so in PvP considering that Lightning also applies a slow that doesn't build resolve and constantly causes casting knockback.

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I have replied to this in multiple threads and I play around 20 PvP matches with my Marauder everyday.


What the OP doesn't understand is that he plays Annihilation spec and therefore inferior in taking out Sorcerers/Consulars in comparison to the Rage spec; which is the spec I play.


Rage spec does not have as much survivabilty as Annhilation, but it makes quick work and cuts Sorcerer like they're butter. Easiest class to kill for me, and to me and my teams detriment, I sometimes look for them too often because I'm chasing easy kills.


On Rage spec you have Gravity (which reduces rage cost of slow moving effects), and an additional Snare/Speed-Buff, which inherently means that I laugh while they try and kite me but they can't.


The only times they can get on top is on a catwalk in Hutball, and even then if I am in good position they probably wish they could use knockback to knock themselves off the ledge.


Not to say that Annhilation doesn't have its unique strengths against Sorcerers. They have Phantom which means they can go through fire and acid pits were Sorcerers tend to hide behind in Hutball. You can also choose to take Close Quarters for additional gap closing. And lets not forget Ferocity, everyone is quicker on your team and the opposition team of Sorcerers all die quicker.


With a Rage spec, Healers never have an enough time to heal themselves. The hybrid spec for Sorcerers that you provided makes no difference either. Lighting is no use as they need to be stationary in order to cast. They are not tanks so they need to runaway from me or otherwise they are dead. They kite me but it won't make much difference as in the end I will kill them. They only thing they can hope for is they last long enough for reinforcements to arrive.


Yes it can be annoying if multiple Sorcerers are all Snaring in you down. But then you have to wonder if there are multiple targets attacking you where is the rest of you team? Huh?


When are they ever really a problem otherwise? Are you telling me you don't have enough gap closers? That would be incorrect, you have plenty, and the reason why Marauders favour against Sorcerers.

Edited by RobyBaggio
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The only people to blame for Sorcs/Sages having all their CC is that spec is people like you. They cried in the beta till Bioware removed all the force regen from Madness and all the CC from Corruption.



There is no way they could do anything to change the way class is right now, without doing complete re-designs of the lower level abilities. It would be completely counterintuitive to give the classes the higher tier abilities first and the CC and regen/force procs later.

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I'm just happy that the message is finally getting out that Sorcerers/Sages are not OP which is why the posts have evolved into attacking very specific combinations of talents, combinations which may actually warrant QQ.


EDIT: I say May, because I play a pure Corruption Sorcerer and haven't tried the combinations.

Edited by Darth_Philar
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I posted this in a thread talking about Sorc / sage bubble. Not even talking about their CC. What's making them the wrecking machines when with good teammates.


The problem with the bubble is that with a tank guarding + taunting anyone attacking the sorc / sage, it lasts a lot longer, since these damage debuffs severely gimp your damage against the guarded target.


Seriously, I PuG WZs, see a sage that has a clue, that's not healing whatsoever, only himself and me (vanguard tanky tank) as he saw I was baby sitting him, he spent the whole WZ DPSing and reapplying bubble, and as we were assisting down 1 target at a time, we almost didn't die at all, only me a couple of times as he wouldn't care that much about healing me.


6400 absorbed damage. Add to that -55% damage reduction from guard, and -30% reduction from taunt, -20% accuracy debuff also have to be considered, and -4% damage debuff from ion pulse. That all adds up to an incredible -89% damage reduction if it's additive, and if it's multiplicative who knows how it adds up. Hard to tell since there's no combat log, but in WAR, they nerfed the mechanic once they figured it's giving squishy classes way too much mitigation. Guarded friends can't go higher than -50% mitigation unless a tank uses morale 4, in WAR (75% max mitigation, on a long buildup morale mechanic). I guess they didn't think about it for SWTOR. They'll fix it eventually.


Morale of the story, tank doing his tanking job + sage / sorc is what is OP.


That's ridiculous, -89% reduction means that if you actually want to break the 6400 bubble, you have to deal around 60k damage. That's insane.

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What they should do is remove their force speed ability. I honestly do not see a reason for them to have it. They are a range class, and no other range class has a similar ability. They shouldn't be able to run away so easily from a fight. A BH/Trooper has no way to escape from a fight as they do. Yes BH's have a knock back, but so do sorcs.


Honestly, they have way too much utility for one class.


BH/Trooper have heavy armor tho. Force speed is 2 secs and if you don't los with it you get stunned / charged / shooted anyway

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The OP is 100% correct and nailed the reasons hybrid Sorcs are OP even if some people can't put it onto words. I can tell he hit a nerve by all the misdirection these sorcs in the thread are trying to pull. After BW nerfed hybrid Assassins they have no excuse to leave the sorc trees untouched. Some of the changes the OP suggested will most likely happen when the sorc nerf finally arrives.


keep fooling yourself my friend :D. If you "can't put it into words" then there's likely a good reason that this nerf isn't deserved, as explained in endless posts.


But as the old saying goes, you can bring a horse to water, but you can't make it drink.


Every spec that a sorc/sage uses has its weakness. Unfortunately, most people seem to prefer complaining rather than using all the strategies that are being successfully used to counter them now.

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I'm just happy that the message is finally getting out that Sorcerers/Sages are not OP which is why the posts have evolved into attacking very specific combinations of talents, combinations which may actually warrant QQ.


EDIT: I say May, because I play a pure Corruption Sorcerer and haven't tried the combinations.


No sorry the message is out that the class is OP. Too much utility combined with good damage.


Heres a video of a good Sorc. I would recommend putting it on mute but you can really see how many tools he has at his disposable combined with crazy burst 5-7k dmg at times and no downtime.


At time he has 2/3 guys on him and survives with his bubble/rebubble/sprint/heal/cc.


Edited by jtfone
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I posted this in a thread talking about Sorc / sage bubble. Not even talking about their CC. What's making them the wrecking machines when with good teammates.


The problem with the bubble is that with a tank guarding + taunting anyone attacking the sorc / sage, it lasts a lot longer, since these damage debuffs severely gimp your damage against the guarded target.


Seriously, I PuG WZs, see a sage that has a clue, that's not healing whatsoever, only himself and me (vanguard tanky tank) as he saw I was baby sitting him, he spent the whole WZ DPSing and reapplying bubble, and as we were assisting down 1 target at a time, we almost didn't die at all, only me a couple of times as he wouldn't care that much about healing me.


6400 absorbed damage. Add to that -55% damage reduction from guard, and -30% reduction from taunt, -20% accuracy debuff also have to be considered, and -4% damage debuff from ion pulse. That all adds up to an incredible -89% damage reduction if it's additive, and if it's multiplicative who knows how it adds up. Hard to tell since there's no combat log, but in WAR, they nerfed the mechanic once they figured it's giving squishy classes way too much mitigation. Guarded friends can't go higher than -50% mitigation unless a tank uses morale 4, in WAR (75% max mitigation, on a long buildup morale mechanic). I guess they didn't think about it for SWTOR. They'll fix it eventually.


Morale of the story, tank doing his tanking job + sage / sorc is what is OP.


That's ridiculous, -89% reduction means that if you actually want to break the 6400 bubble, you have to deal around 60k damage. That's insane.


A sorcerer/tank combo is pretty easy to kill if you approach them with tactics.


1. Burn the Tank's shield (time it so that his debuff is pretty deep still).

2. CC the Sorcerer.

3. Burst the tank.

4. Reapply CC on the Sorcerer.

5. Finish the tank.

6. Sorcerer will run away.


No sorry the message is out that the class is OP. Too much utility combined with good damage.


Heres a video of a good Sorc. I would recommend putting it on mute but you can really see how many tools he has at his disposable combined with good damage and no downtime.


At time he has 2/3 guys on him and survives with his bubble/rebubble/sprint/heal/cc.



Oh, it's you again. How have you not been banned for trolling yet? For real, please answer this question, it is really bothering me.


Anyway, a good sorcerer can avoid death for a long, long time. He cannot "win" though, only escape.


It is not OP that he can run away from you, you just aren't good enough at the pretty basic forumla for killing a sorcerer:


1. Break the initial bubble (do not use burst)

2. Break the second bubble (again, do not use burst)

3. CC Sorcerer and burst him

4. Reapply CC when/if he escapes/it wears off (you probably won't have to)

5. Finish him off during the second CC if needed.

6. If you really suck at DPSing, you will now watch him force speed away from you. Use your gap closer now (you didn't use it earlier like a noob, did you?)

Edited by Darth_Philar
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I wonder, why do I never see great PvP players I know starting or flaming these pathetic PvP QQ threads 'oh please nerf <insert_class_name>, I can't kill them as easily as I want, which means they are OP and I'm sure it's a design flaw, not my godlike skillz to be questioned'?..
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