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Why do people play MULTIPLAYER games if all they want to do is solo?!


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There are 1.7 million Sub's, sure seems like a successful MMO to me, Quit trying to bring people down just because it isnt the norm of which you are used to. Sounds like you need to learn how to change.



O and yea WoW is that Way ----------------------------------------------> Save Panda's Sir.

Edited by skorpius
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-You are paying a monthly fee for a single player? You must not care about money. Good for you.


I'd spend more at the bar on a drink special night then I do for a month of playtime on an MMO. <_< $15 a month being tossed towards a casual activity doesn't fall under the "You must not care about money" category imo.

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Try starting a new MMO with that philosophy. Tell me how it goes financially...


I'm not a game developer company nor a colossal publisher like EA.


Likewise, Bioware's teams are not consisted from 1 guy and I'm pretty sure EA has more than 1 person working on the publishings.


Go away trolly, nothing to eat here.

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SWTOR is a cool game where the individual can do quest and work on his or her character and not be forced in a group.Its a refreshing change.I like the solo time and I have a gaming friends.We don't always group and sometimes we need to.So the option is there.Keyword "Option" .Im not saying the SWTOR is a perfect game! But atleast it a start. And i have been pretty entertained from the start since this is technically my frist Starwars game.
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There are 1.7 million Sub's, sure seems like a successful MMO to me, Quit trying to bring people down just because it isnt the norm of which you are used to. Sounds like you need to learn how to change.



O and yea WoW is that Way ----------------------------------------------> Save Panda's Sir.


I want to thank all of you casual trolls for confirming my opinion about the quality of the current comunity. If u like the game so much why are u in these forums flaming?


I rest my case.


By the way what exactly has changed since the 2004's WoW game? The graphics only? I thought so.

1.7 million Sub's? 700.000 of them are trolls like you. The other million want this game to actually change for the better.


Pandas are that way <----------------

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"Why do people play MULTIPLAYER games if all they want to do is solo?"


Because they think of TOR as a single player. Simple as that.


The same casual players that want to keep this game as casual and dumbed down as possible are the same casual trolls that are flooding these forums with the "lol u wow fanboy go back to pandas" attitude EVERYTIME a subsciber is trying to speak the truth about this game.


-This is NOT KOTOR 3.

-This game is labeled as an MMO.

-You are paying a monthly fee for a single player? You must not care about money. Good for you.

-I have a good single player suggestion for you casual players: Super Mario. You get to eat mushrooms and kill turtles AND u get the girl at the end.


I solo lots of the time and rarely group not couse I troll (look me up on the forums really!) and not becasue i want this game dumbed down, because im playing class story, and its more fun if you solo it. Also you are right its not KOTOR 3 its just a sequel to KOTOR ( devs even said so) its that way because the devs wanted to appeal to the more solo players and MAKE MORE MONEY. I would NEVER play an MMO just to group, or only play in a group because then you'd either be playing wiht RANDOM people everytime or 3 other guild members that are always on and THAT HAVE NO LIFE. TOR is a sequel to Kotor in a mmo format.

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I've said it before and I'll say it again.


Playing an MMO solo is completely different than playing a single player game.


Myself, I prefer to group up, after all I play a tank and fights take a long time unless I bring a friend.


But, I can totally understand the mentality of people who like to play an MMO solo, even though they are doing their own thing, the fact that other people are doing stuff around them makes for a different experience than a single player game.


FINALLY someone who understands both sides... AND DOESN'T give everyone greiff that they're doing it wrong. kudos

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I noticed this as well. Out of lets say 33 people online, only 1 group is looking for a team instance. Meaning the other, what 85%? , just digs into solo play all the time. What is chocking that some people level as a tank or healer and still they are not too interested into joining a group. Or want to just get over it asap. It's weird . I dont understand it. If you want solo then why spend 55 euro + monthly subscription for a game that could never be as awesome as fully focussed rpg title.
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Vs what?


Where you are force to play the game with others.. Such as Guild Wars?


Or how about LOTRO where some of the content/quests force you to group with people..



And the lower lvls areas are barren, so you have to skip those quests until you find someone..


Like LOTRO get outside of Bree, and maybe..maybe during peak time, you'll run into one or two people doing the same quest.. otherwise people are in the expansion already.


or like Guild Wars... if you don't buy the expansions you are SOL finding a group for end game.


This caters to new players.. I don't mean new to mmos, but like when most of the community is lvl 50, and the low lvl areas are barren you can actually progress your story... without the need of other people.


and guess what.. if you want to play with other people You can! they are called herocis! Yay! or flashpoints! Yay!

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The problem isn't soloing. It's that the game makes it incredibly awkward to group.


WOW was a very carefully constructed multiplayer experience: It actually trains it's players to work together. Early on, there are quests that have NPC kills with quite long respawn times. This gives players waiting for the respawn time to talk and group up for the kill so they all recieve credit.


Then, a few areas later, some of the quests are simply too difficult to be handled solo. You can hunt and peck at loose enemies, but often they're in a group simply too large to be taken down solo. And then there's a difficulty curve on such encounters, so that the lowest level ones, all you need to do is be present while someone else kills the mob, and the highest level group encounters where every players needs to be on top of their class.


Compare this to SWTOR, where the most efficient course is often to simply blitz though an area killing everying and not talking to anyone because even important quest NPC's respawn quickly and ignoring the heroic quests until you've got literally not much else to do.

Edited by TheTurniipKing
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Gordon Walton, the co-studio director at BioWare Austin, gave a packed beyond capacity speech at GDC Austin.



Lesson Four


One thing that WoW is frequently recognized for is its solo play. Walton's fourth lesson was: support this, because gamers want it. According to Walton, older games that forced players into groups missed the point: "[the] truth is that people soloed every game to the best they could and when they couldn't anymore, they quit. Embracing solo play that was a true innovation for WoW."


It was pointed out that players who hit the level cap are pretty much forced to group in WOW; Walton still felt like the game "feels like it's a level playing field for all people at that level" and thus isn't quite as sinful as it could be. He offered a Blizzard quote on the solo issue -- "We look at soloing as our casual game." Given the weight of the phrase "casual game" in 2007, you can bet the audience was scribbling that one down

Because it is the prefered method of play


heres the entire link


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I mean, isn't laughing with guildies fun? Isn't screwing around in general chat fun?


As a list of reasons to not solo in an MMO, this has to be the worst I've ever seen. Why couldn't someone who solos do these things? Not that everyone wants to. Some people find chat to be mind-numbingly moronic most of the time, but you can use it without a group just fine.


As far as real reasons to solo in an MMO go, there are a lot of things that come from having multiple people playing that have nothing to do with chat, or grouping, or any of the things that people who can't seem to look beyond their own playstyles cite as the "valid" reasons to play an MMO.


The truth is that some people play differently. It's not wrong, and it's not even strange. That's just how people are. They're not all just like you. Some are more or less social than others.


It just amazes me how often this type of question gets asked. Do you really need a bunch of people on a forum to explain to you that different people like different levels of social interaction? I'd think anyone who's met more than five or six people in his lifetime would know that.

Edited by Pink_Saber
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Sometimes I like to buy tickets to go to a professional basketball game or a baseball game, because I enjoy the experience and energy of actually being there.


Other than asking for a hot dog, and maybe something brief to the person who takes my ticket, I don't really interact with anyone else there.

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I'm an observer in real life. I like watching people, it drives my wife nuts. But I bring that into the MMO's I play. I like being a part of something without being a part of it, if you get my meaning.

You have to agree grouping now a days is not like it use to be years ago. We use to "hang out" in a group if it was a fun time. Yakking, and questing together. Now I get invited, join the group and give a hearty, "hey guys"...crickets....maybe one, "hey" in return. And that' s it. Speed through the mission you joined the group for and be disbanded before you can say, "thanks"...........More times than not its exactly like that. The lack of socializing, the need to rush through without taking in the atmosphere makes me stay clear of grouping as much as I can.

I hate being told to hurry up we're on the next mob. So the fun I extract from MMO's is mainly listening to, and observing all you other real life players. And I do this while I'm enjoying the game at my pace.

Can't beat that with a stick!!!

Try it, you'll see what I mean.


But indeed I'd love to go back to how the grouping was in DAoC in the day. Now that was some fun teaming up....

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its because some ppl are still confused by what mmo means. mmo means its a game that multiplayer players can play simultaneously. it doesnt mean its a game you need other ppl's direct help to be able to play. you can achieve top gear in this game on your own. you can choose to group up for instances as well. ultimately the choice is your own to make. Edited by siccnezx
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I can't stand that you'd assume everyone you come across is guilty of being an ******e; it makes you sound elitist.


Because, 9 times out of 10, people I DO come across in this game ARE jerks. Call me all the names you like. You are responding to my extremely EXASPERATED reply to the OP, who was repeatedly making assumptions about the reasons WHY people choose to solo the game.

Apparently to make people miserable?


If that is what you think, then you are as self-absorbed as I've always imagined most MMO players to be.


I can't recall reading a more elitist statement that I could take credibly across a decade+ of online gaming.


Hell, I probably wouldn't be gaming any longer if your attitude was prevalent when I started gaming. Griefers are better for the community than this.


Then I am INFINITELY grateful that our paths will NEVER cross in this game if you prefer the company of people who bully others in chat or act like selfish children ninja-ing loot. You make it sound like soloers are some sort of cancer in the game that will destroy it from within just because we choose to NOT subject ourselves to every foul mouthed brat who blind invites us to group for the purpose of 'speeding through content just to get it over with.' Sorry, that's not how I play. I'm NOT in a hurry to level. I DON'T like to space bar through cut scenes. And so, I do things my way and select to not impose my preferences on others...unlike many of the people I have seen on this thread.

I know I only came across a single pair of ******es of the type you describe over 1-50; who knows how many countless phantom players flagrantly ignored my efforts to start a group, with their narrowminded assumptions of how strangers in an MMO will act.


I have SEEN how random strangers in MMOs act. The majority of the time, it is in such a way that turns me off so utterly, that I have lost all faith that the NEXT person I encounter will be any different.


You don't have to leave group and head your separate ways after the quest or whatever is over, even if that's so common in this game partly because it's so friendly to solo casual play.


Eventually, those "random people" aren't so random when you group with them on the next planet, or for the next FP. Usually, the players you see consistently looking for a group are likeable people. I know some people, though, have a really low threshold for what they consider unattractive behavior; I know I do when it comes to elitism like this.


Has it EVER occurred to you that your attitude might be a bit elitist with your derision of anyone who prefers to solo? No, I didn't think so. I will say it again. People like YOU and the OP are a big reason I do not care to socialize with strangers in an MMO. You call me names for having a PREFERENCE. Isn't that a bit of a double standard?



Ugh. Responded to this person in green.

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I'd assume it has something to do with Bioware designing the classes around each having a single player story, with areas of every map that are designed for just them, and how that story ends at max level and does not really connect with any group activities.


This game should not have been an MMO to begin with. The Bioware style created a good single player story experience that they put in with the leveling; but a mediocre at best MMO with class designs hurt by the cost of the story setup.


Why anyone would play this for the MMO parts is beyond me, they are terrible.

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What is my "attitude" exactly?


I find it laughable that people have done nothing but put words in my mouth and get offended on behalf of other people who they can't say for certain are offended (hint: they're not).


But seriously, my only "attitude" is that I don't understand why people play multiplayer games with the intention of never talking to another person.


Let me repeat the important part of that sentence since it seems to elude so many people...


I don't understand


Since when does "I don't understand" = "I loathe and refuse to tolerate"?


Last I checked, that's not what it means, nor will it ever. "I don't get you" is a FAR cry from "I hate your guts".


But by all means, continue being offended on behalf of others.


Righteous indignation feels OH SO GOOD, so who am I to burst your bubble?



I haven't put any words into your mouth. You have done a fine job of that on your own with your overly leading comments disguised as 'honest questions.' You can sit there all day long and claim you 'don't understand' why a certain group of people do something you don't like. But it doesn't change the fact that your words ARE condescending and as such tend to ruffle feathers. You have been given MANY MANY reasons why people do this thing that 'you do not understand'...this thing called 'solo play' in an MMO.


Yet still you argue and come back with your very same questions as if you have not been given a satisfactory answer.


You say you don't understand why someone would choose to play SWTOR solo....people have told you why. I'm done with this thread as it's MY theory that, instead of constructive discussion, your goal with this thread was to insult those who do not share your views.

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Have you ever teamed with someone who pestered you to hit the space bar?


Have you ever teamed with someone who can't wait for the healer to get his blue bar back, or people to heal up to full before pulling the next group?


How about the teammate who goes afk for 20 minutes to have supper, or go to the store, or walk the dog?


How about the ninja-looters who feel they have the right to roll need on anything and everything?


Those are all good reasons.


On top of that, I have never, ever joined an MMO for a reason other than to play the game. I have plenty of friends in RL, none of which are into MMOs. I don't join them to chat, or make friends, or even for the so-called joy of teaming with others. I know what I'm here for, I don't bug other people, and I'm not going to apologize because my definition of MMO doesn't match someone else's.


Single player games I burn through in less than a week, MMOs take me much longer to go through.


I just want to play the game, and I will resent anything that forces me to group up to do that.


If they ever come out with a decent MMO that has a soloable endgame option, I'll sign up for years.

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