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Everything posted by Vasilas

  1. Games like SWG are extinct guys.. Today's players prefer easy games with standard grind systems like WoW and TOR. Most people don't care about the social parts of MMOs because their selfless nature dictates the idea they have about themselves and how much better players they are from everyone else. The only things you could label as social in games like TOR are the raiding, which is in essence a "dance" that you have to learn and repeat as someone stated above and premade pvp teams that offer you nothing more than a game like DoTA or League of Legends could give you. Other than raiding and pvp, games like WoW and TOR offer nothing else, but I guess dumb people prefer dumbed down games just to fill the empty hours of their lives with endless grinding...
  2. Agreed 100% on everything OP said. Bioware had a chance and they blew it for easy money. If they make something different of this game me and my friends will get back to it. Until then enjoy your cash machine Bioware.
  3. SWTOR is a blind copy of WoW's gameplay with a sci-fi theme. SWTOR's world is dragon age/mass effect with the illusion of playing an MMO. Everything is instanced. Everything is linear, everything is about aquiring the endgame gear everyone looks the same. You either raid or pvp at endgame all for the sake of gear, no social parts no fun features. You are not spoiled OP, you were expecting a star wars MASSIVELY PLAYED MULTIPLAYER game. Instead we got KOTOR 3 with the ability to chat with other players.
  4. Too bad Bioware made it so you have to wear columni/rakata gear if u want to be useful in hardmode/nightmare ops and endgame pvp. Every player's character suffers from the clone trooper syndrom
  5. Because we live in the year 2012. WoW (yes damnit WoW the most popular MMO) was released at 2004 Because it took 6 years and a ******** of money to make TOR I had my hopes up for TOR? You bet I did.
  6. For players who enjoy leveling up different characters I must admit bioware did a good job. Every class story is unique etc but you have to admit that the rest of the world quests are the same for every class. How many times can you bare to do the same quests in the same order, since the process is linear and you get no choice of different leveling areas? Even worse how many times can you do the same things at lvl 50 with different characters? Don't you get the feeling that you done this before? You must admit that there is not much to do at endgame.. If you can't see that bioware focused only on the 1-50 experience then maybe singleplayer games is your thing, but all these people complaining (including me) expected something richer and more complicated than this poor excuse of an MMO.
  7. When will the people who do like the game stop trolling on the forums? Just wondering how much longer you OP and all the other fanboys, do you plan on leveling up your main, or even your alts? I ask cause it's obvious that: a) you haven't dinged 50 yet b) you have dinged 50 and started playing with an alt c) you have dinged 50 with all character classes, then deleted them and started all over again The fact that so many people complain is that there is in fact something terribly wrong with this game. If people didn't care about seing this game succeed, why would they bother complain about it? It would be nice for once when someone provides usueful information, suggestions or his humble thoughts in hope for this game to improve, fanboys like you wouldnt jump on him to eat him alive. And before you say it's the vocal minority who complains about the game, from my point of view you fanboys are the vocal minority having nothing else to do than praise the game in the forums. I want this game to succeed, but having blind worshipers like you it's just not healthy for it to do so.
  8. I want to thank all of you casual trolls for confirming my opinion about the quality of the current comunity. If u like the game so much why are u in these forums flaming? I rest my case. By the way what exactly has changed since the 2004's WoW game? The graphics only? I thought so. 1.7 million Sub's? 700.000 of them are trolls like you. The other million want this game to actually change for the better. Pandas are that way <----------------
  9. I'm not a game developer company nor a colossal publisher like EA. Likewise, Bioware's teams are not consisted from 1 guy and I'm pretty sure EA has more than 1 person working on the publishings. Go away trolly, nothing to eat here.
  10. "Why do people play MULTIPLAYER games if all they want to do is solo?" Because they think of TOR as a single player. Simple as that. The same casual players that want to keep this game as casual and dumbed down as possible are the same casual trolls that are flooding these forums with the "lol u wow fanboy go back to pandas" attitude EVERYTIME a subsciber is trying to speak the truth about this game. -This is NOT KOTOR 3. -This game is labeled as an MMO. -You are paying a monthly fee for a single player? You must not care about money. Good for you. -I have a good single player suggestion for you casual players: Super Mario. You get to eat mushrooms and kill turtles AND u get the girl at the end.
  11. No. 1. Not enough character/armor customization. 2. Neglected Proffessions. 3. Same old grind after grind after grind formula. 4. Extremely long loading times, low FPS and random crashes. 5. Boring PvP warzones and no open world PvP objectives (ilum is a joke). 6. Unbalanced Factions.
  12. OP is right, server merges need to be done. I play on heavy pop server (Chuundar) and i find the game boring. I dont dare to imagine how the game feels like in low pop servers.
  13. Hi, in this thread I would like to point out some features that in my opinion should be included in the game: -The ability to mount vehicles inside orbital stations and airlock areas. This would help traveling around become more faster but also make players more aware of when it is the right time to use a vehicle. I understand that it's not practical to drive a speeder inside a building, but a space station is not a building, its has gravity simulator, force fields etc. Besides you can drive your vehicle inside the imperial's fleet space station, why not in the others too? -The ability to equip&compare companion items while they are away on a mission. Now this may not be very realistic but it's nothing more than a convenience. During my leveling up experience and around my 30s-40s I was looting so many items for all different classes but in order to compare them with the items already equiped by my companions I had to wait for them to complete the mission, then compare items and decide about keeping it or selling, all these steps for all 4 companions. A feature like browsing through companion tabs in the character screen would be very practical in my opinion. The next features are already mentioned in other posts but are very important so: -Make UI more customizable AND add a camera style that doesn't always turn to default position (viewing character from behind). I find it very hard to target with my mouse in this game. Tab targeting is not always reliable and when I try to move I also have to rotate the camera with right mouse button and click on my target very fast before the camera rotates to the default angle. This may work fine with melee characters (because the can always be on the move by clicking both mouse buttons) but as a bounty hunter strafing with Q and E and moving at the same time trying to cycle through targets makes it almost impossible -The ability to sell trash (gray quality) items with one button. Like the Repair All button this would make vendoring items a lot easier and faster. -Universal search button for the Galactic Trade Market. Well this is a must for every search engine that wants to call itself a search engine and a last request, this is more of a personal dream: -Add more custom armors for all classes. Yes I know this is too early to be asked for but already players look alot alike. Most Bounty Hunters wear the "Boba Fett" armor, most Juggernauts wear the Corellia commendation chest piece (black robes) and even when they change that style they have only the pvp and raid gear to choose from. I hope to see some of these features ingame, thank you!
  14. Good thread OP. This is exactlly what my brother and I were discussing the other day. WoW had that special feeling that whenever you used an ability it felt like an instant cast, even with my country's crappy internet (80 ms) . This is the one thing (besides the story) I love about Blizzard's games, and I'm not refering to WoW only. Take warcaft strategy games, starcraft, diablo, they all had instant response when you were using the interface. This is a very important issue and it is vital for a healthy MMO.
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