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Stop making female gear have bare midrifts!


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I want to be a female DARK LORD OF THE SITH - not a frakkin belly dancer! Seriously guys - get your art department in order.


Your gogo girl female chest pieces are horrible. Just my 2 cents.

Edited by AllisonBerryman
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Sith Femail Assassin Tank in a mix of the Slave Biking social outfit and the Twi'lek dancer security kiosk outfit. Yeah, I tank in a bikini. Does it make sense from a roleplay perspective, nope. But I think it's funny, and that's all that matters since it's my account.


Obviously, as I get better gear, the bikini will go away, but what ever, it's fun for now.

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As a female playing a female, I am playing a dark sith lord as well, and I'm really annoyed at the fact that my gear makes me look like an easy target A. and B like I work in the cantina on my off days. I hate it. This is endgame pve gear, ok? Make it look like real armor, not like you can easily chop my arms off.
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To be fair, there's very very few pieces that look like that. And as a republic character, aside from the one medium armour jedi tunic and the social clothing you buy form hutts, I've seen nothing like that.


I want to take this as a design decision to hammer home that the empire is a bad place and the sith are bad people, since even the most powerful sith lords are objectified, but it doesn't feel that way to me. The whole empire feels like people have been tugging it in different directions, trying to show it's a horrible place and a horrible thing, but also making it into an evil power fantasy. So you can abuse slaves and kill entire races, but you're also awesome and not that bad of a guy deep down. When yeah no, you can't have both of those if you want your story to have any meaning.


Basically I'm saying come play Republic. We win in the end anyway.

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What makes this disappointing is that this is the same company that managed to make multiple types of full-suit armor for female Commander Shepard. They obviously have the knowledge on how to do it, they just chose not to.


Because in the Mass Effect universe, that's how soldiers dress. In Star Wars - even long before BioWare came along - there were Jedi and Sith wearing bikini's. And bare midriffs.


Lore wise, armor never truly matters on a Jedi. You use the force to deflect/dodge/block/move anyway, armor provides very minimal protection.

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Because in the Mass Effect universe, that's how soldiers dress. In Star Wars - even long before BioWare came along - there were Jedi and Sith wearing bikini's. And bare midriffs.


Lore wise, armor never truly matters on a Jedi. You use the force to deflect/dodge/block/move anyway, armor provides very minimal protection.


But Jedi only have one thing with a bare midriff, and that's if you're a sentinel. And troopers and scoundrels don't have anything revealing at all unless they're gimping themselves and using light cosmetic armour or that one model. Female troopers look like male troopers, as, honestly, female bounty hunters look like male ones. Only SI have scant clothing.


Like I said OP come republic. We're better over here.

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Tier gear covers you completely and unless you're deliberately trying to make your character look like cantina dancer there are tons of moddable and epic options to cover your character up.


Look around at the commendations vendors and stop complaining. I like my female sorc casting spells in a bikini with a lower robe. What use does armor serve me anyway when a blaster bolt and lightsaber cut right through the toughest armor anyway?

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Because in the Mass Effect universe, that's how soldiers dress. In Star Wars - even long before BioWare came along - there were Jedi and Sith wearing bikini's. And bare midriffs.


1) The female cast of ME2 would like to have a word with you. (Heels in combat! Heels! We liked this franchise because it was realistic, BioWare!)


2) There are no Jedi and Sith wearing bikinis/bare midriffs in Star Wars, because there are no female Jedi or Sith in Star Wars to begin with. Not in the movies, at least, which are the base and ultimate canon. By letting more than one female character per three-movie storyline be important, BioWare has already made a big jump forward in the feminism department.


Sadly, it's not 1964 anymore, and a big jump forward from near-zero is no longer impressive or even sufficient to meet the basic standard of decency. That said, it's also true there's plenty of reasonable chestpieces to gear yourself in, so I'd consider this pretty low on the list of sins, and worry more about some of the questionable storytelling choices that you can't avoid.


(But yeah, some of those outfits, like the one posted above this post, really are just fracking stupid and should not have gotten past the giggly dudebro drawing board.)

Edited by Quething
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In case you haven't noticed, this whole game is pretty sexist.


My loathsome vastly powerful male sith sorcerer runs around in a skirt. I can see where youre coming from.


ps. Its not that there are skirts, its that every single lower robe item is a skirt...

Edited by Karkais
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As a female Sith Inquisitor, the majority of armour I have seen doesnot have a bare midriff. Yes, there are some pieces, but it's not as bad as you make it out to be. As others have said, find some nice mod pieces and wear those, that is what I do on all of my characters/companions because mod gear is better anyway; it just so happens the current mod outfit I choose to wear on my Inquisitor (and also have Jaesa wear) is the Imperial Dancer outfit. I'm not against more choices but you're making it sound like the only viable choice we have is to dress skimpy when that is simply not true.


To reiterate, find a mod outfit you like and wear that; it's better anyway.

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2) There are no Jedi and Sith wearing bikinis/bare midriffs in Star Wars, because there are no female Jedi or Sith in Star Wars to begin with. Not in the movies, at least, which are the base and ultimate canon. By letting more than one female character per three-movie storyline be important, BioWare has already made a big jump forward in the feminism department.

I guess you are exluding the Episode 1-3 movies and The Clone Wars tv series.

Because, they depict female Jedi & Sith with bare midriff exposing outfits.

Edited by Quiet
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2) There are no Jedi and Sith wearing bikinis/bare midriffs in Star Wars, because there are no female Jedi or Sith in Star Wars to begin with. Not in the movies, at least...



There were a few others:













But regarding the outfits most of the tops/bikinis are not given as a reward. They are only gotten three ways (1) Social vendor (2) Security/CE Vendors and (3) Special schematics that are sold on the aution house.


The rewards (at least for the republic) that are modable are not these. They are usually a long skirt and a long shirt/vest/robe.


So to get the ones you are complaining about you actually have to go and buy them. They are not given as rewards for the quests.


As someone else has said there are others you can get. There are only a few of the bare midriff shirts and bikinis and they take work to get the social points to get.

Edited by ScarletBlaze
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The PvE tier gear for female Inquisitors are bare midriff chest pieces. That's Tionese-Rakata, since they're all the same armor model with different coloring. It's not just the social gear/security vendor gear.
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