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Everything posted by Valyxa

  1. Ja naja, kann ich verstehen, jetzt nicht unbedingt wegen Gunships, obwohl ich die auch ziemlich antiklimaktisch finde in einem Arcade-Shooter, aber so generell geht mir das Matchmaking zunehmend auf die Nerven: Wieviele TDM gehen denn mit weniger als 10 Kills Abstand aus, und wieviele Dominations mit weniger als 200 Zählern Abstand? - 2%, 5%? Maximal. An manchen Abenden poppt n Duzend Runden lang Boris, Paimei und co. während bei mir Hansi Hinterwäldler seine Stock-Nova gegen Asteroiden segelt, und an manchen Abenden geh ich rundenlang mit geschenkten Siegen ausm Match. Heute Abend hatte ich von knapp 15 Runden GSF genau 1 Match bei dem es eng und spannend war. Da hat ja Huttball ne bessere Quote. Und dann diese Abschlusslisten, erster 18 Kills, Zweiter 12, Dritter 8, Vierter noch 5, und dann zehn Leute 1 oder 0 Kills. Man möge mit verzeihen, aber da passt doch was nicht....
  2. Huhu, ich muss mich kurz vorstellen, ich spiele erst seit kurzem (wieder, nach nem Monat 2011) SWTOR, habe wegen GSF eigentlich wieder angefangen, und war vom ersten Moment an begeistert. Da ich einige Jahre PvP MMOs gespielt habe, war mir eigentlich vom ersten Match an bewusst, dass ich die erste Zeit erstmal auf die Mütze bekommen würde. Kleines Arena PvP, offenbar keine Staffelung nach Ausrüstung, ein Haufen (mit relativ viel Mühe für ein reines PvP Minigame) freischaltbarer Komponenten... Naja, so wars dann auch, die ersten 20 Runden hab ich glaub ich nur kassiert und nicht einen Abschuss gehabt. Während der Phase dachte ich noch "Heidewitzka, wenn das jemand mit weniger Begeisterung für die alten X-Wing vs. Tie FIghter Zeiten spielt hört er spätestens nach der fünften Runde mit ner K/d von 0 zu 7 auf"; vor allem da man ja locker Warzones oder sonst was mit seinem "normalen" Charakter machen kann... Jetzt fand ich das Rumdüsen mit dem X-Wing und A-Wing Verschnitt aber so cool, dass ich halt doch dabeigeblieben bin, mir n paar Guides durchgelesen habe, ein paar Videos angeschaut habe, nen Bomber dazugekauft habe, etc. pp. Mittlerweile denke ich hab ich die 100 Runden GSF geknackt, so ne Flashfire für Blitzangriffe und nen gelblackierten Panzer für Minenfelder angeschafft, und mir fällt was auf, dass mir ansonsten in dieser Intensität noch nie über den Weg gelaufen ist: Ich spiele kaum ausgewogenen Matches: Oder besser, nahezu keine. Entweder die Runden verlaufen so, dass es ein Tontaubenschiessen wird, weil der grüne Ball der Zerstörung (unseres Teams) einfach jeden sofort platt macht: Dann steht unsere ganze Mannschaft in der oberen Hälfte des Abschlussrankings und von 8 Leuten des gegnerischen Teams haben 7 null oder nur einen Kill. Oder aber, ich kann mir ein Bein ausreißen, fliegen wie ich will, unser Team kriegt auf die Fresse, nicht, weil ich nicht gegen einen einzelnen Gegner ne Chance hätte, sondern weil der rote Ball der Zerstörung (des anderen Teams) jeden von uns in nullkommanix außeinander nimmt. Die Beobachtung gilt für mich für Domination genauso wie für Team Deathmatch (wobei Deathmatch schlimmer ist). Und ich hab das Problem der "kritischen Masse" (an einem Punkt dominiert eine Gruppe die andere, obwohl ihr Skill/Ausrüstungsvorteil im Vergleich nicht so groß ist) in arena-basiertem PvP schon gesehen, nur scheint es mir hier extrem zu sein. Zum Einen wollte ich das mal hier ansprechen und andere Meinungen dazu hören. Zum anderen würd mich interessieren ob das Designteam ggf. schonmal angedeutet hat, dass das Matchmaking überarbeitet wird bzw. neue Arenen kommen (bei denen man zB. etwas länger als 10 Sekunden von einer Domination Node zur nächsten fliegt oder es 5 anstatt 3 Nodes gibt, oder ein CTF Szenario kommt...)? Fly Safe, Qye
  3. tbh, people will turn you down every day no questions asked. you can try going for 'but I can emergency tank when things go awry' - works sometimes. but to be fair, I really do agree that jugg dps is behind many of the d/d/d classes like sniper or marauder... I kind of expected this though and went tanky after the leveling process... Val
  4. Well there are times when the dark/light side choices are like "***!?". I want my character at Light/Dark V so I go for the appropriate choices - And I can tell you for a fact that they were strange more than a few times. (spoilers) Like that one time on my imp agent when it was the light side choice to hunt down a fleeing captive and kill him or turn him in for execution; And the dark side choice was letting him get away and benefit from his know-how? - *** BW!? (end spoilers) I think the main problem is the fact that light side is usually "least possible violence and most true to biographical framework". So as an Imp Agent you end up with light side choices that vastly support the empire, which are in fact dark side choices since the empire acts like Nazi-Germany... Sure, other class stories are less twisted and more clear cut, but playing a light side Imp Agent got me frowning quite a few times. Val
  5. IMO, besides all the speculation and accusation and homophilia and homophobia and trash talk sprinkled with a lot of BLAh BLAh... the extreme majority (e.g. all men I've ever played with) of males who play female characters are in the "you can dress up a hot chick and control it ingame" boat... Period, no identity crisis, no gay pride, no "taking advantage of other male gamers", just this. Me personally, it depends on the game. SWTOR: Only females, because the male options are abysmal. Anorectic emo, average joe, Arnold Schwarzenegger and the Marshmallow Man. The f***!? Girls who play SWTOR, thousands I bet. Girls who play MMORPGs, well my guild in LotRO was 50/50, but that was a hard-as-nails roleplaying guild. Val
  6. Not to mention that the one tree that feels like "an intricate web of damage" to most of us and plays like the kung-fu-monk style you'd expect from the double wielding force-user has zero utility in PvP and inferior over-time damage in PvE -> Combat. So you're bound to go Watchman for PvE and utility and get comfortable with the thought that the ranged classes will just own your *ss 24/7 until you're heavily geared and able to stomp mint-50s. Val
  7. Most of the time you ARE CC'd to hell, you NEED the heal debuff from saber throw, you WANT that ranged guy to get the precision debuff, the assassin right there needs to be slowed and there's a guy stunned right in front of you who could earn a pommel strike before the stun breaks... You know, that's what I mean, reducing all the "if->then" skills wouldn't overpower the class, wouldn't (at least for me) take the fun out of it, you'd just have to worry less about your bars and more about the action... Val EDIT: What you'd think they'd give a melee DPS though is a detaunt and at least SOME CC-abilities and more than one speed proc.
  8. The fact that you have to use 1,2,3,4,5,q,e,f,g,c,v and CTRL1,2,3,4,5,q,e,f,g,c,v and SHIFT1,2,3,4,5,q,e,f,g,c,v to actually play the class to an extent where you get somewhat competetive against classes that practically need 1,2,3,4,q,e and can click on the rest (Sniper, mercenary anyone?) is still standing... I've played a lot of MMOs and loved PvP MMOs. I often picked low-profile or difficult classes like the shadow warrior in WAR or the Blood Mage in Vanguard... But I've never used so many keys for such a small amount of edge. Don't get me wrong, I still like the look and feel, especially PvE is demanding but fun. But PvP is just too much effort for not getting any real rewards for mastery... Your burst is still far lower than most other classes, especially Sorcs... Val
  9. The only thing that's spot on here is CC. Knockbackstaggersnarestunlock is way, WAY out of control in PvP. As for Ranged/Melee, due to the slideshow character of Ilum melee are just much harder to play, given that you need to keep track of a choppy, lagging target. Val
  10. I think the amount of "light" armor for Sith characters is just right. There are tons of other gear pieces you can wear and customize... Val
  11. But even the TOR Jedi don't preach against emotions at all. They restrain themselves from getting too attached because they know they'd be capable of doing terrible things if they let themselves be guided by their emotions. They also don't preach against love, compassion and equal love for any living thing is one of the key points of the old Jedi Order. The problem is attachment: Jedi aknowledge emotion as an innate human characteristic. They just won't let it control them. Plus they don't apply this to anyone but the few force sensitives willing to join and stay in the order. But it all boils down to this. a) I've got a Jedi Sentinel and a Sith Juggernaut and this is just a game and I'd play a limping womprat if it offered more content to see... b) Jedi have control over themselves, while Sith only have control over their bootlicking lackeys. I know what - when push comes to shove - impresses me more. Val
  12. Can anyone recommend a good guide or a definitive spec for PvEing the Juggernaut as a DPS/emergency offtank DURING the leveling process? I just recently started one and find it hard to figure out the conceptual differences between Vengeance and Rage. I do want to do flashpoints during leveling and probably after, but definitely not as a tank during leveling since this will be 99% PUGs. Any advice appreciated =) Val
  13. Isn't that what makes Jedi attractive in the first place? The whole Yoda thing. You walk into a room, clad in rags, 3 feet tall, and tell the huge, black-masked figure seething with rage and hate and powerhunger that you're deeply sorry but if he insists on being aggressive he leaves you no choice but to chop his head off. And in the moment he coughs out his last corrupted breath you make a sad face and tell him that you found no joy in this violence. And guess what, you mean it. That's just so superior it gives me a *****, or well, almost. You know. And that's what I don't understand. If you wanna pick the cool and powerful side, aren't Jedi more powerful and superior before they even grab a saber? Sith make themselves laughable Emos just by giving a damn about what happens to the galaxy in the first place. At least that's how I understand Star Wars. Val
  14. after they did not implement a lot of moves I was expecting from the dual wield class - as seen in clone wars and AOTC - the combat spec is the only one that actually feels like 'an intricate web of damage' at all.... in watchman you move so slow it looks as if you were wielding two baseball bats... very un dual wield like... plus, the offensive warriors I used to play in games like eq or war always featured heavy armor.... why on earth did they bloat the offensive warrior class with mid-cooldown minibuffs for defense? Val
  15. Yea, I agree, the class is pure understatement, you kick, you punch, you've only got 1 blaster... ... It still kicks hard. Like Han Solo, saving the day with just one shot. I don't play one either, but it is the perfect recommendation for an underplayed but very powerful choice. Val
  16. You should really play beyond the 10 tutorial levels. They give you no impression at all about how the story is focused later on in the game. For example the Imperial Agent tutorial is pretty much James Bond for the Empire, all nice and dandy, when later on you're forced or at least led to do horrible things and get into serious moral decisions (if you want to take the game this far). The Jedi Knight story is your next best fight off some savages on Tython and very unengaging, but really picks up during and after Coruscant with some truly epic "Jedi vs. Sith" moments. Also the Jedi Knight isn't an all-saints project like the consular. You get a cocky Padawan and have a lot of "you're gonna die!" choices while facing enemies. So yea, by all means, play longer than the 10 tutorial levels, they're mostly standard fare for any class... Val
  17. Me too. In fact I've got a highlevel Sentinel and a highlevel Sniper, of course they're not on the same server, but still. The story arcs that impressed me the least were Sith and Jedi Consular. The storylines of the non-forcers were pretty much all good so far. And heck, if you're one of the achievers that needs all his alts on one faction/server because you know, you won't "server first" with only 5 hrs/day playtime, dude, then why do you give a damn about the faction and the setting after all. The classes are pretty much 100% mirrored. Val
  18. To all you guys who say Republic is a sissy faction ladida... Ever played a Trooper or Jedi Knight. Soldier is special forces at its best and Knight has some really Obi-Wan-ish dialogue options. And Obi-Wan was hard as nails... Val
  19. If you've got fps-lag in warzones the melee force users are by far the most affected classes; You zoom into the heat of things and there are skill effects everywhere, tons of people moving, FPS at 15-25, skills fire off a second after you press the button... Given you've already blown your mid-CD defense before charging into the brawl you still need to stay on target and watch your rage/focus level. Because that buildup ability might just not have fired. Then on primetime, lag kicks in, the guy you wanted to leech focus/rage on was out of range but the system tells you after a sec while in your mind you've already started living off the focus you don't have. You realize after another second youre on zero focus and effectively dead in the water... and start over. Your rotation's gone, the guy has probably already broken your initial slow and you're the focus fire target going down with blazing sabers... On my Sentinel, PvP is practically unplayable, because to compete I'd need a working, responsive and reliable game performance. I've also got an Imperial Agent. Want to know how this experience pans out? Run up to the brawl, see melee guys hack n slashing each other. Apply cover, apply leg shot (root), apply guaranteed crit, apply ambush, apply snipe, if he breaks loose apply flashbang (mezz), if he reaches you apply point blank knockback and entrench (immune to status effects), if he reaches you again apply electric vibroblade (snare) and win distance. Legshot will be up until then... More likely, the guy will be long dead because you critted him to oblivion with your second snipe already... And all this is, due to long (and uninterruptible) casttimes, practically independend from FPS or server Lag. I think that's the main issue with people complaining about Marauder/Sentinel in PvP. Val
  20. Right off the bat the balance looked like this (in a nutshell and in my experience) Faction: Empire>>Republic Classes: Force Wielders>>Non-Force Wielders Speccs: Imperial: Sorcerer>Marauder>Mecenary>Assassin>Sniper>Juggernaut>Operative>Powertech Republic: Sentinel>Shadow>Guardian>Commando>Sage>Vanguard>Gunslinger>Scoundrel With Force wielders outnumbering non force-wielders by leaps and bounds. Now 1 month after release people have found out the underplayed classes actually rock the house, with BH/Trooper classes absolutely owning PvP and Gunslinger/Sniper being the best PvE-single-target-DPS, while Scoundrels/Operatives are nigh unkillable when played right. The only force wielder class that stayed up ther populationwise is sorcerer because its reasonably able to contribute and followes all the "cool dark side craze"... But after people found out how especially Sentinel/Marauder and Guardian/Juggernaut need help in PvP and PvE I see Knight/Warrior numbers nosediving to oblivion. If you really want to play an underplayed class I'd still recommend Scoundrel. For some odd reason people dont give a damn how good the class is (and good it is) they won't play it... Val EDIT: The thread btw is the perfect example of how Empire outnumbers Republic by leaps and bounds. I have zero clue why this is the case, but it is. Yesterday at 8:30pm on my server, Republic fleet 94, Imperial fleet 172. This about handles it.
  21. well, flame me if you must but I thought jedi knights story is the most engaging starwarsy one. As a matter of fact all lines I've played so far were pretty cliche, imperial agent was a blend of secret police and James bond gone evil, smuggler was pretty much a happy go lucky treasure chase, Sith inquisitor was cardboard be as evil as possible while getting as poweful... So the game throws cliche story at you, you can as well choose jedi knight, at least you flat out save the galaxy as a obi-wan cosplayer. Your badguys ate loathsome, your companions sympathetic and witty, you get a to shoot down tie fighters and be the hero of the day... my hitlist from the classes I've played to level 20 or above: jedi sentinel smuggler jedi consular bounty hunter imperial agent Sith ibquisitor the imp classes are somewhat biased because I want to play light side characters and the mechanic just works very poorly for light side imps.... Val excuse tying errors I'm on a cellphone
  22. I hear you, tried to (role)play a light side IA; You support a regime of bootlickers driven by fear and selfishness reigned by a murderous, ruthless, corrupt and flat-out evil elite. The storyline would be fun clicking through all the James Bond dialogue, if you could work out what you're doing it all for; Once in the early game your 1st companion asks you why you continue being the imp intel's pet; And seriously, if you want to roleplay someone with a glimpse of moral sensitivity left, there's no answer to this. If the game let me, I'd pack up my billion creds prototype ship, my rifle and go snipe Sith till kingdom come, just because they deserve it. I reached the point now where I only click through the dialogue and chase after quest markers... Val
  23. That's so funny because I could say the exact same thing about Dromund Kaas. It's dark, it's rainy, it's muddy, it's gloomy, I hated it... On the other side I loved Coruscant with its ever-dusking, ever-bristling city life, the idea of the low-lives living in the basement of the planet and the rich people in the large towers. Val
  24. What? The Smuggler story and character are rogueish, engaging and funny, like when you get your callsign "I wanna be called CRACKERJACK. No,no, that sounded better in my mind, make it ACE"... priceless. I heartily laughed at least three dozen times already and I'm only in my 40s... The IA storyline is just a cardboard copy of every Mission Impossible, Bourne and James Bond plot element ever imagined. Sabotage this, infiltrate that, forge some numbers, get screwed by your betters, work for the friggin Sith, do this, do that. I found IA extremely unengaging. Val
  25. Someone mind telling me what the female Jedi Consular accent is and if it's authentic? I'm German and have a hard time telling american accents apart from english ones. But I did notice that she sounded somewhat strange, at least compared to the flat-out american english of the bounty hunter or the shakespeare in love english of the keeper. Val
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