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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

More than one regualar downtime a week is a SERIOUS problem...


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last 2 down times where only 5 and 2 hrs


Yes and those were in a span of 3 days lmao.


Look at the patch notes count them...you can expect an avg of lets say 4 to 5 hours each.

And only recently have they come out with a patch under 6 hours.


They have no less then 10 last month. Hmmm 30 days yep 1 every 3 days they are down.

And that is good? lmao

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Just because Blizzard had a crappy launch doesn't mean we should just sit and accept crappy things Bioware does. On top of that, you're suggesting we should be happy about it... I agree squashing the bugs is important but at least credit time back for downtime that is unplanned from the routine schedule.


No one is saying be happy about it, just accept it. This is how launches go. The only way to launch without these kinds of bugs is to not launch at all. It's something that has actually gotten worse over the last twenty years, rather than gotten better.


The internet makes patching easy. It makes things so easy, that company can release a functioning product with bugs and patch it later. And now that your console can access the internet, you'll see buggy products released there too.


The alternative is to have a company lose millions of dollars withholding a product for 6 months to a year. Unacceptable from a production perspective. Consumers are not that patient.


Quite simply, if you don't like the product in its current state, wait a few months and try again. This is how it is done in the information age.

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Yes and those were in a span of 3 days lmao.


Look at the patch notes count them...you can expect an avg of lets say 4 to 5 hours each.

And only recently have they come out with a patch under 6 hours.


They have no less then 10 last month. Hmmm 30 days yep 1 every 3 days they are down.

And that is good? lmao


These downtimes are nothing compared to blizz patches...especially starting out when we would lose days at a time to downtime.

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Im replying directly to the OP, i didnt read the wall of flames 11 pages long. I dont mind Them taking the servers down to apply a patch. But if they take them down at least FIX SOMETHING. One patch just causes another patch, which causes another, which didnt even fix the original problem. So in this regards i agree with OP, this is insane to keep bringing them down over and over again, If they did something constructive it wouldn't be a problem. But they acting like a 1 legged man in an ***** kicking contest. Edited by Mrboom
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You pay for a service. You are not happy with the service. You stop paying for the service and move on to one you are happy with. Such a simple solution.


Does anyone think that venting on the forums is going to make BW change their patching schedules?


Actually yes. If they take the ignore approach, eventually people lose faith and negative criticism/PR ensues. That's not to say they should be responding to everything, nor taking into account everything people say as serious, but if enough people find it a problem, they need to rethink things for a possible compromise. Not everything can be compromised, but obvious effort and response goes a long way in keeping consumer faith intact.

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To try and put this as plainly as I can, taking the servers down as often as they have been is completely unacceptable.


Yeah, what are you going to do about it??


Stop crying.


It is also painting Bioware as completely amateur regarding their understanding of both how MMOs are run and what customers expect.


On the contrary, it demonstrates that they are attentive to issues that are negatively affecting game play (as is the case with this lastest maintenance last night WHILE I WAS ASLEEP). That is a professional thing for them to do. If they left something go for a whole week, when they knew it was affecting players negatively when they had identified the problem and can fix it with a maintenance cycle..... THAT WOULD BE AMATUER.



NOW, if you want to rant about how they break something everytime they fix something else, I would be willing to listen and discuss.

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I understand the need for patches. Thats not what the original poster is complaining about. He's talking about the frequency of the patches and the resulting downtime resulting from it. I disagree that it is the way things are done in the information age because if the answer for customers is to leave the game for a few months and come back later then that is money lost for Bioware or any company that uses that model.


Someone posted that getting credit back for the 2 hours would be somewhat dumb because it would be like getting 1 cent back. It's not the money for me personally I care about. If Bioware put in policies to credit back users for unplanned downtime like seen in the frequency of the patches, it would equal real money for them and would be an incentive for the devs to get the patches right so that we wouldn't have to experience the extra down time.


Many people here don't seem to get that the complaints we're voicing is for the benefit of the customer base. It's our money and time and we're complaining in hopes that Bioware will address the issue.


There are other reason I stay for the game, so quitting and coming back isn't the answer to addressing a problem. Voicing a concern in hopes that they fix the problem is at least a step in the direction towards resolution.


Telling the people who voice these concerns to stay quiet doesn't help the user base at all. Also I don't believe it helps Bioware in terms of feedback should they choose to use it.

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Welcome to the launch of an MMO. It will calm down eventually but for the time being downtime is to be expected. Get over it.


Are you people just "ok it always rains dung so we must accept it".

Hell no their have been other Major MMO's that have launched with less then half these issues. Let alone a crappy UI. I seriously question if any of you that accept this have ever seen beta to launch of any game.


Its just funny you are such junkies if they give you bad stuff *oh its fine ...convulse*.

This is not acceptable. And we should all be rewarded via a month free or additional game time. Have you even read the forums for the those poor guys and gals in Europe? They are leaving in droves because the time they play is when they shut the servers down...every 3 days or less.


Just keep swimming...click your heels....


It will not get better until they start loosing even more subs.

Edited by Lorealin
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These downtimes are nothing compared to blizz patches...especially starting out when we would lose days at a time to downtime.


This is the type of stuff people do not seem to recall about MMO's. They love to compare a completed MMO that has been running for a year or more with one that is in its infancy.


Multiple patches and fixes are BEYOND COMMON at the launch of MMO's.


Its a double edged sword for some...the same ones who feel compelled to be "FIRST!" at anything on games are the first to be complaining about nothing to do at max level in a new MMO or the down times at the beginning of MMO's.


If this bothers you...a bit of advice:



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This is the type of stuff people do not seem to recall about MMO's. They love to compare a completed MMO that has been running for a year or more with one that is in its infancy.


Multiple patches and fixes are BEYOND COMMON at the launch of MMO's.


Its a double edged sword for some...the same ones who feel compelled to be "FIRST!" at anything on games are the first to be complaining about nothing to do at max level in a new MMO or the down times at the beginning of MMO's.


If this bothers you...a bit of advice:





That is actually a very good point. LOL

I am guilty of that play every beta etc... I still don't appreciate the spin they are offering us.

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Yeah, what are you going to do about it??


Stop crying.


- Stope crying about people crying




NOW, if you want to rant about how they break something everytime they fix something else, I would be willing to listen and discuss.



- so it's ok to cry about this?

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Many people here don't seem to get that the complaints we're voicing is for the benefit of the customer base. It's our money and time and we're complaining in hopes that Bioware will address the issue.


Thanks, but no thanks. I do not need, nor do I approve of other people on a game forum speaking for me. It's my money and my time. I decide, not you.

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Thanks, but no thanks. I do not need, nor do I approve of other people on a game forum speaking for me. It's my money and my time. I decide, not you.




I think the downtime to fix game breaking issues is great and shows they care about the state of the game. During that time, I have a whole list of F2P MMOs, FPS, Console games, etc I could be playing just to pass the time or I could go shag my gf...There's that big list of RL things that we could be doing too. Its not a big deal for new MMOs to be down multiple times a week to address things and actually points to a good and healthy game because the Developers care about fixing it.

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To try and put this as plainly as I can, taking the servers down as often as they have been is completely unacceptable. It is also painting Bioware as completely amateur regarding their understanding of both how MMOs are run and what customers expect.


It is NOT acceptable to take servers down every couple of days to fix minor exploits, performance issues that affect less than a majority of customers, or any other reason besides extreme stability issues which make the game unplayable. Because I can guarantee that most people would rather deal with such issues than not play the game at all.


I realize this is a young game and there will be some growing pains. But I know for a fact a LOT of people are becoming really turned off by this attitude of "OOoooo! We found a bug, let's take the servers down!". I am mad enough as it is and I am on EST. Can you imagine how pissed people in the West Coast are who are getting their service shut down at midnight every couple of days because of relatively insignificant issues?


I am not sure what the reason is for this apparent total lack of concern for industry standard patching schedules, but it had better end quick or this game is going to lose a lot of subs. That is not a threat, it is just reality.


EDIT: If you are going to make some comment about "I am glad the servers are down at least they are fixing the game", save your breath. Every other MMO I have ever played has fixed their games by taking the servers down once a week. And I will add this: I guarantee you wouldn't be singing the same song if they took them down during YOUR prime playing hours.


When these "minor" issues are affecting players ability to access or play the game in general...yes, yes it acceptable. In addition, it seems your under standing of the MMO genre is amateur.

Edited by Bowlan
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