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1.1.2 PvP bag changes.


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Georg, I don't believe there's any confusion here. You were pretty clear, I think.


* You get more commendations per bag opening.

* You get less chance of having a purple item drop.


But Georg, here's this issue: I'm only Valor Rank 34 and already, Centurion gear isn't going to be an upgrade much longer. I'm very well geared for my valor because I didn't PvP at all from 1-49 as I didn't want to outlevel the story content. Only started at 50.


Here's the deal: Very soon, commendations will do *nothing* for me. I have only 2 more pieces of gear to replace and plan to have 1 of them tomorrow. What I need is Champion stuff + more Valor. And when I hit 60, at this rate, Champion commendations will probably do nothing for me. I will need Battlemaster drops.


I understand PvP isn't your specific department, so maybe you don't know this, but as it is: Champion bags only drop Centurion Commendations. Battlemaster bags only drop Champion Commendations.


All this patch is doing is making it take MORE RNG for me to get upgrades to my current set. If there's confusion on the issue, I think it has to be in your ranks. Give Gabe another slap in the cheek for bad communication.


I understand reading is difficult for you, but as it is, you should really go back to school. Comprehension is not your strong suit.

Edited by cereph
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This is retarded... Might as well cancel my sub till the BM upgrade otherwise I'm just wasting my time. Least up the % next patch or allow a BM bag to be purchased with tokens. If its a 1 in 4 chance to drop with each bag purchase and you're only allowing 16 bags a week, which you need to be on EVERY day you're looking at around 5 weeks to gear up. :mad:


You should cancel your sub, and while you're at it forget your password to this forum. Hopefully then the dev's and us won't have to listen to your useless whining about how unfairly you are being treated.


Seriously though, just quit instead of saying you're going to do it. The community will be better off.

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How are so many people completely failing to comprehend that champion gear bags will contain centurion AND champion commendations. That means a linear progression to champion gear from the instant you hit 50. The tokens will just be icing on the cake from here on out.
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The 1.1.2. bag changes have reduced the RNG element on drops DRAMATICALLY. Exactly what you guys asked for.


I was about to celebrate, but then I read..


The chance for a Battlemaster Commendation to be in a Battlemaster Bag is NOT changing. It is still 25%.


I found only one commendation out of 19 battlemaster bags so far (that's 5,2%) and now you're saying that this will not change in the next patch.. Continuing with this trend i will need to open 400 bags to get the complete set, it's like 6 months. Just want to ask if you think that is fair that I can get a piece of gear in the same time others can get a complete set.. How hard can it be to completeley remove every sort of RNG?? Seriously..

Edited by Praslin
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You should cancel your sub, and while you're at it forget your password to this forum. Hopefully then the dev's and us won't have to listen to your useless whining about how unfairly you are being treated.


Seriously though, just quit instead of saying you're going to do it. The community will be better off.


Wait till you hit valor 60 hopefully it will be before the BM bag changes... I will then see you QQing on here just like the rest of the 60+. Reward systems should be about keeping you subbed in like it is now. They have it locked to getting a "chance" at gear on a daily basis.

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The cost of Champion and Centurion items are NOT changing.


The chance for a Battlemaster Commendation to be in a Battlemaster Bag is NOT changing. It is still 25%.


To reiterate the mention in my previous post, we will be changing Battlemaster Commendation drops in a future patch toward the same 'steady' progession goal without changing the overall average time to gear up.


Can't you just change all gear to require something like X warzone / Y mercenary commendations like every other MMO does? The point is we don't want any RNG at all! We're simply tired of playing the lottery with the bags all the time.


RNG doesn't the make the game harder, it doesn't reward skill, it's not fun. All it does is make gear progression completely UNRELIABLE and FRUSTRATING. An unlucky r60 player still sporting 2-3 piece Champion and the rest Centurion is not fair versus a freshly-dinged 50 who was lucky and straight got 6 Champion pieces from just a week of warzones.


Understand the point? Get rid of the RNG lottery bags!

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Let me just point this out, since there's confusion about it.


The 1.1.2. bag changes have reduced the RNG element on drops DRAMATICALLY. Exactly what you guys asked for.


Instead of hoping to get specific item tokens, you now get (more) commendations that you can turn into an item of your choice. That is a lot more deterministic and reliable than opening bags and hoping for a token.


-- Georg


Thanks guys, that's exactly what we asked for. It will now be much easier to pick which pieces you wish to acquire first.

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The cost of Champion and Centurion items are NOT changing.


The chance for a Battlemaster Commendation to be in a Battlemaster Bag is NOT changing. It is still 25%.


To reiterate the mention in my previous post, we will be changing Battlemaster Commendation drops in a future patch toward the same 'steady' progession goal without changing the overall average time to gear up.


When you say 25%, do you mean globally that there is a 25% chance or individually, because in theory if it is a global percentage then someone could open 8 bags and not get one thing while someone else could open 8 bags and get 6 things. However if it is an individual counter 25% then it would truly be a 1/4 averaged out. I'm not sure what you guys are doing your pools based off of, maybe its 25/100 or 250/1000, whatever it is, if it is a global percentage then that may affect the chances of the individual..


Metaphysically speaking, if I had an unopened bag, and I were about to open it, but then I hesitated briefly for a second or two, and then opened the bag that could be the difference between getting an item or not getting an item, because in that lapse of two seconds there may have been 1, 2, 10, or 50+ people who opened their own bags therefore altering your percentage of getting an item.


Just some food for thought.

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It's obvious from comments here that the patch note is not specific enough, so we'll get it updated before the patch goes to the live servers. Here are some specifics:


Champion Bags now always contain 15 Centurion Commendations AND 7 Champion Commendations. Battlemaster Bags now always contain 15 Champion Commendations. So Centurion gearing up progression for new level 50s is increased significantly and Champion gearing up progression will be steady.


We do still intend on adding more intro level 50 PvP items as well as change how Battlemaster Commendations operate toward the same 'steady' goal. It's just the scope of that change was more than could be done in a weekly patch as it included vendor changes, conversions to existing commendations on players already, etc.


That being said, the current interim 'gearing up' system will change significantly when we introduce Ranked Warzones (aiming for Game Update 1.2). Stay tuned for more details on that.


- Gabe


So rather than a random specific champion item token, champion bags will now have just champion commendations? If os, that's much better.

What happens to any existing, unused, champion tokens? Do they get converted to commendations (I hope)?

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The solution to this comes in two parts: now and next tier.


Now: Remove Valor requirement for battle master gear. Make it as easily obtainable.


Next tier: Come up with a not random, not a completely non-skill related grind in order to distribute PvP gear.


Right now, this is the only way to "balance" pvp in anyway. Give it up, and spend your resources on ensuring this problem never happens again. We will forgive you if you just admit your mistake.


Using double negatives in the same sentence is pro.


All you bros just want free gear without working very hard for it.




Rated Wzs with rating required gear will fix all. Exactly like WoW. Need skill to get gear. That is all.

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The first system in place is so terrible I have serious questions as to how a professional and experienced game development army that is Bioware and LA could get this as wrong as they have.


Now, the changes seem slightly better on paper, but for all of us who've opened 100+ bags, we get the shaft. I am not sure what I think about the new changes, Ill have to see what folks are gonna say.

Edited by Sejia
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So we're going to have to do ranked PVP to gear up? What about people who don't want to have to do ranked PVP every day or week just to gear up? Why can't the ladder be its own reward?


And where does world PVP fall into all of this? Will the best gear still be obtainable there? Are you guys still looking at addressing problems with Ilum before doing all of this?


you can continue to mindlessly zerg warzones and accept a lower gear level.


Somewhere along the line there has to be requirements put on getting better gear even for all you spoiled pvpers.

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So rather than a random specific champion item token, champion bags will now have just champion commendations? If os, that's much better.

What happens to any existing, unused, champion tokens? Do they get converted to commendations (I hope)?


Oh god I hope so. I have a Champion earpiece which should totally be converted to tokens...

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Really Bioware? You just don't get it.




So, to fix the issue, you are going make everyone that isn't 50 yet or just hit 50 so far behind, that they minimal chance to succeed. This change will make a ridiculous gear gap for months. The gap between centurion and champion gear is too big for this kind of change. Not to mention, you are making it even more RNG dependent. We want less RNG.


OP, why don't you edit your post, you are confusing way too many people with your post considering the devs answered a lot of your concerns.

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With the devposts clarifying that we will get 15 centurion commendation + 7 Champion commendations (+ still a [lower] chance at a champion token?) in a champion bag,


everything went better than expected.


I now actually look forward to getting my alts to 50 and pvp-gearing them.

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The first system in place is so terrible I have serious questions as to how a professional and experienced game development army that is Bioware and LA could get this as wrong as they have.


Now, the changes seem slightly better on paper, but for all of us who've opened 100+ bags, we get the shaft. I am not sure what I think about the new changes, Ill have to see what folks are gonna say.


I love how people like this guy, are ruining an online experience for most. What gives you the right to declare one system "wrong"? If you had as much brains as you did ignorance, you would be implementing the pvp bag system, and not ************ about it.

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The cost of Champion and Centurion items are NOT changing.


The chance for a Battlemaster Commendation to be in a Battlemaster Bag is NOT changing. It is still 25%.


To reiterate the mention in my previous post, we will be changing Battlemaster Commendation drops in a future patch toward the same 'steady' progession goal without changing the overall average time to gear up.


Future pach you mean after 1.1.2 patch? If it's that means that Battlemaster Bags stil droping 1 Battlemaster Commendation and 1 Champion Commendation in a 25% chance or 3 Champion Commendations without it? Wouldn't change a thing for rank 60+, stil a chance to never get full Battemaster gear if you have bad luck. Please can you especify more the drop changes for Battlemaster bag and when that's happening?

Edited by thiagorib
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