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  1. Well said sir, couldn't say it better myself. Sage's are fine as they are, they aren't meant to burst down a single target. But on occasion you can burn down most 1v1's with kiting and positioning. I feel like I shouldn't have to explain tactics to a fellow sage, but if you need the 101 on how to 1v1 then here is whats up: 0)Maintain your bubble 1)Maintain higher ground if possible 2) Use Force wave to knockback melee attackers off your ledge if possible. It also helps if you have a 100% chance to have a target immobolized after a knockback. 3) Sprint away if needed 4)Maintain DoT's at all time, that way you can get a 50% reduced cast time 5) Constant be casting your Pebble throw in hopes for a chance to instant cast an ability, either Throw Telekinetic Wave, or if that's on cooldown throw Disturbance so you have a chance to instant cast Telekinetic wave AGAIN refreshing its cooldown. 6) Interrupt or CC or Stun if necessary whenever you need. 7) Rinse and Repeat.
  2. Is anyone else confused as to this royal screw up. I hate to be frank, but BW you are really dropping the ball here. You've continuously been letting me and most others down, and you continue to keep dropping the ball. Let me do some 3rd grade arithmetic for you, (I am not trying to be an *** or troll, but I'm just being upfront, because this is just disturbing). The new PvP scheme allows you to buy 1 Champion commendation for 120 Warzone Comms. Interesting.... Why 120? Well, let's go to the white board. How many Champ comms do we get from a Champ bag? Well my dear Watson that would be 7 comms. What's a 120 x 7, that my friends is 840 Warzone commendations. Now lets head back to the white board, what is 200 Warzone commendations + 200Merc Comms(30x10x2 Warzone Comms)? Well that my friends is 800 Warzone comms! Whoever decided on the numbers here, totally DROPPED the ball on this one. The idea of PvP in Starwars has sooooo much potential and all I see is a disappointment. So in the End, the new system is Flawed, 7 Champ comms straight, or a Champ Bag where you get 7 Champ comms AND 15 Cent comms, AND Credits! Decisions Decisions. I can see where if I needed 1 Champ comm then I'd spend the 120 Warzone comms, but seriously, I dont need cent comms, I just need Champ comms, so WHY are you making it so EXPENSIVE for me to get what I want! This just doesn't make any sense. Thanks!
  3. When you say 25%, do you mean globally that there is a 25% chance or individually, because in theory if it is a global percentage then someone could open 8 bags and not get one thing while someone else could open 8 bags and get 6 things. However if it is an individual counter 25% then it would truly be a 1/4 averaged out. I'm not sure what you guys are doing your pools based off of, maybe its 25/100 or 250/1000, whatever it is, if it is a global percentage then that may affect the chances of the individual.. Metaphysically speaking, if I had an unopened bag, and I were about to open it, but then I hesitated briefly for a second or two, and then opened the bag that could be the difference between getting an item or not getting an item, because in that lapse of two seconds there may have been 1, 2, 10, or 50+ people who opened their own bags therefore altering your percentage of getting an item. Just some food for thought.
  4. The Euro servers are all pretty much heavy population during peak time during the day, I checked, at night they are obviously lighter population due to time zones. Free Transfers = win Forced Transfers = double win.
  5. It's hard to say this, but give it two days and then come back and complain. I've taken probability and distributional analysis in college, and guess what, it takes time for the human condition to adjust from heavy to light population servers. There's no magic switch that can be flipped to fix any of this. Like the post above me says, there could be some common sense things done to make things flow smoother. Honestly, lock those early access servers. What you're going to start seeing is the early access players who have level 20+ characters, switch over to lighter population servers and reroll a different class, but what you're going to see is a bunch of level 5 characters say screw this, I don't feel like leveling a different character on a different server, and bam they log off. Another thing you can do is just force transfer players, to redistribute populations. It may sound unconventional, but you can only lead a horse to water and can't make him drink. So do the dirty work yourselves,. Don't ask for players permission, just do it smartly. Transfer players who don't have friends or guilds. Transfer entire guilds if you want.That is the only way you're going to redistribute to your 30+ light server loads that you have. Oh and to the issue of ghost towns? ITS LAUNCH DAY you can't expect every server to be full can you? Join a light pop server now so in a month or so it'll be kickin and you'll be ahead of the game.
  6. Just take peoples characters that don't have in game friends and dont have a guild yet and move them to another SERVER. Boom fixed.
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