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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Official: Over 1.7 million active subs, 2 + mil sold


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You also typically have to take spun data with a grain of salt and try and read between the lines as others have done (i.e. the 1.7 figure is composed of free first monthers and credit card accounts)


On the earnings call they said that most are paying. But you can listen for yourself at EA's investor's website.

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The fact, the very fact that anyone could possibly believe that a legitimate company could lie to its stockholders and still be in business for 30 years is MIND BLOWING.


Fannie & Freddie, Enron, Halliburton, and Goldman Sachs would like to say hello. Not sayin ea is lying just pointing out the fallacy of your statement.

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Congrats BioWare... see there ARE people enjoying the game! I was very happy to read this article. I can see the game only getting better in the future and others would too if they would just be patient and give them a chance.



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Seems like the stock exchange responses quickly:


Because EA only has their hands in SWTOR.


And not ME3... or DA2... or Fifa 2012


or every NBA Live game


or every Madden game


"Even in broad daylight, a fool with his head in the dirt will tell you it is too dark to see."

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Seems like the stock exchange responses quickly:


Stock market is not a good indication of anything really. Tech stocks with the exception of Google and Apple is basically avoided by most investors. Due to how volatile the market can be in that sector.


Most companies that rely on entertainment have difficult times when the economy has issues as a whole. EA is a large company with many moving parts is also another factor. Perception of less room to grow compared to a smaller company.

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On the earnings call they said that most are paying. But you can listen for yourself at EA's investor's website.


Yes, paying as they bought the box, and have paid for first month of playtime, and havent cancelled their sub before their free month is over.

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You can call BS all you want. I saw at most 5 once, not counting companions, standing near the GTN stations. I'm sorry, but there's barely anybody around. Too bad perception is everything.


Can you honestly say that on your server SWTOR feels like a living, breathing, thriving community?


Anecdote is not the singular form of data.

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If you guys are that interested in numbers, WoW's investor call is February 8th 2012. They've experienced three straight quarters of subscription declines. Will be interesting to see if they've experienced another decline or if they've somehow managed to pull back up. Also with this 1.7 million subscribers how much of an impact did it have on WoW.


Purely number speculation of course.

Edited by DigitalDreamz
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Why does it bother so many people that the game is doing past one million. Do they WANT the game to fail? they are posting so obviously they have subscribed past the free period.


I'm just wowed that this topic is being so rabidly argued over....as if doing so will somehow change anything.

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Fannie & Freddie, Enron, Halliburton, and Goldman Sachs would like to say hello. Not sayin ea is lying just pointing out the fallacy of your statement.


ummm Enron is the only one that was convicted of lying to investors and the CEOs did go to jail. One is still there. The other (Ken Ley) 'died' before serving his sentence.

Edited by jdnyc
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Dunno about vast majority but officially half of that was at 23.12. but if you are true, looks like this game aint selling much these days.


The sales rate has slowed down yes, since it was insane at the start that doesn't really come off as something negative though. Bottom line is that the free month players most likely make up a relatively small portion of the 1.7 million subscribers announced, despite you trying to make it seem otherwise.

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Yes, paying as they bought the box, and have paid for first month of playtime, and havent cancelled their sub before their free month is over.


Not what was said, but nice try at spinning it. He was explicitly distinguishing between the people who are on the free month and the people who are on the paying month. But, again, nice try. Anyone can listen at EA's investors website.

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I'm really going to be curious to see what the numbers are when Guild Wars 2 gets released. Not many people that I have talked to online seem interested in making SWTOR their long term MMORPG home. And maybe the day and age of "This is the game I play with my guild!" is over with, and maybe we'll see MMO gamers jumping from one new release or expansion pack to the next. The future is hard to predict, except for the part where I know I won't be paying for another month of this game.
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Pretty simple either you like the game and will continue to play it or you don't like it and cancel your subscription.... Bioware has said the game will remain profitable with 500k subs so the future looks good for them and those who like the game...


The whiners will shift to GW2 as soon as it comes out and then QQ on their forums about how terrible that game is.... Some people live to QQ

Edited by Monoth
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Hey guys.......not so quick :D





The company launched “Star Wars” in late December, and reported it has sold through more than 2 million units of the game and now has about 1.7 million active subscribers playing the online multiplayer title, which Brown said represents a mix of users who already have signed up for a paid subscription and users who have given their credit cards over, but have not yet had their paid plans kick in.




Edited by BobaFurz
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I'm really going to be curious to see what the numbers are when Guild Wars 2 gets released. Not many people that I have talked to online seem interested in making SWTOR their long term MMORPG home. And maybe the day and age of "This is the game I play with my guild!" is over with, and maybe we'll see MMO gamers jumping from one new release or expansion pack to the next. The future is hard to predict, except for the part where I know I won't be paying for another month of this game.


Why can people not play more than one MMO especially with all the F2P ones or like GuildWars where you buy the game and thats it. I will prob buy GW2 and play both. Its not like your getting married to the dang games lol..

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Dont give that 500k to break even crap, its for years with that number. 500k subs will be enough to pay for the 7.5 million costs per month they got.


Yeah, you do know that quite a bit of that 7.5 million per month will get eaten up by other things like LucasArts' share of the licensing agreement, overhead, operating expenses, etc. right?

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lol @ people thinking SWTOR has a significant impact.


EA has ~3.5-4 billion in revenue per year. 2 million @ 60 is 120 million in box sales and estimate another 100-200 million in subscription revenue per year. that's still less than 10% of overall revenues (although I expect that their revenue would rise with SWTOR sales, as it is a new revenue stream).


is SWTOR material to their financial results? yes, but not enough to significantly affect their stock price.

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