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Anyone else come to a grinding halt around Tatooine?


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There are a few planets I really didn't like. Tatooine wasn't bad, though it's HUGE. Alderaan really pissed me off, and I dragged my feet (and even started one of my alts) before I was able to get past it.


But then, this has happened to me in other MMOs as well. There were a good number of zones in WoW I hated from the first time I set foot in them.


i was the opposite - i liked Alderaan but hate Tatooine. At the time I was going space missions and PVP a lot so I out-leveled Tat in no time.

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this game doesnt have a grind.. lol


it's one of the most enjoyable mmos to come out in a VERY long time.


xp is perfect!


I have to agree with you. The story lines are incredibly enjoyable. Can't wait to see what they're going to put in the real expansions.

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Wow, tatooine is actually my favourite planet, I've always liked it.


It's Taris that I don't like, not sure why - I liked it in KOTOR 1 but not so much now


Because it's a dilapidated overgrown swamp. Loved the Nexus, loved using my cc on the Rakghouls. Still couldn't wait to get to Nar Shadaa because it's been hyped so much in the EU. I think it's kind of the point of the story-line that no-one wants to be on what Taris has become for too long. Loved the Watcher One storyline. A well-rounded character. Liked that the ship from KOTOR was still there, and the remnants of the old city were explorable. I might go back and finish the Heroics, although I wouldn't get much substance out of them now.

Edited by TheRyllThing
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Yep....Tatooine was fun at first, but it got to be a little bit of a grind....but Alderaan is where it went south for me. I just love going on a mission where the mob I have to kill has 12,567,987 more hp than me and my companion combined. Even the most well-executed rotation won't get through that. Makes for one very sad Jedi.


Wait....wait....if I get too sad, does that make me a good candidate for the Dark Side? :eek:




Can you believe I started to feel that way in the beginning of Nar shadda, (basically the third planet after imp Capital planet) only level 22.


I am/was a Juggernaut and my health no matter if using healing companion or a DPS compaion to help drop enemies faster was down to 50 and I times 30%.

It felt like the whole time I was hitting no harder than the default attack.


It became drudgery seeing mobs everywhere and knowing to stay at level or higher I have to just attack most of them, a TOTAL GRIND..


I love the story and VO, the game is awesome that way, but this just killed the mood to play this game for me.


Such an anti-climax having a story on how bad-*** I am and powerful Sith and then trash mobs on each corner is a grind.

I should just make a swing and they fall like dominoes.


The starting planet was fun that way, you felt powerful at level 5 cause you killed the mobs in 1-2 hits.

I know it's a tutorial planet, but they kept saying "how heroic you feel in SWTOR" yet you don't.

Not as a Jedi or Sith warrior/knight.


With so many enemies EVERYWHERE why can't they make it so they are all easy to kill, EXCEPT the elites and bosses etc.

Having ever single mob being 3-4 and take so long to kill is extremely boring.


So, I cancelled my Sub after my free month yesterday, I just lost the feeling to grind.

Now before people rant, I still like the game and I will re-sub later on when I get that urge again, and hopefully they have boosted the damage output.

Cause I WANT to play the game, but a game is entertainment for me, not a chore.


I just wish they took note of this.


It's not like you run out of enemies or something killing fast.

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Correlia is worse, i actually contemplated slitting my wrists.


Tattooine is at least mostly wide open and explorable.


Correlia is like a MW3 zone, except without all the cool 12 year olds running around to shoot.

So basically, everything is burning and destroyed... it's quite depressing.


Wait, you have a January join date, 92+ posts in the last 4 days, all negative. You lack credibility.

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Hated Tarsis. Better stay on the roads or you will end up in a corner of two big walls. No way to free navigate. Too many choke points with the inevitable trash mob pack that you have to kill or you arent going anywhere. The thought of having to go through that planet again has kept me from ever starting another republic alt. Not to mention the fact that I would have to work through bookend hallway planets on either side of it.


Hate to tell you this, but you'll be there as an Imperial too. Higher level though.


It's my least favourite planet to navigate, although the layout make sense as the remains of a destroyed city world. Just standing and looking around at the 'artwork' can alleviate the suffering to some extent, for me anyway.

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I loved Tatooine. One my favorite planets.


I'm level 48 now and haven't hit ANY grinding halts... It's bee a good ride all the way.


Next time around, try to keep your mind more open to the thought of "exploration" instead of "doing what I need to go gain another level"

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Taris I dislike because it goes on too long without enough change in the environment and mob types. Too...many...Rakghouls.


Alderaan I found annoying I think because of the way it is laid out and kind of hard to get to the places for questing. Too much back and forth too (Organa Castle needs a rapid transit system!)


Tatooine was ok, IMO.

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Hated Tarsis. Better stay on the roads or you will end up in a corner of two big walls. No way to free navigate. Too many choke points with the inevitable trash mob pack that you have to kill or you arent going anywhere. The thought of having to go through that planet again has kept me from ever starting another republic alt. Not to mention the fact that I would have to work through bookend hallway planets on either side of it.




Taris Republic is very different from Taris Imperial, although it uses the same map. Very different experience playing imperial & Republic on Taris.


I like Republic Taris, really not keen on Imperial Taris.

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I duno but its like tatooine is a planet i dread questing in. I usually try to pvp a few levels and just do the class quest to get it done with. I dont think i should have to avoid content but this planet really is bad.


Not me, I love Tattooine, no idea why but I just enjoy running around there.

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Not me, I love Tattooine, no idea why but I just enjoy running around there.


I loved Tatooine after the claustrophobia of Nar Shadaa. I know it isn't truly open but bright blue sky and sunshine made a nice change. One of the few worlds that actually feels like a planet.

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Tatooine sucks if you didn't buy a speeder. It quickly becomes obvious that you weren't supposed to spend 20,000 credits to expand your bag at level 23.


I also had a hard time killing Jawa....I like those little guys and it just didn't seem like a fare fight.

Edited by mSum
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I really don't like Tatooine, but the game seems to keep sending me back there. Once for the class quest-line was understandable... then I had to go there again in a later step. When I got Aric's latest companion quest and it included 'Tatooine', I felt like crying.
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