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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Leaving warzones is an epidemic...


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Everyone leaves. Why stay, no penalty.


Enemy scored first? Leave.


Enemy capped two turrets? Leave.


Enemy got first door in 90 seconds? Leave.


Needs to be at least 20 min penalty on this, you leave you lose all benefits and can't join another till the one you left is over.

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Actually, I see people leave a lot less often than I would have expected, given there is no penalty for doing so. And so far of all the pvp I've done, only two games have ended early for lack of more players queuing in. I do play on high pop servers, though. Still, I also play a lot on off-peak hours.


No penalty keeps the farming down, too. Stomping teams are afraid to stomp too hard or too early in the match for fear of having everyone on the other side up and leave. And overall, this is a good thing for pvp. It makes losses somewhat less frustrating, as does getting medals for non-objective based actions.

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Everyone leaves. Why stay, no penalty.


Enemy scored first? Leave.


Enemy capped two turrets? Leave.


Enemy got first door in 90 seconds? Leave.


Needs to be at least 20 min penalty on this, you leave you lose all benefits and can't join another till the one you left is over.


I understand why ppl leave... if u queue solo u get put in a group with some green geared ppl and trying to win against a premade....had a few runs today and i alone have more expertise than the rest of my team....so after 30sec u know if u should stay for 10 more minutes getting farmed or just leave and loose the 130valor... so i fully understand ppl leaving.

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I understand why ppl leave... if u queue solo u get put in a group with some green geared ppl and trying to win against a premade....had a few runs today and i alone have more expertise than the rest of my team....so after 30sec u know if u should stay for 10 more minutes getting farmed or just leave and loose the 130valor... so i fully understand ppl leaving.




I am not a fan of leaving also. Usually I start WZ with one bunch just to end it with another one but I understand this perfectly. I will leave WZ if I join, for example, in the middle of round 2 of exploited Voidstar or if I see "tanks" with 11k HP in lvl 50 WZ (yes this is a common sight). I will also leave when I see 5 out of 7 ppl in WZ AFKing from the start, sorry but I will not work for their progress.


OH, did I mention common 6 vs 14+ WZs that won't end due to imbalance?

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Everyone leaves. Why stay, no penalty.



The penalty is you get zero xp, commendations, money, or valor and you've wasted x minutes of your game time.


Fair enough penalty.


I think it sucks that some players choose to bail at the first sign of trouble, but if they're quitters, they're probably not worth having around anyway.



On the other hand, if you're in a pug who has no clue what they're doing and/or people are screaming at each other in chat instead of concentrating, it's certainly acceptable to get the hell out of there.

Edited by Buckit
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They're selfish. They leave, requeue, and get with a group that has a better chance of (carrying them to a win) winning. They don't care about their team that is now defending in Voidstar with 6 or 7 people and will now lose because of them.


I have been in groups with people yelling and screaming and having no idea what they're talking about. They will scream "Attack Right" and expect people to teleport there and be there immediately. They leave and just blame everyone else for the losses, in their deluded brains they are without flaw.


I would rather play with 10K HP people who don't know there is a pass button then these people. There is hope for the gimp, the selfish will always be selfish.

Edited by richardya
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lol- I was in a grp the other day and we were losing 4-0 in Huttball- 4 ppl left and were replaced. We ended up winning the match 4-5


Well if four people leave, we already know that four people who weren't really going to work for their victory are out. Now if enough of the fillers aren't like that, odds should be pretty good, no? :D

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Worse then that: Joining a losing WZ already in progress because someone leaves it. Waste of my time.


I dont mind joining a losing WF, especially if its almost over. I just chalk that up to free valor/comms for 5 minutes of LOLs.

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They're selfish. They leave requeue and get with a group that has a better chance of winning. They don't care about their team that is now defending in Voidstar with 6 or 7 people and will now lose because of them.


I have never quit a WZ, but I've wanted to. Not caring about teammates? Most of the time, those "teammates" don't care about each other either. How many times does that commando have to run up to the door trying to rambo his way through their entire team (which is guarding that door and NOBODY is at the other) only to die half way there before he realizes that it's not the best expenditure of effort?


How many times does the smuggler have to run up to the zerg with no stealth to THE SAME DOOR and die before he thinks to himself "Gee, I should stealth up to the other door and cap it"?


Much easier to pretend this is a solo game and ignore the fact that you have teammates at all. At least that's how most people seem to prefer to play. Of course, it's always easier if you complain about heals (me) while you do it.


Like I said, I've never left a WZ. But I have sure as hell wanted to.

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How many times does the smuggler have to run up to the zerg with no stealth to THE SAME DOOR and die before he thinks to himself "Gee, I should stealth up to the other door and cap it"?


Bad play is not selfish, in my opinion, one is excusable and one is not. Most leave because of bad play or "gimpiness" of teammates. In short, they cant stand losing. I also think it's very rare that you are able to judge a player like this. Maybe their was a stealth guarding the other door, maybe he thought there a moment where many opponents on this door were close to death (most caps are a result of many opponents dieing at once and luck keeping them stuck behind the glass)


It happens to be a pet peeve of mine that people think stealth should get caps all the time. If you're playing a decent team they don't fall for that.

Edited by richardya
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Actually, I see people leave a lot less often than I would have expected, given there is no penalty for doing so. And so far of all the pvp I've done, only two games have ended early for lack of more players queuing in. I do play on high pop servers, though. Still, I also play a lot on off-peak hours.


No penalty keeps the farming down, too. Stomping teams are afraid to stomp too hard or too early in the match for fear of having everyone on the other side up and leave. And overall, this is a good thing for pvp. It makes losses somewhat less frustrating, as does getting medals for non-objective based actions.


This ..... No penalty keeps the farming down, too.


I thought no penelty would be a problem before I realised it lessens farming

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Nah leavers are fine. That way they don't annoy us any longer with stupid comments on ops channel.


Most of the time, them leaving is the best thing that happens to the group.


It must take a while to grind valor and tokens when all you do is leaving before the end :D...

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I can give an estimate of my team strength right at the start. The HP is a dead giveaway. A Commando with 12200 HP, a Guardian/Vanguard with 13 800... Hey, guys, did you replace your lvl 30 gear yet or what? :D I've seen lots of people leaving just by checking the health bars. Its funny though when a Sage with 11 000 health says "get geared, noobs" and exits :rolleyes:


However I left a Warzone just 2 times up until now.

First was when 2 player deliberately were helping the enemy team by getting escorted to our goal line and passing the ball to them.

Second time was when me and a friend were holding a turret against 5 attackers and our 6 allies lost their turret. Not so bad, we recaptured. But after I reminded them to stay close and keep an eye for stealthers, the answer was "l2p". After losing it a second time because they chased a single enemy (all of them visibly moved half way through the map) while others took the gun...well, bye-bye ;)

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I don't think that a penalty is necessary. As has been mentioned, they are already losing out on their commendations, they were probably dead weight anyway, and it rarely happens unless you are getting steamrolled, in which case a few more people leaving isn't going to make things any worse than they already are.
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I've started leaving war zones as well now. I hate it when people do that but when I see the 'new and and improved operatives' hitting tanks for 2k a blow and tearing through 8 players pretty much single handedly, as I saw today, then its time to call it quits on pvp for this game.
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