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Everything posted by Jaxxar

  1. I have full Rakata Gear and was not even able to heal a 5 man last night. Tonight I am suppose to try out the raid. I am not sure if I want to even try after that extreme fail of a 5 man. I really do not understand their thinking on this? Are they trying to get people to unsub?
  2. Please post some facts to support your claims.
  3. I will say this. I do not hate either game however, It took me 7 years to become bored with WoW. It took me 2 months to become bored with SWTOR.
  4. I think the what they need to do is since you can random join a PvP WZ why can't PvE people random join an instance? Give us the luxury of a dungeon finding tool just like the PvP'ers have.
  5. I don't think this article or you know how I feel about this game.
  6. OP, I guess your the only person in the world who is allowed to have an opinion.
  7. Guild Wars is not an MMO. It is an instancing playground for small groups. With that said, I have yet to see if GW 2 will be different. Don't get me wrong GW is a fun game. Just not really a true MMO (Massively Multiplayer Online). SWTOR is also not an MMO in my eyes either. I never see more then 60 people online at a time and then they are all instanced into different zones of the same city.
  8. I enjoy the company of my guild mates. Nothing else is keeping me here. Just waiting till the day Blizzard releases the next big Real MMo, cause I have come the conclusion that they are the only company who can truly pull it off.
  9. I would only transfer if BW implemented faction defecting so I can keep my same toon. BH on the republic side. Also, they need to make way cooler armor for the republic side.
  10. Just reroll Powertech, problem solved.
  11. Way too much thought put into something so basic. Everyone knows left means left of spawn point unless they are completely new to the BF. Really not a big deal.
  12. Very Simple. You have less buttons to push at lower levels, so they just spam those buttons as fast as they.
  13. You are restricted to a life of browns. The dull humdrum of a lifeless color of a dead desert. Brown, the color that gets flushed down. Oh, to be a different color. Green would make my brother Jedis feel envy. Thus the order hath forbade it. Causing emotion to arise. The lone Jedi that wore green to the counsel meeting. He did not use the force to foresee that this one act started the downfall of the Jedi order. All who see him, in his splendor. Green, filled with life made them envious. Grew rebellious intentions,within, they did. Against those that would suppress the green. They did rise against the brothers. Green with envy. The Jedi Green Wars had begun. All due to the emotions of the color green. Use the force young Jedi. Foresee this you should have.
  14. Because some people used vacation time to level up to 50 and then switched to casual play when they had to go back to work. This is just 1 scenario that could fit this condition. Open your mind a little just not so much that it falls out.
  15. I am just tired of paying money for bug infested, unfinished software period. We are the ones that allow companies to publish unfinished products because we pay them for it. Would you buy a New car with no wheels, missing a brake pad here and there, the transmission has a few gears loose and the back seats will be installed at a later time? Hell no. Software companies need to be held to higher standards and the only way to do this is hit them in the pocket book.
  16. Worse then that: Joining a losing WZ already in progress because someone leaves it. Waste of my time.
  17. LOL QQing about the QQers. Very funny indeed.
  18. Jaxxar

    Civil War pointers

    If you own the point you can take a speeder to that point. Their are 3 speeders the right goes to the right, the mid to the mid and the left one to the left. You have to have control the point though.
  19. You need that advantage don't you. LOL quoted for truth.
  20. This game is nothing about skill. Auto target noobness and time spent getting expertise gear. I know for a fact I would school you in a real PvP game. Heat shot dead. you QQing to the start zone. Get real.
  21. Except skill has nothing to do with it. Time has everything to do with it.
  22. NO, you can craft starter PvP gear in WoW. That is something at least. Here you get rolled, stomped, spit on, and T-bagged. Simple answer. Get rid of expertise stat. Problem solved.
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