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I'm level 50! Now what?! I'LL TELL YOU "WHAT"!!


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Honestly, if you have to be told whats left to do, that's a failure.

Most people dont find a lot of the endgame stuff fun, i somewhat do.


If there needs to be an arguement topic on a forum pointing out grind content

you have lost the battle of keeping the majority interest.


Most people arent going on the forums just to find a post like this and go



The majority are just gna be like, enh.. not having fun anymore..


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Your post is great if you like that kind of thing - I play mmo to pvp, and yes I realise now that swtor is not the game for me (just as wow wasn't either).


Have cancelled my subs, will continue to read the pvp forums for a while and resub if i see some encouraging noises.

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So after about a month and a half, I hit level 50 on one of my characters. Yes, it took me a month in a half. If I did not focus on other characters, I might have done it within a month but this is all with what I consider "casual" gameplay (aka, play when I have free time). When I hit 50, I was at the previous planet before the last one for my class quest and have already been diverted for a bonus series on another planet.


But after looking at this forum, I have to ask just how in the HECK are people "bored" and say there is "nothing to do" after they reach 50? There is soooo much to do, even after you hit 50. Let me give you guys some ideas:



1.) Did you even finish your class quest at 50 or did you finish it before 50? If you finished it before 50, go ahead and finish up the story. Don't just stop at 50 and say "Oh great, I'm 50.. now what do I do? I don't want to keep questing". Even do the side bonus quests for each quest you have. It will help you gain Legacy XP for later on!


2.) How about all the quests you have left in your quest journal? Maybe you should consider clearing them out before you say your "bored" and there is "nothing to do". Even some of the easier quests... you never know what they may offer in a reward.


3.) Do you seriously have ALL the high end gear for end game? Probably not. How about start grinding up those high end comms to get the gear. This will surely take a while to do with PvP and Dailies.


4.) How about your companions? They ALL have stories too, you know? It's almost literally impossible that you have reached 50 and did ALL your companions stories to max level affection! I'm interested in their stories too, you know!


5.) What's your social level? Mine is 1. I really would like to eventually get to IV or V but I know that's not going to happen over night... So go ahead and farm a Flashpoint with a full group or help others out on Heroics. More than likely, you are Social level III.. unless of course, you leveled with 4 different players at the same time from 12am-12am EVERY day since the game came out. There is some really cool High Level Social Gear, you know!


6.) What do your guildies need? Help with Flashpoints? Heroics? How about getting any level 50s in your guild and do the end game Operations together? Or even just lending a guildie a helping hand on one of their quests at later levels, so they can catch up quicker. Heck, even at earlier levels. They may take a hit on xp but they will get there sooner or later to level 50. Maybe there is even a Flashoinbt you forgot to do!


7.) Did you find EVERY datacron on EVERY planet you can visit? If not, go back and do this! Lots of them are frustrating to retrieve, so it may take a couple hours out of your gameplay time to figure out the strategy to retrieve these!


8.) Space! While space isn't the best in this game, there are lots of space missions. Go ahead, and do them. You may actually find them fun to do and may get into a whole different game in SWTOR.


9.) Alts: You're bored? Did you start an alt? Go ahead and do so! There are EIGHT different stories in this game (actually, there might be sixteen different stories, depending if you go light side or dark side for each class.. I'm not even so sure myself). Get all your alts to 50, finish their stories, finish their companion's stories, have them readily available for their needs to your guildies and friends! Do this for both Republic and Empire! It will surely take you longer than that 2 weeks it took you to get "bored".


10.) Crew skills: If you have alts, get yourself all the various crew skills for each alt. I believe, you can do so with 6 different alts and there also looks to be some random crew skills that are not "needed" towards the main ones. Do these, and max them all out! It may cost you a few credits to do it, but it will be worth it (despite people saying crew skills are worthless now, have them maxed out for later on when they matter). Heck, you may even find yourself more interested in taking that toon towards the story.


11.) Codex: Have you discovered everything in the Codex?! Maybe it's time you go back to planets and discover all you can in the Codex. For me, personally, I would be very interested in the exploring. Finding Lore Objects, getting the beast entries, doing all the datacrons, getting whatever titles I can, etc.


12.) World Bosses: How about the World Bosses? Even if you decided to take them down "as you went along" with your class quests, maybe you can go back and get a group together or become part of a random group and try them again! They could possibly drop different/random rewards that you have not seen yet!


13.) Companion Gear: If you have all the high end gear for yourself, then great! You're already ahead of the game then! But what about your companions? I'm not even sure what use they have for end game, but I think it would be quite cool if you showed them some love and geared them up as high as possible! After all, you and your companion may have been through a lot during your class quest. They deserve that end game gear too! (please note: I am *not* suggesting that you roll "Need" on group quests for your companions)


14.) Valor: Not everyone was fortunate enough to gain max level Valor during that period where people were able to farm Valor due to an Illum bug. Go out there, PvP as much as you can, get your Valor points and max it out! Do this, for each of your characters!


15.) Dailies/Weekly: Finally, but definitely not last, go and do your Dailies and Weekly missions. Do the Flashpoints, HM Flashpoints, PvP Warzones, Illum PvP Zone and Operations! Plus whatever else is offered! This alone will definitely keep you busy!


There ya have it, my guide to the 15 things you can do to cure your boredom in this game. (Waiting on forum trolls to come in with some retort now)



If you're a DD Edition or CE, check out all the call things you can also get for end game or save up to buy yourself!


You're an MMO newb, you don't have standards.

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OP has a point. I have a level 50 sage and level 50 IA, and while I'm focusing on leveling my other characters, I feel that I still have much to complete on my level 50s. I really want to find all the datacrons, complete the world arc and bonus series for Corellia, get 10k affection with my other companions experience their stories, finish the last 3 flashpoints I never even attempted, finish all the HM flashpoints (only did black talon), do OPs, (only got to Soa on EV with a PUG).


I log in to my sage and sniper to do a bit of this and a bit of that while I level my Trooper. IMO, endgame is perfect. Its not grindy or expansive enough to where you feel obligated to continue that character and go completionist, and its not bland or stale enough so that you drop your characters completely. Most people are having problems with the latter, as they are playing a single character only, 4+hours a day, which simply isnt fun in this game.


tl;dr, MMO players are annoying. roll an alt, or cancel your subscription.


++rep, my EXACT feeling....

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having played many mmos:

Swg from beta til death

Lotro for 2 years

Aion since launch

Coh/cov 1 year

Mol since launch



Fallen earth


So u could say im a vet of mmos as well I play swtor at least 3-5 hrs daily thru the week and 8 hrs on weekends. I have a lvl 50 merc valor 81, 44 sorc, and currenetly lvling a sentinel... And I have to agree with op. I still have tons to do with my merc as well as my alts... Loving the game and looking foward to its future

Edited by Ashivauto
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My day as a 50 consists of:

-Help Guldies

-Space Missions

-Belsavis Dailies

-Ilum Dailies

-World Boss Farming


-Hardmode Flashpoints(Maybe)


-Hording Credits

-Turn into a Jet

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If you accomplish to see things positive, then you live positive.


Op is a new MMORPG player or he/she accomplished to see things positive.



By the way, you know the secret code of happiness in life ?

Try to fool yourself with positive looks.

Cause if you just want to troll, nothing is perfect.

You can find negative things in everything if you have that perspective. Nothing to do about you. Dead end.

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I read most of those points as "Grind to relieve boredom."




Congratulations! You just learned the key to MMO games.


Seriously, anyone who thinks MMO's are anything more than games that keep throwing bones at you for stuff to do are fooling themselves. Every MMO on the planet is exactly that: a grind to relieve boredom. And everyone who thinks their (first/former/favorite/other) MMO is not that is just looking at that game with the same rose-tinted glasses they are probably accusing 'biodrones' of wearing.


People who are bored of the grind, are bored of MMO's in general and cannot blame SWTOR for their own changed taste.


And those who say: I only play MMOs for PVP (especially those that consider that being a hardcore gamer), you are fooling yourself. MMO's never had good and truly competitive PVP. This is simply because the playing field is not created to be equal. There is a too big variance in classes to play and there is the gear difference in most, if not all, current MMO's.

If you want to battle other players as your only pass-time, there are much better games. Admittedly, they are filled with much more skilled gamers than you probably, so that is why you choose to be top dog in MMO PVP. A bit like One-eye being the major of Blindtown.

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every day schedule : Dailies


Tuesday: Raid


Thursday: Lvl a toon with family (or Raid)


Sunday: Raid


in my time after dailies and when im not raiding i either do a little PvP, or Codex hunting. no intention of lvling any more toons (apart from Thursdays)

currently my Codex is at 415 i think, but i have found that there are quite alot i cant infact do so its impossible to get all 662.

i even tried grouping with an IA to try and get one in Balmorra for killing grey but once in his ship to hand it in i couldnt join the convo, even with the box ticked in the prefrences.

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I have Level 50,

Full Rakata and Battlemaster gear for Both Tanking and DPS.

I clear Operations on Nightmare Mode within 3 hours on a wednesday night.


My Companions are in a mix of Battlemaster, Rakata and Columi Gear. All are at 10000 Affection with the exception of the ship droid.


I have collected all Datacrons and Crystals. ALL of them.

I Am above War Hero.


All Class and Story Quests completed.

The Quests in my log are either the dailies that take me an hour to do or are the Quests I have already completed, will not let me complete again and can not abandon. (Bugged)


I have 1000 fleet commendations, 1000 Mercenary Commendation, 1000 Warzone Commendations, Spare Battlemaster peices in preparation for 1.2 update to trade in with war her items/upgrade to new mods.


World Bosses all killed farmed deaded, not hard.


The Only thing Youve suggested that I havent got maxed is Social. I am currently approaching social 4 however getting a pug group during peak times on Sceptor of Ragnos happens maybe once or twice a week for a single hard mode. I play on a PVP server, most are playing PVP and have no interest in PVE it seems. At peak there is 50 or so Imperials in Imperial fleet, Most are Doing PVP or operations. Off Peak there is about 8. Doing PVP. All my friends log on for 3-5 hours a week to do operation or dailies then log and go play Minecraft.

Yes Minecraft, seriously.


I have an Alt level 50, I spend most my time with this. Took me 3 days played to hit 50. Even set me a challenge to level as only a BH and not take an advanced class. Checked that box. I am and always have been a 1 character guy. I hate alts, however this game has forced me to play one because I have no life.


I am bored.

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so after about a month and a half, i hit level 50 on one of my characters. Yes, it took me a month in a half. If i did not focus on other characters, i might have done it within a month but this is all with what i consider "casual" gameplay (aka, play when i have free time). When i hit 50, i was at the previous planet before the last one for my class quest and have already been diverted for a bonus series on another planet.



But after looking at this forum, i have to ask just how in the heck are people "bored" and say there is "nothing to do" after they reach 50? There is soooo much to do, even after you hit 50. Let me give you guys some ideas:



1.) did you even finish your class quest at 50 or did you finish it before 50? If you finished it before 50, go ahead and finish up the story. Don't just stop at 50 and say "oh great, i'm 50.. Now what do i do? I don't want to keep questing". Even do the side bonus quests for each quest you have. It will help you gain legacy xp for later on!


single player game / time sink -1


2.) how about all the quests you have left in your quest journal? Maybe you should consider clearing them out before you say your "bored" and there is "nothing to do". Even some of the easier quests... You never know what they may offer in a reward.


single player game / time sink -1


3.) do you seriously have all the high end gear for end game? Probably not. How about start grinding up those high end comms to get the gear. This will surely take a while to do with pvp and dailies.


single player game / time sink -1


4.) how about your companions? They all have stories too, you know? It's almost literally impossible that you have reached 50 and did all your companions stories to max level affection! I'm interested in their stories too, you know!


single player game / time sink -1


5.) what's your social level? Mine is 1. I really would like to eventually get to iv or v but i know that's not going to happen over night... So go ahead and farm a flashpoint with a full group or help others out on heroics. More than likely, you are social level iii.. Unless of course, you leveled with 4 different players at the same time from 12am-12am every day since the game came out. There is some really cool high level social gear, you know!


single player game / time sink -1


6.) what do your guildies need? Help with flashpoints? Heroics? How about getting any level 50s in your guild and do the end game operations together? Or even just lending a guildie a helping hand on one of their quests at later levels, so they can catch up quicker. Heck, even at earlier levels. They may take a hit on xp but they will get there sooner or later to level 50. Maybe there is even a flashoinbt you forgot to do!


+1.. But then again you're still completing a single player game with multiplayer to help someone.


7.) did you find every datacron on every planet you can visit? If not, go back and do this! Lots of them are frustrating to retrieve, so it may take a couple hours out of your gameplay time to figure out the strategy to retrieve these!

single player game / time sink -1


8.) space! While space isn't the best in this game, there are lots of space missions. Go ahead, and do them. You may actually find them fun to do and may get into a whole different game in swtor.


duh! -1 id rather play the mini space game in starcraft 2 than the sad excuse of a space swtor has..


9.) alts: You're bored? Did you start an alt? Go ahead and do so! There are eight different stories in this game (actually, there might be sixteen different stories, depending if you go light side or dark side for each class.. I'm not even so sure myself). Get all your alts to 50, finish their stories, finish their companion's stories, have them readily available for their needs to your guildies and friends! Do this for both republic and empire! It will surely take you longer than that 2 weeks it took you to get "bored".


classic! -1


10.) crew skills: If you have alts, get yourself all the various crew skills for each alt. I believe, you can do so with 6 different alts and there also looks to be some random crew skills that are not "needed" towards the main ones. Do these, and max them all out! It may cost you a few credits to do it, but it will be worth it (despite people saying crew skills are worthless now, have them maxed out for later on when they matter). Heck, you may even find yourself more interested in taking that toon towards the story.

classic! -1


11.) codex: Have you discovered everything in the codex?! Maybe it's time you go back to planets and discover all you can in the codex. For me, personally, i would be very interested in the exploring. Finding lore objects, getting the beast entries, doing all the datacrons, getting whatever titles i can, etc.

classic! -1


12.) world bosses: How about the world bosses? Even if you decided to take them down "as you went along" with your class quests, maybe you can go back and get a group together or become part of a random group and try them again! They could possibly drop different/random rewards that you have not seen yet!


group? What group? -1


13.) companion gear: If you have all the high end gear for yourself, then great! You're already ahead of the game then! But what about your companions? I'm not even sure what use they have for end game, but i think it would be quite cool if you showed them some love and geared them up as high as possible! After all, you and your companion may have been through a lot during your class quest. They deserve that end game gear too! (please note: I am *not* suggesting that you roll "need" on group quests for your companions)


more time sink no real end game content -1


14.) valor: Not everyone was fortunate enough to gain max level valor during that period where people were able to farm valor due to an illum bug. Go out there, pvp as much as you can, get your valor points and max it out! Do this, for each of your characters!




15.) dailies/weekly: Finally, but definitely not last, go and do your dailies and weekly missions. Do the flashpoints, hm flashpoints, pvp warzones, illum pvp zone and operations! Plus whatever else is offered! This alone will definitely keep you busy!




there ya have it, my guide to the 15 things you can do to cure your boredom in this game. (waiting on forum trolls to come in with some retort now)



If you're a dd edition or ce, check out all the call things you can also get for end game or save up to buy yourself!



this is not a freaking single player game! This is supposed to be massive multiplayer! The keyword is massive! I want an endgame that engages players not a freaking timesink!

Edited by Renzetsu
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I have Level 50,

Full Rakata and Battlemaster gear for Both Tanking and DPS.

I clear Operations on Nightmare Mode within 3 hours on a wednesday night.


My Companions are in a mix of Battlemaster, Rakata and Columi Gear. All are at 10000 Affection with the exception of the ship droid.


I have collected all Datacrons and Crystals. ALL of them.

I Am above War Hero.


All Class and Story Quests completed.

The Quests in my log are either the dailies that take me an hour to do or are the Quests I have already completed, will not let me complete again and can not abandon. (Bugged)


I have 1000 fleet commendations, 1000 Mercenary Commendation, 1000 Warzone Commendations, Spare Battlemaster peices in preparation for 1.2 update to trade in with war her items/upgrade to new mods.


World Bosses all killed farmed deaded, not hard.


The Only thing Youve suggested that I havent got maxed is Social. I am currently approaching social 4 however getting a pug group during peak times on Sceptor of Ragnos happens maybe once or twice a week for a single hard mode. I play on a PVP server, most are playing PVP and have no interest in PVE it seems. At peak there is 50 or so Imperials in Imperial fleet, Most are Doing PVP or operations. Off Peak there is about 8. Doing PVP. All my friends log on for 3-5 hours a week to do operation or dailies then log and go play Minecraft.

Yes Minecraft, seriously.


I have an Alt level 50, I spend most my time with this. Took me 3 days played to hit 50. Even set me a challenge to level as only a BH and not take an advanced class. Checked that box. I am and always have been a 1 character guy. I hate alts, however this game has forced me to play one because I have no life.


I am bored.


And you are the 1% as well, not many have done as much. Congrats (I guess?) on finding the time and dedication to do all these things though. I'm still working on both Battlemaster and Rakata for my first 50, but then again: I only play 3-4 nights a week.

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this is not a freaking single player game! This is supposed to be massive multiplayer! The keyword is massive! I want an endgame that engages players not a freaking timesink! And yes im shouting that's why its capital so fo trolls! And yes they say dont capslock! Well then banned me!


I stopped considering your marks the moment you said Social system makes it a singleplayer game while it is one of those things you inherently need other players for.


Fail opinion tried to state as fact is fail.

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I stopped considering your marks the moment you said Social system makes it a singleplayer game while it is one of those things you inherently need other players for.


Fail opinion tried to state as fact is fail.


wrong! its a trophy they give you for being so-called social..


dont get it? let me explain! the game is forcing, manipulating, tricking you to be social by awarding you something aka social points because you know why? the game simply doesnt have the environment for people to be actively and instinctively social. there is no real no real social community.

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wrong! its a trophy they give you for being so-called social..


dont get it? let me explain! the game is forcing, manipulating, tricking you to be social by awarding you something aka social points because you know why? the game simply doesnt have the environment for people to be actively and instinctively social. there is no real no real social community.


But you bash it on being singleplayer while it inherently needs other people to achieve, therefore inherently being a multiplayer aspect of the game. Even if it is forced and spoon-fed, it is by default multiplayer.


Hence, you do not know how to quantify your own opinion correctly.


Hence, I stopped reading.

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Social Points

Valour Points

Legacy Experience

------- Commendations


These are all Secondary reinforcement to Gain the Primary reinforcement on what you needs.


At the moment giving us all this is like paying us money with nothing to spend it on.

A few items here, or there. Nothing hard to attain.


The Legacy system....

Just by levelling to 50 You have enough legacy experience to purchase everything that theyre puttin in for 1.2.

Its almost like a freebie

Something free has no value. If it has no value it is no achievement, you gain no semse of self worth.


Self worth, pride and achievement is what people play MMO's for. Thats because the whole premice for them is this.


1.2 beyond the New Operation is just a fix, or rework of broken or failed content. I dont hold any of its other content as anything but a few extra sprinkles on a cup cake.


My biggest gripe about the new Pvp gear is that it looks like armour that should belong in Warhammer Online on Dark elves or something, not on Sith Warriors and Inquisitors. Wonder if their designers worked on that game

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But you bash it on being singleplayer while it inherently needs other people to achieve, therefore inherently being a multiplayer aspect of the game. Even if it is forced and spoon-fed, it is by default multiplayer.


Hence, you do not know how to quantify your own opinion correctly.


Hence, I stopped reading.


you still dont get it.. the multiplayer aspect was me teaming up with other people (who does not talk) to do a flashpoint. and i most certainly dont need social points for that. what i need is for flashpoint to be fun and engaging for me to actually do flashpoints. social points are nothing more than just another pretentious ingame currency you get for teaming up with people. but the real question is does it actually made the game more social? no by a big shot.


dont be fooled, just because its called social points doesnt mean its a multiplayer aspect.


as an example: im currently enjoying a single player game right now that give me points for socialing with npcs which i can use to learn skills..

Edited by Renzetsu
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