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Everything posted by KnightVane

  1. I have just rerolled - new server I will only be playing WZ, nothing else in this game interests me. I presume that by the time I get 50 I will have 350k in winnings so I can buy the set, but if I don't then tough luck I wont be doing any dailys I will still be doing WZs as will have done from 10-49. You can bet that with the hours I have put in I won't be a detriment to the team I am on whatever the kit.
  2. I want server transfer not a merge. I want to choose wherre to move my toon.
  3. I got a mail but I dont want to play - oh unless they allow server transfers in which case I am in.
  4. Your post is great if you like that kind of thing - I play mmo to pvp, and yes I realise now that swtor is not the game for me (just as wow wasn't either). Have cancelled my subs, will continue to read the pvp forums for a while and resub if i see some encouraging noises.
  5. I used to hate hutball - I still find it a bit stressful. I have however realised that the reason it stresses me is because it is the warzone that rewards skill - both individual and team the most, hugely whilst totally punishing bad play. As my own skills have improved (and I would still rate myself as bad) I have started to enjoy the game more. So actually far from terrible I actually think Hutball is a triumph.
  6. Your right there, on the other side of the coin - I think think the EVE PvPers will get the new system, cos they are Evil bastards who pvp mostly for the kill and the thrill of the hunt.
  7. This is spot on. I simply could not beleive the lack of server forums, everyone who has played mkmos for a long time knows that the ingame politics keeps people coming back for more and that has to happen via the forum. I have started to level a tune on the "most populated" EU server now, but I would much rather transfer my existing one - don't mind paying for this.
  8. A lot of people "think" they can tell - then they leave right at the start making thier team a member short. Self fullfilling prophecy. You quitters might be a little surprised how often those teams you desert before the start actually still win, despite your selfish actions.
  9. Agree - they should close half the servers and allow free char transfers
  10. OP too many words. Short answer is that healer is under represented in the game because it is far from over powered. I will always stack at the base of the medal table as a healer that heals for the benefit of the team win, and cannot kill anything 1 to 1 unless they are really bad (which is fine I never started a healer to be uber 1v1 pvper). If you made a healer any less apealing you would find the few of us left who didn't already respec or reroll would do so.
  11. IM talking about the PVP killboards - don't think may people in EVE get rich pvping (not talking about low sec ganking here - just pvp for the fun of the kill). I certinaly made money in EVE by carebearing just so I could have nice kit to pvp. These are very different games of course but mmos have always been about competition and nothing beats a league for that.
  12. I would quite like to see ranking ladders - per server. Things like - most kills in the last month, most damage, most heals, most protection - be nice to see it on an individual basis and also for guilds. Some thing like this would take away this gear progression obsession and give maxed out guys a focus. In EVE the killboards certainly add focus.
  13. IM republic and I get hutball maybe 1 in 5 - don't mind it really. Not sure I would want it every game.
  14. What is much worse than this are "elite pvpers" who instead of trying to instruct the "bads" or help them improve simply abuse them to the point that it wouldn't suprise me if many of them never step into a warzone again which is why the Qs get so damn long. The best of us (of which I am not one) will screw up from time to time - we will miss a pass inhutball for instance, but when it happens you might think you had just killed someones mother judging by the abuse. Any way - short version - help bad playes get better, don't just abuse.
  15. Kinrath Spider. Republic push the sith back to their base. I wasn't there nor can I take any credit for the video (which I think you can't watch in the USA due to your internet censorship laws). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o5cGAp-Rz3M
  16. Happened to me yesterday - not a single piece of gear. I can buy 1 relic with the centurian points I got from my 6 bags. Having said that I am not QQing as the OP suggests. Yes in my lvl40 PVP gear, and being a healer I was a bnit of a target but tbh its not that big a deal. The bag thing however did piss me off. Not keen on the lottery in RL and like it less in my gaming.
  17. I am doing lvl49-50 only in wz. once its done i will do wz on an alt. not waiting long for pop
  18. nah thats what consols are for - this is an mmo, its all about the goals and improvement over time played. without the sense of achievement that mmos give (or impossible goals) mmos have nothing much to offer.
  19. there should absolutely be server forums. Every game I have played, and I have been a constant mmo game since 2001, it is the server politics which have kept me excited long after the game goes stale. If Bio are concerned about moderation there is absolutely no reason why player moderators cannot be appointed with limited power. I am certain that many players on ever server are experienced moderators and have time during thier work day when they cannot play to moderate.
  20. Makes me glad to see our (KoS) mighty leader Nitro had this situation nailed when we had a vote on which side to roll - he posted on our forum "This is a thread to decide if we are going to roll Republic or Empire. I'm voting Republic because I think Empire will be overpopulated just like it was in SWG. Please make your choice and a post as to why you choose the side you want." This is the way we went despite many of our members wanting to play Sith. Rolling Republic has given us PvP on demand - I would recommend the OPs suggestion.
  21. This forum really needed another thread about premades, thanks so much for it. Thing is - I que solo, most of my guild Qs as premades. I just like banging heads, win or loose, its fun. When I am against a really good premade I try learn something and when I drop in with a premade on our side I enjoy the show.
  22. guess you are new to mmos - which are always unfinished. I think that SWTOR has a bit of an issue in so much as lots of consol players are coming to an mmo for the first time and finding it quite a different experience to that which they are used to. Stick with it - the ride will be fun.
  23. WoW was successful because it was easy to play (compared to other mmos of the time which required way more time and effort to progress), SWTOR is also easy so it will be succesful as well. I doubt we will ever see the likes of WoW dominance again from any game but thats a good thing.
  24. As with most forums this one has a vocal MINORITY of whiners. The pvp is great. Everything can be developed and improved but I love it.
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