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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

SWTOR was promising. I liked it untill now.


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To all the people that are whining about Valor being a farm fest... well guess what, things aren't supposed to be easy to get?


What would be the fun in getting valor rank 60 doing 2 WZ's a day and then lolling around with battlemaster gear.


There's a reason the gear is called Battlemaster, it's for the people that actually spend time doing pvp so they deserve the recocnition for their work.


And to all the WoW players here that are whining about getting gear being "too hard" and valor being too much of a "grindfest", you know that WoW had the exactly same system a while after launch when Alterac Valley and Warsong Gulch opened?


Getting to pvp rank 24 was a constant 22 hour daily grindfest, if you wanted it then you had to work for it, and for the record, i'd much more gladly have a 22 hour daily grindfest than Arena, the game should not be balanced around (Like WoW was) one aspect of the game.


The game has problem's, the bugs are freaking annoying but as mmorpg's go, i'm playing the game and i'm actually enjoying it, swtor is way more enganging with it's fluent storytelling and voiceacting than WoW ever was with it's quest texts, i never bothered to read even one of them.


Let the game settle for a while, if you do not enjoy it, leave.

The game will improve alot during these few months, try it again when most of the bugs get fixed and content will be added, if you still dont like it, then choose another mmorpg, there are plenty of them out there and you do not have to stick with one that does not suit your tastes, and whining, ranting and just trolling at the forums does not help you, or the players that actually enjoy the game one bit.

Edited by Meluna
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I can't say I agree on everything. For example I have np with the "grindfest" of getting to r60 valor or in acquiring the battlemaster pvp gear. Also, having played SWG, I understand the ebb and flow of open world PVP on Ilum...I mean its almost always about the luck of the draw, in regard to there being action. I guess my only beef really is the WZ's. Not so much in the grind..but rather the endless huttball matches that (at least on my server) are always emp v emp. I don't mind fighting the same faction, or playing huttball...but why not open up voidstar or a map like alderaan, where it's two sith lords competing against each other? I can completely understand those getting burned out on consistent huttball matches (think the ratio on my server is like 6 huttballs to 1 factional map).


In other words, my only gripe is that I'd like to see more factional v factional maps, should wz matches end up happening that way.

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Why would you only play this game for the gear? There are 6 different classes that you can progress through and each one has an epic story line. Once you hit level 50 and done all the quests with one character stop and make a different one. By the time you run through everybody there will be more content. PvP is just a mini game in this. Who want to run all the way to valor 60? What a waste of a fantastic game!
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Exactly, all these lapdogs are so used to rolling belly up and eating the ketchup soup calling it a steak.



Yes we know we have to invest time into an mmo but there are just some basic stuff the game should have launched with, it's plain silly.


Such as?


Also, make sure these are objective requirements, not just the stuff you think should be in the game. Stuff that must be in the game or it will fail.



Why would you only play this game for the gear? There are 6 different classes that you can progress through and each one has an epic story line. Once you hit level 50 and done all the quests with one character stop and make a different one. By the time you run through everybody there will be more content. PvP is just a mini game in this. Who want to run all the way to valor 60? What a waste of a fantastic game!


Actually, wouldn't that be 8 classes that you can progress through, each with an epic storyline?



Also, on another note, how is TOR's rank 60 valor grind somehow inferior to WoW BH or Arena grind? The fact that on top of making you fulfill the exact same grind, you aren't rewarded if you can spend more time grinding than other people?

Edited by Jxspyder
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So, go back to WoW or Rift.


Stop complaining, go do what you enjoy doing.


Why don't you stop and possibly go do what you enjoy which clearly isn't being on the forums? This place is a source of communication with SWTOR being the central theme of topic. One out of the many different topics being discussed is issues with the game. Have you ever stopped to think maybe some of us here enjoy the game but would like to see certain issues addressed?


Will every post addressing concerns be met with the cliche "Go back to <insert MMO here>"?


This tribalism can get rather ridiculous.


To the OP, that was a very constructive post and I offer my free bump!

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WHat an asinine response. The path to 50 is very similar, assuming two people pick PvE content. The speed has more to do with free time than grinding fast.


I had a 50 on January 3 and have another 47 who is only not 50 because I've been waiting for a guildy to group and finish the last couple planets.


I literally did every quest on every planet twice. Tell me again how that is grinding fast and not enjoying the content?


I call ******** on your story.


I'm not going to add anything else other than that.

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I honestly agree with your post. Its a great post. To be honest At first WoW was not a walk in the park you actually had to work for your gear... With pvp you had to get Hk's try not to get DK's (Dis honorable kills) to rank up and get the nice pvp armor. If you didn't pvp all the time you would lose a rank so it sucked. I Loved wow, but when my husband got me into this game i totally forgot about wow and was like You can spec so many ways on your character. For example you can create 2 sith inquisitors and one u can do the caster the other you can do the melee. I think its awesome, Also you can send your companions out to get materials for you another plus! I also enjoy story based games and all the cut scenes. It's just my opinion. Again very nice post:)
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Well, I must admit, I have read this entire thread and have a headache... However, that being said, many valid points have been made on both sides... Although I still have an active subscription to SWTOR, at the time of this post, I am not happy with the game, thus far. I have played many MMO's in the past, including but not limited to WOW, Rift, SWG, UO, Lorde of the Rings and EQ I and II....


I must say, if one was to examine those games, though different in many ways, one would find that many of them share certain elements that make them unique and or fun to play....


Ultima Online, for example, was a true Sandbox. Questing was not the primary sources of entertainment as the community made up most of its own content, in many cases. This was especially evident on Roleplay servers.


Although I know SWTOR was not meant to be a sandbox and will never be one, I feel that the developers could and should have taken a deeper look at what worked in many of its predecessors and tried to implements, at the very least, some of those key elements.


For example, there is very little this game offers the roleplaying community. There are no chat boxes, which would alleviate the issue that most RPers have in crowded areas. You can't even sit in a chair and RP, something that many RPers would love. There is no player housing or customization, whatsoever. I'm sure I'm not alone when I say that many roleplayers feel left out. LOL, I could almost hear the grinding of many teeth who are now reading this but, however you may feel, roleplayers are a part of the mmo community and should not be completely overlooked. This is a mistake. Roleplayers have credit cards and pay subscription fees as well and the loss of the RP community would undoubtedly hurt the Deep Pockets.


Once you hit level 50, unless you either love PvP, Grinding for Gear or Repetitive Flashpoints, there is very little to keep one enthralled.


I know this game is relatively new and I'm sure the developers have many plans and additions for the game that will undoubtedly make it better. However, with the staggering budget and the ample time they had to develop this product, the end result has left much to be desired in many's opinion.


Not all is negative, though.... I am a huge fan of BIOWARE and have hopes for this game. The Story, as always is stellar, the voice acting is superb( as it should be considering the $300,000 spent on this area of the game ) I only hope that they are able to open their eyes to the complexity that is the modern gamer and begin to work towards not alienating a large portion of their player base.


I hope I haven't offended or angered anyone too much.


This is just my opinion.


Thank you.

Edited by Malikus
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Read through most of the pages on this thread and it's been highly entertaining. I skimmed through the OP and checked his post history. Found he was a liar but it didn't totally invalidate his opinions. And that's just what it was, his opinions.


I work within software development (not a coder, but I'm training to join the SCM team in my company. For the layman that's the job that makes sure any new lines of code\patches don't break existing code. That's what SCM does in my company anyway, it differs from company to company) and I've got a fair idea of the kind of scope and the requirements associated to coding something like SWTOR. That being said I'm blown away with what they've achieved and with what they've got planned in the near and far future. They've already released a content patch for god's sake!


I've been lurking about the GD forums and seeing these complaints about missing feature this and broken feature that and you can tell straight away people have absolutely no idea about what it takes to implement such features.


People say "X game has this, why doesn't SWTOR?" and I think, holy crap that feature would take thousands of lines of code and a month minumum to implement, not to mention testing, QA, patching and finally release. Whatever development lifecycle BW uses, implementing new features would take at least a month to get to a point where you can implement it for production release.


Was it a mistake for BW to release the game without some of these features? I don't know, I wasn't in that meeting (why can't I customise my UI?!!?). But I have faith that BW will continue to improve this game and I have the patience to wait it out. Then again, despite being on holiday for the last month and playing ungodly hours when the game was released (I have 8 characters all around lev 20-35), I didn't rush to 50 because as a newly release MMO I knew there wouldn't be much to do at end-game.


That's why reading these 'complaints' amuses me. The sense of entitlement the modern gamer has is astronomical, they want X feature and they want it YESTERDAY!!! I read things like the OP and just shake my head. People have no idea about the amount of work required to implement what they're asking and I can understand why you'll never see a dev posting in this forum. If I was dev working 20 hrs a day staring at lines of code and then to see these self important little nitwits bashing on my work, I think I'd want to hit someone. To say devs and every other team that supports them have a thankless job is a massive understatement.


Oh yeah, and OP isn't 'constructive criticism', it reads to me more like a whiny whingefest with the added flavour of a 'gonna take my ball and go home'. As one other poster pointed out many many pages ago, there are proper avenues for feedback. I just got an email asking for my opinion and where to send it. GD isn't really the preferred method for posting feedback on the game for the devs, maybe some of what gets posted does end up in their inbox. It is a great place to see the unreasonable demands and whiny brats though.

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So, go back to WoW or Rift.


Stop complaining, go do what you enjoy doing.


why do people get so defensive when somebody says something negative? just a fact it is people that complain and point out a games flaws end up getting it fixed in the long run. Most of his points are pretty valid... TOR is far from perfect, but just because we may dislike aspects doesn't mean we hate the game we just can step back and see the faults...


TOR isn't perfect...and i'm afraid between various other mmo's being released this year people are going to quickly realize its not all that and a bag of chips. Already most are realizing that GW2 is actually innovative in alot of areas, TERA's combat looks far more interesting, and Rift has its rift system which let us face it crushes anything that TOR has.


Only thing TOR has going for it is story...and i'm afraid story alone does not make an mmo. Though have proved that a good story can be done in an mmo...unfortunately DCUO probably did it better, with better voice acting and better over all arcs... was just alot less of it, and no choices...


Over all i'd say TOR is pretty mediocre and does nothing we havent seen/played before. Still i got my money out of the game so no hard feelings over it but i cant see paying a monthly fee for this game... i just cant see doing it...

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This game has been quite enjoyable when you just slow the f down and just take in the real strengths of the game.


I was more immersed by better detailed environments and more lifelike mobs.


In fact, the act of cutting away to the cutscene itself breaks the immersion for me. Pick-the-next-cutscene segment being sold as "your actions have consequence" killed it for me, as did all the red shields.


So many of the details needed to create immersion within the world itself are lacking.


Though I did see two mobs dueling each other the other day; sadly none of them took any damage, but it was still surprising to see.

Edited by Ansultares
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Why do you guys keep on saying WoW has been in development for X years so SWTOR is ok, cause it's just new.

I, at first gave them a lot of credit, but with time saw just the same thing - SWTOR is a bad copy of WoW (except for the nice story which is BW style ok). But then at end game it's same old plane boring badly copied stuff from WoW.

And no, this game is new, doesn't make it better for them, because that's the point of being new - you can learn and not make the same mistakes. Also you can take some things already invented and just implement them.

I, personally came to play SWTOR because i hoped it will be DIFFERENT from WoW. I stopped playing WoW years ago because of its model that became old, repetitive and boring for me.

And after the leveling i realized SWTOR is just the same but in a much worse and unfinished incomplete way. That, no matter how you try to hide it is a complete fail.

For so many years and tons of money what we have at the end is a crappy copy of WoW with Star Wars skin.

And on top of that, every fanboy defends this in an attempt to justify to himself the money they spent of a product they don't want to admit, failed in the hopes of most of us.

Yes, i too wanted this game to be the next big new thing, but it failed, it failed my hope and i am not afraid to admit it. I had fun while leveling, though at the end even that got boring and pointless in a huge degree, and somewhat hollow, but that's it.

The game lacks too much and what it copies from WoW it copies it badly and in unfinished manner.

Instead of trying to be innovative and break the mold, 5 years and 300 mil later they came up with a crappy WoW copy with a decent leveling 1 quest chain for you class.

Sorry, but that's the sad truth.

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So you say " Arenas made pvp more enjoying" even though Blizzard said " we regret to create arenas as high end pvp , or even publishing it into game" , and i share this feeling with them , arenas are the worst thing happened to wow so far yet you say they made pvp good , i cant find the logic there seriously.
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Go back to WoW vanilla. Them compare it to SWTOR now. It's clear that WoW was crap. It had 7 years to develop though and now it's on top.


I agree that there are things in SWTOR that should've been implemented, for example LFG tool, it's something


I do think that SWTOR is on a good road to become big. But Bioware should work hard the first year - two, give us tools that make life easier, more content, exciting stuff. I personaly am very sad that there are no high res textures in game atm, but they promised us that in 1.2

Just imagine getting new companions with new content, guilds owning huge battle ships, etc.

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Aesthetically pleasing

Story is relevant



Engine is terribly unoptimized, and even worse on a dual core. Try playing it on one and having a slide show in a warzone

Lack of any MMO feel. Zones are dead, phasing in a cartoony game engine is ridiculous. Phasing on top of already having excessive instancing and bad planet design is even worse

Lack of PvP brackets

Lack of world PvP

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To compare SWTOR after 2 months to the content you find in WOW after 7+ years is pure fail, i'll just point out the most obvious elements to way I can start of with that statement.


PvP wise WoW vs SWTOR

WoW didn't have arena's at all in the first 2 years. It didn't even have PvP ground.

AV (altarac valley) wasn't added before 2-3 months into the game. Ppl did run arround in southshore/tarren mill which wasn't a pvp area it was just a open area... how ppl did managed on pve servers beats me, but thats how we did it on pvp servers... The community made their own pvp in other words.

SWTOR have allready world pvp and 3 battlegrounds. SWTOR beats WoW hands down with 10 to nothing in the pvp compartment.

Not to forget the class balance in WoW, it was some classes so OP it was laugable, SWTOR classbalance might be worth adjsuting, but nothing close to the imbalance you saw in WoW.


PvE-wise WoW vs SWTOR

WoW had dungeons at start. At close/end 60 you had BRD which took 3-4 hours to complete if you did all the bosses and side quests. You had stratholme, LBRS /UBRS, not to forget scholomance, which required 10-15 ppl the first months. Later on dropped down to 10 then 5. You had to run these dungeons tons of times to get the loot you were after.

Raid-wise you had molten core, a 40 man raid, and it took 7-8 months until BWL was added, gratned a 20 man raid, Zul'Gurub was added some months into the game. Hardmode dungoens didn't exist in WoW, you had 1 raid. Content wise SWTOR beats WoW in pve content hands down, with more dungeons available to their 50 and, easier to get a group going to conquer that content (instead of 10-15 WoW required)


All in all content wise SWTOR in its first 2 months beats WOW hands down, not by a small amount, but it's not relaly a contest.


That said, there are things of stuff that could be done different in SWTOR, the biggest mistake the devs did was to make SWTOR feel too much like WOW in some areas, like skills/abilites. The biggest mistake is that they didn't make the game feel "fresh" enough for us that played wow for 7+ years. They should have looked closer to AO (Anarcy Online) in some areas that worked there, and taken that with them to SWTOR.


And for ppl to think this is it.... Come on, you guys know the want to have more stuff to implement later on, flying mounts, more lvls new areas... not at start, but for expansion 1-3 so more money can be made... Nothing wrong with that, this is the way it works. But that said, SWTOR content in its 2 first months wtfpawns WoW content in its 2 first months.

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This game is how old...and Wow is how old? A few years difference in gameplay development I'd say...I loved WoW...I love this more and stopped playing WoW...this game is new and refreshing for me after 4 years playing the other game...it can only get better IMO...bye :)
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Good post. I totally agree. With that said, there are some things missing that are pretty much staples in modern MMOs.


  • LFG - Whether you mean LFG for heroic quests/areas of flashpoints/operations, this tool has been one of the most handy elements since it was first introduced. Many may complain that you do not need this, however for people not wanting to join a guild, or who just don't have the time to commit, this tools allows for more people to team up with others to accomplish the task at hand.
  • Guild Tools - I know that the guild bank feature is coming, but all of the normal Guild tools like the bank, calendar, roster, and perks should also have been implemented from the begining. These make an Ops leader/Guild Officer's life SOOOO much easier.
  • Combat log - When most people see this phrase, they immediately think damage meters. This should not be the case. Even if there are no API's release to make in game mods/addons, this should be there so people can start number crunching and figuring out which specs are the most efficiant at their duties (threat gen/HPS/DPS). Also parsing information during flashpoints/operations to see who is making good decisions versus the people who are making mistakes and need help being more efficient whilst playing their class.


If I am forgetting anything, please feel free to add.

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