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  1. All in all, I feel your point would have been better served if you had left the word "fact" out of it. Perhaps, some of my statements were Opinion and not fact but I dare say the same of all your responses, friend...
  2. It is obvious that those who have their minds set will not waver from said opinions. To some , no matter what is pointed out, regardless of factual data backing it up, is false and inflammatory! I, personally, find this very amusing. Here are some facts: * Bioware had many years and a huge budget to implement this game. ($300,000.00) * Immersion is sorely lacking. The game is incredibly linear. Mobs don't move about. When you do any given quest you will fight the same 3 mobs on your way to the quest and on your way back to the quest giver. Mobs don't interact with each other and or otherwise look alive. * Guild Banks, Customizable UI, Chat Bubbles, Sitting in Chairs, Real Social Hubs, Open world PvP, are all examples of features that would add, to many subscribers, an element of replay-ability to the game. They are all missing or poorly implemented. * The roleplaying community has been completely ignored and or overlooked. * Although some claim there is tons of content chances are, once you hit 50, that you will have already participated in just about every Flashpoint, Warzone and Side Quests the game has to offer. All you have left is PvP, Crafting and a Gear Grind. Unless you like PvP or Crafting, that leaves YOU out! All in all, I feel the game could and should have been more well though out given the finances and time at their disposal. I feel they put all their eggs in one basquet with the voice acting, cut scenes and story telling elements of the game, overlooking many other areas.
  3. I don't understand what the problem is... Give us Roleplayers chat bubbles and give the non roleplayers the ability to turn them off.... Problem Solved.
  4. Well, I must admit, I have read this entire thread and have a headache... However, that being said, many valid points have been made on both sides... Although I still have an active subscription to SWTOR, at the time of this post, I am not happy with the game, thus far. I have played many MMO's in the past, including but not limited to WOW, Rift, SWG, UO, Lorde of the Rings and EQ I and II.... I must say, if one was to examine those games, though different in many ways, one would find that many of them share certain elements that make them unique and or fun to play.... Ultima Online, for example, was a true Sandbox. Questing was not the primary sources of entertainment as the community made up most of its own content, in many cases. This was especially evident on Roleplay servers. Although I know SWTOR was not meant to be a sandbox and will never be one, I feel that the developers could and should have taken a deeper look at what worked in many of its predecessors and tried to implements, at the very least, some of those key elements. For example, there is very little this game offers the roleplaying community. There are no chat boxes, which would alleviate the issue that most RPers have in crowded areas. You can't even sit in a chair and RP, something that many RPers would love. There is no player housing or customization, whatsoever. I'm sure I'm not alone when I say that many roleplayers feel left out. LOL, I could almost hear the grinding of many teeth who are now reading this but, however you may feel, roleplayers are a part of the mmo community and should not be completely overlooked. This is a mistake. Roleplayers have credit cards and pay subscription fees as well and the loss of the RP community would undoubtedly hurt the Deep Pockets. Once you hit level 50, unless you either love PvP, Grinding for Gear or Repetitive Flashpoints, there is very little to keep one enthralled. I know this game is relatively new and I'm sure the developers have many plans and additions for the game that will undoubtedly make it better. However, with the staggering budget and the ample time they had to develop this product, the end result has left much to be desired in many's opinion. Not all is negative, though.... I am a huge fan of BIOWARE and have hopes for this game. The Story, as always is stellar, the voice acting is superb( as it should be considering the $300,000 spent on this area of the game ) I only hope that they are able to open their eyes to the complexity that is the modern gamer and begin to work towards not alienating a large portion of their player base. I hope I haven't offended or angered anyone too much. This is just my opinion. Thank you.
  5. I find it amusing that non-roleplayers fail to comprehend the fact that they are not the only ones that play this game. Chat bubbles and sitting in chairs would bring a level of immersion to the game that would satisfy the RP community and, with an option to toggle bubbles on and off, I don't see why anyone would have an issue with it. The bottom line is not everyone likes the same things.... I don't like grinding out PvP for Gear just so I can do more PvP. Especially when the PvP is meaningless, other than to get more gear.... However, I understand and accept the fact that there are those that are perfectly happy with this rinse and repeat game-play style. Nevertheless, as a Role-player, I feel cheated. I can't Role-play because the chat system does not facilitate it. If there are more than 2 individuals talking to me, I find it difficult to carry a conversation, especially if I am trying to look about the environment... I was excited to hear that they were finally implementing some chairs you could sit in, only to be floored when I realized it was my cockpit seat. Thanks Bioware, now I can sit in my cockpit and role-play with myself or perhaps, my companions. I find this game has very little in the Immersion department and that is very disappointing... I really hope BioWare realizes soon that the community is made up of more than just Power-gamers and Gear Junkies and begins to take everyone into consideration or they might find their Server Populations dwindling.
  6. In my humble opinion, Chat bubbles are a tremendous Asset to the RP community. /Say, as it stands, is so overcrowded that it is extremely difficult to carry on a conversation with anyone without the text scrolling out of view in seconds. I find this very uncomfortable and tedious. As a result, I rarely look at my chat box save to look at guild or group chat. In SWG, I was an Avid Roleplayer. The chat bubbles added a sense of immersion I do not feel here. It wasn't just about the bubbles themselves but also timing. Someone could actually interject in a conversation and you'd know who was talking and look over at him/her. Anyone who's experienced this knows what I mean. With the current system, such a thing is impossible, impersonal and not practical. I do hope they introduce them into the game, at some point, along with sitting in chairs. It would give me a reason to RP and actually stay in the game past level 50.
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